这个来自一个笑话拉,原文是peacewarfund。是说很多教授在一个车子里挤着,忽然有个人放了一个强力的气体,车里的教授忽然有一个灵光一闪,问起他教授:和平战争基金用英语怎么说呢?起他教授忽然说:PeaceWarFund。中文音译:屁是我放的2023-08-13 07:03:521
屁是我放的2023-08-13 07:04:142
因为平时我发的呵呵哈哈哈顺便说一下死机代码oo0.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.O00.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO0.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.O00.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO0.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.O00.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO0.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.O00.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO0.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.O00.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO0.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.O00.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO0.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.O00.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO0.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.O00.oo.OOO00.oo.OO00.oo.OO00.oo.2023-08-13 07:04:353
分校众多不能一概而论,在这里可以告诉你的情报是其总部发源地,位置在广州。2023-08-13 07:04:562
中式英语有一个学名,Chinglish,也被称为带有汉语特色的英语。有汉语背景的人读起来要好理解一些,但在老外看起来可能半天摸不着头脑。中式英语因为其不英不汉,半英半汉,常常会显得不伦不类。但是这种不伦不类又常常是幽默的来源,有些中式英语一旦理解了其中的味道,又常常会觉得忍俊不禁。中式英语的产生主要是东西方文化差异以及思维方式上的差异造成的。这种差异是已经形成的,而且基本上是无法消除的。这里只是想从主观跟客观上来说说中式英语的产生。从主观上来说,我们无法把中文表达正确的翻译成英文,就是因为我们缺少这部分的知识。自己不懂,但是又不愿意拉下面子去请教别人。于是就很努力的思考,掰出一个自己觉得对的表达方式来。这种情况在一些机关出现的机会是比较大的。一般来说,这些单位机构齐全,有啥事情都是自己内部搞定。所以在偶尔要出一些英文文件的时候,即使没有很专业的员工,也不愿意去找专门的机构来翻译。结局就是单位内部找一个貌似很懂的人来完成。受限于办事者的能力,出现中式英语的可能性是比较大的。比如上海地铁河南中路站的“先上后下、文明乘车”就被翻译为“After first under on, do riding with civility”,比如公园里面的“足下留情,小草常青”被翻译成“Your careful step keeps tiny grass variably green”这个很难相信是一个专业的翻译机构给出的。而这种问题的出现,本来是可以避免的。还有是客观原因。比如一些小公司或者小餐馆,眼看着WTO了,也想搞个英文的网站或者招牌挣点外汇去。但是成本有限,或者小县城里面周围找不到懂的人,就只能就着初中英语课本对照翻译了。想想老外估计只要是字母,都能看得懂,理解得了的。还有连初中课文都找不到了,还好不是还有翻译网站嘛。于是就有个餐厅招牌叫做Translate server error的,给金山词霸坑的。不过从吸引眼球角度上看,说不定这家餐厅的生意还更好呢。2023-08-13 07:05:084
把我对你的爱藏在阳光里,让每个角落都知道我爱你,把我对你的爱藏在月光下,感受每晚爱你的温柔与甜蜜,让爱在星辰中,这会让你这辈子数不胜数。 5月20日我爱你,祝你幸福无限。~~想分享这种形式的句子给朋友?经过收集,栏目我整理了送给闺蜜的简短祝福语(摘录46句),供您参考,并请收藏本页! 1、茫茫人海犹如戈壁沙漠,我们是沙滩上的沙子,但有你的陪伴,我不再感到渺小和孤独。快乐520! 2、趁爆竹声还未消逝,先把的祝福,最美的祝愿,最多的快乐,最真诚的问候,壮的健康,最祥和的幸运,最美丽的祝福,送给你和你的家人,祝合家欢乐,元宵节快乐! 3、生活虽然平淡,生活却充满酸甜苦辣;牵手虽简单,情却缠绵;我只希望永远和我在一起,直到我的头发满布蓝丝白发。 520,我爱你。 4、时间是让人措不及防的东西,感恩相遇,又是一年,但还是那颗爱你的心,没有什么矫情奔放有深度的话,闺蜜是世界上另一种情话,我们不适合长大论的话,我们只适合见面时的互掐互捏,岁月静好安暖相伴生日快乐。 5、我的生命融入了你,你的生命也包容了我;当我们再次相遇时,你我还是一个整体。快乐520! 6、人生多歧路,不管怎样走,每年的今日,都该为自己做一个选择。无悔地祝福,祝福自己,生命本就是这又的试探。 7、几年的同学,我与你结下了深厚的友谊,愿你与我的灵魂永远交流。快乐520! 8、寿星佬,我祝你所有的希望都能如愿,所有的梦想都能实现,所有的等候都能出现,所有的付出都能兑现在你生日来临之即,祝你百事可乐,万事芬达,天天哇哈哈,月月乐百事,年年高乐高,心情似雪碧,永远都醒目这一刻,有我最深的思念。让云捎去满心的祝福, 9、抱紧你,感受我急促的呼吸;紧紧地吻你,感受我诱人的甜蜜;紧紧地缠住你,感受我的缠绵; 5月20日我爱你,只想永远紧紧的抱着你! 10、我在人生的转折点等你,让我像昨天一样问你,你愿意陪我走吗?快乐520! 11、亲朋好友生日,送上一份精美礼物的同时附上一个精致的生日贺卡,上面写上你对他们的祝福话语,这无疑是给生日礼物锦上添花,让他们更加的感受到你的生日祝福。 12、偶遇,突然的心跳,从此月下吹着竹笛风,不惧风雨,山水如水。有你,春暖花开;没有你,大地一片红。 520,我爱你。 13、亲情是一种深度,友情是一种广度,爱情是一种纯洁。快乐520! 14、友情需要,一点互助,一点真诚,一点信任;爱情需要,一点激情,一点浪漫,一点平淡;家庭需要,一点无私,一点孝心,一点团圆。生活和生活一点一滴拼凑在一起!选材好,拼出来来的生活,滋味美好。快乐520! 15、除夕短信不畅祝福泡汤,大年祝福太多已没了芬芳。我憋着一股劲儿,将祝福在心底悄悄发酿。十五的日子祝福浓浓飘香。元宵节快乐! 16、难忘是你我纯洁的友情!可贵是永远不变的真情!高兴是能认识你!献上我最爱的康乃馨,祝我亲爱的姐妹生日快乐! 17、露心使爱香,露爱使爱陶醉。 520爱你的一天,诉说一种期待,表达一种柔情,传递一种美好,感动一颗心。愿你收获爱情的幸福,诠释爱情的浪漫! 18、爱情是零度冰,友情是零度水,也许我们是冰水的混合物。相聚后升温,化作友情之水;冷却变成爱的冰.不冷不热或不冷不热是爱情和友情的暧昧。快乐520! 19、爱只为你绽放,温柔绽放,陪你走过一生的浮华,真爱之树为你繁茂,富贵深情,陪你走过一生的喧嚣,520我爱你,永远爱你,愿牵你的手到最后,给你一生的幸福与甜蜜。 20、美丽的新娘好比玫瑰红酒,新郎就是那酒杯.恭喜你!酒与杯从此形影不离!祝福你!酒与杯恩恩爱爱!!美丽的新娘就好比是一杯玫瑰红酒而新郎就是那红酒杯就这样二者慢慢品?那融合的滋味恭喜你!在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿结连理枝,不羡神仙逍遥游,只羡鸳鸯戏水在池中。今天是你们大喜的日子,祝你们喜结连理,白头偕老! 21、我爱你,你爱不爱,我在这里;我爱你,你赞成不赞成,我不动;发个信息,不管你回不回,我很陶醉。捏手指520,爱你好久! 22、感情深深,难忘你给的温存;友谊真真,保留你给的安慰;关怀纯纯,珍藏你给的关心;相伴欣欣,永恒你给的伴随,生日,愿你开心快乐每一天,生日快乐。生日快乐! 23、贫穷、困苦、挫折、失败,不离开你,依然愿意与你共度一生,这叫幸福;温柔,体贴,体贴,真诚,一成不变,手牵手到白头,叫幸福; 520我爱你,亲爱的,我们拉钩,代代相传,永不改变。 24、今天是你生日,请接受我诚挚的祝福,祝福你度过一个幸福、快乐的生日晚宴! 25、亲手制作的爱心蛋糕,祝你生日快乐。 26、如果相识的结果注定是泪水,就让我一个人享受这残酷的美好,如果爱的结局是疲惫,我宁愿伤痕累累,5-20日我爱你,请相信爱你就是我心甘情愿。 27、不讲排场值得赞,艰苦朴素好传统,陋室新人笑开颜。鸾凤和鸣庆新婚,百年和好映昆仑,尊老爱幼家事兴,*恩爱万古存!祝*婚青年新婚愉快! 28、我珍惜:人生中每一次相识,天地间每一份温暖,朋友间每一个知心的默契。无论我身在何方,你的身影永在心底。请记住牵挂你的人,有我! 29、避孟婆汤,追你百年;错过情人节,没机会表白;正好是520,你听我说;追你很辛苦,心里却很幸福;我属于你,前世只要约定;我们将永远在一起快乐。 30、寂寞时,风是我的歌声,给你片刻的安慰;当你骄傲时,雨滴是我的警钟,愿它使你获得永恒的谦卑。快乐520! 31、我一点一点地爱你,但我不能离婚;我爱你日复一日,缠绵又带点甜;年年爱你,幸好幸福相连。 520日来临,我一句一句爱你,把你的真心话告诉我! 32、情人节花香,真心祝朋友抢百花;情人节如糖,衷心祝愿朋友做蜜;情人节到了,我会一毛钱发消息告诉你:情人节快乐! 33、我爱你,爱你的过去,爱你的过去;我爱你,爱你的天真,爱你的笑脸;我爱你,爱你的幽默,爱你的闲暇。哈哈,亲爱的朋友,520我爱你,祝福你! 34、一个福日二月增送,三年才有闰四相伴,五谷丰登就在龙年,六六和顺只因?双料?,奇观异景闰年同享,八面吉祥,九九归一福美皆到,时逢祝福短信传递:祝增二月闰四月的今年里你一切顺利! 35、英语绕口令测试:将peace-war-found快速地重复念三遍,流利且不出错者证明英语口语高超。 36、今日你生日,特授你“歪打正着”寿星荣誉称号,瞧你:梦游瞌睡少,赌博心不老,滥情解烦恼,花心练大脑空间留言生日祝福语生日祝福语。祝生日快乐! 37、把欢悦的音符,缠在黄山的石枕上;把想象的水彩,泼在漓江的竹筏 38、上??朋友,我们的事业在祖国的四面八方!愿越来越好!事业是连结我们的纽带,愿我们的事业兴旺发达,友谊之花也随之盛开! 39、元宵节祝福短信:吃元宵,品元宵,元宵佳节香气飘;猜灯谜,耍龙灯,喜气洋洋好心情;踩高跷,划旱船,多彩生活展笑颜;短信传,友情暖,对你祝福到永远!元宵节快乐! 40、美丽的梦,如美丽的诗篇,可遇而不可求。我真的很喜欢那个梦。我知道你为我走过千里,却觉得香草真香,仿佛你我只是第一次见面!快乐520! 41、把你疼把你怜,月到十五分外圆。经常把你挂心间,今夜的汤圆甚是粘,何时能团圆。 42、生活在这个五彩缤纷的世界里,没有一个人是孤独的,每个人都有朋友。因为是朋友,所以在性别、年龄、学历、职业等方面存在差异,这是现实中无法改变的。既然是朋友,就应该平等相待,互相尊重。快乐520! 43、你的特别之处在于:微笑,一切烦恼都烟消云散;一个拥抱,哭也是一种荣耀;轻吻,喧嚣疏忽去除,一个520,没有什么可比的。 44、搅拌生活的纷纷扰扰,装点生活的磕磕绊绊,把幸福涂上温暖的颜色,给快乐一个充分的理由,送上我 45、愿你们的爱情生活,如同无花果树的果子渐渐成熟;又如葡萄树开花放香,作***馨香的见证,与诸天穹苍一同地每日每夜述说着神的作为 与荣耀! 夏日高温不退,伴着一缕清风为您送来这一季的祝福,原您清凉一“夏”,愿轻松和愉快萦绕在您身边。 46、把我对你的爱藏在阳光里,让每个角落都知道我爱你,把我对你的爱藏在月光下,感受每晚爱你的温柔与甜蜜,让爱在星辰中,这会让你这辈子数不胜数。 5月20日我爱你,祝你幸福无限。2023-08-13 07:05:231
war and peace?2023-08-13 07:05:422
求一些极度爆笑笑话不是笑话、有很多好笑的图不求采纳2023-08-13 07:05:5115
经典语录是指对那些富有哲理与特殊意义话语的记录,经典语录普遍来源于经典语录原创基地,一般用于正式文体。现指能引起共鸣的、发人深省,有一定传播力的名人之言、网民言论、社会事件所产生的新词条。 1.严守一帮吕桂花给丈夫牛三斤传的口信,被三矿大喇叭反复播放竟成为了一首歌谣(河南语调)流传在三矿矿工中:“牛三斤/牛三斤/你的媳妇叫吕桂花/吕桂花让我问一问/最近你还回来吗?” 2.费墨与妻子李燕拌嘴后便到楼下遛狗散心,不料这狗在楼下也不争气。这狗是条公狗,看到另外一条公狗过来,挣扎着爬到人家身上。另一条狗的女主人皱着眉扯着自己的狗骂了声:“讨厌”;费墨也扯着自己的狗,并踢了它一脚,用浓厚的四川话说:“盲目,人家也是公的!” 3.在回严守一河南老家的火车上,沈雪讲了一个河南人的笑话:“一个河南人,窝囊,出门老受气,便天天在家练俯卧撑。爹问:孩儿,你这是干啥哩?儿说:俺学电视上练胸大肌。爹抽了他一巴掌:练也白练,再练也没你姐大u2026u2026” 4.同样是在火车上,严守一的旧情人武月突然打电话来,对方火气挺大,由于“新欢”沈雪在身边,严守一怕武月说下去不知轻重,他便装傻扯着喉咙喊:“啊u2026u2026说话呀,听不见u2026u2026你大声点u2026u2026我说话你能听见吗u2026u2026信号不好u2026u2026我在火车上,回老家u2026u2026喂u2026u2026”对方果然挂了电话,这时费墨悠悠地说:“像,演得真像。我都听见了,你却听不见。”严守一假正经地回了一句颇有意味的话:“费老,做人要厚道。” 5.《有一说一》栏目在开策划会,忽然编导大段的手机响了,费墨只好停止讲话。只听大段支支吾吾接了手机:“对,啊,行,噢,嗯,嗨,(停顿不说话)听见了。”大家都听得莫名其妙,不过严守一却很兴奋:“肯定是一女的打的。我能翻译。(学着男女两种语调)开会呢?对。说话不方便吧?啊。那我说给你听。行。我想你了。噢。你想我了吗?嗯。昨天你真坏。嗨。你亲我一下。(停顿)那我亲你一下。听见了吗?”开会的人便一同起哄:“听见了!” 6.武月找严守一为费墨的书写个序,严守一以为她是说笑,便调侃说自己是个没文化的人,若武月出书倒可以帮她作序。武月说:“行啊,我写,正愁没钱花呢,书名就叫u2018有一说一u2019,彻底揭露你的丑陋嘴脸,封面上还得注明u2018少儿不yiu2019”,严守一坏笑着搂了一下武月的肩,一语双关地说:“我觉得书名应该叫u2018我把青春献给你u2019。” 7.费墨有外遇之事被妻子李燕发现,在经过李燕狂风暴雨般的厉声批斗后,耷拉着脑袋的费墨跟严守一解释说其实这是误会:虽然他确实开了房,但最后因怕麻烦而改为在咖啡厅坐而论道了u2026u2026接着费墨又突然感叹了一声:“二十多年都睡在一张床上,的确有些审美疲劳。(四川语调)” 8.台词短训班的第一节课,严守一就冲撞并惹哭了女老师沈雪。严守一觉得有点过意不去,连忙态度诚恳地道歉:“沈老师,我错了。今天早上我就惹了副台长不高兴,他让我写了封检查,您要是急着用,我就先给您。”见沈雪仍绷着脸,于是严守一诚恳地将检查双手递上:“错误虽不同,但都是检查!”沈雪破涕为笑:无耻! 9.去费墨新书发布会时,严守一意外发现表面循规蹈矩、道貌岸然的费墨跟自己一样也有情人,他压抑不住内心兴奋调侃道:“不让我接了,原来是有人送,车不好,人好!费老一再教导我们:麻烦。现在您可是顶着麻烦上了。”费墨尴尬地说:“一个社科院的研究生,学美学的,对我有些崇拜。”又说:“老严,做人要厚道。” 另外还有电影手机48条: 1、 士兵问连长:作战时踩到地雷咋办?连长大为恼火:操,能咋办?踩坏了照价赔偿。 2、 很久墨收到你的信息 俺很心疼 俺想到死 曾用薯片割过脉 用豆腐撞过头 用降落伞跳过楼 用面条上过吊 可都墨死成 你就请俺吃顿饭 撑死俺算了 3、 如果感到心里挖凉挖凉的,请拨打俺的电话!谈感情请按1,谈工作请按2,谈人生请按3,给俺介绍对象请按5,请俺吃饭请直说,找俺借钱请挂机。 4、 长颈鹿嫁给了猴子,一年后长颈鹿提出离婚:我再也不要过这种上蹿下跳的日子了!猴子大怒:离就离!谁见过亲个嘴还得爬树的! 5、 鱼说:“我时时刻刻把眼睁开是为了在你身边不舍离开。”水说:“我终日流淌不知疲倦是为了围绕你,好好把你抱紧。”锅说:“都他妈快熟了还这么多废话。” 6、 吃饭了吗?请接收短信。大象把大便排在路中央,一只蚂蚁正好路过,它抬头望了望那云雾缭绕的顶峰,不禁唱到:呀啦索,这就是青藏高原!~~~~ 7、 你都长大了,有些事应该让你知道了:天,是用来刮风下雨的;地,是用来长花长草的;我,是用来证明人类是多伟大的;你是用来炖粉条的。 8、 在铁路旁大号却没带纸时,别着急,火车会提醒你:裤擦,裤擦,裤裤擦!在河边上大号却没带纸时,别着急,青蛙会告诉你:棍刮,棍刮,棍棍刮! 9、 钱可以买房子但买不到家,能买到婚姻但买不到爱,可以买到钟表但买不到时间,钱不是一切,反而是痛苦的根源,把你的钱给我,让我一个人承担痛苦吧! 