"found"的音标为 /fau028and/。
I found my lost phone under the couch cushion.
The police finally found the missing child after hours of searching.
We found some rare antiques in our grandparents" attic.
The company was founded by a group of tech entrepreneurs in the early 2000s.
She found her calling as a doctor after years of working in various fields.
The scientists found evidence of ancient life on Mars.
The charity was founded to help provide education for underprivileged children.
求高一英语作文 LIFE ON MARS 设想一下人类迁居到了火星上的生活会怎样?
1. Big houses are made by special material which could prevent the radiation of the Sun. 2. Fruits and vegetables on Mars are more nutritious than those on the earth. 3. New energies on Mars do not produce carbon dioxide, or create greenhouse effect. 4. One can get to school at ease by jumping a couple of times. Life on Mars Life on Mars is different from the one on the earth. Big houses are made by special material which could prevent the radiation of the Sun. Moreover, fruits and vegetables on Mars are more nutritious than those on the earth. Also, new energies on Mars do not produce carbon dioxide, or create greenhouse effect. In addition, one can get to school at ease by jumping a couple of times. 2. Fruits and vegetables on Mars are more nutritious than those on the earth. 3. New energies on Mars do not produce carbon dioxide, or create greenhouse effect. 4. One can get to school at ease by jumping a couple of times. Life on Mars Life on Mars is different from the one on the earth. Big houses are made by special material which could prevent the radiation of the Sun. Moreover, fruits and vegetables on Mars are more nutritious than those on the earth. Also, new energies on Mars do not produce carbon dioxide, or create greenhouse effect. In addition, one can get to school at ease by jumping a couple of times." ,rich:"0" });2023-08-12 18:54:311
如何评价《life on mars》这首歌?
我无法感受到音乐的情感,但从它的音乐性和歌词表达来看,《lifeonmars》是一首经典的摇滚歌曲,由大卫·鲍伊演唱,发表于1971年。这首歌既有浪漫主义的气息,又有大胆的艺术表达,歌词充满诗意,探讨了生命的存在和意义。同时,曲调和编排也相当出色,展现出鲍伊优秀的音乐才华和对摇滚音乐的独特理解。整体来看,这首歌是鲍伊音乐生涯的代表之一,也是摇滚乐史上的经典之作,对整个音乐界产生了深远的影响。2023-08-12 18:54:382
以《life on Mars》为题写一篇英语作文,(写出住在火星的好与坏)
Many people believe that we will live on life on mars will be better than lifeon earth in many ways. peoplewill have more space. however, insome ways, life on mars may notbe better than life ...2023-08-12 18:54:501
Life On Mars 歌词
这只是一场糟糕的肥皂剧对那个一头鼠毛头发的丫头来说,但她妈妈正嚷着:“别。”而她爸爸却叫她去可她举目四周无人她径自走向沉睡的梦里坐上那个视线最好的位子被银幕牢牢迷住可是电影却越来越陷入沉闷因为这样的生活她已经历过许多次她能看透那些傻瓜的眼神当他们要她注意看:水手们在舞厅里群殴哦,老弟!快看那些洞穴人啊这是最最怪异的演出瞧那个警察他打错了人哦,老弟!很诧异他到底是否知道他身在这最卖座的一场演出中火星上是否有生命?美国佬皱眉,百思不得其解米老鼠长成了一头奶牛工人们正在为名声罢工因为列侬又在打折销售。看着那些数以百万计的耗子从伊比沙岛到诺福克河不列颠尼亚军规已经超出国界对于我老妈,我的狗还有小丑们可是电影逐渐陷入沉闷因为我自己都写过上十遍了现在又要开始重来当我要你快去注意:水手们在舞厅里群殴哦,老弟!快看那些洞穴人这是最最怪异的演出瞧那个警察他打错了人哦,老弟!真怀疑他是否知道他正身处这最卖座的一场演出火星上是否有生命呢?2023-08-12 18:54:572
life on mars 歌词
Life On Mars歌词It"s a god-awful small affairTo the girl with the mousy hairBut her mummy is yelling "No"And her daddy has told her to goBut her friend is nowhere to be seenNow she walks through her sunken dreamTo the seat with the clearest viewAnd she"s hooked to the silver screenBut the film is a saddening boreFor she"s lived it ten times or moreShe could spit in the eyes of foolsAs they ask her to focus onSailors fighting in the dance hallOh man! look at those cavemen goIt"s the freakiest showTake a look at the lawmanBeating up the wrong guyOh man! Wonder if he"ll ever knowHe"s in the best selling showIs there life on Mars?It"s on Amerika"s tortured browThat Mickey Mouse has grown up a cowNow the workers have struck for fame"Cause Lennon"s on sale againSee the mice in their million hordesFrom Ibeza to the norfolk broadsRule Britannia is out of boundsTo my mother, my dog, and clownsBut the film is a saddening bore"Cause I wrote it ten times or moreIt"s about to be writ againAs I ask you to focus onSailors fighting in the dance hallOh man! Look at those cavemen goIt"s the freakiest showTake a look at the LawmanBeating up the wrong guyOh man! Wonder if he"ll ever knowHe"s in the best selling showIs there life on Mars?歌曲名:Life On Mars歌手:The Bad Plus专辑:Live At The Itunes Festival2023-08-12 18:55:042
求高一英语作文 LIFE ON MARS 设想一下人类迁居到了火星上的生活会怎样?
1. Big houses are made by special material which could prevent the radiation of the Sun.2. Fruits and vegetables on Mars are more nutritious than those on the earth.3. New energies on Mars do not produce carbon dioxide, or create greenhouse effect.4. One can get to school at ease by jumping a couple of times.Life on MarsLife on Mars is different from the one on the earth. Big houses are made by special material which could prevent the radiation of the Sun. Moreover, fruits and vegetables on Mars are more nutritious than those on the earth. Also, new energies on Mars do not produce carbon dioxide, or create greenhouse effect. In addition, one can get to school at ease by jumping a couple of times.2. Fruits and vegetables on Mars are more nutritious than those on the earth.3. New energies on Mars do not produce carbon dioxide, or create greenhouse effect.4. One can get to school at ease by jumping a couple of times.Life on MarsLife on Mars is different from the one on the earth. Big houses are made by special material which could prevent the radiation of the Sun. Moreover, fruits and vegetables on Mars are more nutritious than those on the earth. Also, new energies on Mars do not produce carbon dioxide, or create greenhouse effect. In addition, one can get to school at ease by jumping a couple of times." ,rich:"0" });2023-08-12 18:55:131
Life On Mars? (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词
