a polytechnic institute.
A private college;a private sanatorium.
a residential hotel; a residential quarter; a residential college; residential zoning.
[词典] college; academy; institute; faculty;
The college is not an officially recognized English language school.
美 [u02c8kɑu02d0lu026adu0292]英 [u02c8ku0252lu026adu0292]
[词典] college; academy; institute; faculty;
The college is not an officially recognized English language school.
ollege,英文单词,英文发音为[u02c8ku0252lu026adu0292],名词,意为“大学;学院;学会”。单词发音 英[u02c8ku0252lu026adu0292]美[u02c8kɑu02d0lu026adu0292]。在泛指抽象的大学概念时,既可以用university也可以用college。英国人更偏爱university,而美国人更偏爱college。比如:My son has gone away to college. 我儿子上大学去了。He studied maths at college. 他在大学里学过数学。单词college也来自拉丁语,由前缀com-(一起)和词根leg-(选择、采集)组成,字面意思是“选择到一起的人”,与单词colleague(同事,同僚)同源,本意是指“由同行组成的社团”。拓展:中世纪大学最初并没有集中的校舍,由学生自行解决食宿问题。后来,为了解决贫困学生以及外地学生的食宿问题,一些私人捐赠的慈善机构出现,为特定大学生群体提供住宿机构。由于住在同一家住宿机构的大学生通常都是同一个行业的,毕业后很可能成为colleague(同事,同僚),所以这种机构以及住在里面的学生以及教师构成的群体就被称为college(学院,由同行组成的社团)。college原本仅仅表示university(综合性大学)中的一个学院,比如:King"s College of Cambridge University(剑桥大学国王学院)。但后来,college还可以用来表示独立的教育机构,如专科大学、职业教育学校,比如:Royal College of Art(英国皇家艺术学院)。单词university来自古法语,源自拉丁语,由前缀uni-(一)加词根vers-(转)及名词后缀-ity组成,字面意思就是“转到一起,成为一体”,引申为“团体、社团”,与单词universe(宇宙,天地万物)同源。在中世纪时期,欧洲教会成为古代文化的主要承担者和传播者。在12、13世纪期间,一些教会牧师走上街头,向民众宣讲自己的研究心得,成为最早的讲师。其中那些富有真知灼见而又口才出众的讲师周围逐渐聚集了一批学生,定期前来听课。一些知名大教堂所在地区形成了知名的学术中心,拥有多名教师和数百名学生。由此可见,university原本指的是某个地方从事学术研究和高等教育的专家学者社团,包含了很多行业和专业,所以它指的是包括很多专业的综合性大学。比如:She goes to Peking University.她上北京大学。2023-08-07 20:44:331
college → 多指大学内的学院,分科学院或科目较少的高等学校。 university → 主要指综合大学,一般由多个学院组成。当泛指大学时通常用college表示。 institute → 指设立有专门学科的学院,如外语学院、地质学院、建筑学院等。 school → 指大学所属的学院或系。 academy → 指(高等)专科院校或研究专门学术的学校。2023-08-07 20:45:001
校长:principal学院院长:prexy系主任:department head校长:校长,在秦汉时期指的是下级军官,后经演化为国家教育行政部门或其他办学机构管理部门任命的学校行政负责人。另外还有不少人的绰号名为"校长"。系主任:"系主任"是一个职务,一般是指大学的"院"、"系"的主管人员。2023-08-07 20:45:242
英语The school’s principal怎么翻译?
英语The school"s principal 翻译 学校校长2023-08-07 20:45:5812
英文词语collage institute academy等的区别是什么?
college,institute,university 这三个词都能表示“高等学府”之义,但内涵和使用场合有所不同。 一般说来,college译作“学院”, 它是university (大学)的一个组成部分,例如,一所综合大学里设有文学院、 理学院、医学院等, 故一所大学往往是由多所较小的college合并而成。 值得注意的是,在英国,大学称为university, 而在美国大学称为college; 有些规模较小的大学也可称之为junior college。 “学院”一字的英语对应词很多,除了college之外, 尚有institute,academy,school, conservatory,centre和faculty等字, 例如以前的上海和北京的外语学院均用institute一词, 麻省理工学院(MIT)也叫institute; 美国的西点军校用academy; 独立的音乐学院或大学多用conservatory或acade my(欧洲多用);但一所大学内的音乐学院则叫School of Music或College of Music。西方有些医学院称之为medical centre;英国大学的学院则大都用school, 如London School of Economics,较小的学院称为faculty, 如Faculty of Science、Faculty of Arts,而神学院则用seminary一词。 Institute一般也译作“学院”, 但它着重表示单科的或专科性的院校,例如,在中国,一般的铁道、 航空、邮电、美术等学院均用institute一词。 值得注意的是,世界著名的学府MIT(麻省理工学院) 是一所多学科性的大学,但它依然用institute一词,即: Massachusetts Institute of Technology,既为世人所知, 就没有必要把它改称为university了。 由此可见,用词不同多因地区不同而发生:college 在美国指大学,在英国则指学院,甚至中学; 所以香港的中学很少称为middle school而叫college。 school一词则既指大学学院,也解作一般中小学校。 有趣的是,university一词可以和college连用。 英国有个以研究英语语音学而闻名于世的学者,叫Daniel Jones,年轻时, 他曾攻读于伦敦的一所称为University College School。这里的University College是专有名词,用作定语,修饰School。 college, university, institute, school, academy 这些名词均含有“学院,大学”之意。 college〓多指大学内的学院, 分科学院或科目较少的高等学校。 university〓主要指综合大学,一般由多个学院组成。 当泛指大学时通常用college表示。 institute〓指设立有专门学科的学院,如外语学院、 地质学院、建筑学院等。 school〓指大学所属的学院或系。 academy〓指(高等)专科院校或研究专门学术的学校。 参考资料: http://blog.zol.com.cn/ blog/zo/zolbbs/342280.html http://www.engsky.com/n6430c5. aspx麻烦采纳,谢谢!2023-08-07 20:46:261
学院 系和(再细分到的)专业 用英语都有那些正确的表达法
