at time偶尔,
1.One expects healthy children to be mischievous at times.
to time
没听说过,from time to time,有时,不时,adv
on time
You should attend the meeting on time.你应该准时参加会议
in time及时
finish it in time ,及时完成
from time to time
有时2023-08-11 19:39:175
from time to time什么意思
from time to time[英] [fru0254m taim tu: taim][美] [fru028cm tau026am tu tau026am][词典]不时,偶尔,间或; 时而;[例句]From time to time we all get a hankering for something a little different我们每个人偶尔都会渴望有点变化。2023-08-11 19:39:471
from time to time什么意思?
from time to time(adv.) =some time有时2023-08-11 19:40:116
from time to time we all allow ourselves to be blinded to issues of long -term
from time to time we all allow ourselves to be blinded to issues of long -term significance by stuff that seems awfully important right now , but isn"t . 这个句子的主语是we all 。谓语是allow。宾语是ourselves。---------------------------------------------------------------------to be blinded to是宾语补足语。from time to time是时间状语。剩余的issues是介词to的宾语。of long -term significance是介词短语做issue的定语。关键的是by stuff that seems awfully important right now , but isn"t . 对吧?!是be blinded by的结构,(眼睛)被某某事情所蒙蔽。-----------------------------------------------------被说明事情所蒙蔽呢?来了一个定语从句that seems awfully important right now , but isn"t . 似是而非的stuff。看起来,现在就是 非常重要的,而实际上并不是。===========================================哈哈,能够理解啦:有时候,我们都会允许我们自己“被那些 现在看起来就非常重要的,而实际上并不是非常重要的”琐事 所蒙蔽。勤学好问 天天进步!开心快乐每一天!2023-08-11 19:40:251
from time to time 等于什么?
some times2023-08-11 19:40:444
from time to time和often usually那些频率词有什么区别吗
fromtimetotime: 有时,偶尔频率词由大至小排序如下:always 常常 =>often 时常=>usually 通常=>sometimes 有时 /fromtimetotime=>seldom 很少 =>hardly/rarely 几乎不 =>never 从不2023-08-11 19:40:511
from time to time是什么意思
fromtimetotime[英][fru0254mtaimtu:taim][美][fru028cmtau026amtutau026am]不时,偶尔,间或;时而;例句:1.Eventhemostself-confidentamonguswillexperiencedoubtfromtimetotime.即使是我们中最自信的人仍然会不时经受怀疑。2.Multipleashlayerssuggestthateruptionskilledcountlessanimalsfromtimetotime.一层又一层的火山灰预示着火山爆发不时带走无数动物的生命2023-08-11 19:41:111
fromtimetotime的意思是:不时,有时。fromtimetotime的意思是:不时,有时。fromtimetotime【近义词】occasionally偶尔地。fromtimetotime的读音是英[fr_mta_mt_ta_m];美[fr_mta_mt_ta_m]。一、英英释义点此查看fromtimetotime的详细内容Adverb:nowandthenorhereandthere;"hewasarrogantandoccasionallycallous""openareasareonlyoccasionallyinterruptedbyclumpsoftrees""theyvisitNewYorkonoccasion""nowandagainshewouldtakeherfavoritebookfromtheshelfandreadtous""aswedrovealong,thebeautifulscenerynowandthenattractedhisattention"二、网络解释1.fromtimetotime1.有时,不时:forthetimebeing目前,暂时|fromtimetotime有时,不时|innotime立即,马上2.不时,有时:forthetimebeing暂时,眼下|fromtimetotime不时,有时|getacross使通过;使被理解3.3.偶尔:5、Forthetimebeing__地|6、Fromtimetotime偶_|7、Inthenickoftime及_4.时常,有时,不时:fromnowon今后,从现在起|fromtimetotime时常,有时,不时|gainon跑得比...快;逼近三、例句Sometimesitisnecessarytotrimthosepolicies.有时需要改变原先制定的那些政策。Thetempergetsthebestofhimfromtimetotime.他有时控制不住自己的脾气。Fromtimetotime,Ilookedupfrommynotebook.我的目光不时地离开习字纸向上看。Heisplanningtoamassafortuneforarainyday.他正打算积蓄财富以备不时之需。fromtimetotime的相关近义词occasionally、sometimes、onoccasion、attimes、onceinawhile、nowandagain、nowandthenfromtimetotime的相关临近词from、fromon点此查看更多关于fromtimetotime的详细信息2023-08-11 19:41:191
from time to time的中文意思
时不时的,偶尔2023-08-11 19:41:294
it is time to do sth2023-08-11 19:43:173
英语介词"from"和"to"都可以表示时间、地点、方向等方面的含义,具体意义如下:"from"表示起点,来源,从哪里开始,例如:"I"m from New York."(我来自纽约); "He works from 9am to 5pm."(他从早上9点工作到下午5点)。"to"表示终点,目的地,到哪里结束,例如:"I"m going to London."(我要去伦敦); "The flight from Tokyo to New York takes about 12 hours."(从东京到纽约的航班需要大约12个小时)。此外,"from"和"to"还可以用于表示范围或区间,例如:"The temperature ranges from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius."(温度在10到20摄氏度之间); "The price of the tickets varies from $50 to $100."(票价从50美元到100美元不等)。2023-08-11 19:43:341