10、 老天,太蓝!大海,太咸!人生,太难!工作,太烦!和11、 送你12生肖,祝你聪明如鼠,强壮如牛,胆大如虎,可爱如兔,自信如龙,魅力如蛇,浪漫如马,温顺如羊,顽皮如猴,美丽如鸡,忠诚如狗,长得像猪! 12、 黑猩猩不小心踩到了长臂猿拉的大便,长臂猿温柔细心地帮其擦洗干净后它们相爱了,别人问起它们是怎么走到一起的?黑猩猩感慨地说:猿粪!都是猿粪啊! 13、 狮子和熊分别在树旁大便,一个月后,狮子发现自己大便旁的树木比熊的那棵长得粗壮,于是说了一句饱含沧桑的哲理――狮 屎 胜 于 熊 便! 14、 心里想一个数字,用它加上52.8,再乘以5,然后减区3.9343,再除以0.5,最后再减去心里想的那个数的十倍,答案很浪漫哦! 15、 你在办公室里老放响屁,同事忍不住说你能不能不出声。然后便见你坐在那里摇来晃去抖个不停,问你在干什么,你回答说我调成震动的了! 16、 亲爱的上帝,请保佑那些不打电话给我,也不传短信给我,更没有想念我的朋友们:愿主把他们的手机掉到厕所里去吧,阿门! 17、 传说你可狠了,在戏院里横躺着占四个座位,别人叫你起来,你却只哼哼两声不动地方,保安来了说:朋友够狠,哪条道上的?你咬牙说:楼上过道摔下来的! 18、 思你念你想着你,找个画家画下你,把你贴在杯子里,整天喝水望着你――幸福吗?倒杯开水烫死你! 19、 尊敬的用户,此时我们已从您的话费中扣除20元献给巴勒斯坦民族解放事业,为此巴自治政府决定以全体阿拉伯世界的名义授予您崇高的称号:本.沙勒巴基! 20、 学问之美,修辞手法,在于使人一头雾水;诗歌之美,在于煽动男女出轨;女人之美,在于蠢得无怨无悔;男人之美,在于说谎说得白日见鬼。 21、 在乎你的我只在乎我在乎的是是否在乎在乎你的我,我在乎的你是否和在乎你的我在乎我在乎的你一样在乎在乎你的我,小样儿,看晕你! 22、 听说过吗?前世的五百次回眸,才换得今生的一次擦肩,象你我这样亲密的朋友,上辈子似乎没干什么,光他妈回头了! 23、 有两个造假c的不小心造出面值15元的假c,两人决定拿到偏远山区花掉,当他们拿一张15元买了1元的糖葫芦后,他们哭了,农民找了他们两张7块的。 24、 你的人生写照:十岁学会自己洗澡――猪自清;二十岁光彩照人――猪时茂;三十岁找到工作――猪立业;四十岁雇了佣人――猪得佣;五十岁学会打篮球――猪投! 25、 一个三岁小男孩拉着一个三岁小女孩的手说:“我爱你。”小女孩说:“你能为我的未来负责吗?”小男孩说:“当然能,我们都不是一两岁的人了!” 26、刚才和朋友聊天,其中有谈到你,知道吗?我和他们吵了起来,还差点动手打起来,因为他们有的说你像猴子,有的说你像猩猩,实在太过分了!根本没有把你当猪看! 27、有一天,我对你说你是猪,你说:我是猪才怪。于是我便开始叫你猪才怪。终于有一天你忍不住在众人面前大声宣布:我不是猪才怪! 28、伊拉克战争期间最流行的三个词:和平peace,战争war.发现found,把这三个英文单词连起来大声读三遍,你会揭开一个重大历史谜团。 (屁是我放的)... 29、人 谈恋爱, 不特殊; 牛 会吃青草, 不特殊; 猪 会按电话, 才特殊; 还按! 真是神猪! 哇噻!还会笑! 真是酷呆了的猪! 30、有两句话一直很想对你说,今天终于提起勇气:第一句,我爱你我好喜欢你;第二句,千万不要把第一句当真 31、心理测验: 自我觉得智商挺高的往下按 觉得自己还挺幽默的往下按 觉得自己还挺有魅力的往下按 觉得自己还相貌挺帅的往下按 测验结果: 挺不要脸的 32、在你的眉宇间我看到沧桑,在你的眼中我看到自信,在你的额头我看到岁月,在你的唇齿间我看到韭菜,快去刷牙! 33、吃屎、簟璁、醭歙、艽绱、癀穑、魍旃、偬彘、硪钚、鲥硐、上面的词你认识几个,是不是发现自己除了吃屎就什么也不会了呢? 34、两头牛在吃草。其中一头说;“最近流行疯牛病,我们不会被传染上吧?”另一头说;“不会,我们是袋鼠啊。”已经疯了! 35、我一直是江湖中不知名的侠客,直到有一天遇到了传说中最神秘的你,竟然叫出了你的名字,从此,我在江湖上也有了响当当的名号:知猪狭!2023-08-13 07:06:161
和平的英语是peace。一、用法pace可以用作动词.pace用作名词的基本意思是步子,转化为动词意思是用步子测量为...定步速缓慢而行。引申可作跑在...前面;为...的标兵解。pace可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。二、短语Peace of mind心灵的宁静。Peace and quiet安静平和。Inner peace内心的平和。Peaceful coexistence和平共处。dove of peace和平鸽。Peace的例句:1.The image of a peaceful dove flying across the clear blue sky symbolizes hope and the desire for peace.一只和平鸽在明亮的蓝天上飞翔的形象象征着希望和对和平的渴望。2.The world leaders gathered together and released a flock of white doves as a symbol of peace and unity.世界领导人聚集在一起,放飞一群白鸽,象征着和平与团结。3.The children in the war-torn region drew pictures of doves carrying olive branches,expressing their longing for peace and a better future.那个饱受战乱之苦的地区的孩子们画了鸽子托着橄榄枝的画作,表达了他们对和平和更美好未来的渴望。2023-08-13 07:06:251
求一篇300字左右的英语作文,题目是Peace or War
As far as we all know , countries usually have wars with each other because of state interests . Of caurse , this is one of the most important reasons why countries go to war . Nowadays , the U.N. has taken some strong measures to make the world more and more peaceful .In spite of the peacekeepers being sent to the place there is at war , there are still some failures . For instance , The U.N.couldn"t stop a terrible civil war in the state of Rwanda in Africa in 1995, despite warnings of the dangers from nearby states. It is extremely clear that our world will not have peace unless countries all over the world can give up declaring war on each other.In my opinion , the best way to keep peace among countries is to forbid wars in all countries . In order to attain this , the U.N. should sigh an service agreement about stop the next world war with all member countries . What"s more , each member country can not keep nuclear weapons and invade the others .As Franklin said: "There has never been a good war or a bad peace . " let us try our best to make a peaceful and beautiful world!2023-08-13 07:07:231
和平通常指没有战争或没有其它敌视暴力行为的状态,也用来形容人的不激动或安静。通常,维持国家关系之间的和平状态是多数人或组织的企盼,尤其是类似联合国这类国际组织。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。 和平英语说法1: peace 和平英语说法2: in peace 和平的相关短语: 和平条约 peace treaty ; 和平县 Heping County ; 世界和平 Paix dans le monde ; World peace ; World Peace ; Metta World Peace 和平饭店 Peace Hotel ; Peace Restaurant ; Woh ping faan dim ; De La Paix 和平站 Heping Railway Station 和平程序 peace process ; peace progress ; peace course ; conciliation peace process 和平地 in peace ; peacefully ; pacifically ; peaceably 和平的英语例句: 1. The road to peace will be long and drawn-out. 通往和平的道路将很漫长。 2. He argues strongly for retention of NATO as a guarantee of peace. 他强烈要求保留北大西洋公约组织以维护和平。 3. They have been per-suaded of the merits of peace. 他们被劝服,认识到了和平的好处。 4. The President is determined "to go the extra mile for peace". 总统决心“为实现和平而加倍努力”。 5. Later he was to bee famous as a pacifist. 后来他就变成了一位知名的和平主义者。 6. These incidents suggest the peace in Northern Ireland is still brittle. 这些事件表明北爱尔兰的和平仍然很脆弱。 7. Only the achievement of these goals will bring lasting peace. 只有达成这些目标才会带来持久的和平。 8. It was peopled by a fiercely independent race of peace-loving Buddhists. 那里住着一个与世隔绝的种族,人们都是爱好和平的佛教徒。 9. Greenpeace managed to assemble enough boats to waylay the ship at sea. 绿色和平组织设法聚集起足够数量的小船在海上拦截该船。 10. Leaders of some rival factions signed a peace agreement last week. 上周,一些敌对派系领导人签订了和平协议。 11. He was willing to make any sacrifice for peace. 他愿意为和平作出任何牺牲。 12. The king said there was now a window of opportunity for peace. 国王说现在有寻求和平的短暂机会。 13. He would soon launch a second offensive, killing off the peace process. 他不久将会再次发动进攻,彻底毁掉整个和平程序。 14. His mother looked ten years younger in jeans and flats. 他妈妈穿上牛仔裤和平跟鞋,看上去年轻了10岁。 15. Do you think this crisis can be settled without going to war? 你认为这场危机能和平解决吗?2023-08-13 07:07:401
用英语写一段关于英国玫瑰战争的作文,题目war and peace 400字左右(不然用英语把这个
"War of the Roses" redirects here. For other uses, see Wars of the Roses (disambiguation).Important locations in the Wars of the Roses[show]v d eWars of the Roses 1st St Albans – Blore Heath – Ludford Bridge – Northampton – Wakefield – Mortimer"s Cross – 2nd St Albans – Ferrybridge – Towton – Hedgeley Moor – Hexham – Edgecote Moor – Lose–coat Field – Barnet – Tewkesbury – Bosworth Field – Stoke Field The Wars of the Roses (1453–1487) were a series of dynastic civil wars fought in England between supporters of the Houses of Lancaster and York. Although armed clashes had occurred previously between supporters of Lancastrian King Henry VI and Richard, Duke of York, head of the rival House of York, the first open fighting broke out in 1455 and resumed more violently in 1459. Henry was captured and Richard became Protector of England, but was dissuaded from claiming the throne. Inspired by Henry"s Queen, Margaret of Anjou, the Lancastrians resumed the conflict, and Richard was killed in battle at the end of 1460. His eldest son was proclaimed King Edward IV after winning a crushing victory at the Battle of Towton early in 1461.After minor Lancastrian revolts were suppressed in 1464 and Henry was captured once again, Edward fell out with his chief supporter and advisor, the Earl of Warwick (known as the "Kingmaker"), who tried first to supplant him with his jealous younger brother George, and then to restore Henry VI to the throne. This resulted in two years of rapid changes of fortune, before Edward IV once again won a complete victory in 1471. Warwick and the Lancastrian heir Edward, Prince of Wales died in battle and Henry was murdered immediately afterwards.A period of comparative peace followed, but Edward died unexpectedly in 1483. His surviving brother Richard of Gloucester first moved to prevent the unpopular family of Edward"s widow, Elizabeth Woodville, from participating in government during the minority of Edward"s son, Edward V2023-08-13 07:07:471
请把War and Peace翻译成中文
战争与和平2023-08-13 07:07:553
war and peace跟单数吗?