歌曲名:Life On Mars? (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:David Bowie专辑:IselectDavid Bowie - Life On MarsIt"s a god-awful small affairTo the girl with the mousy hairBut her mummy is yelling "No"And her daddy has told her to goBut her friend is nowhere to be seenNow she walks through her sunken dreamTo the seat with the clearest viewAnd she"s hooked to the silver screenBut the film is a saddening boreFor she"s lived it ten times or moreShe could spit in the eyes of foolsAs they ask her to focus onSailors fighting in the dance hallOh man! look at those cavemen goIt"s the freakiest showTake a look at the lawmanBeating up the wrong guyOh man! Wonder if he"ll ever knowHe"s in the best selling showIs there life on Mars?It"s on Amerika"s tortured browThat Mickey Mouse has grown up a cowNow the workers have struck for fame"Cause Lennon"s on sale againSee the mice in their million hordesFrom Ibeza to the norfolk broadsRule Britannia is out of boundsTo my mother, my dog, and clownsBut the film is a saddening bore"Cause I wrote it ten times or moreIt"s about to be writ againAs I ask you to focus onSailors fighting in the dance hallOh man! Look at those cavemen goIt"s the freakiest showTake a look at the LawmanBeating up the wrong guyOh man! Wonder if he"ll ever knowHe"s in the best selling showIs there life on Mars? 18:55:321
以《life on Mars》为题写一篇英语作文,初三水平!谢谢拉!!!!(写出住在火星的好与坏)
Many people believe that we will live on life on mars will be better than lifeon earth in many ways. peoplewill have more space. however, insome ways, life on mars may notbe better than life on earth will not be the same and itwill not taste good. also, spacetravel will make people ill. thespace shuttles will travel fast butthe journey to mars will probablybe very uncomfortable.希望采纳(^_^)2023-08-12 18:55:421
Lifes on Mars In the future, people can move to other planets including Mars.How is the life on Mars? Let"s go and have a look. This is the morning on mars,you wake up in the bed of a capsule .You get up and go washing withoutmaking bed but the robots will do it .You have a special breakfast that the material comes from the Mars. Full and Satisified,you are ready to go out, this moment ,you need to wear a mask that can protect you from the thin air and strong storm.People here are all live in capsule,and you will drive a carrige to pay a visit.Just the moment,you have seen many things familiar to you.Right,it is your hometown, wisepeople construct many things that are the same on the Earth for people to in memory of them. Finishing visiting,you can"t for get what you have seen, it is not a dream but the things will reallyhappened in the future.Let us look forward the day!2023-08-12 18:55:511
2006年首播美剧《火星生活》(Life on Mars)简介:曼城的一位警探 Sam Tyler 在办案中被车撞倒在地,从昏迷中醒来后发现自己的4×4车变成了30年前的款式,车内有把他调到曼城警署的文件。原来他回到了1973年,还是在同一栋楼里办公,成了另一个警探 Gene Hunt 的下属...2023-08-12 18:56:091
求一篇英语作文 Life on Mars
1. Big houses are made by special material which could prevent the radiation of the Sun.2. Fruits and vegetables on Mars are more nutritious than those on the earth.3. New energies on Mars do not produce carbon dioxide, or create greenhouse effect.4. One can get to school at ease by jumping a couple of times.Life on MarsLife on Mars is different from the one on the earth. Big houses are made by special material which could prevent the radiation of the Sun. Moreover, fruits and vegetables on Mars are more nutritious than those on the earth. Also, new energies on Mars do not produce carbon dioxide, or create greenhouse effect. In addition, one can get to school at ease by jumping a couple of times.自己翻译的 希望能对你有所帮助2023-08-12 18:56:231
作文……life on Mars
1. Big houses are made by special material which could prevent the radiation of the Sun.2. Fruits and vegetables on Mars are more nutritious than those on the earth.3. New energies on Mars do not produce carbon dioxide, or create greenhouse effect.4. One can get to school at ease by jumping a couple of times.Life on MarsLife on Mars is different from the one on the earth. Big houses are made by special material which could prevent the radiation of the Sun. Moreover, fruits and vegetables on Mars are more nutritious than those on the earth. Also, new energies on Mars do not produce carbon dioxide, or create greenhouse effect. In addition, one can get to school at ease by jumping a couple of times.2023-08-12 18:56:301
近期韩剧年龄差极大的姐弟恋组合引起不少讨论,包括《黑暗荣耀》、《浪漫速成班》都曾因为「CP感不足」造成热议,而近日网上一篇以韩剧「姐弟恋天花板」为题的文章也成功引发话题,《需要浪漫3》浪漫又经典,《经常请吃饭的漂亮姊姊》孙艺真、丁海寅高颜值组CP深受喜爱,《密会》金喜爱、刘亚仁火花太强,而李钟硕、李宝英《听见你的声音》又属经典中的经典,成为呼声最高的「姐弟恋神剧」!1、网议韩剧「姐弟恋天花板」:李钟硕、李宝英《听见你的声音》《听见你的声音》由《Start-Up》编剧朴惠莲、《今日的网漫》导演赵秀沅携手合作,李钟硕、李宝英尹相铉、李多熙、郑雄仁、金海淑担纲主演,剧情通过拥有读心术的超能力少年「朴修夏」自身的故事及经历,来展现爱情、成长与人间的温暖真情。《听见你的声音》在播出前其实不被看好,不仅读心术的设定挨轰老套,李钟硕、朴宝英相差11岁的「姐弟恋」也饱受争议,不过该剧却凭借精彩又牵动人心的剧情,加上立体鲜明的角色刻画,成功晋升为年度黑马剧情,不仅创下26.2%高收视纪录,还被众多剧迷封为一刷再刷的「神剧」,也是呼声最高、网友一致公认的「姐弟恋天花板」!2、网议韩剧「姐弟恋天花板」:孙艺真、丁海寅《经常请吃饭的漂亮姊姊》《经常请吃饭的漂亮姊姊》由《密会》安畔锡导演与金恩作家合作打造,孙艺真、丁海寅、张少妍担纲主演,剧情讲述长时间以来,一直情同姐弟的35岁女性「尹珍雅」和31岁男性「徐俊熙」之间,突然萌芽生出爱情的浪漫故事。《经常请吃饭的漂亮姊姊》写实刻画了35岁女性在事业上的困境,以及她对爱情、人生的选择,引起不少女性共鸣,而孙艺真、丁海寅这对高颜值组合也受到狂赞,两人不仅CP感十足,粉红泡泡满满的高甜互动,更是让观众看得欲罢不能,而该剧也是2018年度韩剧话题冠军,在网友热议的韩剧「姐弟恋天花板」中,呼声更仅次于《听见你的声音》!网议韩剧「姐弟恋天花板」:金素妍、盛骏《需要浪漫3》《需要浪漫3》由该系列编剧郑贤贞接续执笔,金素妍、盛骏、南宫珉、王智媛担纲主演,剧情以「电视购物公司」为背景,讲述了女性在职场间的竞争、友情还有爱情的故事。《需要浪漫》系列一直颇受好评,其中又属第三季评价最高,《需要浪漫3》虽然在角色设定上稍嫌老套,但叙述故事的手法却相当新颖,金素妍、盛骏的组合也深受喜爱,即使是不偏好姐弟恋题材的观众都被圈粉,是部兼具写实与浪漫的优质爱情小品!3、网议韩剧「姐弟恋天花板」:金喜爱、刘亚仁《密会》《密会》由《春夜》安畔锡导演及郑成珠作家携手打造,金喜爱、刘亚仁、朴赫权担纲主演,剧情讲述为了追求成功而只顾眼前利益的艺术财团企划室长「吴惠媛」,与天才钢琴家「李善宰」之间,40岁女人与20岁少年欲望与情感交织的禁忌爱情故事。《密会》描绘了有夫之妇与20岁少年的禁忌师生恋,不仅剧情精彩细腻,故事节奏流畅,整部剧艺术水准也很高,无论演员演技、配乐、画面及光线都堪称电影等级,可以说是该编导组合最受推崇的韩剧佳作,而金喜爱、刘亚仁惊人火花更是令人赞叹,有别于其他人气姐弟恋题材韩剧,《密会》让观众置身在紧张氛围中,感受男女主角激烈的情欲流动,让观众看完仍久久无法出坑!4、网议韩剧「姐弟恋天花板」:蔡琳、李民基《达子的春天》《达子的春天》由蔡琳、李民基、李慧英、李贤宇、孔炯轸担纲主演,剧情讲述33岁的家庭剧物频道代理「吴达子」,一心渴望爱情,却意外遇上花心汉,为了对前男友复仇,她找上了职业情人「姜泰峰」假扮一个月的恋人,同时又碰上完美男人「严基中」,迎来属于自己的春天的浪漫爱情故事。《达子的春天》已经是2007年的旧剧,却仍然获得不少观众点名,该剧写实刻画了轻熟龄女性,面对事业及爱情的两难,对于角色的心境也有细腻描绘,引起不少观众共感,整部剧看似轻松有趣,却饶富深度,在友情、爱情、事业及梦想等层面都有所著墨,即使播出至今已相隔逾15年,仍然是不少人反复回看的爱剧!5、网议韩剧「姐弟恋天花板」:李钟硕、李奈映《罗曼史是别册附录》《罗曼史是别册附录》由《Life on Mars》李政孝导演与《恋爱的发现》郑贤贞作家合作打造,李钟硕、李奈映、郑釉珍、魏嘏隽担纲主演,此剧以「出版社」为背景,讲述男女主角一起长大,并随著时间的流逝,逐渐感受到对彼此感情的故事。《罗曼史是别册附录》看似是部单纯讲述姐弟恋的爱情剧集,实际上对于生活、职场与婚姻的描绘更是深刻,整部剧富有文艺气息,画面呈现温暖又诗意,虽然起初李钟硕、李奈映的搭配不受看好,但打动人心的故事内容却意外口碑爆棚,该剧不仅是许多粉丝心中李钟硕的最佳韩剧,就连李钟硕自己都曾透露私心最爱这部!6、网议韩剧「姐弟恋天花板」:金荷娜、李到晛《回到18岁》《回到18岁》由《Go Back夫妇》河炳勋导演与金度渊、安恩彬编剧合作打造,金荷娜、尹相铉、李到晛担纲主演,此剧改编自热门美国电影《回到17岁》,讲述一对婚姻破裂边缘的中年夫妇,在准备离婚之际,丈夫却突然回到18岁,成为一名高中生篮球天才,开启一段弥补过往的故事。《回到18岁》剧情写实又温馨,暖心桥段众多,有笑也有泪,不管主副线故事都同样精彩,让该剧深受不少剧迷喜爱,《回到18岁》带给观众的不仅是无穷余韵,还有满满的正能量及疗愈力,而金荷娜、李到晛实际相差17岁,却双双以精湛演技驾驭角色,搭配起来丝毫无违和,虽然该剧热度不高,却是不容错过的优质「人生剧」!你心目中的有哪些呢,欢迎留言。2023-08-12 18:57:281
Compared with life on Earth,life on Mars will be better in many ways.