一.本课要点及示例 在这一课里, 我们学习几个跟时间有关系的常用语,比方 "准时"on time,"及时" in time, "总是" all the time, "有时候" from time to time, 等等. 另外我们要谈美国人的时间观念, 顺便谈一谈在这套教材里出现过的人物. 首先我们依照惯例听一段对话, 内容是说珍妮早晨起来去跑步, 作运动, 回家路上遇到鲍勃, 两个人谈话的经过. 请你注意听英文老师的发音和语调. M: Jenny, I haven"t seen you for a long time. How have you been? F: I"ve been busy, Bob. How are you? M: I"m fine. You have been running, haven"t you? Where do you find the time? F: It does take a lot of time, but I really enjoy it. Why don"t you try it? M: Well, I think about it from time to time, but it seems like I never have enough time. F: Speaking of not having enough time, I really need to get home and take a shower. I have a class in an hour. I want to be on time for it. M: Okay, I"ll talk to you some other time. 现在我们听老师用慢速度再把整段对话念一遍. M: Jenny, I haven"t seen you for a long time. How have you been? F: I"ve been busy, Bob. How are you? M: I"m fine. You have been running, haven"t you? Where do you find the time? F: It does take a lot of time, but I really enjoy it. Why don"t you try it? M: Well, I think about it from time to time, but it seems like I never have enough time. F: Speaking of not having enough time, I really need to get home and take a shower. I have a class in an hour. I want to be on time for it. M: Okay, I"ll talk to you some other time. 刚才那段对话里包含了许多跟时间有关系的俗语. 现在我把这些有俗语的句子挑出来, 请老师再念一遍给你听. M: I haven"t seen you for a long time. M: Where do you find the time? F: It does take a lot of time. M: I think about it from time to time. F: I want to be on time for it. M: I"ll talk to you some other time. 二.ON TIME 现在我们挑出几个表明时间的常用语分别作练习. 首先我们练习 "准时" 或是"守时" on time, o-n t-i-m-e, on time 的用法. 下面男老师用这个词组作一些句子说明珍妮很守时, 比方 "珍妮无论作什么事总是想着要准时." Jenny is preoccupied with being on time. "她总是准时赴约会." She is always on time for an appointment. 等等. 请你注意听男老师念句子, 并且跟女老师一起把句子重复一遍. M: Jenny wants to be on time for her class. F: Jenny wants to be on time for her class. M: She was taught to be on time when she was small. F: She was taught to be on time when she was small. M: She feels that being on time is a good habit. F: She feels that being on time is a good habit. M: She thinks that being on time is important. F: She thinks that being on time is important. M: She is preoccupied with being on time. F: She is preoccupied with being on time. M: She is always on time for an appointment. F: She is always on time for an appointment. M: She is always on time for work. F: She is always on time for work. M: She tells her boss if she cannot be on time for work. F: She tells her boss if she cannot be on time for work. M: She wants to be on time because she values time. F: She wants to be on time because she values time. 下面我们作一组代换练习, 一方面练习 on time 这个词组,一方面看一看什么样的人通常比较准时. 练习的作法是老师念一个有从句的问题, 然后老师念另外一个从句, 请你把从句代换到原来的句子里. 这组练习里有些词汇可能你不熟,比方 "珍贵" precious, "注重时间的" time-oriented, "繁忙的" hectic, "时间表"schedule, "认真地" conscientiously, 请你在作练习的时候特别注意. 每作完一句老师就把正确答案念一遍给你听. 现在开始. M: Are those who have a watch usually on time? M: who worry about being late F: Are those who worry about being late usually on time? M: who value time F: Are those who value time usually on time? M: who consider time precious F: Are those who consider time precious usually on time? M: who live in a time-oriented society F: Are those who live in a time-oriented society usually on time? M: who have a hectic schedule F: Are those who have a hectic schedule usually on time? M: who work conscientiously F: Are those who work conscientiously usually on time? 三.IN TIME 下面我们练习怎么用 "及时" in time, i-n t-i-m-e, in time 作句子. 练习的作法是鲍勃问珍妮一些问题, 比方"你今天早上赶上那班直达车了吗?" Did you catch the express bus this morning? 珍妮就用 in time 作肯定的答覆. 请你注意听. M: Did you catch the express bus this morning? F: Yes, I caught it in time. M: Did you make it to your class? F: Yes, I made it in time. M: Did you finish the exam? F: Yes, I finished it in time. M: Did you talk to your advisor before he left the office? F: Yes, I talked to him in time. M: Did you make it to the doctor"s appointment after school? F: Yes, I made it in time. M: Did you get home before the traffic hour started? F: Yes, I got home in time. 下面我们再作一组练习. 首先老师说一句话, 比方: Jenny talked to her advisor just before he left the office. 请你把句子改成: She talked to her advisor in time.这组练习不但提到珍妮还提到其他在这套教材里出现过的人物跟他们做过的一些事情, 希望你还记得.现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句, 就请你听老师念正确答案. M: Jenny talked to her advisor just before he left his office. F: She talked to her advisor in time. M: Bob got back from China the day before the semester started. F: He got back from China in time. M: Henry and Kate paid their income tax before it was too late. F: They paid their income tax in time. M: Henry and other firemen put out the fire just before it started to spread. F: They put out the fire in time. M: Nancy finished typing the fire report an hour before it was due. F: She finished typing the fire report in time. M: Kate picked up her car just before the garage close. F: She picked up her car in time. M: Peter got into his parents" trailer before it started to rain. F: He got into his parents" trailer in time. M: Mary got her graduation cap and gown the day before the graduation ceremony. F: She got her graduation cap and gown in time. M: Linda bought a swimming suit for Jenny on the last day of the sale. F: She bought a swimming suit for Jenny in time. 