一般时啊。这不应该有疑问的。is to do st.但它实际上是表达的一般将来时。还有一种更常用的形式:is about to do...朋友。说得再明确些,它是表示现在打算要做什么。所以,你可以把它理解为一般将来时,但实际是,它是一种现在时。不是吗?
be to do sth
to be is to do 是什么意思?
"ToBeistoDo"meansthatifyouwanttoBEsomething(anactor,teacher,goodperson)youneedtoDOthethingsittakestobecalledthat(ex.ifyouwanttobeagoodpersonintheeyesofothers,youneedtoDOgoodthings).意思是如果你想成为什么样的人你需要做一些事情证明自己是这样的人这句话常和“TodoistoBe”混淆2023-08-15 08:47:401
To be is to do是什么意思?
to be is to do 按中国的古话说就是:好自为之。 好自为之 意思:基本信息 成语:好自为之 拼音:hǎo zì wéi zhī 出处:清·王韬《淞隐漫录·五·四奇人合传》:“此时正大丈夫建功立业之秋,原勿以儿女为念。行矣李君,好自为之。” 或读:hào zì wéi zhī 出处:《淮南子·本经训》:“君人者不任能,而好自为之,则智日困而自负其责也。” 意思:自己认为对的事情就坚持做下去,但是无论什么后果都需要自己去承担。为:干,做。喜欢自己亲手去做。 解释:自己妥善地处理,好好地干 偏正式;作谓语;用于劝诫人。略带讽刺。 你还是好自为之吧。 田海燕《吴玉章同志在辛亥革命前后的革命活动》:“至于四川的革命事情,还望四川同志好自为之。” 汉语中很有一些词,外表形态上看十分简单,读起来也非常顺嘴,没有丝毫的诘曲聱牙,人们话语中也时不时的脱口而出的用着,可就是禁不得细琢磨,因为琢磨起来也琢磨不出个所以然。比如这个——好自为之。 这个词给人一种言说者的凛然不可犯和听话者的冰冷中的犯傻发蒙之感。 举例: 1、戴上撒旦之星,西山妖姬转身离去,临行前,回首向阿伊达道:“虽说本座很满意这个结局,但是同为女人,本座很是感慨你的选择,你要好自为之了。” 就这样如风似幻、飘缥淡出,转眼消失了踪影。陈近南目送骂道:“死巫婆,什么“好自为之”,你自己才要好自为之哩。”心想:“干!啊,好自为之 是什么意思?”随即,武林群雄纷纷上前道谢,赞扬云丝鹊的仗义相助,至于她的巫婆背景嘛,大家就不再多所计较。 ——神剑王朝 作者:余为魄 2、不戒道:“不岐,你、你好——”不岐心头一震,在你好之后,他要说的将是什么呢?心念未已,只听得不戒继续说了下去:“你、你好自为之。”不岐这才松了口气。好自为之,虽然也可以正反两方面解释,但谁会从不好这方面去着想呢? 不戒是掌门人的大弟子,如无意外,当然是他理成单继任掌门。众人都想,因为不戒自知不起,故而吩咐师弟好自为之。这好自为之等于是把掌盲目性理担交托给他的意思。 ——梁羽生 武当一剑第三回[1]2023-08-15 08:47:496
To be is to do是什么意思
要成为什么就要去做。2023-08-15 08:48:053
To be is to do !是什么意思?
标准答案:活着就是为了奋斗!2023-08-15 08:48:184
To be is to do
tobe是活着的意思。最著名的句子是tobeornottobe,it"saproblem.(生存或死亡,这的确是个问题)todo就是干活,干实事的意思。总体意思是,活着就要干点有意义的事情。苏格拉底(Socrate)说的,意思是付出才有收获...活着就要奋斗...存在即是作为2023-08-15 08:48:262
to be is to do 什么意思?
存在的意义在于奋斗好自为之具体意思看语境2023-08-15 08:48:341
To be is to do
Kurt Vonnegut(康德)说的以下是翻译:“存在”即“动手做” “存在”即“行动” 成功源于实干 存在就是做事 工作是人的存在方式 还有一种,似乎直接源自德语: 我应该,所以我能够。2023-08-15 08:48:421
to be is to do怎么翻译,希望是意译
一切在行动.2023-08-15 08:48:504
男朋友给我的信中写到To be is to do,这是什么意思?