因为是wecomparelifeonEarthwiththatonMars,所以LifeonEarthiscomparedwiththatonMars注意动词和主语关系就行了2023-08-12 18:59:193
___there be life on Mars? A.May B.Can C.Might D.Ought 答案为什么是B?很多同鞋都认为应该选C呢。
(1)cancan表示体力、脑力方面的能力或客观的可能性,也可表示对事情的推测。(2)maymay表示允许、请求,用may提问时,肯定回答一般用Certainly或Yes,you may.;否定回答一般用can"t或mustn"t. 如:May I ask you a question?—Certainly.(可以问你一个问题吗?当然可以)/ You may go now.(现在你可以走了)/ It may be in your pocket.(它可能在你的衣袋里)(3)mightmight是may的过去式,表示请求的时候语气更委婉,表示猜测的时候语气更弱2023-08-12 18:59:261
帮我看一下这段英语对话的语法有什么要修改的吗? 谢谢
A. Do you think there will be life on Mars?B. I"ve got no idea. but it is said that life will appear on Mars. What do you think of that?A. I"m not quite sure whether it"s true or not! because it"s lace of evidence.B. So do I. ,but I always hold the belief that there exists life elsewhere.A. What"s your idear ? From my point of view, it doesn;t exist anywhere but on Earth.B. I"m against it. I firmly believe they"ll surely find some evidence one day.2023-08-12 18:59:331
科尔姆·米尼科尔姆·米尼(英文Meany,Colm)1953年出生于岛国爱尔兰的首府都柏林,演员。1987年至1999年间先后在科幻经典电视剧《星际旅行:下一代》和《星际旅行:深空九号》中出演了麦尔斯·奥布莱恩一角在观众中拥有高度的知名度。14岁初始迷上表演这门艺术,初中毕业后进入了爱尔兰极具盛名的艾比(Abbey)戏剧学院。之后科尔姆·米尼被吸收为爱尔兰国家剧院演员在全英各大剧院的舞台上度过了8年表演生涯。中文名:科尔姆·米尼外文名:Meany,Colm国籍:爱尔兰出生地:岛国爱尔兰的首府都柏林出生日期:1953年职业:演员毕业院校:艾比(Abbey)戏剧学院经纪公司:爱尔兰国家剧院代表作品:《咬人的婴孩》等主要成就:获得过金球奖最佳男主角提名演艺经历早期1978年米尼出演BBC1的《Z-Cars》首次亮相荧屏,1987年至1999年间先后在科幻经典电视剧《星际旅行:下一代》和《星际旅行:深空九号》中出演了麦尔斯·奥布莱恩一角,为此在电视观众中拥有高度的知名度。中期1993年他还凭借影片《咬人的婴孩》获得了金球奖最佳男主角提名,描写中产阶级未婚生子的本片与一前一后的《追梦者》、《发财专家》改编自爱尔兰小说家罗迪·道伊尔(RoddyDoyle)的“社会三部曲”,科尔姆·米尼也是唯一一位连续出演了这三部影片的演员。最近2004年科尔姆·米尼与丹尼尔·克雷格一起出演了制片人马修·沃恩的导演处女作《夹心蛋糕》。另外他也将在改编自BBC70年代侦探剧的美剧《火星上的生活》中扮演总探长GeneHunt一角。主要作品电影导演"StarTrek:DeepSpaceNine"Emissary-------(1993)"Dr.Quinn,MedicineWoman"Dr.Quinn,MedicineWoman-------(1993)电影演员漂亮朋友BelAmi-------(2011)同谋/共犯TheConspirator-------(2010)带他去希腊/大明星小跟班/前往希腊剧院GetHimtotheGreek-------(2010)魔鬼联队/该死的联队TheDamnedUnited-------(2009)守法公民/重案对决(台)/奉公守法(港)LawAbidingCitizen-------(2009)TheRace-------(2009)爱丽丝梦游仙境"Alice"-------(2009)LifeonMars-------(2008)非自然死亡CleanBreak-------(2008)事不过三ThreeandOut-------(2008)TheMetrosexual-------(2007)Kings-------(2007)拳中拳/五只手指FiveFingers-------(2006)CavedIn-------(2006)ALobsterTale-------(2006)地狱使者/灭世危机CovertOne:TheHadesFactor-------(2006)SixtyMinuteMan-------(2006)"MeninTrees"-------(2006)TurningGreen-------(2005)HowWilliamShatnerChangedtheWorld-------(2005)Briar&Graves-------(2005)3rdIrishFilmandTelevisionAwards-------(2005)千层糕/夹心蛋糕/夹心糕LayerCake-------(2004)蓝莓/穆哈亚/布鲁贝里Blueberry-------(2004)"Stargate:Atlantis"-------(2004)坏家伙BadApple-------(2004)全新的法国/勇者之战/乱世倾情/战海情天Nouvelle-France-------(2004)"TheMurdochMysteries"-------(2004)TheAbbeyTheatre:TheFirst100Years-------(2004)间断/玩命911Intermission-------(2003)克莱尔郡男孩TheBoysfromCountyClare-------(2003)IrishFilmandTelevisionAwards-------(2003)"RandomPassage"-------(2002)德州之王/德克萨斯之王/天惩无情KingofTexas-------(2002)R.U.S./H.-------(2002)逆流火焰Backflash-------(2001)哈里如何变成一棵树HowHarryBecameaTree-------(2001)法律与秩序:犯罪意图"Law&Order:CriminalIntent"-------(2001)魂系冰球Mystery,Alaska-------(1999)96小时大逃命FourDays-------(1999)ChapterZero-------(1999)魔幻帝国/矮仙传奇/精灵帝国TheMagicalLegendoftheLeprechauns-------(1999)MostImportant-------(1999)纪念碑大街Snitch-------(1998)父亲的肖像ThisIsMyFather-------(1998)金钱老大Vig-------(1998)克雷尔多兰ClaireDolan-------(1998)October22-------(1998)空中监狱/惊天动地/罪犯的空中之旅/空中囚犯ConAir-------(1997)OwdBob-------(1997)告别17岁TheLastoftheHighKings-------(1996)发财专家TheVan-------(1996)情比山高TheEnglishmanWhoWentUpaHillButCameDownaMountain-------(1995)Ripple-------(1995)TheScienceofStarTrek-------(1995)窈窕男女TheRoadtoWellville-------(1994)"StarTrek:TheNextGeneration"AllGoodThings...-------(1994)钮扣战争WaroftheButtons-------(1994)斯佳丽"Scarlett"-------(1994)Journey"sEnd:TheSagaofStarTrek-TheNextGeneration-------(1994)TheSnapper-------(1993)"StarTrek:DeepSpaceNine"Emissary-------(1993)"Dr.Quinn,MedicineWoman"Dr.Quinn,MedicineWoman-------(1993)"StarTrek:DeepSpaceNine"-------(1993)大地雄心/远离家园FarandAway-------(1992)新海角乐园IntotheWest-------(1992)最后的莫希干人/大地英豪(台)/最后的摩根战士(港)TheLastoftheMohicans-------(1992)潜龙轰天/魔鬼战将UnderSiege-------(1992)追梦者TheCommitments-------(1991)来看天堂/浮世恋ComeSeetheParadise-------(1990)至尊神探/狄克·崔西DickTracy-------(1990)虎胆龙威2/终极警探2/顽固分子2DieHard2-------(1990)要命的证人PerfectWitness-------(1989)死者TheDead-------(1987)KennyRogersasTheGambler,PartIII:TheLegendContinues-------(1987)"StarTrek:TheNextGeneration"EncounteratFarpoint-------(1987)OmegaSyndrome-------(1987)"StarTrek:TheNextGeneration"-------(1987)Nailed-------(1981)"OneLifetoLive"-------(1968)电影编剧"StarTrek:DeepSpaceNine"Emissary-------(1993)"Dr.Quinn,MedicineWoman"Dr.Quinn,MedicineWoman-------(1993)2023-08-12 18:59:401
___there be life on Mars?
C吧首先排除Dought to do sth表示 应该做后面有toA跟CC比较委婉口吻这句话的意思是 火星上可能有生命存在吗?2023-08-12 18:59:581
下面是我整理的八年级下册英语部分课文原文及翻译,供大家参考。 Module 1 Feelings and impressions 1、Lingling: Guess what it is! 玲玲:猜猜它是什么! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗? 2、Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour. 大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。 Tony: Don"t drink it. 托尼:别喝了。 3、Betty: This bed feels a bit soft. 贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。 Lingling: Try a harder bed. 玲玲:试一张硬点儿的。 4、Hi Lingling, 玲玲: Thanks for your last message, It was great to hear from you, and I can"t wait to meet you. 谢谢你上次的来信,收到你的信真是太好了。真想马上见到你。 I hope you will know me from my photo when I arrive at the airport. 希望你能凭着照片在机场认出我来。 I"m quite tall, with short fair hair, and I wear glasses. 我的个子比较高,留着一头金色短发,戴眼镜。 I"ll wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey, but I"ll also carry my warm coat. 为了旅行方便,我将穿牛仔裤和T恤,但我也会拿一件厚点的外套。 I"ve got your photo ---- you look very pretty, so I"m sure we"ll find each other! 我这里有你的照片,你非常漂亮,我想我们肯定能认出对方来! Module 2 Experiences 1、Listen and number the words as you hear them. Betty: Lingling, have you ever been to the US? 贝蒂:玲玲,你曾经去过美国吗? Lingling: No, I haven"t. I"ve always wanted to go there. 玲玲:不,我没去过。我一直想去那儿。 Betty: Would you like to come and visit me next year? 贝蒂:你愿意明年来看我吗? Lingling: That sounds wonderful! I"d love to. 玲玲:那听起来很好!我愿意。 Betty: I haven"t asked my parents, but I"m sure they"ll say yes. Have you ever travelled by plane ? 贝蒂:我还没有问过我的父母,但我肯定他们会同意。你乘飞机旅行过吗? Lingling: Yes, I have. 玲玲:是的,我乘飞机旅行过。 Betty: Did you enjoy it ? 贝蒂:你喜欢吗? Lingling: Yes, it was very exciting, but I was quite tired. 玲玲:是的,那非常令人振奋,但是我很累。 2、Listen again and answer the questions. Presenter: Today we"re talking to Winnie, Diana and Bob about their travel experiences. Welcome, everyone! Winnie, you"ve travelled a lot, haven"t you ? 主持人:今天,我们要和温妮、戴安娜和鲍勃交流关于他们旅游经历的事。欢迎大家!温妮,你去过很多地方旅游,是不是? Winnie: Yes. I"ve been all over China. I"ve also been to the US. In fact, I"ve flown to the US three times! 温妮:是的,我去过中国各地。我也去过美国。实际上,我乘飞机去过美国三次! Presenter: What about you, Diana? Have you been to the US or China ? 主持人:你呢,戴安娜?你去过美国或中国吗? Diana: I"ve never been to the US, but I"ve been to China many times. I"ve travelled all over South China by train. It was fantastic! I"d like to go there again, and look around the country some more. 