四.FROM TIME TO TIME 现在我们练习怎么用 from time to time, f-r-o-m t-i-m-e t-o t-i-m-e, from time to time 这个词组的意思就是 "不时" 或是 "有时候". 下面老师用这个词组提出一些跟工作有关系的问题, 比方美国人有时候感到工作沉重, 有时候觉得受到时间的束缚等等, 请你一一地作肯定的答覆. 你回答之后老师会把答案再念一遍给你听. M: Are Americans preoccupied with their jobs from time to time? F: Yes, Americans are preoccupied with their jobs from time to time. M: Do they feel job pressure from time to time? F: Yes, they feel job pressure from time to time. M: Do they cope with a hectic schedule from time to time? F: Yes, they cope with a hectic schedule from time to time. M: Do they work extra hours from time to time? F: Yes, they work extra hours from time to time. M: Do they complain about their jobs from time to time? F: Yes, they complain about their jobs from time to time. M: Do they need to relax from time to time? F: Yes, they need to relax from time to time. M: Do they need to get away from their jobs from time to time? F: Yes, they need to get away from their jobs from time to time. 五.ALL THE TIME 下面我们学习怎么用 all the time, a-l-l t-h-e t-i-m-e, all the time. 这个词组可以用来表示 "总是". 比方: He"s always busy. 可以改成: He"s busy all the time. 现在老师作一些句子说明在这套教材里出现过的一些人物.比方: Peter doesn"t like to wear a watch. He"s always late. 学生就把句子改成: Peter doesn"t like to wear a watch. He"s late all the time. 学生作练习的时候请你也一起作. M: Jenny is preoccupied with time. She always worries about being late. F: Jenny is preoccupied with time. She worries about being late all the time. M: Peter doesn"t like to wear a watch. He"s always late. F: Peter doesn"t like to wear a watch. He"s late all the time. M: Henry has a hectic schedule. He"s always busy. F: Henry has a hectic schedule. He"s busy all the time. M: Kate is persuasive. Her students always listen to her. F: Kate is persuasive. Her students listen to her all the time. M: Bill is a competitive coach. He always talks about winning a game. F: Bill is a competitive coach. He talks about winning a game all the time. M: Bob likes politics. He always campaigns for somebody. F: Bob likes politics. He campaigns for somebody all the time. M: Nancy has financial problems. She always complains about the high cost of living. F: Nancy has financial problems. She complains about the high cost of living all the time. M: Bonnie has psychological problems. She"s always upset. F: Bonnie has psychological problems. She"s upset all the time. 六.听短文回答问题 今天我们要听的文章谈到美国人很重视时间. 这一点从语言, 生活习惯等等方面都可以看出来. 文章里许多词汇都是我们刚刚练习过的. 现在请你注意听. Americans think a great deal about time. They constantly refer to time and the value of keeping busy. From childhood, they learn to value time, and their language reflects this preoccupation with it. As children, they are taught to be on time for events and to do work on time. They learn that the price of committing a crime is to do time in prison. When they are having a good time, they say that time flies; they say sadly of someone who is dying that he is living on borrowed time. From the time of its beginning, American English has reflected this preoccupation with time. Nowhere can this sense of time be seen more clearly than in the working place. Working Americans are bound to the clock. It is a commonly held belief that one should balance work against a set time, for example an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week. Anything over these time limits is overtime, and the worker should receive more money per hour for work done during overtime. Time during nonworking hours is also considered very precious. Whether an American decides on a hectic weekend schedule, when Saturday and Sunday are filled with activities,or on a relaxed weekend,the time will be regarded as valuable. Some Americans feel they have a love / hate relationship with time. They love the comforts that progress has brought through work, but they hate the bondage to the clock and the pressures of a time-oriented society. There is little doubt that many Americans feel they have become servants of the clock. 