war 和 peace 都是抽象名词,后接单数形式,如果有就近原则,应后接单数,如果无,则应用复数2023-08-13 07:08:042
1、时代呼唤**而不是和平。 Times call for war rather than peace. 2、**似乎就意味着血和铁。 War seems to means that the blood and iron. 3、**的目的必须是为了和平。 The purpose of war must be for the sake of peace. 4、**没有胜利者,只有失败者。 War has no winners, only losers. 5、黄金和财富是**的主要根源。 Primary sources of gold and wealth is war. 6、兵不能胜大患,不能合民心者也。 Soldiers could not overcome great misfortune, not people who also. 7、袭击是游击**的基本作战形式。 Attack is the basic operational form of guerrilla warfare. 8、**是骄傲之子,骄傲是财富之女。 War is the child of pride, and pride is the daughter of wealth. 9、**来临时,真理是第一个牺牲品。 The war came, and the truth is the first victim. 10、我宁愿在岁而不是在或岁发动**。 I would rather in years, not in or go to war. 11、和平孕育着**,**孕育着和平。 Peace breeds war, war breeds peace. 12、你攻占一个地区后,确保敌人也知道。 After you capture a region, make sure the enemy knows. 13、金钱是爱情的基础,也是**的资本。 Money is the foundation of love, is also the capital of the war. 14、逃跑的敌军大概只是打算先撤退后反击。 After retreating enemy is probably just going to retreat. 15、每一代都至少应该经历一场**的洗礼。 Each generation should at least through the baptism of a war. 16、最初的奋力一击,是**成功的分水岭。 The original struggled to blow, successful watershed is war. 17、**是惨烈的人生,人生是慢节奏的**。 War is a tragic life and life is slow tempo of the war. 18、任意对待被征服者是**给予征服者的权利。 Treating the conqueror is the right of war to the conqueror. 19、从来就不存在好的**,也不存在坏的和平。 Never exist good war, there is no bad peace. 20、赢得**只不过是使和平有一个良好的开端。 Win a war is to make peace with only a good place to start. 21、如果你的攻击没成功,马上呼叫空袭支援吧。 If your attack is not successful, immediately call air support. 22、在恋爱和**中先发制人,都是天经地义的。 In love and war, P-emptive is granted. 23、**毁灭了一个时代,**也创造了新的世界。 War destroyed a period, also created a new world war. 24、在战略上是打强的,在战役、战术上是打弱的。 On the strategy is a strong, in the battle, tactical is weak. 25、虽然**不能带来和平,但是**能平息**。 Although the war can"t bring peace, but the war to pacify the war. 26、**在你愿意时开始,却并不在你乐意时结束。 When would you like to start of the war, but does not end when you like. 27、只有对那些需要**的人来说,**才是正义的。 Only for those who are in need of the war, the war is just. 28、婚姻是**,而且是一场持久战没有赢家的**。 Marriage is a war, and it is a long game there are no winners in war. 29、通过**手段比通过广开言路更能牢靠地维护**。 By means of war than through airing to firmly safeguard regime. 30、如果你的攻击进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。 If your attack is going really well, it"s an ambush. 31、假使每个人只为他自己的信念去打仗,就没有**了。 If everyone only for his own belief to the war, no war. 32、**对每个人来说,都是灭顶之灾,没有人能置身事外。 War for everyone, it is negative, no one can stay out. 33、**重要的是求取**是的成果,而不是军事上的成功。 War is important to obtain the political achievements, rather than military success. 34、装成无关紧要的人,敌人可能子弹不多,不想浪费在你身上。 Pretended to be indifferent, the enemy bullets is not much, don"t want to waste on you. 35、在和平年代中,儿子埋葬父亲。但是在**中,父母埋葬儿子。 In peace, sons bury his father. But parents bury his son in the war. 36、世界上的**无非是过了界,但你我安好都不过界,内心无**。 In the world is nothing but a world war, but you and I are all world, however, no war. 37、**的发生往往是由于玩弄了危险的词句,由于刺激了民族的热情。 The occurrence of war is often the result of playing with a dangerous words due to stimulate the enthusiasm of the nation. 38、在发动**和进行**时,是非问题是无关紧要的,紧要的是胜利! In the war and the war, is a problem is it doesn"t matter, matter is victory! 39、**不仅引起**,而且支配**,因而**的性质决定**的性质。 Politics not only caused by war, and dominate the war and political nature of the determined the nature of the war. 40、一切**都是对民族使用**,但这并不妨碍者赞成****。 All wars are of ethnic violence, but this does not Pvent socialists in favor of the revolutionary war.2023-08-13 07:08:131
1、用文学促进和平。 Using literature to promote peace. 2、**是为了和平。 War is for the sake of peace. 3、有**才能带来和平。 A war to bring peace. 4、你选择和平,还是**。 You choose peace or war. 5、要和平,就得准备**。 Want peace, Ppare for war. 6、和平不是成就而是责任。 Peace is not achievement but responsibility. 7、和平是桥梁,斗争是围墙。 Peace is a bridge, the struggle is the wall. 8、这个世界,终将需要和平。 This world, will eventually need peace. 9、我们只能用武器来保卫和平。 We can only use weapons to defend the peace. 10、理想是和平的,历史是**的。 Ideal is peaceful, history is the violence. 11、夫妻之间的**,目的是和平。 War between husband and wife, the aim is peace. 12、理想是和平的,历史是残酷的。 Ideal is peaceful, history is cruel. 13、和平孕育着**,**孕育着和平。 Peace breeds war, war breeds peace. 14、尽管她渴望和平,但却沉溺于**。 Although she desires peace, but indulge in the war. 15、拖一日海阔天空,延一天世界和平。 Drag a day of sports day of world peace. 16、只有胜利者,才能用**去换取和平。 Only the winner, with war for peace. 17、真正持久的胜利是和平,而不是**。 True victory was lasting peace, not war. 18、**中你流尽鲜血,和平中你寸步难行。 You gave your life"s blood war, peace to you. 19、真理才是生命之光,斗争才是和平之母。 Truth is the light of life, the struggle is the mother of peace. 20、**的尽头,改革的开始,和平的诞生。 The end of the war, the beginning of the reform, the birth of the peace. 21、只有你的棍子比别人粗,才能保卫和平。 Only you stick coarse than others, to defend the peace. 22、武力不能维持和平。只有互相理解才可以。 Force can"t keep the peace. Can only understand each other. 23、赢得**只不过是使和平有一个良好的开端。 Win a war is to make peace with only a good place to start. 24、和平没有国界,而人类却为了国界放弃和平。 Peace without borders, and the human is to abandon peaceful borders. 25、从来就不存在好的**,也不存在坏的和平。 Never exist good war, there is no bad peace. 26、我们与谁实现和平?我们将与敌人实现和平。 We have peace with who? We will achieve peace with the enemy. 27、人类在永恒的斗争中壮大,在永恒的和平中毁灭。 Humans grow in eternal struggle, perished in eternal peace. 28、你要和平还是尊严?和平就是屈服,尊严就是死。 You want peace or dignity? Peace is to yield, dignity is death. 29、没有什么方法可以获得和平,和平本身是一种方法。 There is no method can obtain peace, peace itself is a kind of method. 30、我追求世界和平,可遇见你之后我的内心就从未和平。 I pursue the peace of the world, can meet you after my heart will never peace. 31、为了和平,需要据理力争,更需要适度、适时地妥协。 For the sake of peace, we need to argue, more need to compromise moderation, and timing. 32、当世界和平,尘埃落定,唯一能摧毁我们的,只有爱。 When the peace of the world, the dust settles, the only thing that can destroy us, but only love. 33、和平属于局部的声音,不和平的喧嚣还充斥着我们耳鼓。 Peace belongs to the local voice, not the noise of the peace also filled with our ears. 34、和平不是一厢情愿和单相思,更不是对合理**的回避。 Peace is not wishful thinking and unrequited love, more is not reasonable for the avoidance of war. 35、我们不能让和平的诚意和主张,变成别人束缚我们的绳索! We can"t keep the peace of the sincerity and claims, you become someone else bondage our rope! 36、上天赋予的生命,就是要为人类的繁荣和平和幸福而奉献。 God-given life, is to be dedication for the prosperity of human peace and happiness. 37、**是一名老师,教会了人类和平;而和平,教会了人类**。 War is a teacher, taught the human peace. And peace, taught human warfare. 38、我已经和恶魔签订了契约,事到如今已经无法和神明和平共处了。 I have already signed a contract with the devil, now can"t and the gods of peaceful coexistence. 39、我最大的愿望不是世界和平,而是我爱的人始终活在和平的世界里。 My biggest wish is not the peace of the world, but I love the people always live in a world of peace. 40、眼光短小之人会渴望和平,但和平是以**为前提建立起来的虚伪。 Short of people long for peace, but peace is the Pmise to build a false war. 41、降低物质欲望未必带来和平,为了得到和平,我们还须降低精神欲望。 Reduce material desires may not bring peace, for peace, we must also reduce the spiritual desire. 42、保护世界和平的任务交给他们了,我是个俗人,只对万恶的金钱感兴趣。 Give them the task of protecting world peace, I am a layman, only interested in money evil. 43、和平未到绝望之时,决不放弃和平;牺牲未到最后关头,亦不轻言牺牲。 Peace is not to despair, never give up the peace; Sacrifice to the last minute, nor sacrifice speaking out of turn. 44、自由是生命中最大的谎言,如果接受了这一点,你的内心,就能得到和平。 Freedom is the biggest lie in life, if you accept this, your heart, you can get peace. 45、和平相对于**来说,它具有滞后性。和平是**的延续,**是和平的手段。 Peace as opposed to war, it has a lag. Peace is a continuation of the war, the war is the means of peace. 46、你要记住,天下的和平不能寄希望于帮你守城的人,还需要有更多懂得和平的君主。 You want to remember, and all the guarding city peace cannot hope to help you, you also need to have more understand the prince of peace. 47、和平是在**中赢来的,**的胜利是通过武力得来的,武力却是用来保护和破坏和平的。 Peace is won in the war, the victory of the war of liberation by force, force is used to protect and destroy the peace. 48、或许是这个世界太残酷,又或许,是我们太渴望和平,所爱的人在追求和平的这条路上死去。 May be the world is too cruel, or, perhaps, is too long for peace, we love the people died in the pursuit of the road of peace. 49、这个世界上,总有一些和平是打出来的,又总有一些和平是谈出来的。简直就像是在生意场上一样。 In this world, there are always some peace is playing out, and there are always some is about peace. It was kind of like in business. 50、在这个和平的年代,“维护世界和平”的呼声似乎在人们的戏谑声中淹没,人的心,在此刻沉没了。 In this era of peace, "the maintenance of world peace" seem in people drown in the joking voice, man"s heart sank at the moment.2023-08-13 07:08:231