戴安娜:我从没去过美国,但我去过中国很多次。我乘火车游遍了中国南部。那真是太棒了!我想再次去那儿,更多地看看这个国家。 Presenter: And you, Bob ? Where have you been ? 主持人:你呢,鲍勃? 你去过哪儿? Bob: Well, I live in France. I"ve been all over Europe, but I"ve never been to Africa or Asia. I"ve never been to the US either. 鲍勃:嗯,我住在法国。我去过整个欧洲,但我从没去过非洲或亚洲。我也没去过美国。 Module 3 Journey to space Listen and number the words as you hear them. Lingling: I"m really interested in the space trip from the earth to Mars. It"s so exciting! Has the spaceship landed yet ? 玲玲:我真的对从地球到火星的太空旅行感兴趣。它是那么令人振奋!宇宙飞船已经登陆了吗? Tony: I don"t know. Let"s listen to the news on the radio and find out. 托尼:我不知道。我们听一下新闻广播弄清情况吧。 News reporter: We"ve just had some news about the trip to Mars. The spaceship has reached Mars after a journey of eight months. It hasn"t sent back any messages yet, but scientists are waiting. As we know, there isn"t any life on the moon, but scientists hope to find life on Mars and other planets. 新闻记者:我们刚刚获知了一些有关火星之旅的新闻。八个月的旅程之后,宇宙飞船终于到达了火星。它还没有发送回任何信息,但是科学家正在等待。正如我们所知,在月球上没有任何生命。但是科学家希望在火星和其他星球上发现生命。 Module 4 Seeing the doctor Listen and check(√)what"s wrong with Betty and Daming. Daming: Hi, Betty. 大明:你好,贝蒂。 Betty: Hi, Daming. You don"t look very well. What"s the matter with you? 贝蒂:你好,大明。你看起来不是很舒服。怎么了? Daming: (groaning) I"ve got a stomach ache and a headache. 大明:(呻吟)我胃疼、头疼。 Betty: Have you seen a doctor ? 贝蒂:你看过医生了吗? Daming: No, I haven"t. 大明:不,还没有。 Betty: You should go and see one! 贝蒂:你应该去看一看。 Daming: OK. You don"t look very well either, Betty. What"s the matter with you? Have you got a fever ? 大明:好的。你看起来也不是很舒服,贝蒂。你怎么了?你发烧了吗? Betty: Yes, I"ve got a temperature…and a cough. 贝蒂:是的,我发烧……还咳嗽。 Daming: You should see a doctor too. 大明:你也应该去看医生。 Betty: I"ve seen a doctor. I saw a doctor this morning. Ah! 贝蒂:我已经看过了。我今天早上看医生了。啊! Daming: What"s the matter ? 大明:怎么了? Betty: I"ve got a toothache as well! 贝蒂:我也牙疼! Module 5 Cartoons Cartoon heroes 卡通故事里的主人公 Nemo is a cute orange-and-white fish and Shrek is an ugly green animal. 尼莫是一条可爱的橙白相间的鱼,史莱克是一直难看的怪兽。 They look very different, but both of them have won the hearts of young people all over the world. 他们的长相虽然有天壤之别,但却赢得了全世界青少年的喜爱。 The pictures of these popular cartoon heroes are everywhere, on office desks, handbags, and computer screens. 这些颇受欢迎的卡通故事里的主人公随处可见,他们出现在办公桌上、书包上和计算机屏幕上。 Module 6 Hobbies Lingling: Hi, everything ! Come in and find somewhere to sit down. Sorry, it"s a bit of mess. I"ll put the fans on the shelf. 玲玲:嗨,大家好!进来找地方坐。不好意思(家里)有点乱,我来把这些扇子放到架子/搁板上。 Betty: Let me have a look. You"ve got so many fans. 贝蒂:让我看看。你有这么多扇子啊。 Lingling: Yes, about sixty. 玲玲:是啊,大约有60把。 Betty: Where did you get them ? 贝蒂:你从哪儿得来的? Lingling: Most of them are presents. People often give me fans as presents because they know I likethem. Do you collect anything ? 玲玲:大多数都是我收到的礼物。大家知道我喜欢扇子,就经常送我扇子。你收集东西吗? Betty: Yes, I collect coins and notes, you know, like British pounds and US dollars and cents. 贝蒂:是的,我收集硬币和纸币,比如英镑和美元。 Lingling: Coins? They must be really valuable. Can I see them ? 玲玲:硬币?那一定很有价值。我能看看吗? Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Learn English in Los Angeles 在洛杉矶学习英语 Come and learn English in Los Angeles! 来洛杉矶学习英语吧! We can offer you great summer English courses. 我们可以为你提供非常棒的暑假英语课程。 You will love coming to Los Angeles to learn about American culture and improve your English at the same time. 你会爱上来洛杉矶的,你这里你会了解美国文化,同时提高你的英语水平。 The courses last for four, six or eight weeks. 我们的课程有4周、6周或8周之分。 They start at the beginning of July. 7月底开课。 Our teachers are well trained and have a lot of experience. 我们的教授受过良好的训练并且经验丰富。 They teach English classes for four hours a day. 他们每天教4个小时的英语。 You can work in small or large groups and it depends on your personal choice. 你可以选择上小班课或大班课并且这有你自己决定。 We provide books and we set tests every week to check your progress. 我们提供教材,而且每周还有测试检查学习进步程度。 They are also computers and other forms of technology for personal study. 另外,我们还提供电脑,以满足个人学习的资料。 Module 8 Time off Dear Mum and Dad, 亲爱的爸爸妈妈: I promised to write, so... 我答应你们会写信的,所以….. We"re staying with Lingling"s uncle in Hunan Province, and I"m having a wonderful time here in Zhangjiajie. 我们现在和玲玲的叔叔在湖南省。我在张家界国家森林公园玩得非常开心。 It"s a magic land of mountains, forests and rivers. 这是一个有山、有河、有森林的神奇的地方。 It"s very large, about 480 square kilometres. 这个公园很大,面积约有480平方公里。 It"s famous for the strange shape of its tall rocks. 它以奇形怪状的巨石而闻名。 Some of them look like humans, and others look like wild animals. 有的石头看起来像人,有的看起来像兽。 Module 9 Friendship A beautiful smile 一个美丽的微笑 By Zhang Bei 作者:张贝 When I was thirteen years old, a girl gave me an important gift. It was a smile. 在我13岁的时候,一个女孩给了我一份重要的礼物,一个微笑。 It was the early autumn of my first year at a new school. 那是我在新学校第一年的初秋。 No one knew me. 没有人认识我。 I was very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone. 我感到很孤独,不敢和人交朋友。 Module 10 On the radio “How old are you?” The radio studio manager looked down at me. “你多大了?”播音主任低头看着我问道。 “Fifteen,” I said. “十五岁,”我回答。 “And you want a job in radio? Shouldn"t you be at school?” he asked. “你想找份播音方面的工作?难道你不用上学吗?”他又问。2023-08-12 19:00:071
Buddha for Mary 歌词
歌曲名:Buddha for Mary歌手:30 Seconds To Mars专辑:30 Seconds to MarsBuddha For Mary30 Seconds To Mars翻译:StylesOfBeyondThis is the life on marsMary was a different girlHad a thing for astronautsMary was the type of girlShe always liked to fall apartMary was a holy girlFinally wet her appetiteMary was the type of girlShe always liked to fall apartTell me did you see her faceTell me did you smell her tasteTell me what"s the differenceDon"t they all just look the same inside?See her face, smell her tasteWhat"s the difference?Don"t they all just look the same inside?Mary was an acrobatBut still she couldn"t seem to breatheMary was becoming everything she didn"t want to beMary would hallucinateAnd see the sky upon the wallMary was the type of girlShe always liked to flyTell me did you see her faceTell me did you smell her tasteTell me what"s the differenceDon"t they all just look the same inside?See her face, smell her tasteWhat"s the difference?Don"t they all just look the same inside?This is the life on marsHe said, "Can you here me, are you sleeping"She said, "Will you rape me now?"He said, "Leave the politics to mad men"She said, "I believe your lies"He said, "There"s a paradise beneath me"She said, "Am I supposed to bleed?"He said, "You better pray to Jesus"She said, "I don"t believe in god"Mary was a different girlHad a thing for astronautsMary was the type of girlShe always liked to play godMary was a holy girlFinally wet her appetiteMary was the type of girlShe always liked to fall apartTell me did you see her faceTell me did you smell her tasteTell me what"s the differenceDon"t they all just look the same inside?See her face, smell her tasteWhat"s the difference?Don"t they all just look the same inside?A simple fear to wash you awayAn open mind cancelled it today<a< 19:00:221
【英文字汇】25 个人们最常用的英文动词!