现在请你回答下面三个问题. 回答之后老师会念正确答案给你听. 第一个问题是: M: What are some of the expressions reflecting Americans" preoccupation with time? F: To be on time, have a good time, live on borrowed time and to do time are some of the expressions reflecting Americans" preoccupation with time. 第二个问题是: M: What is overtime? F: Anything over an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week is overtime. 第三个问题是: M: Why do many Americans feel they have become servants of the clock? F: It is because they live in a time-oriented society.2023-08-11 19:43:541
in effect from time to time谢谢了,大神帮忙啊
in effect from time to time 时时更新有效.2023-08-11 19:44:132
at the same time 同时;然而 same time 同时 in time 及时;适时 all the time 始终,一直 for the first time 首次;第一次 long time adj.长期的(持久的);长时间;好久好久 every time 每次,每当 first time 第一次;第一时间 on time 按时,准时;按时付款 at a time 一次;每次;在某时 last time 上次;最后一次 for a long time 很长时间,很久 no time 无时;一会儿功夫 what time 几点;什么时间 at that time 在那时 from time to time 不时,有时 any time 随时,在任何时候 some time 在未来的某时,一段时间;一些时间;经过若干时间 for some time 一段时间,一会儿 at the time 在那时,那时候2023-08-11 19:44:411
sometimes2023-08-11 19:44:492
如果表示几点钟的话,是“数字+o"clock”,读“xx俄克罗克”如果只是纯粹的“time"这个单词,读”泰姆“还有表示仅仅表示时的意思的”hour“,读”奥尔“2023-08-11 19:45:153
between time and time ,between times and times,from time to time ,from times to times.都是什么意思
时间和时间之间,偶尔和时间,从时间,以时间,从次倍。2023-08-11 19:45:232
(for) the first/second/last etc time(only) time will tell(the) next time/(the) last time/this timea good/bad timea long/short/limited timeahead of your/its timeahead of/behind timeall in good timeall the timeamount of timeancient timesany time (now)arrival/departure time... at a timeat a/the time whenat all timesat any one timeat no timeat no time did/was etcat one timeat some/any/that timeat the timeat the time of sthat this timeat timesat/in/during etc the time of sthbefore your timebehind the timesby the timechanges over timedinner/lunch/tea etc timedo timedo you have the time?every/each timefive/ten/many etc timesfor a timefor any length of timefor some timefor the time beingfree/spare timefrom time to timegood/bad/hard etc timeshad the time of ... lifehad ... time over againhalf the timehave a good/great/lovely etc timehave a lot of/no time for sb/sthhave all the time in the worldhave timehave time for sthhave time on your hands/time to killhave you got the time?have/get time to do sthhow many times ...?in 10 days"/five years"/a few minutes" etc timein good time/in plenty of timein no time (at all)/in next to no timein timein time forin time to do sthin time to/with sthin your own (good) timein your own timein your timeis that the time?it"s (only/just) a matter/question of timeit"s about timeit"s time for sthit"s time sb did sthit"s time to do sthjourney/travel timejust in timekeep perfect/good etc timekeep/beat timelocal timelook at the timemake good timemake/find time (for sth/to do sth)most of the timemove/change/keep up with the timesnine times out of ten/99 times out of 100 etcnot before time/and about time (too)not the time/hardly the timeon timeOne timeopening/closing timeour time(s)over timepass the time of day (with sb)passed the timeperiod of timeprecious timerace/work/battle against timeright/bang/dead on timesave timesb"s time in/at/as sthspend ... timetake time to do sthtake your timetake your time doing sthtake your time overtakes timetell the timetell timethe best/biggest etc ... of all timethe first/second/next/last etc time roundthe right timethere is timethere"s no time like the presentthere"s no time to losethis time tomorrow/last week etctime after time/time and time againtime fliestime is a great healer/heals all woundstime is moneytime is on your sidetime is running outtime of day/yeartime of lifetime of the monthtime out of mindtime passes/goes bytime to sparetime was (when)time"s uptook ... timewaste timewe"re out of timewhat time do you have?what time do you make it?when the time comeswith time to sparewith time/given timeyour timePhrases from other entries:(for) a long time/while- see long, adj(not) for any length of time- see length, n(the) next time- see next_determinera bad time/moment etc- see bad, adja bumpy ride/time- see bumpy, adja