uff081uff09world peaceuff082uff09the peace in the world2023-08-13 07:08:323
1. 爱笑的语文老师,作文,300字左右 真的忘不了她时时绽放的笑容。开心的大笑,无奈的苦笑……还有鼓励的微笑。 她就是黄老师。乌黑的头发微微搭在肩头,更显得她的皮肤洁白。闪亮的大眼睛一眨一眨的,就像星星在闪烁。有时一双大眼睛弯的如月牙一般,再加上她温暖人心的微笑,更显得美丽而动人。 总是期盼着英语课的到来,希望可以看到总是带着微笑的黄老师走进教室。在她的课堂中,随时会被黄老师生动的描述一个搞笑同学形象的语言而逗的哈哈大笑,黄老师也和我们一起开心的大笑。在她的课上我们总是可以开心的大笑。她也曾为我们考试成绩不理想脸上漾出一丝无奈的苦笑。不知道为什么,这笑容却让每一同学心中泛起一股说不出的酸心与难过。于是我们更加的学习英语…… 然而,留给我印像最深的是黄老师给我那一抹鼓励微笑。我的英语成绩一向不太好,不能够完整的回答老师的问题,最多只是偶尔举手回答几个相对简单的问题,大多是默默的学习着。可是有一次,在我回答了问题坐下时,偷偷撇了一眼黄老师,惊讶的发现她在注视我,微微上翘的嘴角浮现了一丝微笑。那笑容是一股暖流,是温暖的阳光流入我的心田。她的微笑使我更加努力的学习。 几个星期后,黄老师发试卷了并表扬我最近进步很大,一定是在家努力学习了。可是要我说是黄老师那鼓励的微笑让找回了自信! 毕业的脚步悄悄临近,总会有一天与黄老师分别,可是她的笑容会永远在我的记忆中 2. 爱笑的语文老师作文怎么写 一提起笑,人们都会,可是每个人的笑是不一祥的。有人 是被别人逗笑的,有人装着笑,也有人天生就喜欢笑。 就拿我们的谭老师来说吧,他好像没有伤心的时候,脸上 总是带着微笑给我们上课,和我们一块活动。 谭老师是位有近40年教龄的老教师了,从入学的那天起, 我便经常看见谭老师笑。看着他笑。同学们也常常跟着一起笑, 就连平时不爱笑的周屹也开始喜欢笑了。谭老师常说:笑一笑, 十年少。 谭老师有心脏病、高血压、肾结石等疾病,可他不像 有些人那样,有了病后老是唉声叹气,而总是保持着乐观的精、神。有一次,谭老师拿着一根木条来到教室,同学们都很惊讶。 语文老师拿这个干什么呀?只见他不声不响地在我们这一组的 座位和座位之间量一下。我明白了,我的座位太宽了,而前面 同学座位的距离太窄了,我赶紧把自己的课桌往后挪动,脸不 知什么时候红了,同学们恍然大悟,都哈哈地笑了,我也不好 意思地笑了。谭老师看着我们的举动,睑上也露出了笑容。 有一天,教室北面的一扇玻璃窗的窗钩坏了,呼呼的北风 吹得玻璃窗砰砰直响。谭老师来上课了。他笑嘻嘻地对我们说: 今天,我上课特别高兴。大家不知谭老师为什么这样说,都 想听出个究竟来。谭老师接着说:平时上课教室里静悄悄的, 而今天上课,你们听,有‘伯伯"给我伴奏呢!同学们听着 砰砰的声音,不由得跟着谭老师笑了起来。在笑声中,谭老 师间大家:我们上课要不要这样的伴奏?同学们都异口同声 地说:不要!好,那该怎么办呢,我不说了,相信同学们会 想出办法的。现在开始上课吧。 下课了,同学们都争着要把坏 了的窗钩扎紧,可是没有绳子,女同学把扎辫子用的橡皮筋解 下来。谭老师的笑多么有力量!班上好哭鼻子的同学也不见了, 谭老师常用笑声让同学们高兴起来。 谭老师就是这祥一个爱笑的人,他总是把高兴的事说给同 学们听,让同学们跟他一起分享快乐。我就喜欢谭老师这样能 把快乐带给同学们的老师。 3. 关于爱笑的语文老师150字 我是一个性格活泼的小女孩,我最大的特点是爱笑。 笑虽然很好,可有时也会给我带来一些麻烦呢!就说有一次,爸爸正在找一本书,说道:“那本书可好看了,前几天还在呢,放哪儿去了呀?”爸爸找呀找呀,还是找不到,把家里弄得乱七八糟,我见爸爸那狼狈样,情不自禁哈哈大笑起来!爸爸见我笑了,以为是我把书藏起来了,大叫道:“快把书拿出来!”这下可好了,爸爸把我当成嫌疑人了,现在我一百张最也说不清呀!这时,妈妈见了,对爸爸说:“再认真找找,应该能找到的,不要随便下结论。”说完,爸爸又开始找了,终于给找到了。原来爸爸为了不弄丢,放在柜子里了,我心中一块大石头也总算落地了。我又情不自禁地笑了! 当然,爱笑也能交到很多朋友,带给我很多快乐!不光是学校里有很多朋友,上舞蹈课和作文班的同学也很多,他们都很想和我交朋友,因为当他们有困难的时候,我总是微笑着帮助他们。 这就是我,一个爱笑的我。因为天生爱笑,所以我的生活充满了快乐和幸福! 4. 爱笑的语文老师的作文应该怎么写呀 爱笑的老师 在教我的老师当中,有一位老师特别爱笑。你知道她是谁吗?她就是我们班的办主任—綦老师。 綦老师在讲课当中特别爱笑,当同学们认真听讲、积极发言时,老师的脸上就露出微笑;同学们做了好事,老师也会露出笑容有一次,我们班上公开课,同学们没有一个乱举手,乱说话的,而且都积极发言。老师让我们有感情的背诵江上鱼者这首诗,同学们都争先恐后地背诵古诗,而且越来越精彩,我也不例外,老师叫了我,我大大方地背诵了古诗,老师听后高兴极了,冲着我笑。最后公开课成功地结束了。 老师不但在我们表现好时笑,有时生气了她也会笑。一次,我们和老师一起做阅读题,老师为了节省时间,让我们把在短文里能找到的答案用线画出来,画完后,就做第三道题,想出答案后,本来应该把答案填在第三道题的空里,陶媛却把答案填在上一道题的空里,老师看了以后,开始批评陶媛,说着,说着,老师“扑哧”一声笑了,过了一会,老师说:“这叫驴唇不对马嘴!”紧接着同学们也跟着笑起来。 老师不但在生气时笑,而且遇到可笑的事,她更是笑个不停呢。 有一会,老师和同学们一起做造句题,老师让我们造句,老师说:“他的口音听起来不像东北人,而象一个南方人。你们还有其他的句子吗?”张健不假思索地说:“他的口音听起来不象南方人,而像一个北方人。”老师笑的前仰后合,捂着肚子说:“你可真能钻空子!” 这就是我们爱笑的班主任—綦老师。 5. 爱笑的语文老师作文400字 我的作文老师是华萃教育的宋老师。她中等个,长着一张小圆脸,两只眼睛像葡萄,一笑起来弯弯的,说话声音很甜,非常爱笑。 在上课的时候,她会很认真地教我们作文。她教我们写句子,分段落。开始,有的同学不会写,她会笑着给我们讲。我们要是走神不听话,她也不会生气,总是开个玩笑让我们集中精力。现在,我们班只有一、二个同学还不会写作文,其他的都能写好几百字呢!她看到同学们的写出了作文都开心得不得了,脸上笑成一朵花。 宋老师不仅教作文,还会给我们改作文。这学期,我在家写了13篇日记。她拿回家去都给我看了,每句每段都进行修改,还写了评语。爸爸、妈妈都认真看了,说人家老师真了不起呢。我上二年级,有一些字不会写,有时会写错别字,还有用拼音。一次写作文的时候,把“地”写成了“的”,她笑着走过来给我指出来说:“你看看,这个地方有什么不对的吗?”我瞪大眼睛仔细一看,还真有错,赶紧改过来。宋老师还在一边笑呢。 这就是我爱笑的宋老师,你觉得怎样呢? 6. 幽默的老师 作文200字 从上学到现在,我们认识了许多老师,也有许多与老师的事情,让我们十分难忘,我来介绍一下我的英语老师—miss蔡。 miss蔡是我印象最深的女老师,好象从来不扎头发,蓬松的长发显得很有活力,她戴着一副红色的眼镜,大约二十七八岁的样子,瘦瘦高高的,眼睛很有神,她给我的一个印像就是幽默。记得有一次,我们在写作业,她进来对我们说:“同学们,我给大家出一道题:把和平.战争.找用英语按这个顺序说下来。”我们不以为然,大声说:“peace war fand(屁是我放的)。”说完之后,她哈哈大笑,我们过了一会才知道被她耍了,也跟着笑了起来。她不仅幽默还十分喜欢我们,在一个细雨蒙蒙的早晨,我们在上英语课,因为天气不好,所以心情不爽,这是,miss蔡看出了我们的心情,大声说:“同学们,我们来做一个游戏。”我一听,顿时来了精神,其他同学也跟我一样,“同学们,我们先选两个人出去,然后把一支笔放在一个同学那里,只有他们两个人知道,然后放那个同学进来,让他用英语—Do you have a pen?来问笔在谁那里,没有的说no,有的说yes。”一番争吵之后,我和另一个同学被选到出去,在外面等了一会儿后,我们进来了,开始一个一个的询问,到了最后,全是no,就剩一个人了,我们大声说:“是XX。”miss蔡却说是错的,我们两个很疑惑,然后好像如梦初醒,马上跑到了自己的座位里,翻了起来。可是最后还是没有找到,只好认输,没想到,竟然在miss蔡那里,大家都笑了起来,当时的气氛热烈极了,我们象狂欢聚会里陶醉了一般,真想永远活在那一刻。 砰,门被推开了,校长满脸怒气的大叫:“你们能不能安静点,学校快塌了。”我们的miss蔡却说:“没事,塌了我去修。”气的校长脸都红了,不亚于一个熟透了的大苹果。 这就是我们的miss蔡,我心中最难忘的老师 7. 作文162字爱笑的语文老师 爱笑的曹老师我国的第二十七个教师节又到了。 在这里我向敬爱的老师道一声:老师——您好,您们辛苦了。今天,我要给大家讲一讲我们爱笑的——曹老师。 曹老师喜欢笑,她的笑很美,听到我们天真幼稚的问题,她必定会张开大嘴笑弯了腰,看到男生们滑稽的样子,我们点滴的进步她一定会欣慰的微笑。她的笑声如灿烂的阳光温暖了我们的心。 曹老师说话声音很美,她发音字正腔圆、语调抑扬顿挫、态度亲切和蔼,听她说话很美,朗读课文也更美,就是一种享受。在她笑声教育下我们从学习ABC开始,到写优美的小短文,到一篇作文。 要是下雨,她就和我们聊起来,看、听、尝、摸是她教我们写雨的妙诀,她总是抓住时机教我们怎样写作文。曹老师从我们的眼里读出我们的愿望,从我们的回答中听出我们的创造,从我们的言行中感受到我们的细微的进步,从我们的争论中发现我们的思想火花。 我们为有这样的老师而感到骄傲。曹老师,你甜甜地笑容留给我们永远美好的记忆,我们要像你一样眉开眼笑地去迎接每一天。 曹老师——感谢您,让我们成为自信的、能超越自己的人,您是我们永远信赖的朋友,您让我们明白失败了能吸取教训,您的笑容激励着我们好好学习,天天向上,让我们真诚的对您说:谢谢!祝老师节日快乐。 8. 我班特爱笑 的人作文200 他个头不高,比我矮半头,脸上长了一对小眼睛,一笑起来眼睛就眯成了一条缝.可爱极了!一个小巧的鼻子下面长了一张小嘴,笑起来露出了洁白的牙齿,他就是我的同学____汪予阳. 他长得和他妈妈很象,皮肤很白,但他的性格像小女孩一样,很文气,不大爱说话.从上学到现在,从没看到他生过气,脸上总是笑眯眯的.他平时关心同学,助人为乐,能和他成为好朋友我很开心. 记得有一次 ,我到他家去玩,他妈妈很忙 ,他就帮妈妈做家务,我在旁边看着,心想:一个能帮妈妈主动做家务的人,一定是个很有爱心的小朋友,也一定能在学习上取得好的成绩. 这就是一个在我心目中懂事,脸上总是露出微笑的汪予阳,他的笑容给我们带来了春天般的温暖.2023-08-13 07:08:491
peace本义是:和平。在网络用语是意思是:和谐英[pi:s]释义:n.和平;平静;和睦;秩序n.(Peace)人名;(英)皮斯[第三人称单数peaces;现在分词:peacing;过去式:peaced;过去分词:peaced]短语:War and Peace和平与和平;列夫·托尔斯泰;战争与和平专辑近义词:calm英[kɑ:m]释义:adj.静的,平静的;沉着的vt.使平静;使镇定vi.平静下来;镇定下来n.风平浪静n.(Calm)人名;(法、德)卡尔姆[复数:calms;第三人称单数:calms;现在分词:calming;过去式:calmed;过去分词:calmed;比较级:calmer或more calm;最高级:calmest或most calm]短语:calm down平静下来;镇定下来;平息;别冲动2023-08-13 07:08:571
和平 战争 发现 英语怎么说
PeaceWarfareFound2023-08-13 07:09:303
1.你说你会等我回来,你确实等了,还找了一个人一起等。 2.每当我错过一个女孩,我就在山上放一块砖,于是,这世界便有了长城。 3.高考成绩出来了,老师长出一口气对我说:其实没考上,对你和大学都是一种幸福。 4.拜托不要叫他动脑子好不好--左脑全是水,右脑全是面粉,不动便罢了,一动全是浆糊。 5.孔子不能解决的问题,老子帮你解决。 6.没有不透风的墙,没有不能上吊的梁。 7.我一失足成大瘸子,再回首又闪了腰。 8.我不喜欢整理房间,他们都叫我乱室英雄。 八戒,别以为你站在路灯下就是夜明猪了. 希望似火,失望如烟,人生就是七处点火,八处冒烟…… 名人就是出名前别人不知道他是谁,出名后他不知道自己是谁的人。 我的世界忽然开始下雪,天啊!请不要在我身旁梳头发了。 我喜欢交朋友,尤其是女朋友。 愚者坐以待毙,智者坐以待币。 一个胖子居然自称自己不是个粗人。 真羡慕你这么年轻就认识我了。 1、总有一天你的名字会出现在我家的户口本上! 2、将薪比薪的想一下,算了,不想活了。 3、活了二十多年,没能为祖国、为人民做点什么,每思及此,伤心欲绝。 4、我和脂肪做斗争,差点没牺牲 5、生活嘛,就是生下来,活下去~~ 6、再丑也要谈恋爱,谈到世界充满爱。 7、船撞桥头自然沉~~ 8、当你披上了婚纱 我也披上了袈裟~~ 9、我跟耶稣祈求踏实稳定的生活,他想了想说,咱们还是先谈谈世界和平的事吧... 10、爱我就大声地说出来吧!恨我就一辈子藏在心里吧! 11、趁着年轻把能干的坏事都干了吧,没几年了。 12、我在春天种下一堆女朋友,现在秋天到了,啧啧,居然颗粒无收~~ 13、你曾经对我说,会永远爱着我,爱情这东西我明白,但永远是什么? 14、七岁的小男孩是地球上最可怕的生物,他们有好奇心、行动力、破坏力以及《未成年人保护法》 15、人贵在言而有信——我说不还钱就不还钱! 16、夏天就是不好,穷的时候连西北风都没得喝,幸亏现在是秋天了。 17、我虽然相信海誓山盟,但是未必相信你啊~~ 18、凡我放不下的,必是因为我拥有不了的~~ 19、特别的人从来不说自己特别,比如说我。 20、我人生只会两件事 1 这也不会 2 那也不会 21、成人不自在,自在不成人~~ 22、我知道,天下无不散宴席,可是,至少,宴席上我要吃得爽!笑话之家提供 23、解释就是掩饰,掩饰就是讲故事~~ 24、人和人不是客客气气就能相处的! 25、每当困难的时候我就念藏经:“噢嘛呢哞嘛哄”, 翻译成英文就是:All money go my home! 26、善良就是别人挨饿的时候,我吃肉不bia ji 嘴~~ 27、我曾想成为一个问题少年,然而我却循规蹈矩地活了这么多年。 1、我昨晚做了个梦,梦见太白金星告诉我很多天机!原来咱俩五百年前都是神仙。我哭了,我都想起来了!啸天,我是二郎啊!你还记得我么,啸天!这几百年还好吗? 2、不要跟我狂,我大哥秦始皇!不要跟我装,我后台党中央,不信你不服输,拉登是我叔,先轰炸后下毒,你要再不服,户籍民警是我姑,把你户口改成猪! 3、我他妈的多么爱你,你他妈的爱理不理;我他妈的对你放电,你他妈的装没看见;我他妈的准备跳楼,你他妈的才肯回头;你他妈的回心转意,我他妈的刚好落地! 4、当流星恋上大地不惜陨落,只为那片刻亲近;当行云爱上流水不惜下坠,只为一解相思情;当俺想起你,不惜一毛钱,为了提前告诉你:小p孩,六一节快乐! 5、你拉着一头猪逛街,很幸福的样子。我经过,满怀同情地说:“看一个人的档次,就看他跟谁在一起。”话未说完,就看见猪很鄙夷的弃你而去。 6、一日文你是不是猪,你回答不是,被扁--不诚实!翌日问你是不是猪,你回答是,被痛扁--不谦虚!三日问你是不是猪,你不吭声,被狂扁--是猪还这么拽!!! 7、月底如果还有话费用不掉,就请跟我念这个绕口令:一级难度:发废话挥话费。二级难度:话费会挥发。三级难度:发挥废话挥发话费! 8、大学生=吃饭+睡觉+谈恋爱 猪=吃饭+睡觉 所以 大学生=猪+谈恋爱 以上推出 大学生-谈恋爱=猪 即大学生不谈恋爱的是猪。 9、有情的天,有情的地,有情的我等待你。孤枕难眠思念你:爱你+想你+盼你+念你+等你=我不能没有你,爱的就是你---喜之郎cici果冻! 10、神阿,替我祝福吧,祝福那些忘了我,不跟我联系,不给我打电话,不发短信给我,不想念我,不惦记我的人的手机都掉进马桶里吧。阿门!顺便放水冲一下! 11、每个城市都会下雨,就像我走到哪里都会想你,思念是一种果实,甜中带酸,盛产在夜里,满满的回忆,带着不确定的心情 想你 想你 想扁死你~~~ 12、怎么回事刚才打你手机,铃声响后提示音说:用户正在吃草,请勿打扰!真不敢相信,再次拨打又说:你所打的用户已经送往屠宰场,请稍后分享!你没出事吧?! 13、没有你的天/不蓝/没有你的日子/心烦/没有你的生活/真难/啥时能够真正拥有你/我最亲爱的。。。。。。别美了,不是你,是钱! 14、如果你的耳朵痒了,证明有人想念你;如果你的眼睛痒了,证明有人想见你;如果你的嘴唇痒了,证明有人想吻你;如果你的身体痒了。。。。别瞎想了,该洗澡了!!! 15、那天我看见你了,你坐在太阳底下,好不自在。我问你在干嘛,你神秘一笑:“小点声,等我晒黑了就没人说我是白痴了! 16、丘比特传说:一箭穿心代表一见钟情,两箭穿心代表两厢情愿,三箭代表三生有幸。。。我向你万箭齐发。。。小样儿,你就等着变刺猬吧!17、逆似丝姐桑嘴料接窝地银,窝似丝姐桑嘴西换逆地银,油逆载森遍窝酒块了逆部载窝森遍窝酒南郭,窝田田左蒙蒙岛逆窝一竟矮桑逆乐。呕买告德!窝法挫银乐!18、你知道吗?我昨晚又梦见你了,我们俩相互依偎在小河边,你看着我,我望着你。忽然,你抬起头,深情地对我说了三个字:“汪,汪,汪!”19、昨天做梦梦见你,真的,天是那样的蓝,海水那样的清澈。可爱的你在海里游泳,我在岸上那个小树枝捅捅你的背:哟,这小王八,可还挺硬!20、我是一棵葱,站在风雨中。谁敢拿我去蘸酱。K他老祖宗,走过难,闯过北。厕所后边喝过水,火车道上轧过腿,还和小猪亲过嘴,看啥看,亲你咋地!21、一天你获奖免费坐飞机旅行。悲:飞机失事。喜:有降落伞。悲:打不开。喜:地上有草垛。悲:上面有铁叉。喜:没落到叉子上。悲:也没落到草垛上。。。22、嘿!昨晚我梦到你在水里游泳。