要做的是。。。。2023-08-15 08:48:583
was to be done 和 is to be do的区别 为什么第八是A
因为后面有were2023-08-15 08:49:203
新概念英语4第1课第3句的is to 用法怎么解释它的语法?
题主的问题涉及一个重要的语法现象,即be+动词不定式(即be+to+Verb结构)可以用来表示按照计划或安排大概率会发生的动作。例如:The shop is to open on next Sunday.那家店将在下周日开业。(除非遇到极特殊情况,否则一定开业)He is to retire next month.他下个月就退休。(除非收到无法拒绝的挽留邀请,肯定会退)注:be going to do也用于表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,但与be to do比起来发生可能性不一样:前者强调做某事是计划或安排中的事,具体有多大可能发生没说;后者强调除非遇到特殊情况,否则做某事必然发生。He is going to retire naxt month.是说他下个月退休是计划、安排或按规定要发生的事情,并没有说是否一定发生或有多大可能发生。而He is to retire next month.则不仅是说他这个月退休是计划、安排或按规定要发生的事情,而且只要不出意外就肯定会退。2023-08-15 08:49:292
有“is to be” 这种用法吗?
有is 和to be(或者说to be done,被动)是分开的,to be done不定式做表语The task(主) is(系) to be finished(表) by next month.这项工作要在下个月才能完成。2023-08-15 08:49:393
凸后面跟啥2023-08-15 08:50:1012
To be is do.是神马意思,感觉好浮云呀!
行动成就人生2023-08-15 08:50:344
to be 有什么用法? 英语里经常出现
be to do sth.有多层含义,多表示将来0. 1.表示按计划或安排要做的事.例如: When are you to leave for home?你什么时候回家? She is to be married next month.她将于下个月结婚. The Queen is to visit Japan in a week"s time.女王将于一周后访问日本. 这种结构也可用于过去.was / were to do sth. 表示曾经计划要做的事,但不表明计划是否被执行,或表示“命运(即命中注定要发生的事)”,而非计划;was / were to have done sth.表示未曾实现的计划.例如: I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time.我感到很紧张,因为我很快就要首次离开家了. They said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again.他们告了别,不知道以后再也不会见面了. We were to have told you, but you were not in.我们本来想告诉你的,但是你不在家. 2.表示“应该”,相当于should, ought to.例如: You are to report to the police.你应该报警. What is to be done?应该怎么办呢? 3.表示“必须”,相当于must, have to.例如: The letter is to be handed to him in person.这封信必须亲手交给他. You are to do your homework before you watch TV.看电视之前你得先做完作业. 4.表示“想,打算”,相当于intend, want.例如: If we are to be there before ten, we"ll have to go now.如果我们要在十点前到,我们现在就得走. 5.用于第一人称疑问句,表示征求对方意见.例如: Am I to go on with the work?要我继续完成这项工作吗? What are we to do next?我们下一步该怎么办? 6.用于否定句,表示“禁止”,相当于mustn"t.例如: The books in this room are not to be taken outside.这个室内的书籍不得带出室外. You are not to smoke in the reading-room.你不可以在阅览室里吸烟. 7.表示“可以,可能”,相当于may, can.例如: The news is to be found in the evening paper.这条消息可以在晚报上见到. Such people are to be found everywhere.这种人到处都有. She is nowhere to be found.在哪里也找不着她.2023-08-15 08:50:551
英语语法问题 Is to
整个句子的主语是the necessary method of study谓语是两个动词 group 和 take noteto do (group/take note)表将来,要怎么做....前面的句子部分是状语描述2023-08-15 08:51:064
be to do 用法归纳
be to do共有八种用法:表示坚决的命令、表示“计划”或“安排的事项”、表示“可能性”、表示“意图”、表示“应该”、表示“注定”“不可避免”“必然发生”、用于虚拟语气,表示一种假设、有“期待将来”的含义。 扩展资料 1.表示坚决的命令,可译为“必须”。 (1)This naughty boy is to stay here until the class is over.这个淘气的男孩必须在这里站到下课。 (2)No one is to enter this building without the permission of the security guard.未经保安人员的允许,任何人都不得进入这栋楼。 2.表示“计划”或“安排的事项”。 (1)Betty is to be married soon.贝蒂很快就要结婚了。 (2)An insurance agent is to meet us this afternoon.今天下午会有一个保险代理人来跟我们见面。 3.表示“可能性”。 (1)Are you to pay the debt for your wife?你会不会帮你的妻子还债? (2)The lovely puppy is nowhere to be found.哪儿也找不到这只可爱的小狗。 4.