institutedepartment2023-08-07 20:46:425
http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/eng/faculty.jsp?boardid=3303&bid2=33&pageno=1http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/qhdwzy/yxsz.jsp到这两个网页,一个是中文,一个是对应的英文。2023-08-07 20:47:203
小学:primary school中学: middle school大学:university中国把初中称为junior middle school,把高中称为senior middle school;但英语为母语的国家把初中成为 secondary school,把高中称为 high school。美语中大学也可用college,但college更多的是指学院。2023-08-07 20:47:463
《哈利波特》中四个学院的英文是:格兰芬多:Gryffindor;斯莱特林:Slytherin;拉文克劳:Ravenclaw;赫奇帕奇:Hufflepuff。《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)是英国作家J.K.罗琳(J. K. Rowling)于1997~2007年所著的魔幻文学系列小说,共7部。学英语单词有十大诀窍:一是随时随地,二是做好记录,三是练习思维与表达同步,四是坚持练口语,五是活学活用,六是多用精听练习法,七是养成专一精神,八是坚持阅读,九树立自信心与恒心,十是注重复习。2023-08-07 20:48:081
希望能帮到你,采纳点赞哦2023-08-07 20:48:391
问题一:财政金融学院的英文怎么说 I"m a freshman from Finance Class 4, School of Finance, XXX University. 问题二:是某某学校财政金融学院金融四班的大一学生 用英语怎么说啊, I"m a freshman from Finance Class 4, School of偿Finance, XXX University. 问题三:<金融学> 用英语怎么翻译? Finance:金融学,是以融通货币和货币资金的经济活动为研究对象的学科。 banking:指的是银搐业,银行学,以贸易和共和主义为前提,可建造银行 问题四:我是来自商学院金融专业的学生用英语该怎么说 你好, 可以译为:I am a student from School of merce, majoring in finance. 问题五:我的专业是金融学用英语怎么说啊? my major is finance 问题六:经济学院金融学学士 英文怎么说 Bachelor of Arts (or Sciences) in Finance of Econom矗cs department 问题七:我的专业是金融学 用英语怎么说 My major is finance 问题八:“金融学”怎么翻译成英文? 如果只是金融学可以翻成finance 但如果是货币金融学 比较流行的翻译是banking2023-08-07 20:49:051
财经学院 institute of finance and economics2023-08-07 20:49:135
问题一:经济学院的英文怎么说 独立的学院(相当于大学)用Institute,如xx Institute of Foreign Languagesw外国语学院;综合性大学的学院用School或College,如School of Economics, Peking University北大经济学院;School of Architecture, Tsinghua University.牛津、剑桥的学院用College。 文科:(liberal) arts; 理科:science 文科班:Arts Class;理科班:Science Class 【供参考】 问题二:湖北经济学院用英语怎么说 Hubei University of Economics 问题三:英语 我是来自经济学院国际经济与贸易专业的 怎么说? 我是来自经济学院国际经济与贸易专业的。 I e from institute of economics and my major is international economy and trade. I e from institute of economics with my major international economy and trade. 都可以的 希望可以帮到你 望采纳 问题四:经济学院金融学学士 英文怎么说 Bachelor of Arts (or Sciences) in Finance of Econom矗cs department 问题五:XX学院用英文要怎么翻译?比如经济学院、文学院这样的。还有“文科班”要怎么翻译? 独立的学院(相当于大学)用Institute,如xx Institute of Foreign Languagesw外国语学院;综合性大学的学院用School或College,如School of Economics, Peking University北大经济学院;School of Architecture, Tsinghua University.牛津、剑桥的学院用College。 文科:(liberal) arts; 理科:science 文科班:Arts Class;理科班:Science Class 【供参考】 问题六:北京大学经济学院财政学用英文怎么说 北京大学经济学院财政学用英文怎么说: 北京大学经济学院财政学 翻译: School of economics,Beijing University 问题七:经济学用英语怎么说? 经济学 [词性]:adj.adj. [拼音]:jīn jì xué [解释]: economical; economic; economy; plutonomy; economics; econ; economics ; plutoomy; 1.economics; economic science; political economy ; economics (as a field of study) [参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英综合科技大辞典 汉英综合大词典 汉英经贸大词典 汉英航海大词典 汉英综合大词典 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 经济学的 economic; economical 经济学会 economic society; economic societies 经济学家 economist; economist ; plutoomist; &nbs.... 经济学派 chool of economics; economists; economic school 经济学史 history of economics; history of economics 经济学院 1. institute of economics 经济学者 economist; economic philosopher; cameralist 纯经济学 pure economics; pure economics 环境经济学 economics of environment ; environmental economics; .... 体育经济学 sports economics 立法经济学 legislative economics; legislative economics 对外经济学 external economics 劳动经济学 labor economics; labour economics; labour economics 叙述经济学 descriptive economics; descriptive economics 财政经济学 pecuniary economics胆 financial economics; pecuniary .... 