devil of a time/job etc- see devil, na good deal of trouble/time/work etc- see good, adja long time ago- see long, adja ... short period of time- see short, adja short space of time- see short, adja short time- see short, adja stitch in time (saves nine)- see stitch, na/one bit at a time- see bit, advaccess time- see access time, nagain and again/time and (time) again/over and over again- see again, advahead of time- see ahead, advall the time in the world- see world, nample time/evidence/opportunity- see ample, adjan opportune moment/time- see opportune, adjany old thing/place/time etc- see old, adjappropriate time/place etc- see appropriate, adjas good a time/place etc as any- see good, adjas time goes by- see go, vat any given time/moment- see given, adjat harvest/at harvest time- see harvest, nat some time in the future- see future, nat the appointed time- see appoint, vat the best of times- see best, nAt the present time- see present, adjat the same time- see same, adjat the time of- see of_prepAt this moment in time- see moment, nat this point in time- see point, nat this time of night- see night, nbang on time- see bang, advbe (caught/locked/stuck) in a time warp- see time warp, nbe a long time/10 years etc in the making- see making, nbe a waste of time/money/effort etc- see waste, nbe having a thin time (of it)- see thin, adjbe in the right place at the right time- see right, adjbe in the wrong place at the wrong time- see wrong, adjbe living on borrowed time- see live, vbe marking time- see mark, vbe old before your time- see old, adjbe pressed for time/cash etc- see press, vbe pressed for time/money etc- see pressed, adjbe pushed for time/money etc- see pushed, adjbe timed for sth- see time, vbe timed to do sth- see time, vbe worth the time/effort/work- see worth_prepbeat time- see beat, vbetter luck next time- see luck, nbiblical times- see biblical, adjbide your time- see bide, vbig time- see big time, nboom years/times- see boom, nbreak time- see break, nbuy (sb) time- see buy, vBy the time ... rolled around- see roll, vcall time (on sb/sth)- see call, vcalled time out- see time out, ncan"t spare the time- see spare, vclosing time- see closing time, ncomplete waste of time- see complete, adjcountless times- see countless, adjday/date/time of purchase- see purchase, ndaylight saving time- see daylight saving time, ndead on time- see dead, advdevote your time/energy/attention etc to sth- see devote, vdid ... time- see do, vdouble time- see double time, ndrinking-up time- see drinking-up time, nelapsed time- see elapse, vevery time- see every_determinerevery time sb turns around- see turn, vexact date/time/number/amount etc- see exact, adjexpend energy/effort/time/resources etc- see expend, vextended period of time- see extended, adjextra time- see extra time, nface time- see face time, nface time with- see face time, nfall on hard/bad times- see fall, vfallen on hard times- see hard, adjfill in time- see fill, vfill your time/the days etc (with sth)- see fill, vfix a time/date/place etc- see fix, vfor the first time- see first, adjfor the umpteenth time- see umpteenth, adjfree time- see free, adjfrom that/this day/time/moment etc forward- see forward, advfrom/since time immemorial- see immemorial, adjfull time- see full time, ngain time- see gain, vgive me sth (any day/time)- see give, vgive sb a hard time- see hard, adjgive sb time/a few weeks/all day etc- see give, vgood for some time/a hundred miles etc- see good, adjgood time- see good, adjhalt the march of time- see march, nhappens all the time- see happen, vhardly the time/place/person etc- see hardly, advhave a claim on sb"s time/attention etc- see claim, nhave a good time/day/weekend etc- see good, adjhave a good/terrible etc time- see have, vhave a hard time- see hard, adjhave a hard time doing sth- see hard, adjhave a hard time of it- see hard, adjhave a tough time (of it)- see tough, adjhave a whale of a time- see whale, nhave an easy time (of it)- see easy, adjhave an easy time of it- see easy, adjhave time (to do sth)- see have, vhave time/luck/God/right etc on your side- see side, nhit the big time- see big time, nif time permits- see permit, vin (the) course of time- see course, nin days/times/years etc gone by- see go, vin