我一看急坏了就冲你喊快上来,没想到你都不睬我,竟然抬头瞪我一眼:吼啥子吼,没听说过死猪不怕开水烫吗?23、阁下莫非就是当年华山论剑武功独步天下罕有其匹号称一朵梨花压海棠的少林寺智障大师收养的小沙弥低能的爱犬旺财踩扁的蟑螂小强曾滚过的一个粪球?24、脑白金说今天开学不逃课要逃就逃专业课。汇仁宝说他逃我也逃。大宝说今天你逃了吗?好迪说大家逃才是真的逃。高露洁说我们的目标是没人上课!25、天津版:“泥介四赶麻其呀?”“桑发员达管斯七!”“四元高还四备高?”“员高!”“员高,够牛笔地呀!”“牛笔麻呀!被墙见了!”26、伊拉克战争期间最流行的三个词:和平peace,战争war,发现found,把这三个单词连起来大声读三遍,你会破解一个历史悬案。27、如果秋天走了我会在雪地上等你,如果世界走了我会在天堂里爱你,如果你走了我会在泪水中想你。。。如果我走了。。。。。。饲料就在槽里 ,不要饿到自己!28、不是每一朵花都能代表爱情,但玫瑰做到了,不是每一种树都能耐得住渴,但白杨做到了,不是每一头猪都能收到短信,但你做到了!29、我10在受不了,想你很9了,天天想见你,你8自己交给我吧,我绝不会7负你,让你永远6在我身边,5爱你爱到4,决不3心2意,我发誓只养你1头小猪!30、被人忽视?受人欺负?没人爱你?不要紧!就算这世上没人爱你、理你、重视你!我的大门依然为你敞开! 成都市精神病院,给你一个五星级的家!31、想你的时候孤枕难眠,爱你的时候思绪万千,没有你的日子中孤单,我愿化作一只相思鸟,穿过千山万水,飞到你的头上拉上一堆屎,耶!32、思念就像巧克力,苦苦的!甜甜的!不敢想你!怕会想你!不敢说想你,怕更想你!其实,我真的真的好想你,好想你,变成一只猪!33、这可能是我最后几天给你发短信,我在犹豫要不要告诉你,我要去日本了,手续也都办好了。我不会忘记你,真的。我的了禽流感,党派我去传染。。。34、当魔鬼在你窗前拍打着玻璃,蛤蟆正钻进你的被窝,毒蛇在你头顶荡漾,蚯蚓在你脚趾穿梭,蜈蚣已爬进你的鼻孔,别怕!我正骑着蜗牛赶来救你了!驾!驾!35、唐僧师徒取经途中遇见一美丽女子,八戒看了定要娶她为妻,悟空怀疑是妖精,唐僧说没关系,发条短信试探一下,不回信息是妖精,回的让她嫁给八戒!36、我们的缘分始于千年以前,那年的秋天,我们在落叶如火的枫林里嬉戏,你追着我,最后当你追上我时,你亲切地咬了我一口,那时,我叫吕洞宾。37、我一直是江湖中不知名的侠客,直到有一天遇到了传说中最神秘的你,竟然叫出了你的名字,从此,我在江湖上也有了响当当的名号:知猪侠!38、算道题目,1到8选一数为A,将A加3减2得B,B乘9得C;C个位与十位相加得D,D乘50得E,E减200得F,F暗示了你的一生,很灵的!39、昨晚梦见你在唱歌!你的歌声很甜,你那多愁善感的表情打动了我,我差点发誓爱你一万年,但我没敢,因为你正对着一头驴唱到:长大后我就成了你!40、传说对流星许愿很灵,我每天等它,那天我终于看见流星,在它落下前闭眼许愿,希望你从白痴变得聪明些,我睁开眼睛惊奇的发现,流星顺着原路飞回去了!41、月圆之夜,华山之颠,孤立一人,象是神仙?长发飘飘,目光深远,手持一物,直指云天!缓缓收回,慢慢伸展,三圈之后,仰首大喊:“中国联通,没信号!”42、若我有一颗糖,我会送给你,因为我想你快乐;若我有两颗糖,我们就一人一颗,我想我们一起快乐;若我有三颗糖,我会送你两颗,因为我希望你蛀牙比我多!43、雨下的断断续续,引起我无限的思绪~~说白了就是想你!等到风和日丽,我还带你去那片绿草地。但事先和你约定:只准吃草不准拱地!44、元旦了,也没啥送你,就把兜里所有的零钱都换成钢蹦给你,有人欺负你,就拿钢崩砸他,让他知道咱有钱人的厉害,别忘了砸完后再捡回来,咱还要过日子呢!2023-08-13 07:09:371
和平的英文是peace。peace词义:名词: 和平,太平;平静,安宁;(心情)平静,平和;和约;和平时期;治安;和睦,和谐;平安礼;和平运动,裁军运动(尤指核裁军运动)。动词:安静。发音:英式:/ piu02d0s /,美式:/ piu02d0s /。固定搭配:1、Peace Corps 和平队。2、Peace Hotel 和平饭店。3、War and Peace 战争与和平。例句:1、The people yearned for peace.人民渴望和平。2、The dove is symbolic of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。3、Peace is now within our grasp.我们现在和平在望。4、It was a threat to world peace.这是对世界和平的威胁。5、The dove is an emblem of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。6、All I want is peace and quiet.我只要和平安宁。7、I just need some peace and quiet.我需要的只是平静与安宁。8、May joy and peace abide in us all.愿我们大家都欢乐平安。9、I prefer to think of peace not war.我更喜欢思考和平而不是战争。10、Many believe the peace plan is dead.许多人认为和平计划已成泡影。2023-08-13 07:09:461
War and Peace Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome.While peace is the ultimate goal of all of our undertaking in this world, war has been inevitable in the course of human civilization. Does man have an innate taste for war? Or is it just an acquired scheme learned from human society? We only know that there hasn"t been any period in the history during which the world was really at peace. Human beings pursue peace and prosperity through the establishment of families, communities, and nations. Why should we let all these be destroyed by wars? To reduce the possibility of war to the lowest extent, I have two suggestions. First of all, education should be consolidated to eliminate the brutality and beastliness in human nature. Knowledge derives from education and is a surer road to wisdom. Wisdom enables us to distinguish right from wrong. It also teaches us restraint and tolerance, two effective means of preventing wayward killing and destruction. Another cure is religion. Most religions in the world advocate philanthropy and forgiveness, which dissolve hatred and revenge. Consequently, education and religion working side by side can transform a barbarian into a civilized person. With wisdom and love, the human race as a whole will detest war and embrace peace.2023-08-13 07:10:441
War And Peace 歌词
歌曲名:War And Peace歌手:Ice Cube专辑:War & Peace Volume 1 (The War Disc)Godsmack - War & PeaceHere we go!Dance with the devil inside of meI"m longing for a second chanceAnd taste what seems to remind meOf all my skulls and skeletonsLive and let liveDie and let dieWar and peace in my hand(My temptations)This war and peace insideWill take me to the endHell awaits it"s closing in on meIt"strokes its hand down on my backAnd no more mistakesmy intentions are finally clearFrom how I"ve always beenLive and let liveDie and let dieLive and let liveDie and let dieWar and peace in my hand(my temptations)This war and peace inside wont endWar and peace in my hand, yahThis war and peace inside my headWill take me to the endWar and peace in my hand(my temptations)This war and peace inside wont endWar and peace in my hand, yahThis war and peace inside my headWill take me to the end 07:11:011
英语作文:war and peace
Now,most of the people around the world are enjoying the peace which everybody longs for.When we are reading a novel describing the war,no matter it is the First or the Second World War,we can imagine the bitterness, sadness and hopelessness that the war brought us.Nobody would like to forget it.So that is why most people are striving for a much more beautiful and peaceful world,although they are not famous ones.Meanwhile,people will regret that there are still some regional wars and confrontations in different places of the world.There are still hurt,tears,and deaths on the same earth with us.Let"s work harder to get rid of any kind of fights and conflicts.Wish that the different nations unite together,no matter what colour they are and what religions they believe in.2023-08-13 07:11:111
war的《Peace Sign》 歌词
歌曲名:Peace Sign歌手:war专辑:The Very Best Of WarGym Class Heroes - Peace Sign (Index Down)Gym Class HeroesCool and Dre (this is)You silly for this oneIt"s Travie (why you doin this to me)I started rappin back in the classScribbling tracksIn hopes that one of my jokesWould have the pretty young things laughinThe chubby little bastardWith a nack for little debbies snacksBut what I lacked in looksI made up for it in passionNo advance and plus we make it happenYour conscience more obnoxiousThen that laughy Taffy snappinGoodbye yesterdays ragsHello high fashionHands before you"s a manThat built a castle with sandWith no regards for tidelwavesAnd finally establishedTil the water comes in gallon drumsAnd wipes away my palaceBut now I"m sittin lovely offIn wonderland with AliceWith purple people passin meAt the catapillar"s chaliceHa ha, you probably thinkingI"m wrong right?Like I should quitWriting these songs right?Tell you what do it betterI just mightTake it back to 86You wanna lick, sike!Don"t let the TV mislead youMe and you dude we are not equalFuck you this is for my peopleFuck you this is for my peopleDon"t try to hide like I can"t see youYour parents must"ve been transAnd so see throughFuck you this is for my peopleFuck you this is for my peoplePut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downBefore I utter wordsAnd before I start to beginLet me make sure you clearI"m about securing the windI puzzle up my wordsWhile I piece another concoctionCause I"m stubborn with the thoughtThat failure was never an optionI grinds like a carpenterUntil my caleceous"s bleedWith the passion from my heartTo the many mouths that I feedThat"s why I look at most of youStupid I know it"s oddBecause you can"t really doNuttin to me unless you GODBut bein that none of you aint himYou can"t fuucck with meNow watch me erase themNow trust me see I"m so determinedI"m walkin through the heap of gauntletsWhile the fire is burninOr how the tiresTurning on the rim of the VI laugh and shake it offThe shiiit they be doin to meWit all the yappin and talkingAnd so and so thinkThat you can ever stop the kidOH NOSo if you get in my way you know yer done sonYou best believe what I say you better run sonFuck you because I do this for my loved onesFuck you because I do this for my loved onesYou better kneel downAnd pray cause where I come fromWe goin hard everyday that"s how the fights wonFuck you because I do this for my loved onesFuck you because I do this for my loved onesPut up the peace sign, put the index downPut up the peace sign, put the index downPut up the peace sign, put the index downPut up the peace sign, put the index downLook mom no handsYer little boys a manEverything you said is finally settin inTrainin wheels fell off and I kept peddlingNow I"m ridin wheelies on this industrySay the word I"ll ghostrideThis bittcch instantlyGood lookin pop on the strength that you givin meWasn"t for you Gym Class would be historyI"m on my upstate shiittI Was Brooklyn broke but now I"m upstate richGettin brains from two dames with French accentsNow I mess with local chicksI get em upstate shiiitYou prob thinking I"m wrong right?Like I should quit writtin these songs right?Tell you what do it better I just mightTake it back to 86 you want a lick, sike!Now it"s a lot of yall that can"t stand meCause my resembelance to prince is uncannyBut fuck you this is for my familyFuck you this is for my familyUpstate new york to MiamiUp late recording in my jammiesI do it for my familyFuck you this is for my familyPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index down 07:11:181