生物经济学 bioeconomics; bioeconomics ; biological economics;&.... 配置经济学 economics of allocation 问题八:经济学院副院长 用英文怎么说 经济学院副院长 Associate Dean, School of Economics 问题九:北京大学经济学院财政学专业用英文怎么说 北大经济学院和光华管理学院没有经济学硕士,相近的专业是国民经济学专业,国民经济学专业没有限制条件,普本及同等学力人员可以参加,具体如下:北京大学国民经济学专业2015年考研招生简章招生目录考试科目101思想政治理论201英语一303数学(三)869经济学复试科目、复试参考书1、我校采取笔试、口试或两者相兼的方式进行差额复试,以进一步考察学生的专业基础、综合分析能力、解决实际问题的能力和动手能力等。2、推荐免试生全部从暑期夏令营中选拔。招生总数中含金融硕士项目75人、工商管理硕士400人,除以上475人外,均按硕博连读方式招生培养。3、本专业与产业经济学专业统一招生。拟接收推荐免试生6人左右。备注:科目④中含微观经济学60%、宏观经济学40%。本专业与产业经济学专业统一招生。拟接收推荐免试生6人左右。 问题十:经济管理学院英语怎么说? the college of enconomy and management2023-08-07 20:49:271
数学学院 怎么翻译成英语
数学学院网络释义数学学院:FacultyofMathematics克雷数学学院:ClayMathematicsInstitute科学与数学学院:Science&Mathematics2023-08-07 20:49:491
Academy of Art2023-08-07 20:49:592
PE school2023-08-07 20:50:109
"体育学院"的英语翻译为 "Sports College" 。Sports College解析如下:一、读音:英式发音:[spɔːts ˈkɒlɪdʒ]美式发音:[spɔrts ˈkɑlɪdʒ]二、释义:n. 体育学院三、含义拓展:Sports College是指专门提供体育教育和培训的学院或学府。它致力于培养学生在体育运动、健康与健身、教练技能等方面的知识和技能。Sports College通常提供各种与体育相关的学位、课程和训练项目,包括体育教育、运动训练、运动科学、运动管理等专业领域。四、例句:He studied at the Sports College to become a professional athlete.(他在体育学院学习,成为一名专业运动员。)The Sports College offers a wide range of programs in sports science and coaching.(体育学院提供广泛的体育科学和教练课程。)The national team recruits talented athletes from various sports colleges.(国家队从各个体育学院招募优秀运动员。)五、常见短语:- College of Physical Education - 体育学院- Sports education - 体育教育- Sports training - 体育训练- Sports management - 体育管理- Sports science - 体育科学2023-08-07 20:50:302
college2023-08-07 20:50:403
Information DepartmentSoftware Department2023-08-07 20:50:514
Academy of Fine Arts2023-08-07 20:51:148
Second-level institute2023-08-07 20:51:392
分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: Humanities and Law School School of Humanities and Law 都可以的2023-08-07 20:51:481
教育学院 用英语怎么翻译
School of Education2023-08-07 20:51:581
技师学院 用英语怎么说?
technician institute2023-08-07 20:52:195
institute of mechanical and electrical engineering2023-08-07 20:52:372
大学里的 工学院 用英文怎么说
Technology 表示技术 institute of engineering 表示工程2023-08-07 20:52:475
问题一:财经学院的英文怎么说 财经学院 [网络] College of Finance and Economics; Institute of Finance and Economics; [例句]我于2000年毕业于南昌财经学院,主修保险专业。 I graduated from Nanchang College of Finance and Economics in 2000. my major was insurance. 问题二:浙江财经学院东方学院英语怎么说 ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE & EOMICS DONGFANG COLLEGE。。ORIENTRL 虽然洋气,但本意是位于东方的,所以只翻译成dongfang就好了 问题三:江苏财经职业技术学院用英文怎么翻译? Jiangsu Financial Vocational & Technical College 问题四:黑龙江财经学院 英文简介 30分 Heilongjiang College of Finance and economics was founded in 1999 March, the existing student 11300 more than person, discipline and specialty structure characteristic, excellent teachers, advanced teaching equipment, strict management, continuous innovation, the party building work for school running conditions improve, the security and stability of campus harmony. On the orientation, training mode, curriculum, training programs and the management mode formed its own characteristics, highlight the school of social credibility and the quality height advantage. Few years has won the private colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province demonstration unit, civilized units pacesetter in Colleges and universities in Heilongjiang province, Heilongjiang province harmonious campus, civilized unit of Heilongjiang province, advanced grass-roots party organizations in Colleges and universities in Heilongjiang province, excellent college Chinese private education and the glorious title. Zi Lan Shuhui salutary influence of Education The college to train virtue, wisdom, body, beauty prehensive development, basic theory of enough, professional knowledge, strong practical ability, high prehensive quality, adapt to the talent the needs of local economic construction and social development as ......