表示“意图”“决心”或“打算”。 (1)If you are to be there on time, you had better hurry.要想准时到达那儿,你最好快点。 (2)If all of us are to remain friendly, we must be sincere with one another.要想保持友谊,我们都必须真诚相待。 5.表示“应该”。 (1)You have done so well. You are to be rewarded.你做的很好,你应该受到奖赏。 (2)Such nasty questions are to be avoided.你应该避免这种下流的问题。 (3)You are to call the police.你应该报警。 6.表示“注定”“不可避免”“必然会发生”。 (1)Anne was wondering what was to become of her boy friend, Tommy.安妮不知道她的男朋友托米会出什么事。 (2)The murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment and was never to see his family again.杀人犯被判终身监禁并且永远不能和家人见面。 (3)She did not think too much of her unkind acts.However,they were to be harmful to herself,too.她对她不友好的行为并没有想太多,然而,这些行为必将给她带来不利。 (4)Tom wasn"t worried about his head injury,but it was to be troublesome for him later.汤姆不担心他头部的伤,但是以后这损伤必将给他带来麻烦。 (5)You are to answer for what you have done.你必将为你所做的事承担后果。 7.用于虚拟语气,表示一种假设。 (1)If I were to do it, I would do it well.这件事如果我来做,我会做好它。 (2)Even if you were to take a taxi now, you would not be able to arrive at your destinaton on time.现在即使坐出租车,你也不会准时到达目的.地的。 8.有“期待将来”的意思。 (1)The actual usefulness of the newly invented equipment is still to be determined.这种新发明出来的设备的实用性如何还有待观察。 (2)Henry"s appointment with the accountancy firm is yet to be confirmed.亨利与这家会计事务所的约定还有待确认。2023-08-15 08:51:241
be to do 的用法详解
。。。。一个be to do没有啥详解不详解,他本质就是一个表语从句的省略形式,比如I am to go home,就是I am that I will go home。不定式做非谓语动词的本质就是一个助动词加谓语动词在规则上的缩略手法,上一句的will 可以改成should,would,could意思都会不一样,所以就出现了你们需要死记硬背的表将来,表计划,表应该,表什么乱七八糟的。。。2023-08-15 08:51:332
be to do的正确用法
在英语里,“ be + to do ”结构可用来表示将来时间,下面是我整理的一些关于be to do的正确用法,欢迎大家阅读! be to do sth 的正确用法 1、be + to do 表示“想,打算”,相当于intend, want。 If we are to be there before ten, weu2019ll have to go now. 如果我们要在十点前到,我们现在就得走。 以下是be to do sth. 作情态助动词的用法。 2、be + to do 表示按计划或安排要做的事。 When are you to leave for home? 你什么时候回家? She is to be married next month. 她将于下个月结婚。 The Queen is to visit Japan in a weeku2019s time. 女王将于一周后访问日本。 这种结构也可用于过去。was / were to do sth. 表示曾经计划要做的事,但并说明计划是否被执行了,所以也可表示曾经计划但未有实现的事。例如: I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time. 我感到很紧张,因为我很快就要首次离开家了。 They said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again. 他们告了别,不知道以后再也不会见面了。 We were to have told you, but you were not in. 我们本来想告诉你的,但是你不在家。 3、be + to do 表示“可以,可能”,相当于may, can。 The news is to be found in the evening paper. 这条消息可以在晚报上见到。 Such people are to be found everywhere. 这种人到处都有。 She is nowhere to be found. 在哪里也找不着她。 4、be + to do 表示“应该”,相当于should, ought to。 You are to report to the police. 你应该报警。 What is to be done? 应该怎么办呢? 5、be + to do 表示“必须”,相当于must, have to。 The letter is to be handed to him in person. 这封信必须亲手交给他。 You are to do your homework before you watch TV. 看电视之前你得先做完作业。 6、be + to do 用于否定句,表示“禁止”,相当于mustnu2019t。 The books in this room are not to be taken outside. 这个室内的书籍不得带出室外。 You are not to smoke in the reading-room. 你不可以在阅览室里吸烟。 7、be + to do 用于第一人称疑问句,表示征求对方意见。 Am I to go on with the work? 