War And Peace 歌词
歌曲名:War And Peace歌手:Ice Cube专辑:War & Peace Vol. 1 (The War Disc)Godsmack - War & PeaceHere we go!Dance with the devil inside of meI"m longing for a second chanceAnd taste what seems to remind meOf all my skulls and skeletonsLive and let liveDie and let dieWar and peace in my hand(My temptations)This war and peace insideWill take me to the endHell awaits it"s closing in on meIt"strokes its hand down on my backAnd no more mistakesmy intentions are finally clearFrom how I"ve always beenLive and let liveDie and let dieLive and let liveDie and let dieWar and peace in my hand(my temptations)This war and peace inside wont endWar and peace in my hand, yahThis war and peace inside my headWill take me to the endWar and peace in my hand(my temptations)This war and peace inside wont endWar and peace in my hand, yahThis war and peace inside my headWill take me to the end 07:11:311
peace,我想她应该是想说再见,这个来自hiphop文化就是嘻哈文化,也是黑人俚语,是goodbye的意思,也有see you later,总之就是结束语还含有结束的祝福的意思2023-08-13 07:11:422
1、真正持久的胜利是和平,而不是战争。 The real and lasting victory is peace, not war. 2、理想是和平的,历史是暴力的。 Ideals are peaceful and history violent. 3、当世界和平,尘埃落定,唯一能摧毁我们的,只有爱。 When world peace and dust settle down, the only thing that can destroy us is love. 4、和平未到绝望之时,决不放弃和平;牺牲未到最后关头,亦不轻言牺牲。 Peace will never be abandoned until it reaches despair, nor will sacrifice be sacrificed at the last moment. 5、我追求世界和平,可遇见你之后我的内心就从未和平。 I pursue world peace, but after meeting you, my heart has never been peaceful. 6、尽管她渴望和平,但却沉溺于战争。 Despite her desire for peace, she indulged in war. 7、眼光短小之人会渴望和平,但和平是以战争为前提建立起来的虚伪。 Short-sighted people will yearn for peace, but peace is a hypocrisy built on the premise of war. 8、战争中你流尽鲜血,和平中你寸步难行。 In war you bleed blood, but in peace you could hardly do anything. 9、我们不能让和平的诚意和主张,变成别人束缚我们的绳索! We must not let the sincerity and proposition of peace bee the rope that others bind us! 10、我已经和恶魔签订了契约,事到如今已经无法和神明和平共处了。 I"ve signed a contract with the devil, and now I can"t live in peace with the gods. 11、和平属于局部的声音,不和平的喧嚣还充斥着我们耳鼓。 Peace belongs to the local voice, and the noise of non-peace still fills our ears. 12、为了和平,需要据理力争,更需要适度、适时地妥协。 In order to achieve peace, we need to strive for reasons and promise in a moderate and timely manner. 13、和平相对于战争来说,它具有滞后性。和平是战争的延续,战争是和平的手段。 Peace lags behind war. Peace is the continuation of war, and war is the means of peace. 14、从来就不存在好的战争,也不存在坏的和平。 There has never been a good war or a bad peace. 15、战争是为了和平。 War is for peace. 16、拖一日海阔天空,延一天世界和平。 Drag a day to sea and sky, delay a day of world peace. 17、自由是生命中最大的谎言,如果接受了这一点,你的内心,就能得到和平。 Freedom is the greatest lie in life. If you accept it, you will have peace in your heart. 18、你选择和平,还是战争。 You choose peace or war. 19、只有胜利者,才能用战争去换取和平。 Only the winner can trade war for peace. 20、和平不是成就而是责任。 Peace is not achievement but responsibility. 21、我最大的愿望不是世界和平,而是我爱的人始终活在和平的世界里。 My greatest wish is not world peace, but that the people I love always live in a peaceful world. 22、这个世界,终将需要和平。 The world will eventually need peace. 23、保护世界和平的任务交给他们了,我是个俗人,只对万恶的金钱感兴趣。 The task of protecting world peace has been entrusted to them. I am a vulgar man who is only interested in the evil money. 24、上天赋予的生命,就是要为人类的繁荣和平和幸福而奉献。 God"s life is to contribute to the prosperity, peace and happiness of mankind. 25、和平是桥梁,斗争是围墙。 Peace is a bridge and struggle is a wall. 26、你要记住,天下的和平不能寄希望于帮你守城的人,还需要有更多懂得和平的君主。 You have to remember that peace in the world can"t depend on those who help you guard the city. You also need more princes who understand peace. 27、没有什么方法可以获得和平,和平本身是一种方法。 There is no way to achieve peace. Peace itself is a way. 28、真理才是生命之光,斗争才是和平之母。 Truth is the light of life, and struggle is the mother of peace. 29、和平孕育着战争,战争孕育着和平。 Peace breeds war, war breeds peace. 30、我们只能用武器来保卫和平。 We can only defend peace with weapons. 31、和平没有国界,而人类却为了国界放弃和平。 Peace has no borders, but human beings give up peace for their borders. 32、夫妻之间的战争,目的是和平。 The purpose of war beeen hu *** and and wife is peace. 33、武力不能维持和平,只有互相理解才可以。 Force cannot maintain peace, only mutual understanding. 34、我们与谁实现和平?我们将与敌人实现和平。 With whom do we achieve peace? We will achieve peace with the enemy. 35、战争是一名老师,教会了人类和平;而和平,教会了人类战争。 War is a teacher who teaches human peace, while peace teaches human war. 36、有战争才能带来和平。 Only war can bring peace. 37、要和平,就得准备战争。 To be peaceful, we must prepare for war. 38、只有你的棍子比别人粗,才能保卫和平。 Only when your stick is thicker than others can you defend peace. 39、战争的尽头,改革的开始,和平的诞生。 The end of war, the beginning of reform and the birth of peace. 40、理想是和平的,历史是残酷的。 Ideals are peaceful and history is cruel. 41、赢得战争只不过是使和平有一个良好的开端。 Winning war is only a good beginning for peace. 42、降低物质欲望未必带来和平,为了得到和平,我们还须降低精神欲望。 Reducing material desires does not necessarily bring about peace. In order to achieve peace, we must also reduce spiritual desires. 43、你要和平还是尊严?和平就是屈服,尊严就是死。 Do you want peace or dignity? Peace is submission, dignity is death. 44、和平不是一厢情愿和单相思,更不是对合理战争的回避。 Peace is not wishful thinking and one-sided love, let alone avoidance of reasonable war. 45、用文学促进和平。 Promoting peace through literature.2023-08-13 07:12:101
反义词有三个:1.conflict 2.war 3. battle(战争)2023-08-13 07:12:203
求世界和平的英语演讲稿(The world peace)
The World PeaceAs a student living in china, I am very lucky to study in a peaceful environment and grow in a friendly country. Of course, we have kind parents, lovely classmates, and warm neighbors. But we should also remember that wars and hurt have never stopped. Look at the history of the world, we human had experienced so much pain , misery and despair. We had seen too many tears and sighs, too much blood and sacrifice. All these were reminding us: we must treasure the peace.We should do everything we can to maintain world peace. First of all, we should love and respect people of all colors and countries. Secondly, we should realize the importance of peace and against the views of wars. What"s more, we"d better often help others who are in trouble and make a good environment.2023-08-13 07:12:272
关于1968年的一部苏联电影《战争与和平》(War and Peace):
迅雷搜去。在这里浪费时间。2023-08-13 07:12:484
帮我写篇作文:I love peace and hate war 有提示
I love peace and hate war With the development of education and techonolgy, most people in the world love peace and hate war, so do I. There are many advantages of loving peace. The most important thing is that peace bring a lot of benefit, including a happy life, enjoying life, work, vacation, travelling and the beautiful nature by any means you like. Then peace can encourage the world development, together with economic, health, food, education and so on. Last but not least, loving peace is good for our growing up. On the contray, wars do much damage to us. Such as, a hard life, men have to join the army to fight, women and childern look for the safe place everywhere, the lack of food and water become a big problem. What is more, we may suffer the sadness of lose our relative. In a word, peace is better than war. I call on all the people love peace and hate war in order that we will have a bright and beautiful future.2023-08-13 07:13:041
War and peace are a permanent theme in history,哪一处有错误?