有人说我们背了1000个单字,可是真正拿来用的可能不到其中300个。因此有语言学家利用了语料库,整理出人们最常用的25个动词,而英文老师 Alex 在 Engvid 上公布了这个动词清单,好让大家能够一目了然这几个高使用率的动词! 01. be 三态:be, am are, is / was, were / been e.g She is a fantastic writer. (她是一位很棒的作家。) e.g They were home all day yesterday. (他们昨天整天在家。) e.g I have been re-reading Harry Potter lately. (我最近在重看哈利波特。) 02. have 三态:have, has / had / had e.g He has o brothers. (他有两个哥哥。) e.g He had a great time last night. (他昨晚玩得很开心。) e.g I"m having a cup of coffee. (我正在喝咖啡。) 03. do 三态:do, does / did / done e.g Have you done your homework? (你做作业了吗?) e.g I"ll do the laundry later. (我等一下再洗衣服。) e.g I did well on my test. (我考试考得很好。) 04. go go / went / gone e.g Where did you go last night? (你昨晚去哪?) e.g We"re going to Niagara Falls this weekend. (我们这个周末要去尼加拉瓜瀑布。) e.g See you later! I"m going home!” (改天见!我要回家了!) 05. say 三态:say / said / said e.g Wait. What did she say? (等等。她说什么?) e.g You said I could trust you! (你说过我可以信任你的!) e.g Don"t say anything. (别说了。) 06. get 三态:get / got / got(英式), gotten(美式) e.g He got a new job! (他有新工作了!) e.g You should get new shoes. (你应该去买双新鞋。) e.g I think I"m getting a headache. (我觉得我好像有点头痛。) 07. make 三态:make / made / made e.g We"ve made some mistakes. (我们犯了一些错误。) e.g The kids are making a lot of noise. (这些小孩有够吵。) e.g Look! I made a model car! (看!我做了一台模型车!) 08. know 三态:know / knew / known e.g I don"t know your name. (我不知道你的名字是什么。) e.g We"ve known each other for 8 years. (我们已经认识彼此八年了。) e.g Hey. Do you know who this is? (欸。你知道这是谁吗?) 09. think 三态:think / thought / thought e.g What do you think about this? (你觉得如何?) e.g She"ll think this is a terrible idea. (她觉得这是个烂主意。) e.g Let me think about that for a minute. (让我思考一分钟。) 10. see 三态:see / saw / seen e.g I"ll see you later. (我们等会儿见。) e.g Has anyone seen Jack today? (有人今天看到杰克吗?) e.g Have you seen this video? (你看这支影片没?) 11. take 三态:take / took / taken e.g She"s taking a philosophy class this semester. (她这学期修了一门哲学课。) e.g I would never take anything from him! (我绝对不会从他那边拿走任何东西!) e.g I"m going to take a shower. (我要去洗个澡。) 12. e 三态:e / came / e e.g He had never e later before. (他以前都不会比这个时间晚到。) e.g Hey. Mariana is ing over later. (欸。玛丽雅纳等一下要过来。) e.g Wait for me! I"m ing! (等等我!我要过来了!) 13. want 三态:want / wanted / wanted e.g Come on. What do you want for your birthday? (拜托。你生日想要什么?) e.g I"ve always wanted to have a dog. (我一直都想要养一只狗。) e.g Who wants to see Star Wars again? (有谁想再去看一次星际大战?) 14. use 三态:use / used / used e.g I"ve never used this before. (我从来没用过这个。) e.g Have you ever used this before? (你以前用过这个吗?) e.g What do you use this for? (你都拿这个来干嘛?) 15. find 三态:find / found / found e.g Did you find the restaurant? (你有没有找到餐厅?) e.g Have they found life on Mars yet? (他们在火星找到生命了没?) e.g I can"t find my keys. (我找不到我的钥匙。) 16. give 三态:give / gave / given e.g She"ll be given her diploma tomorrow. (她明天会收到她的学位证书。) e.g Who gave you that pen? (谁给你那支笔的?) e.g I"ll give this to you if you promise to give it back. (如果你会还我,我就把这个借给你。) 17. tell 三态:tell / told / told e.g I won"t tell your secret to anyone. I swear. (我不会把你的秘密说出去的!我发誓!) e.g Tell her the truth! (告诉她实话!) e.g Wait. What did you tell your mom about me? (等等。你跟你妈说了我的什么事?) 18. work 三态:work / worked / worked e.g Where do you work? (你在哪工作?) e.g She has worked here since 2014. (她从2014年就在这工作了。) e.g How does this thing work? (这怎么用啊?) 19. call 三态:call / called / called e.g I"ll call you after work. (我下班之后打给你。) e.g Your mom called while you were out. (你出去的时候,你妈打给你。) e.g Hey. Did you just call me? (欸。你有没有打给我?) 20. ask 三态:ask / asked / asked e.g Don"t be afraid to ask questions. (别害怕问问题。) e.g She asked where I lived. (她问我住哪里。) e.g You can ask me anything. (你可以问我任何事。) 21. try 三态:try / tried / tried e.g I"m trying to find a new job. (我正在试图找到新工作。) e.g She"s been trying to contact me. (她一直试图要联络我。) e.g Have you tried learning English on YouTube? (你有没有试过在 YouTube 上学英文?) 22. need 三态:need / needed / needed e.g He needs help with his homework. (他需要课业辅导。) e.g Do you need anything from the store? (你有没有要在这家店买的东西?) e.g I need a vacation. (我需要放假。) 23. feel 三态:feel / felt / felt e.g Caroline"s been feeling down lately (卡洛琳最近心情不太好。) e.g I haven"t felt this way in a long time. (我已经很久没有这样的感受了。) e.g You need to feel this material! (你一定要摸摸这块布!) 24. bee 三态:bee / became / bee e.g She became President in 2010. (她2010年当选总统。) e.g We"re being close friends. (我们逐渐成为闺蜜。) e.g You"ve bee a better English speaker! (你英文越讲越好!) 25. leave 三态:leave / left / left e.g When are you leaving? (你什么时候要走?) e.g She leaves at 4 am everyday. (她每天下午四点会离开。) e.g I really need to leave. (我真的得走了。) ask, ask 中文, be, be 中文, bee, bee 中文, call, call 中文, e, e 中文, do, do 中文, feel, feel 中文, find, find 中文, get, get 中文, give, give 中文, go, go 中文, HAVE, have 中文, know, know 中文, leave, leave 中文, make, make 中文, need, need 中文, say, say 中文, see, see 中文, take, take 中文, tell, tell 中文, think, think 中文, try, try 中文, use, use 中文, want, want 中文, work, work 中文, 动词, 实用英文, 常用, 生活英文, 英文, 英文 常见动词, 英文动词, 英文字汇, 英文常见动词2023-08-12 19:00:281
我已经做好了太空站的模型。这是为你的太空旅行而进行的前期准备么?我还没有开始呢。到达目的地要花上几个月。宇航员们发现火星上有生命了么?但是宇航员们已经到达过月球。是的,但是最近没有人去过。2023-08-12 19:01:093
火星上的生命和地球生命有什么主要不同之处? anawer:There is no clear evidence that there is life on Mars.So how can we make a comparison?2023-08-12 19:01:151
雅奇·潘嘉比出生在伦敦 ,双亲为格温特·潘嘉比 (Govind Panjabi) 和帕德玛·潘嘉比 (Padama Panjiabi),他们都是信仰信德印度教的印度移民。雅奇·潘嘉比毕业于1996年毕业于布鲁内尔大学,并取得了管理学学士学位,同时她也接受了传统芭蕾的训练。英国籍的雅奇-潘嘉比在印度孟买度过了童年,1999年出演英国影片《东方就是东方》(East Is East)让她首次触电大银幕。接着她又出演了《我爱贝克汉姆》(Bend it like Beckham)、《不朽的园丁》(The Constant Gardener)、《坚强的心》(A Mighty Heart)等观众较为熟悉的影片。她曾出演过《火星生活》(Life on Mars)、《私事》(Personal Affairs)等剧集。潘嘉比擅长变换口音,除英国人外,她还在影视作品中出演过苏格兰人、印度人、美国人等。 因在热播美剧,《傲骨贤妻》中的出色表演,2010年,获得第62届美国电视艾美奖剧情类最佳女配角奖,2013年,获得第70届金球奖最佳电视剧、连续短剧或电视电影配角演出最佳女配角提名。经典作品回顾Archie Panjabi在《傲骨贤妻》中的表现:Archie Panjabi被人们熟知是在《傲骨贤妻》中,饰凯琳达·夏尔玛(Kalinda Sharma)——“史汀&洛哈克&嘉纳”(Stern, Lockhart & Gardner)律师事务所的调查员。Archie Panjabi在这部律政戏中,饰演双性恋的律所调查员,风头却不输给剧中任何一个律师角色,被粉丝戏称为“小神探卡琳达”。演第一季时,她将近四十岁,出演二十五岁的酷女孩却毫无压力。Archie Panjabi在剧中饰演的角色非常擅长同时展开多项调查工作,并能同时与敌对双方愉快相处。具有出色的调查能力,多次为律师事务所官司找到致胜关键,但有时会以不道德的手法调查。在加入律师事务所前,曾为男主角(女主角丈夫,当时是州检察官)彼得工作,后来被彼得指控私下赚外快而被解雇。女主角艾莉西亚视她为好友,但在女主角丈夫身为州检察官时,两人有一次外遇,在第二季中被艾莉西亚发现后二人形同陌路人,但已于第三季和好。偶尔会调查对男主角的政治对手不利的证据,但主要以律师事务所的工作为重。剧情暗示凯琳达有着谜一样的过去,那她隐瞒了真实姓名和有丈夫的事实。与丈夫关系紧张,经常发生肢体冲突,甚至持枪威吓。第四季中,剧中从未露面的丈夫现身并入侵凯琳达的生活,其危险程度令凯琳达非常希望他能离开芝加哥,甚至令一向在工作中专注的凯琳达经常因担心而失神。Archie Panjabi完美诠释了这个富有魅力,且亦正亦邪的人物。2023-08-12 19:01:221
life forwar什么意思?