double-quick time- see double quick, advin extra time- see extra time, nin former times/years- see former, adjin good time (for sth/to do sth)- see good, adjin less than no time- see less_determinerin modern times- see modern, adjin no time- see no_determinerin olden times- see olden, adjin recent years/months/times etc- see recent, adjin record time- see record, nin term time- see term, nin the fullness of time- see fullness, nin the nick of time- see nick, nin your own good time- see good, adjin your own sweet way/time- see sweet, adjinjury time- see injury time, nit is high time sb did sth- see high, adjit"s only/just a matter of time- see matter, nit"s payback time- see payback, nit"s time I was moving/we ought to get moving etc- see move, vkill time/an hour etc- see kill, vlead time- see lead time, nleisure time- see leisure, nlet the good times roll- see let, vlimited number/amount/time etc- see limited, adjlong ago/a long time ago- see ago, advlong period of time- see long, adjlong stretches of time- see stretch, nlong time no see- see long, adjlose all sense of time/direction/proportion etc- see lose, vlose no time in doing sth- see lose, vlose time/2 days/3 hours etc- see lose, vlost in the mists of time- see mist, nlost ... track of time- see track, nmake up for lost time- see make, vmany a time- see many_determinermany"s the time/day etc (that/when)- see many_determinermark time- see mark, vmoney/time etc to spare- see spare, vmoney/time/space etc to play with- see play, vmost of the time/most days etc- see most_determinermove with the times- see move, vnearer the time- see near, advnine times out of ten- see nine, numberno time like the present- see present, nNot for the first time- see first, adjnow"s the time (for sb) to do sth- see now, advon short time- see short, adjonce upon a time- see once, advonce/twice/three times etc a week- see week, nopening time- see opening time, npeak times- see peak, adjperfect timing- see perfect, adjperfect way/place/time etc to do sth- see perfect, adjperfect/good/bad etc timing- see timing, nplanned/timed/arranged to coincide- see coincide, vplay for time- see play, vprecious seconds/minutes/hours/time- see precious, adjprime time- see prime time, nquality time- see quality time, nquite a/some time- see quite_predeterminerrace against time/against the clock- see race, nrace against time/the clock- see race, vreflects the mood of the time- see mood, nright time- see right, adjrough times- see rough, adjrun late/early/on time- see run, vrunning time- see running time, nsad time/day/moment etc- see sad, adjsb puts his pants on one leg at a time- see pants, nsense of timing- see timing, nserving time- see serve, vset a date/time (for sth)- see set, vshort time- see short, adjsign of the times- see sign, nsome time- see some_quantifiersome time ago- see ago, adv2023-08-11 19:45:311
everyone is given opportunity of one kind or another from time to time 是什么意思
每个人都一次又一次地被给予了这样或那样的机会。2023-08-11 19:45:405
sometimes some time some times sometime 有什么区别
sometimes=some time 有时some times 几次sometime 某个时候2023-08-11 19:46:546
"之间' 英文怎么说
bewteen2023-08-11 19:47:476
清楚吧?你告诉你我这有正确的答案你们可要看哦点赞点赞点赞赞2023-08-11 19:48:222
在...... 之间用英语怎么说
...间用英语说:1.between:表示两者间;2.among:表示三者或三者间请采纳谢谢支持2023-08-11 19:48:404
.2023-08-11 19:48:503
between1.(指时间、空间、顺序等)在...之间 They planted a lot of trees between the two buildings. 他们在两座建筑物之间栽了许多树. These books were written between 1736 and 1770. 这些书写于一七三六至一七七零年之间. 2.(指数量、距离、程度等)介乎...之间 He is a man between sixty and seventy. 他的年龄约在六十到七十之间. 3.连接着...;来往于...之间 There is a path between the house and the road. 有条小路将房子与出路连接起来. 4.为...所分享(或分担) Between them they landed the big fish. 他们齐心协力将大鱼捕上岸. The three children saved about two hundred dollars between them. 三个孩子一起积蓄了大约二百元钱. 5.由于...的共同影响 Between work and studies Bill has no time left. 工作和学习使比尔无暇它顾. ad. 1.在中间;介乎两者之间 We had a faculty meeting at 2 p.m.and a lecture later,with a 15-minute coffee break between. 午后二时我们开教师会议,而后有一个讲座,在此之间我们有十五分钟喝咖啡休息.2023-08-11 19:48:571
between...and 在...和...之间。2023-08-11 19:49:091
between and2023-08-11 19:49:204
在……之间 英文翻译是
In... between2023-08-11 19:49:453