将ARE 改成IS战争与和平是历史一个永恒的话题。2023-08-13 07:13:122
Your Majesties, My People and the Foreign Minister of Israel Shimon Peres, Distinguished Guests, At an age when most youngsters are struggling to unravel the secrets of mathematics and the mysteries of the Bible; at an age when first love blooms; at the tender age of sixteen, I was handed a rifle so that I could defend myself. That was not my dream. I wanted to be a water engineer. I studied in an agricultural school and I thought being a water engineer was an important profession in the parched Middle East. I still think so today. However, I was compelled to resort to the gun. I served in the military for decades. Under my responsibility, young men and women who wanted to live, wanted to love, went to their deaths instead. They fell in the defense of our lives. Ladies and Gentlemen, In my current position, I have ample opportunity to fly over the State of Israel, and lately over other parts of the Middle East as well. The view from the plane is breathtaking; deep-blue seas and lakes, dark-green fields, dune-colored deserts, stone-gray mountains, and the entire countryside peppered with white-washed, red-roofed houses. And also cemeteries. Graves as far as the eye can see. Hundreds of cemeteries in our part of the world, in the Middle East —— in our home in Israel, but also in Egypt, in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon. From the plane"s window, from the thousands of feet above them, the countless tombstones are silent. But the sound of their outcry has carried from the Middle East throughout the world for decades. Standing here today, I wish to salute our loved ones —— and past foes. I wish to salute all of them —— the fallen of all the countries in all the wars; the members of their families who bear the enduring burden of bereavement; the disabled whose scars will never heal. Tonight, I wish to pay tribute to each and every one of them, for this important prize is theirs. Ladies and Gentlemen, I was a young man who has now grown fully in years. In Hebrew, we say, "Na"ar hayiti, ve-gam zakanti" [I was a young man, who has grown fully in years]. And of all the memories I have stored up in my seventy-two years, what I shall remember most, to my last day, are the silences: The heavy silence of the moment after, and the terrifying silence of the moment before. As a military man, as a commander, as a minister of defense, I ordered to carry out many military operations. And together with the joy of victory and the grief of bereavement, I shall always remember the moment just after taking such decisions: the hush as senior officers or cabinet ministers slowly rise from their seats; the sight of their receding backs; the sound of the closing door; and then the silence in which I remain alone. That is the moment you grasp that as a result of the decision just made, people might go to their deaths. People from my nation, people from other nations. And they still don"t know it. At that hour, they are still laughing and weeping; still weaving plans and dreaming about love; still musing about planting a garden or building a house —— and they have no idea these are their last hours on earth. Which of them is fated to die? Whose picture will appear in the black frame in tomorrow"s newspaper? Whose mother will soon be in mourning? Whose world will crumble under the weight of the loss? As a former military man, I will also forever remember the silence of the moment before: the hush when the hands of the clock seem to be spinning forward, when time is running out and in another hour, another minute, the inferno will erupt. In that moment of great tension just before the finger pulls the trigger, just before the fuse begins to burn; in the terrible quiet of the moment, there is still time to wonder, to wonder alone: Is it really imperative to act? Is there no other choice? No other way? "God takes pity on kindergartners," wrote the poet Yehudah Amichai, who is here with us this evening —— and I quote his: "God takes pity on kindergartners, Less so on the schoolchildren, And will no longer pity their elders, Leaving them to their own, And sometimes they will have to crawl on all fours, Through the burning sand, To reach the casualty station, Bleeding." For decades, God has not taken pity on the kindergartners in the Middle East, or the schoolchildren, or their elders. There has been no pity in the Middle East for generations. Ladies and Gentlemen, I was a young man who has now grown fully in years. And of all the memories I have stored up in my seventy-two years, I now recall the hopes. Our people have chosen us to give them life. Terrible as it is to say, their lives are in our hands. Tonight, their eyes are upon us and their hearts are asking: How is the power vested in these men and women being used? What will they decide? Into what kind of morning will we rise tomorrow? A day of peace? Of war? Of laughter? Of tears? A child is born in an utterly undemocratic way. He cannot choose his father and mother. He cannot pick his sex or color, his religion, nationality or homeland. Whether he is born in a manor or a manger, whether he lives under a despotic or democratic regime is not his choice. From the moment he comes, close-fisted, into the world, his fate —— to a large extent —— is decided by his nation"s leaders. It is they who will decide whether he lives in comfort or in despair, in security or in fear. His fate is given to us to resolve —— to the governments of countries, democratic or otherwise. Ladies and Gentlemen, Just as no two fingerprints are identical, so no two people are alike, and every country has its own laws and culture, traditions and leaders. But there is one universal message which can embrace the entire world, one precept which can be common to different regimes, to races which bear no resemblance, to cultures that are alien to each other. It is a message which the Jewish people has carried for thousands of years, the message found in the Book of Books: "Ve"nishmartem me"od l"nafshoteichem" —— "Therefore take good heed of yourselves" —— or, in contemporary terms, the message of the sanctity of life. The leaders of nations must provide their peoples with the conditions —— the infrastructure, if you will —— which enables them to enjoy life: freedom of speech and movement; food and shelter; and most important of all: life itself. A man cannot enjoy his rights if he is not alive. And so every country must protect and preserve the key element in its national ethos: the lives of its citizens. Only to defend those lives, we can call upon our citizens to enlist in the army. And to defend the lives of our citizens serving in the army, we invest huge sums in planes and tanks, and other means. Yet despite it all, we fail to protect the lives of our citizens and soldiers. Military cemeteries in every corner of the world are silent testimony to the failure of national leaders to sanctify human life. There is only one radical means for sanctifying human life. The one radical solution is a real peace. Ladies and Gentlemen, The profession of soldiering embraces a certain paradox. We take the best and the bravest of our young men into the army. We supply them with equipment which costs a virtual fortune. We rigorously train them for the day when they must do their duty —— and we expect them to do it well. Yet we fervently pray that that day will never come —— that the planes will never take off, the tanks will never move forward, the soldiers will never mount the attacks for which they have been trained so well. We pray that it will never happen, because of the sanctity of life. History as a whole, and modern history in particular, has known harrowing times when national leaders turned their citizens into cannon fodder in the name of wicked doctrines: vicious Fascism, terrible Nazism. Pictures of children marching to slaughter, photos of terrified women at the gates of the crematoria must loom before the eyes of every leader in our generation, and the generations to come. They must serve as a warning to all who wield power. Almost all regimes which did not place the sanctity of life at the heart of their worldview, all those regimes have collapsed and are no more. You can see it for yourselves in our own time. Yet this is not the whole picture. To preserve the sanctity of life, we must sometimes risk it. Sometimes there is no other way to defend our citizens than to fight for their lives, for their safety and freedom. This is the creed of every democratic state. In the State of Israel, from which I come today; in the Israel Defense Forces, which I have had the privilege to serve, we have always viewed the sanctity of life as a supreme value. We have never gone to war unless a war was forced on us. The history of the State of Israel, the annals of the Israel Defense Forces, are filled with thousands of stories of soldiers who sacrificed themselves —— who died while trying to save wounded comrades; who gave their lives to avoid causing harm to innocent people on their enemy"s side. In the coming days, a special commission of the Israel Defense Forces will finish drafting a Code of Conduct for our soldiers. The formulation regarding human life will read as follows, and I quote: "In recognition of its supreme importance, the soldier will preserve human life in every way possible and endanger himself, or others, only to the extent deemed necessary to fulfill this mission. "The sanctity of life, in the point of view of the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, will find expression in all their actions." For many years ahead —— even if wars come to an end, after peace comes to our land —— these words will remain a pillar of fire which goes before our camp, a guiding light for our people. And we take pride in that. Ladies and Gentlemen, We are in the midst of building the peace. The architects and the engineers of this enterprise are engaged in their work even as we gather here tonight, building the peace, layer by layer, brick by brick. The job is difficult, complex, trying. Mistakes could topple the whole structure and bring disaster down upon us. And so we are determined to do the job well —— despite the toll of murderous terrorism, despite the fanatic and cruel enemies of peace. We will pursue the course of peace with determination and fortitude. We will not let up. We will not give in. Peace will triumph over all its enemies, because the alternative is grimmer for us all. And we will prevail. We will prevail because we regard the building of peace as a great blessing for us, for our children after us. We regard it as a blessing for our neighbors on all sides, and for our partners in this enterprise —— the United States, Russia, Norway —— which did so much to bring the agreement that was signed here, later on in Washington, later on in Cairo, that wrote a beginning of the solution to the longest and most difficult part of the Arab-Israeli conflict: the Palestinian-Israeli one. We thank others who have contributed to it, too. We wake up every morning, now, as different people. Peace is possible. We see the hope in our children"s eyes. We see the light in our soldiers" faces, in the streets, in the buses, in the fields. We must not let them down. We will not let them down. I stand here not alone today, on this small rostrum in Oslo. I am here to speak in the name of generations of Israelis and Jews, of the shepherds of Israel —— and you know that King David was a shepherd; he started to build Jerusalem about 3,000 years ago —— the herdsmen and dressers of sycamore trees, and as the Prophet Amos was; of the rebels against the establishment, as the Prophet Jeremiah was; and of men who went down to the sea, like the Prophet Jonah. I am here to speak in the name of the poets and of those who dreamed of an end to war, like the Prophet Isaiah. I am also here to speak in the names of sons of the Jewish people like Albert Einstein and Baruch Spinoza, like Maimonides, Sigmund Freud and Franz Kafka. And I am the emissary of millions who perished in the Holocaust, among whom were surely many Einsteins and Freuds who were lost to us, and to humanity, in the flames of the crematoria. I am here as the emissary of Jerusalem, at whose gates I fought in the days of siege; Jerusalem which has always been, and is today, the people, who pray toward Jerusalem three times a day. And I am also the emissary of the children who drew their visions of peace; and of the immigrants from St. Petersburg and Addis Ababa2023-08-13 07:13:201
one peace 是什么意思?
意思是:一个和约。重点词汇:peace英[pi:s]释义:n.和平;平静;和睦;秩序n.(Peace)人名;(英)皮斯[第三人称单数peaces;现在分词:peacing;过去式:peaced;过去分词:peaced]短语:War and Peace和平与和平;列夫·托尔斯泰;战争与和平专辑近义词:quiet英['kwau026au0259t]释义:adj.安静的;安定的;不动的;温顺的n.安静;和平vt.使平息;安慰vi.平静下来[第三人称单数quiets;现在分词:quieting;过去式:quieted;过去分词:quieted;比较级:quieter或more quiet;最高级:quietest或most quiet]短语:The Quiet Man蓬门今始为君开;平静的人;沉静的人2023-08-13 07:13:282
英语作文。 国家与地区战争的原因,结果,如何避免