life forwar 生活了 N-UNCOUNT(总称)生物You can use life to refer to things or groups of things which are alive. Is there life on Mars? 火星上有生物吗?2023-08-12 19:01:483
xunlei2023-08-12 19:01:553
there is now considered to be no life on the Mars
现在,火星上没有生命的说法被质疑了2023-08-12 19:02:134
寻找类似carolina liar 这乐队的摇滚风格的外国乐队^_^
那试试这些吧,可能你会喜欢!Coldplay《Yellow》,《Shiver》,《In my place》,《God put a smile upon your face》,《Clocks》,《The Scientist》,《Amsterdam》,《A message》,《Fix you》,《Speed of sound》,《Viva La Vida》,《Death and all his friends》...当今英伦代表乐队,歌曲很受主流群体欢迎~David Bowie《Space oddity》,《Rebel rebel》,《Fashion》,《The man who sold the world》,《Changes》,《Life on Mars?》,《Ziggy stardust》,《“Heroes”》,《Let"s dance》,《China girl》,《Under pressure》(Ft. Queen)...华丽摇滚的代表人物,这几首都比较经典~Heaven《Change direction》,《Have no fear》,《The first time》,《Don"t say a word》,《Getaway》...在酷玩掀起一阵新的英伦潮里出现的一支乐队,感觉风格比较清新,十分不错~Travis《Sing》,《Driftwood》,《Why does it always rain on me?》,《Re-Offender》,《Tied to the 90"s》,《Coming around》,《More than us》,《Side》,《U16 girls》,《Happy》,《All I want to do is rock》,《Turn》,《The distance》...这支来自苏格兰的乐队的歌曲风格比较清新,比较容易让主流群体接受!你说的那支乐队还是属于一般主流摇滚的,其实以上我推荐这些都是属于另类摇滚范畴,但曲风大多是比较舒缓的,可能比较容易让人接受,希望喜欢!其实还有一支你可能会喜欢~这支应该也算主流摇滚的~Our Lady Peace《Naveed》,《Hope》,《All for you》,《Somewhere out there》,《Do you like it》,《Not enough》,《Bring back the sun》,《One man army》...一支来自加拿大的主流摇滚乐队,名声不大,但作品都是比较耐听的!真心希望你喜欢!2023-08-12 19:02:221
have2023-08-12 19:02:3212
why可以引导名词性从句和定语从句。在名词性从句中,why是连接副词,在从句中充当状语。定语从句中的why是关系副词,关系副词在句中作状语。在两种从句中,why有不同的含义。 扩展资料 疑问词引导的名词性从句: 由疑问词引导的名词性从句。多作主语从句、宾语从句或表语从句, 偶尔也作同位语从句。在作这些从句时,其句型结构应该采用以下两种: 1、疑问词+主语+谓语动词+其他 2、本身是主语的"疑问词+谓语动词+其他 不管采用哪种句型,其词序总是陈述的,即主语必须位于谓语动词前面。 What is hard is to do good all one"s life and never do anything bad.(主语从句) This reminded me of what he had once told us.(宾语从句) The problem is whether robots will be smarter than humans.(表语从句) Scientists have not found answers to the question why there is no life on Mars.(同位语从句) why引导定语从句: 1、当先行词是表示原因的名词reason,且关系副词在从句中作原因状语时,定语从句用why引导(why只能引导限制性定语从句,在口语中why可省略)。例如: (1)Can you tell me the reason why you are unhappy?你可以告诉我你为什么不开心吗? (2)That"s the reason (why) I"m checking it now.那就是我现在检查的原因。 2、why可以用“for which”来代替。例如: This is the reason why (=for which) he left the country.这就是他离开国家的原因。 3、选择why还是which/that? 当先行词是表示原因的名词reason时,用关系副词why,还是which/that引导定语从句,关键要看关系词在定语从句中作何种成分。若关系词在从句中充当状语,则用why引导定语从句;若在定语从句中不作状语,而是充当主语或宾语时,则用which/that引导定语从句。例如: (1)The reason why I"m phoning you is to invite you to a party.我打电话给你的原因是邀请你参加一场晚会。(why在从句中作状语) (2)The reason that/which he told me yesterday is a lie.昨天他告诉我的理由是个谎言。(that/which在从句中作told的宾语)2023-08-12 19:03:111
再见 孝琳2023-08-12 19:03:199
1. 英语作文 你长大后想做什么 When I was a little girl, my grandmother used to tell me stories about the moon. Even today, every time I watch the sky at night, I would imagine what is happening among the inkling stars. I hope to be an astronaut in the future so that I can walk in space. I want to walk on the Mars and meet living creatures there. I know it"s not easy to be an astronaut. So I study hard and try to learn more about space in order to be a good astronaut.。 2. 你长大以后想要做什么 英语作文 now,i am a student.but when i grow up,i want to be a english teacher. i like learning english.because i think english is a interesting i must study work and make progress. i want to have many students .we will study together.i think that is a wonderful thing.i like children very much. if i bee a teacher。i must work hard.i think i will be a good teacher. 3. 求一篇关于“当你长大后想要干什么”的英语作文 当我长大后(When I grow up) When I grow up, I want to be an engineer. I want to build a big house and a *** all house for my father and mother. We will live together. There will be a garden and playground in front of the house. We will grow beautiful flowers and fruit trees in the garden. We will grow grass in the playground. I will buy a big car. I will take my father and mother to many places. 译文如下: 当我长大后,我想成为一个工程师,我想为我的父亲和母亲建造一个大房和一个小房子.我们住在一起. 在房子前面有一个花园.我们在这里种上美丽的花朵和绿树.我们在地上种上小草. 我买一个大的小车,带上我的父母亲去很多地方. 4. 关于(你长大了想当什么,为什么)的英语作文 Everybody has a dream for his future.My dream is to bee a reporter and I have had this dream for a long time.That is why I am working so hard at both English and Chinese. As a reporter,he is able to go to different places,meet with different people and experience different things.While working,he can enjoy his life.Meanwhile,it is much easier for a reporter to help the other people.And this job can be very influencial on people"s way of thinking and style of living. With this dream,I will try my best to learn knowledge as much as possible.In my mind,a reporter is my future ideal job. o(∩_∩)o 希望能帮助到你, o(∩_∩)o 请及时给予好评或采纳,万分感谢! (*^__^*) 5. 你长大以后想做什么一篇初中英语作文八十字 What you want to be when you grow up This question and another similar question, "Have you decided what you will do after you finish school? , were among the most mon questions people often asked me when I was a *** all child and then a student in school. Choosing the right career is very important. For this reason we should try to find out what our talents and interests are and how we can use them. There are many careers open to each of us. Many persons find their place in government service, and many others may de interested in going into the business world. Teaching, newspaper work, medicine, engineering, science-these and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training. 6. 【帮忙写英语作文2篇每篇50词左右作文1主题长大后我想做什么展开了 there have been numerous discussions about what are you going to be.Zhang xiaoming want to be an actor,he thinks it is interesting.Wang Gang would like to be a policeman,in his opinion,it it exciting.while Zhao Na want to be a reporter,because she likes talking with reopleand Han Mei want to be a teacher,she likes teaching and children.I want to be a doctor,because I can help many people.I have a good friend,her name is Maria,she is a very kindly girl,I like her very much.she has tall lang straight hair,it is very beautiful.she likes Potatoes and fish.she also like tv shows,such as English today.last weekend we Visited a friend together and last vacation we went to the Central is greatful that she give me so much help.。 7. 英语作文 长大后你想成为什么样的人 长大后我要做什么?? After be brought up, I want to do what?? 从小时候开始就有人问我长大后想干什么?? From the time they asked when I grow up, I want to do?? 我回答锝很正常,很有小孩的风格。 I answered at very normal, it is a child"s style。 什么科学家,宇航员。 What scientists, astronauts。 现在看来,那时候"很傻,很天真。 " Now, at that time "stupid, very naive。" 然后上了小学在家长的思想教育下成功锝使我有了上清华、北大的壮志。 Then on the primary school education next success at home long thought that I want the tsinghua university and Peking University"s ambition。 于是,上了初中发现好像有点茫然,接着初三要中考了。 Then, on the junior middle school found that seems a little confused, then grade to tests。 就在社会胜者为王,败者为寇的灌输经验下,开始努力学习,立下第一个志愿就是看到自己想考的学校. In social winners and losers implants experience, began to study hard, made her first volunteer is to see you want to take an examination of the school. 而,现在快要分科了,从文? But, division, is now approaching from the text? 从理?? From Richard?? 弄得我很迷茫.于是在这么多的考试成绩下我决定从文了。 Making me so confused in so much. So I decided to test scores from wen。 接着我就发挥我的特长--想。 Then I play my special - want to。 想自己到底想做什么? Think what I want to do? 