要我继续完成这项工作吗? What are we to do next? 我们下一步该怎么办? 8、在虚拟语气中,不论什么人称都用were to do sth. 表示对未来的假设。 If I were to tell you that I killed him, would you believe me? 要是我告诉你是我杀了他,你会相信吗? Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would never do such a thing. 即使太阳从西边出来,我也决不做这种事。 9、还有两个常用的 be to do sth. 结构:be to blame(该受责备,对某坏事应负责任),be to let(待出租)。两种结构中,用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。 Which driver is to blame for the accident? 这事故是哪个司机的责任? This house is to let. 这房子要出租。2023-08-15 08:51:491
英语句型to do... ,is to do ...如何翻译和理解?
到今天读这样一本小说的事实,使他们了解到的所有内容都适合用于出版每日发行的出版物。,to see is to believe眼见为实,大概是翻译成什么...是什么2023-08-15 08:52:003
求关于be to do sth的用法和意思
be +动词不定式(即be + to do sth.)的用法如下:1.表示按计划或安排要做的事。例如:When are you to leave for home?你什么时候回家?She is to be married next month.她将于下个月结婚。The Queen is to visit Japan in a week"s time.女王将于一周后访问日本。这种结构也可用于过去。was / were to do sth. 表示曾经计划要做的事,但不表明计划是否被执行,或表示“命运(即命中注定要发生的事)”,而非计划;was / were to have done sth.表示未曾实现的计划。例如:I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time.我感到很紧张,因为我很快就要首次离开家了。They said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again.他们告了别,不知道以后再也不会见面了。We were to have told you, but you were not in.我们本来想告诉你的,但是你不在家。2.表示“应该”,相当于should, ought to。例如:You are to report to the police.你应该报警。What is to be done?应该怎么办呢?3.表示“必须”,相当于must, have to。例如:The letter is to be handed to him in person.这封信必须亲手交给他。You are to do your homework before you watch TV.看电视之前你得先做完作业。4.表示“想,打算”,相当于intend, want。例如:If we are to be there before ten, we"ll have to go now.如果我们要在十点前到,我们现在就得走。5.用于第一人称疑问句,表示征求对方意见。例如:Am I to go on with the work?要我继续完成这项工作吗?What are we to do next?我们下一步该怎么办?6.用于否定句,表示“禁止”,相当于mustn"t。例如:The books in this room are not to be taken outside.这个室内的书籍不得带出室外。You are not to smoke in the reading-room.你不可以在阅览室里吸烟。7.表示“可以,可能”,相当于may, can。例如:The news is to be found in the evening paper.这条消息可以在晚报上见到。Such people are to be found everywhere.这种人到处都有。She is nowhere to be found.在哪里也找不着她。8.were to do sth.用于if或even if / even though从句中,表示对未来的假设。例如:If I were to tell you that I killed him, would you believe me?要是我告诉你是我杀了他,你会相信吗?Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would never do such a thing.即使太阳从西边出来,我也决不做这种事。 to blame(该受责备,对某坏事应负责任)与be to let(待出租)两种结构中,用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。例如:Which driver is to blame for the accident?这事故是哪个司机的责任?This house is to let.这房子要出租。Exercise1. We have been looking for the boy all the afternoon but he is nowhere _____. A. to see B. seeing C. seen D. to be seen2. As early as his second film, Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting, the one that ___ world famous. A. would become B. became C. was to become D. had become3. ----We just saw John at the bookstore. ----That"s strange; I didn"t think he ____ back until tomorrow. A. will come B. was to come C. is coming D. is to come4. The final examination ___early July. A. is to be held B. is to be taken