War and Peace is the eternal theme of human history. What kind of international structural reasons lead to war? How to prevent war? Ancient War and Modern Warfare What are the similarities and differences? What is the purpose of the national war? For centuries scholars have been pursued answers to these questions.So far, international relations scholars to produce some of the more popular explanations. For example, some scholars have proposed a theory to explain the reality, the main focus of this interpretation is that the strength or the status of forces between countries, most notably the new realism and power transfer theory. New Realism scholars believe bipolar system can promote stability in international relations, such as the United States during the Cold War bipolar system and the Soviet Union, but this theory has a lot of problems. For example, the bipolar system of the Cold War did not last long; and finally the decline of the Soviet Union more of a change in its domestic politics have a relationship, rather than competitive relationship with the United States.Power Transition theory held the opposite conclusion. This theory holds that the balance of power will not bring stability and peace; on the contrary, when the war broke out most likely is that when the dominant great powers and the rise of great powers when considerable strength. The reason is the rise of great powers tend to the international regime or rules are dissatisfied, this dissatisfaction with the rise of the country"s strength will increase, when the rise of state-owned sufficient strength to challenge the dominant powers, dissatisfaction will be converted into a war. On the other hand, they are often not willing to own dominant powers fading, easy to launch a preventive war has not been a full-fledged country during the rise to maintain their dominant position.About another genre of war and peace is the concern of the international system or systems within countries. On the domestic system, the most famous is the "democratic peace" theory, that is not a war between democracy and the spread of democracy would bring an era of peace. The reason is not a war between democracies because democracies share common values, democratic state system of internal checks and balances to restrain militant leaders, or the exchange of information between democracy more transparent and so on. Currently, controversy about a great democratic peace theory. Moreover, on the causes of the war issue, "democratic peace" theory is only one negative: it does not tell us is why the war broke out.The theory of war and peace in the international system as the core fulcrum is another more familiar genre, the so-called "neo-liberalism" or, more precisely, in international politics, "the international school system." However, for many reasons scholars who study the war, "the international school system" is more discussion "after the war," the institutional arrangements, the reason for the outbreak of war, "the International Regime School" and "Democracy and Peace", as It is a "negative theory."2023-08-13 07:14:181
Peace and development are two main themes of the world today,but we still have rigional conflicts or even local wars in the middle east or places alike.Comparing with prosperity and peace, war and death would be last choices for human beings,but why people choose to behave so radical and cruel, I think there are many factors acount for this:power politics and hegemony pactising by major countries like the U.S.religious and belief difference of people.the ever growing gap between the western countries and their counterparts.maintain peace of the world is by no means an easy task at all, it entails combined efforts from all walks of life,narrow the gap between developed nations and the poor ones politically and economically,bring international roles of organizations like the UN and WTO into full play thus stop war at the first sight.Globalization is progressing with each passing day and we have already in the bracement of the new centry, we are and we should be confident that we can stop the evil spirit of war by jointed efforts.2023-08-13 07:14:491
我也想知道,我的输入秘籍后没有什么作用~~~~~~2023-08-13 07:14:562
war and peace chapter 6txt全集下载
邮箱在哪2023-08-13 07:15:043
我不知道第三次世界大战怎么打,但我知道第四次,用石头和木棍(爱因斯坦)2023-08-13 07:15:554
小说 《格林的世界》Grimm"s World (1969) ,又称为《塔迦·格林的世界》Tatja Grimm"s World (1987)《自作聪明》The Witling (1976)《彩虹的尽头》Rainbows End (2006) 小说集 《真名实姓》True Names... and Other Dangers (1987)《恐吓》Threats ... and Other Promises (1988)《弗诺·文奇故事集》The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge (2001) 短篇 《孤独》Apartness (1965)《书呆子快跑》Bookworm, Run! (1966)《帮凶》The Accomplice (1967)《格林故事》Grimm"s Story (1968)《》Conquest by Default (1968)《炸弹危机》Bomb Scare (1970)《科学展览》The Science Fair (1971)《和平》Just Peace (1971) with William L. Rupp [as by Vernor Vinge and William Rupp ]《大赌注》Long Shot (1972)《原罪》Original Sin (1972)《时间陀螺》The Whirligig of Time (1974)《学徒》The Peddler"s Apprentice (1975) with Joan D. Vinge [as by Joan Vinge and Vernor Vinge ]《真名实姓》True Names (1981)《宝石》Gemstone (1983)《野蛮人的公主》The Barbarian Princess (1986)《我得了诺贝尔奖!》Win a Nobel Prize! (2000)《费尔蒙特中学的流星岁月》Fast Times at Fairmont High (2001)《循环》The Cookie Monster (2003)《人工好运》Synthetic Serendipity (2004) 系列 Across Real Time 《跨越实时》1 The Peace War (1984) 《和平战争》2 Marooned in Realtime (1986) 《栗色世界》或《实时放逐》The Blabber (1988) [SF] 《呱啦啦》1 A Fire Upon the Deep (1992) 《深渊上的火》2 A Deepness in the Sky (1999) 《天渊》2023-08-13 07:16:261
252个词根1,ag=do,act 做,动2,agri=field 田地,农田(agri也做agro,agr)3,ann=year年 4,audi=hear听5,bell=war战争 6,brev=short短7,ced,ceed,cess=go行走 8,cept=take拿取9,cid,cis=cut,kill切,杀 10,circ=ring环,圈11,claim,clam=cry,shout喊叫 12,clar=clear清楚,明白13,clud=close,shut关闭 14,cogn=known知道15,cord=heart心 16,corpor=body体17,cred=believe,trust相信,信任 18,cruc=cross 十字19,cur=care关心 20,cur,curs,cour,cours=run跑21,dent=tooth牙齿 22,di=day 日23,dict=say说 24,dit=give给25,don=give给 26,du=tow二27,duc,duct=lead引导28,ed=eat吃 29,equ=equal等,均,平30,ev=age年龄,寿命,时代,时期31,fact=do,make做,作 32,fer=bring,carry带拿33,flor=flower花 34,flu=flow流35,fus=pour灌,流,倾泄36,grad=step,go,grade步,走,级37,gram=write,draw写,画,文字,图形38,graph=write,records写,画,记录器,图形39,gress=go,walk 行走40,habit=dwell居住41,hibit=hold拿,持 42,hospit=guest客43,idio=peculiar,own,private,proper特殊的,个人的,专有的44,insul=island岛 45,it=go行走46,ject=throw投掷 47,juven=young年轻,年少48,lectchoose,gather选,收 49,lev=raise举,升50,liber=free自由 51,lingu=language语言52,liter=letter文字,字母 53,loc=place地方54,log=speak言,说 55,loqu=speak言,说56,lun=moon月亮57,man=dwell,stay居住,停留58,manu=hand手 59,mar=sea海60,medi=middle中间 61,memor=memory记忆62,merg=dip,sink 沉,没 63,migr=remove,move迁移64,milit=soldier兵 65,mini=**all,little小66,mir=wonder惊奇 67,miss=send 投,送,发(miss也作mit)68,mob=move动 69,mort=death死70,mot=move移动,动71,nomin=name名72,nov=new新 73,numer=number 数74,onym=name 名 75,oper=work工作76,ori=rise升起77,paci=peace和平,平静78,pel=push,drive推,逐,驱79,pend,pens=hang悬挂/weigh称量/pay支出,付钱,花费80,pet=seek追求 81,phon=sound声音82,pict=paint画,描绘 83,plen=full满,全84,plic=fold折,重叠 85,pon=put放置86,popul=people人民 87,port=carry拿,带,运88,pos=put放置 89,preci=price价值90,punct=point,prick点,刺 91,pur=pure清,纯,净92,rect=right,straight正,直 93,rupt=break破94,sal=salt盐 95,scend,scens=climb爬,攀96,sci=know知 97,sec,sequ=follow跟随98,sect=cut切割 99,sent,sens=feel感觉100,sid=sit坐 101,sist=stand站立102,son=sound声音 103,spect=look看104,spir=breathe呼吸105,tail=cut切割106,tain,ten,tin=hold握,持,守 107,tect=cover掩盖108,tele=far远 109,tempor=time时110,tend(tens,tent)=stretch伸111,terr=land,earth土地,陆地112,text=weave纺织 113,tract=draw拉,抽,引114,un=one一 115,urb=city城市116,vac,vacu=empty空 117,vad,vas=walk,go行走118,vari=change变化 119,ven=come来120,vert,vers=turn转 121,vi,via=way道路122,vis,vid=see看 123,vit=life生命124,viv=live活第二部分,多认词根,多识单词。125,aer(o)空气,空中,航空 126,alt高127,am爱 128,ambul行走129,anim生命,活,心神,意见130,anthrop(o)人,人类 131,aqu水132,arch统治者,首脑archy 统治133,avi鸟 134,bat打135,biblio书 136,birg战斗,打137,cad,cas降落,降临 138,cert 确定,确信139,chron时 140,cid降落,降临141,clin倾 142,co**(o)世界,宇宙143,cracy统治crat支持 144,cub躺,卧145,cult耕,培养 146,cycl(o)圈,环,轮147,dem(o)人民 148,dexter右149,doc教 150,dom屋,家151,dorm睡眠 152,drom跑153,ego我 154,err漫游,走,行155,fabl,fabul 言 156,feder联盟157,ferv沸,热 158,fict,fig塑造,虚构159,fid信任 160,fil线161,flat 吹 162,flect,flex弯曲163,flict打击 164,frag,fract破,折165,frig冷 166,fug逃,散167,fund,found底,基础 168,gam婚姻169,gram谷物,谷粒 170,grav重171,greg群,集合 172,gyn,gynce(o)妇女173,hal呼吸 174,helic(o)螺旋175,hes,her粘着 176,ign火177,integr整,全 178,junct连接,连结179,later边 180,leg读181,leg,legis法 182,luc光183,lumin光184,magn(i)大185,matr(i),metro母186,mega大187,mens测量188,ment心,神,智,思,意189,min伸出,突出 190,misc混合,混杂191,mis(o)恨,厌恶 192,mon告诫,提醒193,mon单独,一个 194,mur墙195,mut变换196,nat诞生197,nav船 198,nect,nex结,系199,negr,nigr黑 200,nihil无201,noc,nox伤害 202,noct(i)夜203,norm规范,正规,正常 204,nutri营养205,orn装饰 206,par生,产207,parl说,谈 208,past喂,食209,path(o),pathy疾病,疗法210,patr(i)父,祖 211,ped脚,足212,ped儿童,小孩 213,petr(o)石214,phag吃 215,phil(o)爱216,phob(ia)怕 217,plex重叠,重218,polis城市 219,prim第一,最初220,radic根 221,ras,rad擦,刮222,rid,ris笑 223,rod,ros咬,啮224,rot轮,转 225,rud原始,粗野226,rur,rus农村227,sat,satis,satur足,满,饱228,sen老 229,simil,simul相似,相同230,sol单独 231,sol太阳232,soph智慧 233,sper希望234,spers,spars散,撒 235,splend发光,照耀236,stell星 237,tact,tag触238,the(o)神 239,ton音240,tort扭 241,tour迂回,转242,trud,trus推,冲 243,tut,tuit监护,看管244,umbr阴影 245,ut,us用246,vas走,漫游 247,val强248,van空,无 249,ver(i)真实250,voc,vok声音,叫喊250,voc,vok声音,叫喊251,vol,volunt意志,意愿252,volu,volv滚,转2023-08-13 07:16:461
其实英语单词和汉字一样,存在着很多的“偏旁部首”,知道了偏旁部首你就可以根据它们直接来猜测单词的意思,虽不说百分之百猜准,但起码可以猜测个大概,至少在别人告诉过你单词的意思后你可以恍然大悟地领会它,这样就可以大大增强你对英语单词“见字识意”的能力,做到真正认识一个单词,而把它的汉语意思仅做为一般参考。2023-08-13 07:17:172
寻求 奥黛丽赫本 的简介 要英文的
Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood"s all-time favourite actresses. Audrey was born in Belgium on 4th May 1929.She began taking ballet lessons at a very young age.She loved dancing and her dream was to become a successful ballet dancer.She had also been a model before she became a Holleywood superstar. In 1951, while filming Monte Carlo Baby,Audrey met the famous writer Colette.Audrey"s beauty and charm attracted the writer" attention.Colette wrote a novel called Gigi.The novel was later made into a play.Colette insisted that Audrey was the perfect girl to play the lead role in the play.That event marked the beginning of Audrey"s successful career. During her lifetime,Audrey won an Oscar for Best Actress for her role in Roman Holiday.She also won the Tony Awards for the play Ondine.She earned four more nominations in her acting years. Audrey was also a great humanitarian.In 1992,the President of the United States presented her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work. In 1991,Audrey discoverde that she had cancer.On 10th January 1993,she took her last walk in her garden.Ten days later,at the age of 63,Audrey passed away,peacefully,in her sleep.2023-08-13 07:17:293
If there__peace,we must try in every way to prevent war.
一个点there 后面是不会加 will/should/shall/could/have/has...只有there is/are (be) 的形式2023-08-13 07:17:393
with great efforts of the peace-loving people all over the world ,Irap---the war
A 因为survive 是及物动词,它后面直接接着宾语the war,不需要任何介词。~~~~回答简明扼要,欢迎追问。(*^__^*) ~~~~2023-08-13 07:17:482
英语谚语:If you wish for peace, be prepared for war 中文翻译是什么?
英语谚语: If you wish for peace be prepared for war 中文意思: 想要和平,必须备战。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: No rose without a thorn 玫瑰都有刺。 No rule without an exception 没有一条规则没有例外。 No safe wading in an unknown water 未知水深浅,涉水有危险。 No *** oke without some fire 无风不起浪。 No song no supper 不劳无获。 No sooner said than done 言而必行。 No sunshine but bath some shadow 有明必有暗。 No sweat no sweet 不劳则无获。 No sweet without some sweat 不劳则无获。 Nothing brave nothing have 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 英语谚语: If you wish for peace be prepared for war 中文意思: 想要和平,必须备战。2023-08-13 07:17:551
civil war的中英文对照歌词.
内战 (独白)我们在这儿一无所获,沟通以失败告终 某些人你无法与之交流 所以你明白了吧?上周我们什么也没干成。 正如他所愿,的确达到了他的目的! 这是我不想看见的结果,再也不想。 看看男人们的奋力挣斗吧 听听女人们的悲伤哭泣吧 看着年轻人都相继死去 那就是我们一直以来的所作所为 看看我们滋生的仇恨吧 看看我们散播的恐惧吧 再看看我们所过的生活吧 那就是我们一直以来的所作所为 我的双手已被缚 数以万计的人们流离失所 战争仍在持续,而我们被洗脑 以上帝之爱和人权之名 用那沾满鲜血的双手,横扫一切,没有什么能逃脱 它轻轻松松就洗去了大屠杀的罪恶血迹 而历史藏匿了战争的谎言 你是否带上了黑袖章 当他们枪杀了那个男人 那个高喊“和平将永存”的男人 在我最初的记忆里 他们就这样刺杀了肯尼迪 而在我学着看清世事时开始麻木不仁 所以我从未去到越南 华盛顿的纪念墙时时都在提醒我们 你绝不能相信自由这种东西 它非你所能掌控 当所有人都为他们的应许之地战斗时 我不需要你们的战争 它喂肥了富人,却埋葬了穷人 那些在食品店里被出卖的士兵们 不过只是在满足你贪婪的权欲 肉很新鲜吧? 我不需要你们的战争。 看看遍地狼藉的战场吧 看看我们抛洒的热血吧 看看这个杀戮的世界吧 那就是我们一直以来的所作所为 看看我们内心的挣扎吧 看看我们追随的领袖吧 看看我们强咽的谎言吧 我再也不想听到了 我的双手已被缚 因为我所看见的一切已然改变了我的思想 然而时间流逝,战争仍在继续 再也没有什么上帝之爱和人权之名 那些施了催眠术,沾满鲜血的双手 已将这些美梦一扫而空 是谁为杀戮者戴上圣洁的十字架 而历史独自容忍了内战的创伤 (独白)我们来做个试验吧,比如选择性地迁灭那些市长和政府官员, 然后由我们去填补权力的真空 使战争进一步获得民心 那和平就会临近了 (REPEAT) 我再也不需要任何战争了 不管怎样,这都是一场真正意义上的内战。 "What we"ve got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can"t reach... So, you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it! Well, he gets it! N" I don"t like it any more than you men." * Look at your young men fighting Look at your women crying Look at your young men dying The way they"ve always done before Look at the hate we"re breeding Look at the fear we"re feeding Look at the lives we"re leading The way we"ve always done before My hands are tied The billions shift from side to side And the wars go on with brainwashed pride For the love of God and our human rights And all these things are swept aside By bloody hands time can"t deny And are washed away by your genocide And history hides the lies of our civil wars D"you wear a black armband When they shot the man Who said "Peace could last forever" And in my first memories2023-08-13 07:18:043