思考了发现.好像的确可能从文比较好,像我这种看到数字就头痛的仍来说这种决定应该是正确的。 Thinking found. Like can indeed better from wen, like I this see digital head still speaking this decision should be right。 显然我是正确的。 Obviously I was right。 在心理课上,就这个问题进行了个心理测试,我们班好像大部分都是什么建筑设计、科学之类的.. In psychology class, is this problem a psychological test, our class like mostly what building design, science such.. 至于我的结果嘛。 As for my results。 我是很满意的,因为我很喜欢。 I"m very satisfied, because I"m like。 第一个最理想的职业--艺术类.. The first most ideal career - art.. 比如画家、歌手、服装设计师、作家、广告设计。 . Such as painter, singer and fashion designer, writers, advertising design。 第二个是管理类的。 The second is management kind。 比如个体经营企业、经理。 . Such as the individual business enterprise, the manager。 好像两个答案的差距有点大.. The gap beeen o answers seem a bit big.. 不过我还是很满意的,至少都是我想做的事情!!! But I still very satisfactory, at least, is what I want to do!!! 无论结果如何,会去做作家也好,经理也好,我都是最好的自己.无愧于自己就好了!!! Whatever the oute, would do writers or manager, or I is the best themselves. Is worthy of yourself!!!!!!!。 8. 长大想做什么的英语作文.80字 I want to be an English teacher. Because I think it"s very great and helpful.The most important is I like children. Whenever I am with them, I "m always happy.I hope to help all the students to learn English well. I"m a student now. I can speak English and Chinese quite well. I think English is very interesting. And I think I can learn a lot about England. I want to help children and I also want to go to England one day because I have a pen pal there. She is a student, too. Her name is Kelly. We are good friends. She teaches me English and I teach her Chinese. We help each other and learn from each other. What do you want to be when you grow up? 9. 关于长大后想做什么事的英语作文 I want to be an inventor TVs, telephone, fridges, cars, planes, puters and many other things are important inventions. They have greatly changed our life. Many people have their ideas and wishes. They want to invent some new things for the world. I am one of them. I want to be an inventor in the future, Inventions can bring fun and happiness to our life and make our daily life more convenient. Our life will bee better and better. Now I am a high school student. I will try my best to work hard at my lessons to make my dream e true. 我想成为一名发明家 电视、电话、冰箱、汽车、飞机、计算机和其他许多事情是重要的发明。他们已经大大改变了我们的生活。许多人都有自己的想法和愿望。他们想创造一些新的东西了世界。我就是其中一个。我想成为一名发明家在未来,发明能带来的乐趣,对我们的生活,使我们的日常生活更方便。我们的生活越来越好。现在我是一个高中学生。我将尽我所能努力学习功课,使我的梦想成真2023-08-12 19:03:471
以《life on Mars》为题写一篇英语作文,
Life by the possibility of life on Mars. The red planet has long been considered one of the most promising candidates for extraterrestrial life in our solar system.In recent years, there have been several exciting discoveries that have renewed interest in the search for life on Mars. In 2015, NASA announced that it had found evidence of liquid water on the planet"s surface, a key ingredient for the existence of life as we know it. This was followed by the discovery of organic molecules, another sign that Mars may have once supported life.Despite these promising signs, scientists caution that we still have a long way to go before we can definitively say whether or not life exists on Mars. The harsh Martian environment, with its thin atmosphere and extreme temperatures, presents significant challenges for any potential life forms.However, the search for life on Mars continues. In 2020, NASA launched its Perseverance rover, which2023-08-12 19:04:082
Life On Mars 歌词
歌曲名:Life On Mars歌手:Dexter Wansel专辑:Late Night Tales: Jamiroquai (Remastered Edition)David Bowie - Life On MarsIt"s a god-awful small affairTo the girl with the mousy hairBut her mummy is yelling "No"And her daddy has told her to goBut her friend is nowhere to be seenNow she walks through her sunken dreamTo the seat with the clearest viewAnd she"s hooked to the silver screenBut the film is a saddening boreFor she"s lived it ten times or moreShe could spit in the eyes of foolsAs they ask her to focus onSailors fighting in the dance hallOh man! look at those cavemen goIt"s the freakiest showTake a look at the lawmanBeating up the wrong guyOh man! Wonder if he"ll ever knowHe"s in the best selling showIs there life on Mars?It"s on Amerika"s tortured browThat Mickey Mouse has grown up a cowNow the workers have struck for fame"Cause Lennon"s on sale againSee the mice in their million hordesFrom Ibeza to the norfolk broadsRule Britannia is out of boundsTo my mother, my dog, and clownsBut the film is a saddening bore"Cause I wrote it ten times or moreIt"s about to be writ againAs I ask you to focus onSailors fighting in the dance hallOh man! Look at those cavemen goIt"s the freakiest showTake a look at the LawmanBeating up the wrong guyOh man! Wonder if he"ll ever knowHe"s in the best selling showIs there life on Mars? 19:04:251
Life On Mars 歌词
歌曲名:Life On Mars歌手:David Bowie专辑:A Reality TourDavid Bowie - Life On MarsIt"s a god-awful small affairTo the girl with the mousy hairBut her mummy is yelling "No"And her daddy has told her to goBut her friend is nowhere to be seenNow she walks through her sunken dreamTo the seat with the clearest viewAnd she"s hooked to the silver screenBut the film is a saddening boreFor she"s lived it ten times or moreShe could spit in the eyes of foolsAs they ask her to focus onSailors fighting in the dance hallOh man! look at those cavemen goIt"s the freakiest showTake a look at the lawmanBeating up the wrong guyOh man! Wonder if he"ll ever knowHe"s in the best selling showIs there life on Mars?It"s on Amerika"s tortured browThat Mickey Mouse has grown up a cowNow the workers have struck for fame"Cause Lennon"s on sale againSee the mice in their million hordesFrom Ibeza to the norfolk broadsRule Britannia is out of boundsTo my mother, my dog, and clownsBut the film is a saddening bore"Cause I wrote it ten times or moreIt"s about to be writ againAs I ask you to focus onSailors fighting in the dance hallOh man! Look at those cavemen goIt"s the freakiest showTake a look at the LawmanBeating up the wrong guyOh man! Wonder if he"ll ever knowHe"s in the best selling showIs there life on Mars? 19:04:321
life on Mars是几年级
九年级下册。译林版牛津初中英语(九年级下册):Unit4LifeonMars-Speakup。2023-08-12 19:04:381
life on mars英语作文
What will our life be like on Mars in the future? With the rapid development of hi-tech, the Mars will change a lot in many ways in the future. We"ll completely live in the cyberspace. First, we find the Mars haven"t been polluted. Air and water becomes more tidy and fresh thanour earth. Second, if we want, we can study in the sapceship. And people don"t need to go to thefactory to work, instead of working by computer at home. On the other hand, it is very easy for usto visit the Earth and other stars by riding spaceship. I hope all this can come true. But first, we must treasure and protect Mars and avoid it becominganother polluted earth.If all of us try our best to do it, we will enjoy our life.累!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2023-08-12 19:04:471
以my life on mars为题写一篇英语作文