placeC. is going to hold D. will be to take place5. If the sun ___ tomorrow, what would we do?A. were not to raise B. does not riseC. would not rise D. were not to rise6. A new hospital was to ____ in this district, but the money wasn"t collected yet. A. have been built B. be built C. built D. have built7. Look at these clouds. ____. A. It"s going to rain B. It"s rainingC. It is to rain D. It can rain8. Who do you think ____ for the failure of their marriage.A. to blame B. to be blame C. is to blame D. is to be blamed9. Neither you nor he ____ to the front. A. are to be sent B. is to be sent C. have to be sent D. is to send10. I ____ to bed when there was a knock at the door. A. went B. am going to C. was to go D. was about to go11.----____ we ____ again next week? ----Yes, let"s make it next Wednesday. A. Are; to meet B. Shall; be to meetC. Will; meet D. Are; meeting12. As students, we ____.A. won"t smoke B. are not to smokeC. aren"t smoking D. don"t smokeKey: 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.B2023-08-15 08:52:096
在表达 “什么是什么的时候”,is 和 to be的使用区别?谢谢!
is 和 to be 都是系动词的表达形式 (系动词可以理解为 “是”),只不过时态不同。is 是一般现在时的形式,表示现在的状态或者客观事实,例如 :Summer is after spring . to be 是将来时,表示将要成为,She is to be a doctor。她将成为医生。 英语里是通过改变动词的形式来表达动作发生的时间的,所以会出现动词的各种形式。建议找专业的老师学习,我朋友出国前在烟台扬格外语学习的,从完全什么都不会,学到雅思考试,效果还挺好的。2023-08-15 08:52:472
it be is to do。是什么意思
it be is to do的中文翻译it be is to do 这是做..双语例句1It must be admitted that it is sometimes quite easy to do so. 应该承认,这两类矛盾有时是容易混淆的。2My credibility is not in question here. So the focus is on where it needs to be whichis what we are trying to do. 我的信誉毋庸置疑。于是人们将注意力放到了应该关注的地方&我们在做的事情。2023-08-15 08:53:201
be to be done的主动语态可以是be to do吗?
"Be to be done"是一个被动语态的表达方式,表示某件事情应该被完成或需要被完成。如果要使用主动语态表达相同的意思,通常使用"should do"或"must do"等形式来表示。例如,"The report is to be done by Friday"可以被表达为"Someone should/must do the report by Friday"。在某些情况下,"be to do"也可以用作主动语态,但它通常表示某些安排或计划,例如:"I am to do my homework after dinner"(我计划在晚饭后做我的家庭作业)。在这种情况下,它不是"be to be done"的主动语态表达方式。2023-08-15 08:53:284
to do 与to be done 分别在什么时候使用
关于第四点的说明,用这个句子怎么理解。The story is hard to under-stand .story 就是understand的逻辑宾语,为什么不用被动。2023-08-15 08:53:433
is 和to be在同一个句子中的区别是?如下,谢谢!
is 是一个系动词或者助动词,在句中一般充当谓语(复合谓语的一部分),而 to be 明显是一个非谓语结构,在句中不可能充当谓语或者部分谓语。你给出的两个例句中,第一个例句正确,其中 to be self-evident 为宾语补足语(宾语则是 these truths);第二个例句明显错误,因为即使 these truths... self-evident 可以视为 hold 后的宾语从句,但是is 也不可能作主语 these truths 后面的表语。2023-08-15 08:54:161
什么是to be 结构
to be 句型是指动词不定式中将动词替换成be动词,表作为2023-08-15 08:54:295
to+v是不定式 to+be也是吗 比如 to be artist is my drame 如果是是什么意思呢 表示什么呢
不是。2023-08-15 08:54:466
To Be is to Do的翻译是:
"To Be is to Do" means that if you want to BE something (an actor, teacher, good person) you need to DO the things it takes to be called that (ex. if you want to be a good person in the eyes of others, you need to DO good things). 意思是如果你想成为什么样的人 你需要做一些事情 证明自己是这样的人 这句话常和 “To do is to Be” 混淆2023-08-15 08:55:471
To be is to do的中文翻译是什么?