>> 问题五:西安财经学院行知学院英语怎么翻译 你好 我是西财学生。 行知官方英文缩写:xingzi college of Xian university of Finance and Economics 问题六:广州市财经职业学校读英语好吗? 还可以。不过这间学校最好的专业是会计 问题七:用英语翻译“在校期间我是学习会计专业的” 在校期间我是学习会计专业的 During the school period, I was studying the accounting profession. 会计专业 accounting profession 双语例句 1 最后,我们收集了毕业,作为代理人的会计专业会计师学生的数据。 Finally, we collected data from graduatingaccounting students as surrogates for professional accountants. 问题八:我现在是一名财经学校的会计系学生 翻译成英语 I study accouting in a university of finace and economics. 问题九:我来自大连财经学院高职会计二班用英语怎么说 I e from the Dalian Institute of Finance and economics of higher vocational accounting class two 我来自大连财经学院高职会计二班 问题十:河南财经学院会计学院用英语怎么说 School of Accounting, Henan University of Finance~ 应该这样就可以了~上海财经大学就是Shanghai University of Finance~ 会计学院一般就说school of accounting~ 把那个逗号换成of也行,但是of太多了,有点别扭,这样写的时候中间有个逗号,读的时候中间有个停顿,大家也就明白什么意思了~2023-08-07 20:53:021
传媒应该是media,communication应该是传播学院department是“系”学院应该是Institute、school、college。所以建议你用School of Media of XX University2023-08-07 20:53:101
“稽首”,是顶礼膜拜的意思;“天中天”,是说,天是人所尊敬的,而佛陀更为天所尊敬,所以佛陀被称为“天中之天”。? “毫光照大千”,是说佛陀的慈悲道德的光芒,遍照于三千大千世界。一个太阳系里面,有很多星球,组成一个小世界;一千个小世界,合成一个小千世界;一千个小千世界,合成一个中千世界;一千个中千世界,合成一个大千世界。 “八风吹不动”,这是一句精警动人的诗句,也是全诗的中心,最为要紧。“八风”,是称、讥、毁、誉、利、衰、苦、乐;《大智度论》说:“利、衰、毁、誉、称、讥、苦、乐;四顺四违,能鼓动物情。”这八种是人生成败得失的总和。称颂赞美,名誉利禄,跟各种快乐的享受,是谁都会陶醉的;普通一般人,每逢这些好境乐事,都会感到瓢瓢然!而遇讥嘲诋毁,则怒形于色;逢逆缘苦境,则忧戚于心,也是人之常情。然而有一个人,居然“八风”都吹不动他,这人是谁?就是佛陀。 “端坐紫金莲”,这是说佛陀诸惑已尽,众德圆备,故能不被外境所摇动,庄严而安稳地坐在莲花台上。2023-08-07 20:41:461
稽首天中天是什么意思 稽首天中天豪光照大千含义介绍
1、稽首天中天就是顶礼膜拜佛陀的意思。“稽首”,是顶礼膜拜的意思,“天中天”,天是人所的,而佛陀更为天所尊敬,所以佛陀被称为“天中之天”。 2、“毫光照大千”,是说佛陀的慈悲道德的光芒,遍照于三千大千世界。太阳系里有很多星球,组成一个小世界;一千个小世界,一个小千世界;一千个小千世界,合成一个中千世界;一千个中千世界,合成一个大千世界。2023-08-07 20:41:571
有首80 还是90年代的歌 里面有句歌词是DO YOU REMBMBER ,很有磁性的爵士男声 但是舞曲风格,当时很流行的
http://cd04.static.jango.com/music/04/76/98/04769850150.mp32023-08-07 20:41:582
do you remember的歌词
Do You Remember 打印此页 歌手:Phil Collins 专辑:But Seriously Phil CollinsWe never talked about it, but I hear the blame was mineI"d have called you up to say I"m sorry, but I wouldn"t wanna waste your timeCause I love you,but I can"t take anymoreThere"s a look I can"t describe in your eyesWe could try like we"ve tried before, but you keep on telling me those liesDo you remember (do you remember), tell me do you remember (do you remember)There seemed no way to make up, because it seemed your mind was setAnd the way you looked, it told me,that"s a look I know I"ll never forgetYou could"ve come over to my side,you could"ve let me knowYou could"ve tried to see that distance between usBut it seemed too far for you to goTell me do you remember (do you remember)Tell me do you remember (do you remember)Through all of my life,inspite of all the painYou know people are funny sometimes, cause we just can"t wait to get hurt againTell me do you remember, oh (do you remember)The things we won"t recall,the feelings we"ll never findIt"s taken so long to see, because we never seemed to have the timeThere was always something more important to do,more important to sayAnd "I love you" wasn"t one of those things, but now it"s too lateDo you remember now it"s over, do you remember, ooh it"s overDo you rememberDo you remember now it"s over, do you remember, ooh it"s overTell me do you rememberDo you remember now it"s over, do you remember, ooh it"s overDo you remember now it"s over, do you remember, ooh it"s overJust tell me now, tell me now,just tell me now, tell me nowDo you remember now it"s over, do you remember, ooh it"s over[The End]2023-08-07 20:42:103