在这个问题中,关于英文中“在…之间”的翻译,我认为合适的词语是"between"。下面我将从不同角度分析该问题,并给出相关例句来支持我的观点。首先,"在…之间"可以表示物体、事物或人之间的位置或距离关系。例如,我们可以说 "There is a table between the two chairs."(两把椅子之间有一张桌子)。其次,"在…之间"也可以用来表示时间的范围或区间。例如,我们可以说 "I have a meeting between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m." (我在下午两点到四点之间有一个会议)。此外,"在…之间"还可以表示选择或比较的范围。例如,我们可以说 "You can choose between pizza, burger, and salad."(你可以在披萨、汉堡和沙拉之间选择)。根据语境,多种情况下都可以使用"between"来翻译“在…之间”。以上只是一些简单的例句,希望对您有所帮助。此外,还有一种表达方式是使用"among"。虽然"among"主要用于表示在三个或三个以上事物之间的位置或关系,但在某些情况下也可以用于表示在两个事物之间。例如,我们可以说 "She found her keys among the books on the shelf."(她在书架上的书中找到了她的钥匙)。另一个常用的方式是使用"within". "within"通常用来表示在某个范围或时间段内,包括边界。例如,我们可以说 "The party will start within the next hour."(派对将在接下来的一个小时内开始)。最后,我们还可以用"midst"来表示"在…之间"。"midst"表示在一个大的群体或环境中间。例如,我们可以说 "She felt calm in the midst of chaos."(在混乱的环境中,她感到很平静)。2023-08-11 19:49:521
很多意思啊,我列举以下之间,between中间,middle一间房子,a division of a house间或,occasionally分隔,to put a space between2023-08-11 19:50:512
between1. (指时间、空间、顺序等)在...之间They planted a lot of trees between the two buildings.他们在两座建筑物之间栽了许多树。These books were written between 1736 and 1770.这些书写于一七三六至一七七零年之间。2. (指数量、距离、程度等)介乎...之间He is a man between sixty and seventy.他的年龄约在六十到七十之间。3. 连接着...;来往于...之间There is a path between the house and the road.有条小路将房子与出路连接起来。4. 为...所分享(或分担)Between them they landed the big fish.他们齐心协力将大鱼捕上岸。The three children saved about two hundred dollars between them.三个孩子一起积蓄了大约二百元钱。5. 由于...的共同影响Between work and studies Bill has no time left.工作和学习使比尔无暇它顾。ad.1. 在中间;介乎两者之间We had a faculty meeting at 2 p.m. and a lecture later, with a 15-minute coffee break between.午后二时我们开教师会议,而后有一个讲座,在此之间我们有十五分钟喝咖啡休息。2023-08-11 19:51:211
between2023-08-11 19:51:583
between A and B2023-08-11 19:52:087
自己不懂查吗2023-08-11 19:52:235
两者之间的英文:Between the two例句:1.房子在一处公园附近,但两者之间隔着一条马路。The house was near a park but there was a road in between. 2.部长否认两者之间有直接的联系。The minister denied there was a direct connection between the two issues. 3.他必须在两者之间作出抉择。He had to decide between the two. 4.这两者之间有共通的道理。The same argument applies to both cases. 5.大多数人既不善也不恶,而是介于两者之间。The generality of people are neither good nor bad, but somewhere in between.6.哈佛大学的研究也并未证明两者之间有直接相关性,但是接触这些化学物质与行为问题的产生有着密切的联系。Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct correlation but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues.7.研究者也开始更多地关注老年人与子女之间关系的质量而不是两者之间联系的频繁程度。Increasingly, researchers have begun to look at the quality of relationships, rather than at the frequency of contact, between the elderly and their children. 8.两者之间应该有某种中间地带。There should be some middle ground between the two. 9.C罗此举可能在某种程度上导致本周可口可乐的股价大跌,但是没有任何证据显示两者之间有关联。A drop in Coca-Cola " s share price this week was attributed by some to Ronaldo " s snub, but without any evidence that the two things were connected.两者之间的英文:Between the two1.房子在一处公园附近,但两者之间隔着一条马路。The house was near a park but there was a road in between. 2.部长否认两者之间有直接的联系。The minister denied there was a direct connection between the two issues. 3.他必须在两者之间作出抉择。He had to decide between the two. 4.这两者之间有共通的道理。The same argument applies to both cases. 5.大多数人既不善也不恶,而是介于两者之间。The generality of people are neither good nor bad, but somewhere in between.6.哈佛大学的研究也并未证明两者之间有直接相关性,但是接触这些化学物质与行为问题的产生有着密切的联系。Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct correlation but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues.7.研究者也开始更多地关注老年人与子女之间关系的质量而不是两者之间联系的频繁程度。Increasingly, researchers have begun to look at the quality of relationships, rather than at the frequency of contact, between the elderly and their children. 8.两者之间应该有某种中间地带。There should be some middle ground between the two. 9.C罗此举可能在某种程度上导致本周可口可乐的股价大跌,但是没有任何证据显示两者之间有关联。A drop in Coca-Cola " s share price this week was attributed by some to Ronaldo " s snub, but without any evidence that the two things were connected.2023-08-11 19:52:421
一柱擎天一日三秋一步登天2023-08-11 19:38:313
以“一”字开头的成语:最大的嘴-- 最贵的活-- 最长的口水--
1、最大的嘴——一语惊人 2、最贵的话语——一诺千金 3、最长的口水——一泻千里2023-08-11 19:38:034
口若悬河2023-08-11 19:37:272
最大的嘴:吞云吐雾 最长的脚:一步登天 最大的眼睛:包罗万象 最大的手:一手遮天 最大的嘴:吞云吐雾 最长的脚:一步登天 最大的眼睛:包罗万象 最大的手:一手遮天2023-08-11 19:37:116
最大的嘴 — 气吞山河2023-08-11 19:36:513