"To Be is to Do" means that if you want to BE something (an actor, teacher, good person) you need to DO the things it takes to be called that (ex. if you want to be a good person in the eyes of others, you need to DO good things). 意思是如果你想成为什么样的人 你需要做一些事情 证明自己是这样的人 这句话常和 “To do is to Be” 混淆2023-08-15 08:55:591
什么是“ to be is to do”?
"To Be is to Do" means that if you want to BE something (an actor, teacher, good person) you need to DO the things it takes to be called that (ex. if you want to be a good person in the eyes of others, you need to DO good things). 意思是如果你想成为什么样的人 你需要做一些事情 证明自己是这样的人 这句话常和 “To do is to Be” 混淆2023-08-15 08:56:061
to be is to do 是什么意思
"To Be is to Do" means that if you want to BE something (an actor, teacher, good person) you need to DO the things it takes to be called that (ex. if you want to be a good person in the eyes of others, you need to DO good things). 意思是如果你想成为什么样的人 你需要做一些事情 证明自己是这样的人 这句话常和 “To do is to Be” 混淆2023-08-15 08:56:131
to be is to do 是什么意思?
行动才能成功2023-08-15 08:56:213
To be is to do 是啥意思
to be 是活着的意思.最著名的句子是 to be or not to be,it"s a problem.(生存或死亡,这的确是个问题) to do 就是干活,干实事的意思. 总体意思是,活着就要干点有意义的事情.2023-08-15 08:56:271
To be is to do 是啥意思
to be 是活着的意思.最著名的句子是 to be or not to be,it"s a problem.(生存或死亡,这的确是个问题) to do 就是干活,干实事的意思. 总体意思是,活着就要干点有意义的事情.2023-08-15 08:56:351
to be is to do
事在人为2023-08-15 08:56:423
to do is to be的意思是什么
"To Be is to Do" means that if you want to BE something (an actor, teacher, good person) you need to DO the things it takes to be called that (ex. if you want to be a good person in the eyes of others, you need to DO good things). 意思是如果你想成为什么样的人 你需要做一些事情 证明自己是这样的人 这句话常和 “To do is to Be” 混淆2023-08-15 08:56:491
有“is to be” 这种用法吗?
在英语里,“be+todo”结构可用来表示将来时间,它的具体用法如下:表示“按计划、安排(要做某事)”Wearetomeetattheschoolgate.(我们将在校门口碰头。)表示“命令”Youaretobebackbeforefiveo"clock.(你须在5点钟以前回来。)表示“职责”IamtoinformyouthatthemeetingwillbeheldinWuhan.(我谨通知你会议将在武汉召开。)表示“目的”Theprizewastohonourhimforhisgreatdiscoveries.(这项奖励是为了对他的重大发现而表示的敬意。)表示“用途”Apenistowritewith.(钢笔是用来写字的。)表示“命中注定”Theywerenevertomeetagain.(他们注定以后永远不会再见面了。)表示“应该做(某事)”Whatarewetodonext?(我们下一步应该怎么办?)表示“可能性”It"seleveno"clocknow.HeistogettoMike"shouse.(现在11点了,可能他已经到达迈克的家了。)表示“征求对方的意见”AmItogoonwiththework?(这项工作我是不是接着干下去?)有了上面的介绍,相信你可以看出,确实有此类例句:Heistobethere.Youaretobebackbeforefiveo"clock.2023-08-15 08:57:252
To do is to be应该怎么翻译?