“稽首”,是顶礼膜拜的意思;“天中天”,是说,天是人所尊敬的,而佛陀更为天所尊敬,所以佛陀被称为“天中之天”。 “毫光照大千”,是说佛陀的慈悲道德的光芒,遍照于三千大千世界。一个太阳系里面,有很多星球,组成一个小世界;一千个小世界,合成一个小千世界;一千个小千世界,合成一个中千世界;一千个中千世界,合成一个大千世界。2023-08-07 20:42:121
天中天”,是说,天是人所尊敬的,而佛陀更为天所尊敬,所以佛陀被称为“天中之天”。苏东坡在黄州时,有一天,诗兴来了,做了一首赞佛的诗: 稽首天中天,毫光照大千; 八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲。 这是一首意境很高的诗,不是对佛法有相当的造诣,绝对写不出这样的好诗。苏东坡写好了这首诗,自己反覆吟哦,觉得非常满意!这时,他想起了好朋友佛印禅师来,他想禅师如果看到这首诗,一定会大大的赞赏一番,甚至会拍案叫绝。于是,他立刻把那首诗抄在诗笺上,用信封封好,叫佣人送去长江南岸的归宗寺,给佛印禅师看。 黄州在长江北岸,要到对岸的归宗寺,必须渡江。现在,我们趁苏东坡的佣人搭船过江的时候,来研究一下这首诗的内容: “稽首”,是顶礼膜拜的意思;“天中天”,是说,天是人所尊敬的,而佛陀更为天所尊敬,所以佛陀被称为“天中之天”。� “毫光照大千”,是说佛陀的慈悲道德的光芒,遍照于三千大千世界。一个太阳系里面,有很多星球,组成一个小世界;一千个小世界,合成一个小千世界;一千个小千世界,合成一个中千世界;一千个中千世界,合成一个大千世界。 “八风吹不动”,这是一句精警动人的诗句,也是全诗的中心,最为要紧。“八风”,是称、讥、毁、誉、利、衰、苦、乐;《大智度论》说:“利、衰、毁、誉、称、讥、苦、乐;四顺四违,能鼓动物情。”这八种是人生成败得失的总和。称颂赞美,名誉利禄,跟各种快乐的享受,是谁都会陶醉的;普通一般人,每逢这些好境乐事,都会感到瓢瓢然!而遇讥嘲诋毁,则怒形于色;逢逆缘苦境,则忧戚于心,也是人之常情。然而有一个人,居然“八风”都吹不动他,这人是谁?就是佛陀。 “端坐紫金莲”,这是说佛陀诸惑已尽,众德圆备,故能不被外境所摇动,庄严而安稳地坐在莲花台上。 这首诗是在赞佛,同时却又暗含着作者有其超然的境界:他能跟佛陀一样,已达到了心能转物而不为物转的地步。——苏东坡的确是一个绝顶聪明的人。 这时,佣人上岸了,他赶上庐山归宗寺去。 佛印禅师读到苏东坡的诗时,并不如苏东坡所预料的赞赏一番,或拍案叫绝,反而感到这很需要给他一个当头棒喝;于是,他在那首诗的下端,批上“放屁”两个大字,交给佣人带回黄州。 在黄州的苏东坡,自从佣人去后,便沾沾自喜地在等待着,他满以为佛印禅师看到那首诗时,一定会大大地赞赏,所以他一心一意在等着佳讯传来,好容易等到佣人回来了,他迫不及待地问:“师父看了怎么说?”佣人说:“他没说什么?只在你的诗笺上写一些字,叫我拿回,我不懂写些什么。”佣人说着,便把那封诗信交给苏东坡;苏东坡打开信封,抽出诗笺,看到那首诗的下端,批着“放屁”两个大字时,不禁无明火升起三千丈,勃然大怒起来!连喊“岂有此理?”他再仔细地推敲自己的诗,尽找也找不出那首诗的毛病;他自言自语地责怪佛印禅师道:“我这首好诗,你不懂得欣赏也罢,竟把它当做放屁,你真是太糊涂了!”于是,他决定亲自去跟佛印禅师评理,马上雇船过江,上庐山归宗寺去。 苏东坡的船向南进,他坐在船上,虽然这时江上的清风习习地吹来,可是他这时的心,好像热锅上的蚂蚁,再也没有上次游赤壁时的心情,吟出“清风徐来,水波不兴”的名句了。 苏东坡赶上庐山归宗寺,气呼呼地要找佛印禅师算帐,那知禅师早已吩咐客堂的知客师说:“今天不见客。”苏东坡听了,火上加油,再也忍受不住了!他不管三七二十一,,三步做两步地一直奔到佛印禅师的方丈室来,他看方丈室的门掩着,正要举手敲门进去时,忽然发现门扉上贴着一张字条,端正地写着: 八风吹不动, 一屁过江来。 苏东坡看到这两句,立刻就警觉了,心里暗暗叫道:“我错了!” 各位!苏东坡错在那里呢?佛印禅师那句话,明明是警告他说:“你说能够不为称讥毁誉的各种境界所动,为什么竟被那区区“放屁”两个字,搞到无明火起,过江来和我评理呢?”这时的苏东坡,深深地感到惭愧,自叹一向对于佛法,只求理解,缺少了真修实行,所以当境界现前时,竟与常人无异,研究佛学的理论而不实践,真是“不行”!因之,当即痛下决心,今后要把所理解的佛法,在日常生活中实行起来。同时,他又深深地感激佛印禅师给他的启示,他觉得有这样的一位诤友,实是人生的大幸!从此,他对佛印禅师,更加心悦诚服了。2023-08-07 20:42:251
Do you remember歌词
hey! jay seanyeah! sean paullet"s go ahh!this one right here is for all the ladiesladies who want to take it backholler at them jayi"ve been thinking about youand how we used to be thenback when we didn"t have to live we could start againthere"s nothing left to saydon"t waste another dayjust you and me tonighteverything will be okayif it"s alright with you then it"s alright with mebaby let"s take this time let"s make new memoriesdo you remember do you remember do you rememberall of the times we haddo you remember do you remember do you rememberall of the times we hadlet"s bring it back (bring it back!)let"s bring it back (bring it back!)let"s bring it back (bring it back!)let"s bring it back (bring it back!)let"s bring it back(yo jay sing for these ladies!)so long since you"ve been missingit"s good to see you againhow you how you doingand how about we don"t let this happen againthere"s nothing left to saydon"t waste another dayjust you and me tonighteverything will be okayif it"s alright with you then it"s alright with