最大的嘴——气吞山河; 最长的腿——一步登天; 最大的眼——放眼世界; 最大的手——一手遮天; 最大的家——四海为家; 最远的邻居——天涯比邻; 最贵的话语——一诺千金;最粗的头发——千金一发;最大的容器——包罗万象; 最短的季节——一日三秋;最强的心脏——万众一心;最长的一天——度日如年; 最难做的饭——无米之炊;最难缝的衣——集腋成裘;最大的手术——脱胎换骨; 最快的速度——风驰电掣;最高的瀑布——一落千丈;最厉害的贼——偷天换日; 最长的文章——有头无尾;最巧的裁缝——为人作嫁;最好的司机——驾轻就熟; 最难治的病——肝肠寸断;最小的海洋——一衣带水;最怕冷的人——不寒而栗; 最吝啬的人——一毛不拔;最快的流水——一泻千里;最长的口水——垂涎三尺; 最贵的时间——一刻千金; 最怪的动物——虎头蛇尾;最有学问的人——博古通今; 最遥远的地方——天涯海角; 最荒凉的地方——不毛之地; 最昂贵的稿费——一字千金; 最反常的气候——晴天霹雳; 最宽阔的胸怀——虚怀若谷; 最漂亮的帽子——冠冕堂皇; 最难得的机遇——鬼使神差; 最难听的歌曲——陈词滥调; 最坚固的工事——众志成城; 最费时的工程——百年树人; 最绝望的前途——山穷水尽; 最高大的巨人——顶天立地; 最神秘的行动——神出鬼没.2023-08-11 19:36:431
2023-08-11 19:36:274
答案大家都说了2023-08-11 19:36:099
最大的嘴打一成语 最大的嘴猜成语是什么
最大的嘴打一成语 气吞山河 气吞山河的词语解析 [释义] 气势可以吞掉高山和大河。形容气势、气魄很大。 [语出] 元·金仁杰《追韩信》:“背楚投江;气吞山河;知音未遇;弹琴空歌”。 [正音] 山;不能读作“sān”。 [辨形] 气;不能写作“汽”。 [近义] 气冲牛斗 气壮山河 [反义] 气息奄奄 [用法] 用作褒义。一般作谓语、定语。 [结构] 主谓式 [辨析] ~和“气壮山河”都有“气势盛大”的意思;但~偏重在“吞”;是指“气势庞大足以吞掉山河”;而“气壮山河”偏重在“壮”;是指“气势宏大可以使山河增色。”~重在气魄雄伟;“气壮山河”重在气概的盛大。2023-08-11 19:35:581
气吞山河2023-08-11 19:35:514
问题一:最大的嘴-打一成语>是什么 气吞山河 这个是最大的嘴哦 问题二:最大的嘴,用一个成语来形容,该怎么说? 最大的嘴――气吞山河; 最长的腿――一步登天; 最大的眼――放眼世界; 最大的手――一手遮天; 最大的家――四海为家; 最远的邻居――天涯比邻; 最贵的话语――一诺千金;最粗的头发――千金一发;最大的容器――包罗万象; 最短的季节――一日三秋;最强的心脏――万众一心;最长的一天――度日如年; 最难做的饭――无米之炊;最难缝的衣――集腋成裘;最大的手术――脱胎换骨; 最快的速度――风驰电掣;最高的瀑布――一落千丈;最厉害的贼――偷天换日; 最长的文章――有头无尾;最巧的裁弗――为人作嫁;最好的司机――驾轻就熟; 最难治的病――肝肠寸断;最小的海洋――一衣带水;最怕冷的人――不寒而栗; 最吝啬的人――一毛不拔;最快的流水――一泻千里;最长的口水――垂涎三尺; 最贵的时间――一刻千金; 最怪的动物――虎头蛇尾;最有学问的人――博古通今; 最遥远的地方――天涯海角; 最荒凉的地方――不毛之地; 最昂贵的稿费――一字千金; 最反常的气候――晴天霹雳; 最宽阔的胸怀――虚怀若谷; 最漂亮的帽子――冠冕堂皇; 最难得的机遇――鬼使神差; 最难听的歌曲――陈词滥调; 最坚固的工事――众志成城; 最费时的工程――百年树人; 最绝望的前途――山穷水尽; 最高大的巨人――顶天立地; 最神秘的行动――神出鬼没。 问题三:形容最大的嘴巴的成语 口若悬河 问题四:最大的嘴用什么成语形容? 气吞山河 问题五:成语之最最大的嘴 口若悬河---气吞山河 最长的寿命 - 万寿无疆 最遥远的地方 - 天涯海角 最荒凉的地方 - 不毛之地 最悬殊的区别 - 天壤之别 最反常的气候 - 晴天霹雳 最绝望的前途 - 山穷水尽 最难做的饭 - 无米之炊 最短的季节 - 一日三秋 最有分量的话 - 一毛不拔 最无作为的人 - 一事无成 最大的巴掌 - 一手遮天 最宽的视野 - 一览无余 最大的利润 - 一本万利 最怪的人 - 三头六臂 最高的巨人 - 顶天立地 最大的嘴 - 口若悬河 最深的呼吸 - 气吞山河 最长的腿 - 一步登天 最大的手 - 一手遮天 最吝啬的人 - 一毛不拔 最长的寿命 - 万寿无疆 最宝贵的话 - 金玉良言 最厉害的贼 - 偷天换日 最宽的嘴巴 - 口若悬河 最贵的话 - 一言千金 最难的话 - 一言难尽 最快的话 - 一言既出,驷马难追 最重的话 - 一言九鼎 最准的话 - 一言为定 最有价值的话 - 一诺千金 最诚的忠言 - 金玉良言 最大的誓言 - 海枯石烂 最有学问的人 - 无所不知 最重的头发 - 千钧一发 最高的地方 - 三十三天 最高的稿费 - 一字千金 最昂贵的稿费 - 一字千金 最大的胆 - 胆大包天 最大的家 - 四海为家 最爱学习的人 - 如饥似渴 最爱工作的人 - 废寝忘食 最长的时间 - 千秋万代 最长的棍子 - 一柱擎天 最成功的战斗 - 一网打尽 最惨的结局 - 一败涂地 最彻底的劳动 - 斩草除根 最大的满足 - 天随人愿 最多的颜色 - 万紫千红 最费时的工程 - 百年树人 最繁忙的季节 - 多事之秋 最公开的事情 - 尽人皆知 最高明的医术 - 药到病除 最高超的技术 - 鬼斧神工 最高明的指挥 - 一呼百应 最好的记忆 - 过目成诵 最大的眼 - 放眼世界 最小的针 - 无孔不入 最大的天 - 无边无际 最大的地 - 一望无垠 最怪的动物 - 虎头蛇尾 最大的容量 - 包罗万象 最大的差别 - 天壤之别 最悬殊的区别 - 天壤之别 最难做的饭 - 无米之炊 最大的变化 - 天翻地覆 最快的速度 - 风驰电掣 最大的资源 - 取之不尽,用之不竭 最短的季节 - 一日三秋 最大的手术 - 脱胎换骨 最宽的视野 - 一览无余 最大的冒险 - 孤注一掷 最大的树叶 - 一叶障目 最大的声响 - 惊天动地 最高的瀑布 - 一落千丈 最错的追求 - 南辕北辙 最远的地方 - 天涯海角 最大的进展 - 一步登天 最荒的地方 - 不毛之地 最险的时候 - 千钧一发 最快的流水 - 一泻千里 最大的本领 - 开天辟地 最大的工程 - 开天辟地 最小的邮筒 - 难以置信 最长的句子 - 文不加点 最大的被子 - 铺天盖地 最大的空间 - 无边无际 最大的影集 - 包罗万象 最大的幸运 - 九死一生 最好的生意 - 一本万利 最绝望的前途 - 山穷水尽 最远的分离 - 天壤之别 最忙碌的人 - 日理万机 最繁忙的航空港 - 日理万机 最彻底的美容术 - 面目全非 最长的一天 - 度日如年 最好的司机 - 驾轻就熟 最好的药方 - 灵丹妙药 最好的箭术 - 一箭双雕 最公开的事情 - 尽人皆知 最大的嘴 - 气吞山河 最长的腿 - 一步登天 最大的眼 - 放眼世界 最大的手 - 一手遮天 最本分的人 - 安份守己 最大的浪费 - 挥金如土 最远的邻居 - 天涯比邻 最贵的话语 - 一诺千金 最粗的头发 - 一发千钧 最大的容器 - 包罗万象 最短的季节 - 一日三秋 最强的心脏 - 万众一心 最长的一天 - 度日如年 最难做......>> 问题六:猜成语:如最大的嘴――气吞山河,最大的容量是― ―― 什么呢? 最大的嘴―――气吞山河 最长的腿―――一步登天 最高的人―――顶天立地 最小的人―――轻如鸿毛 最尖的针―――无孔不入 最重的话―――一言九鼎 最贵重的话―――金玉良言 最宽的视野―――一览无余 最大的手术―――脱胎换骨 最大的容量―――包罗万象 最大的差异―――天壤之别 最大的变化―――天翻地覆 最难做的饭―――无米之炊 最龚的速度―――风驰电掣 最多的资源―――取之不尽 最短的季节―――一曰三秋 最长的一天―――度曰如年 最大的地方―――无边无际 最高的巨人―― 顶天立地 最有价值的话―― 一诺千金 最多的颜色―― 万紫千红 最大的本领――开天辟地 最长的腿 一步登天 最诚的忠言 金玉良言 最费时的工程 百年树人 最大的声响 惊天动地 最大的手 一手遮天 最大的誓言 海枯石烂 最繁忙的季节 多事之秋 最高的瀑布 一落千丈 最吝啬的人 一毛不拔 最广的话 一言千里 最公开的事情 尽人皆知 最错的追求 南辕北辙 最宽阔的胸怀 胸怀若谷 最有学问的人 无所不知 最高明的医术 药到病除 最远的地方 天涯海角 最长的寿命 万寿无疆 最重的头发 千钧一发 最小的针 无孔不入 最大的进展 一步登天 最宝贵的话 金玉良言 最大的家 四海为家 最怪的动物 虎头蛇尾 最荒的地方 不毛之地 最厉害的贼 偷天换曰 最爱学习的人 如饥似渴 最大的容量 包罗万象 最险的时候 千钧一发 最宽的嘴巴 口若悬河 最爱工作的人 废寝忘食 最大的差别 天壤之别 最大的树叶 一叶障目 不见泰山 最贵的话 一语千金 最长的时间 千秋万代 最难做的饭 无米之炊 最反常的气候 晴天霹雳 最难的话 一言难尽 最长的棍子 一柱擎天 最大的变化 天翻地覆 最昂贵的稿费 一字千金 最快的话 一言既出 驷马难追 最成功的战斗 一网打尽 最快的速度 风驰电掣 最小的邮筒 难以置信 最惨的结局 一败涂地 最短的季节 一曰三秋 最长的句子 文不加点 最重的话 一言九鼎 最彻底的劳动 斩草除根 最大的手术 脱胎换骨 最大的被子 铺天盖地 最准的话 一言为定 最大的满足 天遂人愿 最大的冒险 孤注一掷 最大的空间 无边无际 最长的腿:一步登天 最大的手:一手遮天 最干净的地方:一尘不染 最荒凉的地方:寸草不生 最长的瀑布:一落千丈 最湍急的河流:一泻千里 最大的手术:改头换面 最高的个子:顶天立地 最危险的差事:与虎谋皮 最大的窃案:偷天换曰 问题七:最大的嘴的四字成语是什么 气吞山河 [qì tūn shān hé] 基本释义 气势可以吞没山河。形容气魄很大。 褒义 出 处 元u30fb金仁杰《追韩信》:“背楚投江;气吞山河;知音未遇;弹琴空歌”。2023-08-11 19:35:421
气吞山河[qì tūn shān hé][释义]气势可以吞没山河。形容气魄很大。[示例]这号人,在困难中不是低头叹息,而是奋发图强,壮志凌云,~。姚雪垠《李自成》第二卷第二十八章[出处]元·金仁杰《追韩信》第二折:“背楚投汉,气吞山河。知音未遇,弹琴空歌。”2023-08-11 19:35:322
大嘴咧咧2023-08-11 19:35:113
气吞山河2023-08-11 19:34:4210
吞食天地2023-08-11 19:34:314