What will our life be like on Mars in the future?With the rapid development of hi-tech,the Mars will change a lot in many ways in the future.We"ll completely live in the cyberspace.First,we find the Mars haven"t been polluted.Air and water becomes more tidy and fresh thanour earth.Second,if we want,we can study in the sapceship.And people don"t need to go to thefactory to work,instead of working by computer at home.On the other hand,it is very easy for usto visit the Earth and other stars by riding spaceship.I hope all this can come true.But first,we must treasure and protect Mars and avoid it becominganother polluted earth.If all of us try our best to do it,we will enjoy our life.2023-08-12 19:04:561
以my life on mars为题写一篇英语作文
What will our life be like on Mars in the future? With the rapid development of hi-tech, the Mars will change a lot in many ways in the future. We"ll completely live in the cyberspace. First, we find the Mars haven"t been polluted. Air and water becomes more tidy and fresh thanour earth. Second, if we want, we can study in the sapceship. And people don"t need to go to thefactory to work, instead of working by computer at home. On the other hand, it is very easy for usto visit the Earth and other stars by riding spaceship. I hope all this can come true. But first, we must treasure and protect Mars and avoid it becominganother polluted earth.If all of us try our best to do it, we will enjoy our life.2023-08-12 19:05:051
If there were life on Mars, such life forms_______unable to survive on earth
C虚拟语气2023-08-12 19:05:131
在这个大家早就已经看腻了男强女弱的霸总文学玛丽苏的年代,那些戏里又养颜又苏的“姐狗”CP反倒是显得清爽不少,也更容易让观众上头是真的。比如《下一站是幸福》里的宋茜x宋威龙、《司藤》里的景甜x张彬彬,这两部后姐狗CP已以喷涌之势制霸国剧荧屏。事业有成、美貌多金但缺乏情感经验的姐姐,和百折不挠、对姐姐呵护有加的弟弟成了固定搭配。30+女演员和95小生纷纷下场,正式开启《姐狗101》时代,秦岚、金晨、宋茜等可盐可甜的女演员都是吃到姐狗红利的代表。年下狗狗 X 年上大姐姐虽然甜,但这个命题并不是永远都那么好嗑!有些真是牙口再好都磕不动。秦岚 x 王子异《芳心荡漾》秦岚这两年算是吃足了“姐狗”的红利,翻翻她这几年的电视剧,简直快把娱乐圈帅气小鲜肉们撩完了。王子异、王鹤棣、范丞丞......萧亚轩的快乐,秦岚可算切切实实地体验到了~最近的一部是和王子异搭档的《芳心荡漾》,两个人19年就搭档过《怪你过分美丽》,当时的王子异还不是男主,在剧里饰演的是爱上秦岚饰演的经纪人的当红流量。两人在剧里的cp感实在是太浓,导致大家都念念不忘,对这次二搭的期待值也很高,可到了新剧《芳心荡漾》里两人的cp感却断崖式下降,《芳心荡漾》里秦岚饰演的张帆是洒脱个性的事业型女强人,王子异饰演的林森既是心思单纯的归国ABC。上来第一个镜头就是一袭红裙的秦岚在酒店醒来拉开窗帘发现床上多了一个男的,这个男的(王子异)开口第一句就让人鸡皮疙瘩掉一地,可能是为了展示身材,两个人话没说几句,王子异就开始做起了俯卧撑。聊着聊着发现是误会一场,虽然前一晚两个人什么也没发生,但也不妨碍接下来的每一集里,王子异扮演的角色突兀又尴尬地出现,说好听点是痴缠奶狗挂的弟弟,说白了就是不务正业的狗皮膏药。两个人完全没有那种让人心痒难耐的暧昧拉扯氛围,看起来实在是没什么代入感,就是在僵硬地套用公式。而且王子异真的不太适合演奶狗,特别是眼含泪水满脸委屈的那种。还是《怪你过分美丽》里的角色更适合他。秦岚虽然身材颜值都没得挑,但没有走出舒适圈,还是那副知性女强人的外貌和个性,实在是没什么新鲜感。说白了两人一搭的成功完全就是依拖剧情营造出的氛围感,彼此都小心翼翼地试探着边界,虽然戏份不多,但年下男的稚嫩和小野心都很让人跺脚。二搭没了这种氛围,剧情也略显着急,真就让人磕不起来。金晨 x 王安宇《炽道》前阵子的另一部金晨和王安宇主演的网剧《炽道》,也主打姐弟恋,也没什么让人磕下去的欲望。说实话两人的颜值、身材也算是蛮配的,剧情人设也比较贴脸。女主罗娜是率性飒爽的御姐助教,在训练场上要求严格到吹毛求疵,常被队员笑称“长得很美的汉子”,这个角色简直就是写着金晨的名字。有着“娱乐圈体育生”称号的王安宇,演的是幼稚却有烈性的田径少年段宇成,身材颜值很适配。冲着这两位善男信女的美丽脸蛋和美好肉体,怎么说也得爆一下,奈何实在是有点糊嘴。点开前:“姐姐和年下体育生的恋爱,多么有吸引力啊!” ,但点开后“究竟是谁在油王争霸?”。他俩的互动总是一不小心就让人觉得“耍帅不足,油腻有余。”两个人不像在谈恋爱,而是金晨在单方面无痛当妈。有些本该是弟弟撒娇的画面,却让人看出了一种“妈妈哄儿子吃饭”的既视感。要不就是看起来都不太喜欢异性。两个人偶尔也有不油的时候,可惜再一看你就会发现,演员是不油了滤镜开始油了。被调侃是“澡堂子滤镜”,也是得感谢这部剧让伊姐知道了氛围感不是加了梦幻滤镜就有了的。江疏影 x 彭昱畅《女士的法则》江疏影和彭昱畅这两人乍一看姐姐够攻,弟弟也奶,合到一块却成辣眼重灾区。两人合作的《女士的法则》是以律师行业为切入点的职场剧,走路带风的职场御姐和实习直球小奶狗的设定,按理来说应该会戳到不少人,却被观众狠狠吐槽零嗑点。江疏影和彭昱畅在年龄上符合姐狗设定相差8岁,按理说8岁也不是很多,但就是感觉他们之间隔了两代人那么远。他俩在戏里把各种亲昵戏份全演了,什么拥抱依偎什么亲吻互撩,该有的恋爱桥段一个不少。但两人同框,怎么看怎么不像情侣,你可以说是小姨和侄子、后妈和继子、女房东和租客……彭昱畅虽然27岁,但长了一张高中脸,出道以来的角色,无论是《闪光少女》《风犬少年的天空》还是《快把我哥带走》,一直是热血少年、邻家boy这类的青春角色,再加上这些角色特质契合他本人的原因,观众的印象也就更深。而江疏影呢,她的长相偏成熟,大红唇一涂,又多了几分冷艳干练,走的基本是御姐路线。想要hold住她,怎么也要有气场的成熟男人。再加上剧情上的硬伤,双方撩拨、拉扯的铺垫还没做好,上来就是速食爱情,结果就是大写的出戏。这也是现在的国产姐狗剧烂尾的一部分原因,弟弟总是毫无理由地爱上姐姐,又毫无理由地不顾一切,乏剧情的铺陈和人物心理的解读,实在是让人难以入戏。不得不提一下伊姐心目中的“姐狗”教科书,韩剧《听见你的声音》,少年被勇敢坚定的姐姐吸引,在努力成为更好的自己的同时,也治愈了姐姐。姐姐也如同现实中的人一样,在犹疑、挣扎、深思熟虑后才逐渐坚定了自己的选择。名场面水族馆告白之吻,看一次心动一次,李钟硕那滴划过脸颊的泪真真落进了广大姐姐们的心里。还有《经常请吃饭的漂亮姐姐》,没有什么跌宕起伏和抓马的剧情,孙艺珍和丁海寅之间暗流涌动,把互相的依恋和占有欲表现的恰到好处,两个人就连牵个手都能让人忍不住不嗷嗷乱叫。还有《下一站是幸福》,宋茜宋威龙的“双宋”CP绝对对得起国产姐弟恋天花板这个称号。接下来“姐狗”还将继续发力,杨幂和许凯的《爱的二八定律》、Angelababy和王安宇的《漫影寻踪》、周雨彤和吴磊的《爱情而已》、童谣跟张新成的《微暗之火》、还有肖战与白百何的《骄阳伴我》、刘宇宁和刘涛的《做自己的光》......一眼望过去一水的帅哥美女,就是不知道能不能给“姐狗”争点气。就算剧情没有硬伤了,CP感这事实在是门玄学。实在不行的话赶紧让“双宋”二搭,拍一个《下一站是幸福》第二季吧!谁说“姐狗”CP就一定好磕的?最近这两年“姐学”大火,风头甚至大过了“霸总”。大家还给姐弟恋题材的影视剧取了一个新名字叫“姐狗”,也很贴切了。在这个大家早就已经看腻了男强女弱的霸总文学玛丽苏的年代,那些戏里又养颜又苏的“姐狗”CP反倒是显得清爽不少,也更容易让观众上头是真的。比如《下一站是幸福》里的宋茜x宋威龙、《司藤》里的景甜x张彬彬,这两部后姐狗CP已以喷涌之势制霸国剧荧屏。事业有成、美貌多金但缺乏情感经验的姐姐,和百折不挠、对姐姐呵护有加的弟弟成了固定搭配。30+女演员和95小生纷纷下场,正式开启《姐狗101》时代,秦岚、金晨、宋茜等可盐可甜的女演员都是吃到姐狗红利的代表。年下狗狗 X 年上大姐姐虽然甜,但这个命题并不是永远都那么好嗑!有些真是牙口再好都磕不动。秦岚 x 王子异《芳心荡漾》秦岚这两年算是吃足了“姐狗”的红利,翻翻她这几年的电视剧,简直快把娱乐圈帅气小鲜肉们撩完了。王子异、王鹤棣、范丞丞......萧亚轩的快乐,秦岚可算切切实实地体验到了~最近的一部是和王子异搭档的《芳心荡漾》,两个人19年就搭档过《怪你过分美丽》,当时的王子异还不是男主,在剧里饰演的是爱上秦岚饰演的经纪人的当红流量。两人在剧里的cp感实在是太浓,导致大家都念念不忘,对这次二搭的期待值也很高,可到了新剧《芳心荡漾》里两人的cp感却断崖式下降,《芳心荡漾》里秦岚饰演的张帆是洒脱个性的事业型女强人,王子异饰演的林森既是心思单纯的归国ABC。上来第一个镜头就是一袭红裙的秦岚在酒店醒来拉开窗帘发现床上多了一个男的,这个男的(王子异)开口第一句就让人鸡皮疙瘩掉一地,可能是为了展示身材,两个人话没说几句,王子异就开始做起了俯卧撑。聊着聊着发现是误会一场,虽然前一晚两个人什么也没发生,但也不妨碍接下来的每一集里,王子异扮演的角色突兀又尴尬地出现,说好听点是痴缠奶狗挂的弟弟,说白了就是不务正业的狗皮膏药。两个人完全没有那种让人心痒难耐的暧昧拉扯氛围,看起来实在是没什么代入感,就是在僵硬地套用公式。而且王子异真的不太适合演奶狗,特别是眼含泪水满脸委屈的那种。还是《怪你过分美丽》里的角色更适合他。秦岚虽然身材颜值都没得挑,但没有走出舒适圈,还是那副知性女强人的外貌和个性,实在是没什么新鲜感。说白了两人一搭的成功完全就是依拖剧情营造出的氛围感,彼此都小心翼翼地试探着边界,虽然戏份不多,但年下男的稚嫩和小野心都很让人跺脚。二搭没了这种氛围,剧情也略显着急,真就让人磕不起来。金晨 x 王安宇《炽道》前阵子的另一部金晨和王安宇主演的网剧《炽道》,也主打姐弟恋,也没什么让人磕下去的欲望。说实话两人的颜值、身材也算是蛮配的,剧情人设也比较贴脸。女主罗娜是率性飒爽的御姐助教,在训练场上要求严格到吹毛求疵,常被队员笑称“长得很美的汉子”,这个角色简直就是写着金晨的名字。有着“娱乐圈体育生”称号的王安宇,演的是幼稚却有烈性的田径少年段宇成,身材颜值很适配。冲着这两位善男信女的美丽脸蛋和美好肉体,怎么说也得爆一下,奈何实在是有点糊嘴。点开前:“姐姐和年下体育生的恋爱,多么有吸引力啊!” ,但点开后“究竟是谁在油王争霸?”。他俩的互动总是一不小心就让人觉得“耍帅不足,油腻有余。”两个人不像在谈恋爱,而是金晨在单方面无痛当妈。有些本该是弟弟撒娇的画面,却让人看出了一种“妈妈哄儿子吃饭”的既视感。要不就是看起来都不太喜欢异性。两个人偶尔也有不油的时候,可惜再一看你就会发现,演员是不油了滤镜开始油了。被调侃是“澡堂子滤镜”,也是得感谢这部剧让伊姐知道了氛围感不是加了梦幻滤镜就有了的。江疏影 x 彭昱畅《女士的法则》江疏影和彭昱畅这两人乍一看姐姐够攻,弟弟也奶,合到一块却成辣眼重灾区。两人合作的《女士的法则》是以律师行业为切入点的职场剧,走路带风的职场御姐和实习直球小奶狗的设定,按理来说应该会戳到不少人,却被观众狠狠吐槽零嗑点。江疏影和彭昱畅在年龄上符合姐狗设定相差8岁,按理说8岁也不是很多,但就是感觉他们之间隔了两代人那么远。他俩在戏里把各种亲昵戏份全演了,什么拥抱依偎什么亲吻互撩,该有的恋爱桥段一个不少。但两人同框,怎么看怎么不像情侣,你可以说是小姨和侄子、后妈和继子、女房东和租客……彭昱畅虽然27岁,但长了一张高中脸,出道以来的角色,无论是《闪光少女》《风犬少年的天空》还是《快把我哥带走》,一直是热血少年、邻家boy这类的青春角色,再加上这些角色特质契合他本人的原因,观众的印象也就更深。而江疏影呢,她的长相偏成熟,大红唇一涂,又多了几分冷艳干练,走的基本是御姐路线。想要hold住她,怎么也要有气场的成熟男人。再加上剧情上的硬伤,双方撩拨、拉扯的铺垫还没做好,上来就是速食爱情,结果就是大写的出戏。这也是现在的国产姐狗剧烂尾的一部分原因,弟弟总是毫无理由地爱上姐姐,又毫无理由地不顾一切,乏剧情的铺陈和人物心理的解读,实在是让人难以入戏。不得不提一下伊姐心目中的“姐狗”教科书,韩剧《听见你的声音》,少年被勇敢坚定的姐姐吸引,在努力成为更好的自己的同时,也治愈了姐姐。姐姐也如同现实中的人一样,在犹疑、挣扎、深思熟虑后才逐渐坚定了自己的选择。名场面水族馆告白之吻,看一次心动一次,李钟硕那滴划过脸颊的泪真真落进了广大姐姐们的心里。还有《经常请吃饭的漂亮姐姐》,没有什么跌宕起伏和抓马的剧情,孙艺珍和丁海寅之间暗流涌动,把互相的依恋和占有欲表现的恰到好处,两个人就连牵个手都能让人忍不住不嗷嗷乱叫。还有《下一站是幸福》,宋茜宋威龙的“双宋”CP绝对对得起国产姐弟恋天花板这个称号。接下来“姐狗”还将继续发力,杨幂和许凯的《爱的二八定律》、Angelababy和王安宇的《漫影寻踪》、周雨彤和吴磊的《爱情而已》、童谣跟张新成的《微暗之火》、还2023-08-12 19:05:2215
不复杂很简单 77uub 、夜晚来临你的急需2023-08-12 19:16:132
以the population of my hometown为题写一篇英语作文
多少子的2023-08-12 19:16:282
在的英语单词怎么写 在的英语单词如何写
1、在的英语单词是:exist。 2、火星上是否存在生命?Does life exist on Mars? 3、在南方,情况相反。In the south, the reverse applies。 4、他们在交头接耳。They spoke in whispers。2023-08-12 19:16:371
探索火星 英语作文80词
With the rapid development of science and technology, people will be able to live on the plant Mars one day. We are going to build a new city on Mars. There will be a lot of flowers and trees. There will be clean water and blue sky. Life there will be very nice. Moreover, We won"t do the bad things as we do on the Earth, and we will protect our new home. We will protect the environment there. What"s more, we will be very happy in our new home.2023-08-12 19:16:461
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2023-08-12 19:16:531
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在百度搜,一大堆,100%能用2023-08-12 19:17:3911
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自己去网上找2023-08-12 19:18:0910
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