mebaby let"s take this time let"s make new memoriesdo you remember do you remember do you rememberall of the times we haddo you remember do you remember do you rememberall of the times we hadlet"s bring it back (bring it back!)let"s bring it back (bring it back!)let"s bring it back (bring it back!)let"s bring it back (bring it back!)yo ay girl yo bring it back to the time when you and me had just begunwhen i was still your number onewell it might seem far-fetched baby girl but it can"t be donei"ve got this feeling fire blazing and it"s hot just like the sunknow you feel it too my girl just freeze up may the good vibes rungirl take a sip of the champange take a lil trip down my lane my girlwhile you know every night you"ll feel alright look i tell you dis girl atta my worlddont change imma na rearange ay girl imma tell you straight dis atta my worldhow many years do you want come kiss dis i know you miss thisthat"s what i heard that"s what i heard that"s what i heard word girlthere"s nothing left to saydon"t waste another dayjust you and me tonighteverything will be okayif it"s alright with you then it"s alright with mebaby let"s take this time let"s make new memoriesdo you remember do you remember do you rememberall of the times we haddo you remember do you remember do you rememberall of the times we hadlet"s bring it back (let"s bring it back)let"s bring it back (bring it back)let"s bring it back (let"s bring it back)let"s bring it back (oh)let"s bring it back2023-08-07 20:42:354
Do You Remember 歌词
歌曲名:Do You Remember歌手:Jay Sean&Sean Paul专辑:Do You RememberDo You RememberJay Sean、Sean PaulHey! Jay SeanYeah! Sean PaulLet"s go ahh!This one right here is for all the ladiesLadies who want to take it backHoller at them JayI"ve been thinking about youAnd how we used to be thenBack when we didn"t have to live we could start againThere"s nothing left to sayDon"t waste another dayJust you and me tonightEverything will be okayIf it"s alright with you then it"s alright with meBaby let"s take this time let"s make new memoriesDo you remember do you remember do you rememberAll of the times we hadDo you remember do you remember do you rememberAll of the times we hadLet"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Let"s bring it back(Yo Jay Sing for these ladies!)So long since you"ve been missingIt"s good to see you againHow you how you doingAnd how about we don"t let this happen againThere"s nothing left to sayDon"t waste another dayJust you and me tonightEverything will be okayIf it"s alright with you then it"s alright with meBaby let"s take this time let"s make new memoriesDo you remember do you remember do you rememberAll of the times we hadDo you remember do you remember do you rememberAll of the times we hadLet"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Yo ay girl yo bring it back to the timewhen you and me had just begunWhen I was still your number oneWell it might seem far-fetched baby girl but it can"t be doneI"ve got this feeling fire blazing and it"s hot just like the sunKnow you feel it too my girl just freeze up may the good vibes runGirl take a sip of the champange take a lil trip down my lane my girlWhile you know every nightyou"ll feel alright look I tell you dis girl atta My worldDont change imma na Rearange Ay girl immatell you straight dis atta my worldHow many years do you want come kiss dis I know you miss thisThat"s what I heard that"s what I heard that"s what I heard word girlThere"s nothing