要做才会成!2023-08-15 08:57:332
有is to be 这种用法吗
在英语里,“ be + to do ”结构可用来表示将来时间,它的具体用法如下:表示“按计划、安排(要做某事)”We are to meet at the school gate. (我们将在校门口碰头。)表示“命令”You are to be back before five o"clock. (你须在 5 点钟以前回来。)表示“职责”I am to inform you that the meeting will be held in Wuhan. (我谨通知你会议将在武汉召开。)表示“目的”The prize was to honour him for his great discoveries. (这项奖励是为了对他的重大发现而表示的敬意。)表示“用途”A pen is to write with. (钢笔是用来写字的。)表示“命中注定”They were never to meet again. (他们注定以后永远不会再见面了。)表示“应该做(某事)”What are we to do next? (我们下一步应该怎么办?)表示“可能性”It"s eleven o"clock now. He is to get to Mike"s house. (现在 11 点了,可能他已经到达迈克的家了。)表示“征求对方的意见”Am I to go on with the work? (这项工作我是不是接着干下去?)有了上面的介绍,相信你可以看出,确实有此类例句:He is to be there.You are to be back before five o"clock.2023-08-15 08:57:422
is to do是什么结构
is to do 打算计划去做某事,将来的。be +动词不定式即be + to do sth表示按计划或安排要做的事。是一个表语从句的省略形式,如I am to go home。 扩展资料 1. 表示按计划安排要发生的"事。 例句1:A new school is to be built in our district. 我们区要建一所新学校。 例句2:He was to leave the following day. 他将在第二天动身。 2. 表示应该做的事。 例句3:You are not to do that again. 以后不要再这样做了。 例句4:You are to be back before nine. 你得在9点前回来。2023-08-15 08:57:491
be to do的意思和用法
be +动词不定式(即be + to do sth.)的用法如下: 1.表示按计划或安排要做的事.例如: When are you to leave for home?你什么时候回家? She is to be married next month.她将于下个月结婚. The Queen is to visit Japan in a week"s time.女王将于一周后访问日本. 这种结构也可用于过去.was / were to do sth.表示曾经计划要做的事,但不表明计划是否被执行,或表示“命运(即命中注定要发生的事)”,而非计划;was / were to have done sth.表示未曾实现的计划.例如: I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time.我感到很紧张,因为我很快就要首次离开家了. They said goodbye,little knowing that they were never to meet again.他们告了别,不知道以后再也不会见面了. We were to have told you,but you were not in.我们本来想告诉你的,但是你不在家. 2.表示“应该”,相当于should,ought to.例如: You are to report to the police.你应该报警. What is to be done?应该怎么办呢? 3.表示“必须”,相当于must,have to.例如: The letter is to be handed to him in person.这封信必须亲手交给他. You are to do your homework before you watch TV.看电视之前你得先做完作业. 4.表示“想,打算”,相当于intend,want.例如: If we are to be there before ten,we"ll have to go now.如果我们要在十点前到,我们现在就得走. 5.用于第一人称疑问句,表示征求对方意见.例如: Am I to go on with the work?要我继续完成这项工作吗? What are we to do next?我们下一步该怎么办? 6.用于否定句,表示“禁止”,相当于mustn"t.例如: The books in this room are not to be taken outside.这个室内的书籍不得带出室外. You are not to smoke in the reading-room.你不可以在阅览室里吸烟. 7.表示“可以,可能”,相当于may,can.例如: The news is to be found in the evening paper.这条消息可以在晚报上见到. Such people are to be found everywhere.这种人到处都有. She is nowhere to be found.在哪里也找不着她. 8.were to do sth.用于if或even if / even though从句中,表示对未来的假设.例如: If I were to tell you that I killed him,would you believe me?要是我告诉你是我杀了他,你会相信吗? Even if the sun were to rise in the west,I would never do such a thing.即使太阳从西边出来,我也决不做这种事. to blame(该受责备,对某坏事应负责任)与be to let(待出租)两种结构中,用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义.例如: Which driver is to blame for the accident?这事故是哪个司机的责任? This house is to let.这房子要出租.2023-08-15 08:57:551
be to do的用法 英语中be to do 在什么样的时态或情况下使用?