left to sayDon"t waste another dayJust you and me tonightEverything will be okayIf it"s alright with you then it"s alright with meBaby let"s take this time let"s make new memoriesDo you remember do you remember do you rememberAll of the times we hadDo you remember do you remember do you rememberAll of the times we hadLet"s bring it back (Let"s bring it back)Let"s bring it back (Bring it back)Let"s bring it back (Let"s bring it back)Let"s bring it back (Oh)Let"s bring it backhttp://music.baidu.com/song/85323162023-08-07 20:42:491
《Do You Remember》 Jack Johnson 谁有这首歌的歌词
do you rememberjack johnsondo you remember when we first meet?i sure doin was some time in early septemberyou were lazy about ityou made me wait aroundi was so crazy about you i didn"t mindi was late for classi locked my bike to yoursit wasn"t hard to findyou painted flowers on iti guess that i was afraid that if you rolled awayyou might not roll back my direction real sooni was crazy about you then and nowthe craziest thing of all is over ten years have gone byand you"re still minewe"re locked in timelet"s rewinddo you remember when we first moved in together?the piano took up the living roomyou played me boogie-woogie i played you love songsyou"d say we"re playing house now you still say we arewe built our getaway up in a tree we foundwe felt so far away but we were still in townnow i remember watching that old tree burn downi took a picture that i don"t like to look atwell all these times they come and goand alone don"t seem so longover ten years have gone bywe can"t rewindwe"re locked in timebut you"re still minedo you remember?你还记得 杰克约翰逊 你还记得当我们第一次见面吗? 我相信这样做 在一段时间是在9月初 你是懒惰它 你们使我等着 我是如此疯狂的你,我不介意 我是类迟到 字母i我的自行车锁到您的 这不是很难找到 你画上鲜花 我想,我很害怕,如果你离开推出 你可能不会回滚我国实际尽快方向 我疯了你当时和现在 在疯狂的事是十几年已经过去了 和您仍然地雷 我们正在锁定时间 让我们倒带 你还记得当我们第一次搬到一起? 钢琴拿起客厅 你打我布吉,伍吉 我打你喜欢的歌曲 你要说我们的对手房子现在你仍然说我们是 我们建立我们的逃走了一棵树,我们发现 我们认为这样相距遥远,但我们仍然在城里 现在,我还记得收看这老树烧毁 我的图片我不喜欢看 以及所有这些有时他们来来去去 独自似乎没有这么长时间 十几年过去了 我们不能后退 我们正在锁定时间 但是您仍然地雷 你还记得?2023-08-07 20:43:001
Do You Remember? (Lp Version) 歌词
歌曲名:Do You Remember? (Lp Version)歌手:Phil Collins专辑:...But SeriouslyPhil CollinsWe never talked about it,but I hear the blame was mineI"d have called you up to say I"m sorry,but I wouldn"t wanna waste your timeCause I love you,but I can"t take anymoreThere"s a look I can"t describe in your eyesWe could try like we"ve tried before,but you keep on telling me those liesDo you remember (do you remember),tell me do you remember (do you remember)There seemed no way to make up,because it seemed your mind was setAnd the way you looked, it told me, that"s a look I know I"ll never forgetYou could"ve come over to my side,you could"ve let me knowYou could"ve tried to see that distance between usBut it seemed too far for you to goTell me do you remember (do you remember)Tell me do you remember (do you remember)Through all of my life,inspite of all the painYou know people are funny sometimes,cause we just can"t wait to get hurt againTell me do you remember, oh (do you remember)The things we won"t recall,the feelings we"ll never findIt"s taken so long to see,because we never seemed to have the timeThere was always something more important to do,more important to sayAnd "I love you" wasn"t one of those things,but now it"s too lateDo you remember now it"s over, do you remember, ooh it"s overDo you rememberDo you remember now it"s over, do you remember, ooh it"s overTell me do you rememberDo you remember now it"s over, do you remember, ooh it"s overDo you remember now it"s over, do you remember, ooh it"s over Just tell me now, tell me now,just tell me now, tell me nowDo you remember now it"s over, do you remember, ooh it"s overhttp://music.baidu.com/song/73988132023-08-07 20:43:121