be to do sth.有多层含义,多表示将来0. 1.表示按计划或安排要做的事.例如: When are you to leave for home?你什么时候回家? She is to be married next month.她将于下个月结婚. The Queen is to visit Japan in a week"s time.女王将于一周后访问日本. 这种结构也可用于过去.was / were to do sth.表示曾经计划要做的事,但不表明计划是否被执行,或表示“命运(即命中注定要发生的事)”,而非计划;was / were to have done sth.表示未曾实现的计划.例如: I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time.我感到很紧张,因为我很快就要首次离开家了. They said goodbye,little knowing that they were never to meet again.他们告了别,不知道以后再也不会见面了. We were to have told you,but you were not in.我们本来想告诉你的,但是你不在家. 2.表示“应该”,相当于should,ought to.例如: You are to report to the police.你应该报警. What is to be done?应该怎么办呢? 3.表示“必须”,相当于must,have to.例如: The letter is to be handed to him in person.这封信必须亲手交给他. You are to do your homework before you watch TV.看电视之前你得先做完作业. 4.表示“想,打算”,相当于intend,want.例如: If we are to be there before ten,we"ll have to go now.如果我们要在十点前到,我们现在就得走. 5.用于第一人称疑问句,表示征求对方意见.例如: Am I to go on with the work?要我继续完成这项工作吗? What are we to do next?我们下一步该怎么办? 6.用于否定句,表示“禁止”,相当于mustn"t.例如: The books in this room are not to be taken outside.这个室内的书籍不得带出室外. You are not to smoke in the reading-room.你不可以在阅览室里吸烟. 7.表示“可以,可能”,相当于may,can.例如: The news is to be found in the evening paper.这条消息可以在晚报上见到. Such people are to be found everywhere.这种人到处都有. She is nowhere to be found.在哪里也找不着她.2023-08-15 08:58:041
is to do 的用法求解
老哥,你划错了,这里的知识点是to do with 不是is to do2023-08-15 08:58:242
“ be+to do ”的用法知多少
1.表示按计划或安排要做的事.例如:She is to be married next month.她将于下个月结婚.2.表示“应该”,相当于should,ought to.例如:You are to report to the police.你应该报警.3.表示“必须”2023-08-15 08:58:333
下面的英语句子中的,is to be怎么理解?
用不定时表将来,意思是:说实话,回忆起这些东西又将会得到什么(这是直译),2023-08-15 08:58:572
“ be+to do ”的用法知多少?
在英语里,“ be + to do ”结构可用来表示将来时间,它的具体用法如下:1.表示“按计划、安排(要做某事)”.例如:We are to meet at the school gate.(我们将在校门口碰头.) They are to go travelling in August.(他们计划八月份去旅游.) 2.表示“命令”.例如:You are to be back before five o"clock.(你须在 5 点钟以前回来.) The room is to be locked.(这个房间要上锁.) 3.表示“职责”.例如:I am to inform you that the meeting will be held in Wuhan.(我谨通知你会议将在武汉召开.) He is to design a new machine.(他将设计一台新机器.) 4.表示“目的”.例如:The prize was to honour him for his great discoveries.(这项奖励是为了对他的重大发现而表示的敬意.) 5.表示“用途”.例如:A pen is to write with.(钢笔是用来写字的.) 6.表示“命中注定”.例如:They were never to meet again.(他们注定以后永远不会再见面了.) 7.表示“应该做(某事)”.例如:What are we to do next?(我们下一步应该怎么办?) What is to be done when something gets into your eyes?(如果你眼睛里进了东西,该怎么办?) 8.表示“可能性”.例如:It"s eleven o"clock now.He is to get to Mike"s house.(现在 11 点了,可能他已经到达迈克的家了.) Let"s see who is to win the game.(让我们看看谁会赢得这场比赛.) 9.表示“征求对方的意见”.例如:Am I to go on with the work?(这项工作我是不是接着干下去?) When are they to hand in their plan?(他们的计划什么时候交上来?),5,2023-08-15 08:59:041
请问有be to do的用法吗?什么意思?
有!表示将来时!2023-08-15 08:59:112
be to do 表将来的用法是什么?
to +动词不定式中的 be to 用作情态习语, 这时的 be to do 表示: “计划”、 be “安排”、 “义务”、 “应该”、“可能”、“命运”等。2023-08-15 08:59:198
be to do,to do是什么成分这里?
这叫动词不定式做表语。2023-08-15 08:59:464