你是说这个故事吗?苏东坡苏东坡在黄州时,有一天,诗兴来了,做了一首赞佛的诗: 稽首天中天,毫光照大千; 八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲。 这是一首意境很高的诗,不是对佛法有相当的造诣,绝对写不出这样的好诗。苏东坡写好了这首诗,自己反覆吟哦,觉得非常满意!这时,他想起了好朋友佛印禅师来,他想禅师如果看到这首诗,一定会大大的赞赏一番,甚至会拍案叫绝。于是,他立刻把那首诗抄在诗笺上,用信封封好,叫佣人送去长江南岸的归宗寺,给佛印禅师看。 黄州在长江北岸,要到对岸的归宗寺,必须渡江。现在,我们趁苏东坡的佣人搭船过江的时候,来研究一下这首诗的内容: “稽首”,是顶礼膜拜的意思;“天中天”,是说,天是人所尊敬的,而佛陀更为天所尊敬,所以佛陀被称为“天中之天”。ue005 “毫光照大千”,是说佛陀的慈悲道德的光芒,遍照于三千大千世界。一个太阳系里面,有很多星球,组成一个小世界;一千个小世界,合成一个小千世界;一千个小千世界,合成一个中千世界;一千个中千世界,合成一个大千世界。 “八风吹不动”,这是一句精警动人的诗句,也是全诗的中心,最为要紧。“八风”,是称、讥、毁、誉、利、衰、苦、乐;《大智度论》说:“利、衰、毁、誉、称、讥、苦、乐;四顺四违,能鼓动物情。”这八种是人生成败得失的总和。称颂赞美,名誉利禄,跟各种快乐的享受,是谁都会陶醉的;普通一般人,每逢这些好境乐事,都会感到瓢瓢然!而遇讥嘲诋毁,则怒形于色;逢逆缘苦境,则忧戚于心,也是人之常情。然而有一个人,居然“八风”都吹不动他,这人是谁?就是佛陀。 “端坐紫金莲”,这是说佛陀诸惑已尽,众德圆备,故能不被外境所摇动,庄严而安稳地坐在莲花台上。 这首诗是在赞佛,同时却又暗含着作者有其超然的境界:他能跟佛陀一样,已达到了心能转物而不为物转的地步。——苏东坡的确是一个绝顶聪明的人。 这时,佣人上岸了,他赶上庐山归宗寺去。 佛印禅师读到苏东坡的诗时,并不如苏东坡所预料的赞赏一番,或拍案叫绝,反而感到这很需要给他一个当头棒喝;于是,他在那首诗的下端,批上“放屁”两个大字,交给佣人带回黄州。 在黄州的苏东坡,自从佣人去后,便沾沾自喜地在等待着,他满以为佛印禅师看到那首诗时,一定会大大地赞赏,所以他一心一意在等着佳讯传来,好容易等到佣人回来了,他迫不及待地问:“师父看了怎么说?”佣人说:“他没说什么?只在你的诗笺上写一些字,叫我拿回,我不懂写些什么。”佣人说着,便把那封诗信交给苏东坡;苏东坡打开信封,抽出诗笺,看到那首诗的下端,批着“放屁”两个大字时,不禁无明火升起三千丈,勃然大怒起来!连喊“岂有此理?”他再仔细地推敲自己的诗,尽找也找不出那首诗的毛病;他自言自语地责怪佛印禅师道:“我这首好诗,你不懂得欣赏也罢,竟把它当做放屁,你真是太糊涂了!”于是,他决定亲自去跟佛印禅师评理,马上雇船过江,上庐山归宗寺去。 苏东坡的船向南进,他坐在船上,虽然这时江上的清风习习地吹来,可是他这时的心,好像热锅上的蚂蚁,再也没有上次游赤壁时的心情,吟出“清风徐来,水波不兴”的名句了。 苏东坡赶上庐山归宗寺,气呼呼地要找佛印禅师算帐,那知禅师早已吩咐客堂的知客师说:“今天不见客。”苏东坡听了,火上加油,再也忍受不住了!他不管三七二十一,,三步做两步地一直奔到佛印禅师的方丈室来,他看方丈室的门掩着,正要举手敲门进去时,忽然发现门扉上贴着一张字条,端正地写着: 八风吹不动, 一屁过江来。 苏东坡看到这两句,立刻就警觉了,心里暗暗叫道:“我错了!” 各位!苏东坡错在那里呢?佛印禅师那句话,明明是警告他说:“你说能够不为称讥毁誉的各种境界所动,为什么竟被那区区“放屁”两个字,搞到无明火起,过江来和我评理呢?”这时的苏东坡,深深地感到惭愧,自叹一向对于佛法,只求理解,缺少了真修实行,所以当境界现前时,竟与常人无异,研究佛学的理论而不实践,真是“不行”!因之,当即痛下决心,今后要把所理解的佛法,在日常生活中实行起来。同时,他又深深地感激佛印禅师给他的启示,他觉得有这样的一位诤友,实是人生的大幸!从此,他对佛印禅师,更加心悦诚服了。2023-08-07 20:43:211
有一首英文歌 里面有好多i remember 和 do you remember 什么歌? (爸爸
fire work2023-08-07 20:41:295
“稽首”,是顶礼膜拜的意思;“天中天”,是说,天是人所尊敬的,而佛陀更为天所尊敬,所以佛陀被称为“天中之天”。? “毫光照大千”,是说佛陀的慈悲道德的光芒,遍照于三千大千世界。一个太阳系里面,有很多星球,组成一个小世界;一千个小世界,合成一个小千世界;一千个小千世界,合成一个中千世界;一千个中千世界,合成一个大千世界。 “八风吹不动”,这是一句精警动人的诗句,也是全诗的中心,最为要紧。“八风”,是称、讥、毁、誉、利、衰、苦、乐;《大智度论》说:“利、衰、毁、誉、称、讥、苦、乐;四顺四违,能鼓动物情。”这八种是人生成败得失的总和。称颂赞美,名誉利禄,跟各种快乐的享受,是谁都会陶醉的;普通一般人,每逢这些好境乐事,都会感到瓢瓢然!而遇讥嘲诋毁,则怒形于色;逢逆缘苦境,则忧戚于心,也是人之常情。然而有一个人,居然“八风”都吹不动他,这人是谁?就是佛陀。 “端坐紫金莲”,这是说佛陀诸惑已尽,众德圆备,故能不被外境所摇动,庄严而安稳地坐在莲花台上。2023-08-07 20:41:281
“稽首”,是顶礼膜拜的意思;“天中天”,是说,天是人所尊敬的,而佛陀更为天所尊敬,所以佛陀被称为“天中之天”. “毫光照大千”,是说佛陀的慈悲道德的光芒,遍照于三千大千世界.一个太阳系里面,有很多星球,组成一个小世界;一千个小世界,合成一个小千世界;一千个小千世界,合成一个中千世界;一千个中千世界,合成一个大千世界.2023-08-07 20:41:151
do you renmember 歌词
顶,完全的答案2023-08-07 20:41:106
Do You Remember 歌词
歌曲名:Do You Remember歌手:Forlini & Cross专辑:Soulful RescueDo You RememberDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other"Till the end of timeClose your eyes, that"s all I wanna sayRemember how it all begunClose your eyes, and you can feel it tooRemember we had so much funWe were making love all day and nightEverything was crazyI was the clown for us, and painted you a daisytravelling around the world,You were by my side, was it a dream ?Was it real ?Do you rememberThe day we fell in loveDo you rememberThe world was not enoughDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other, "till the end of timeTime goes by, still walking hand in handAnd loving you is easilyTime goes by, you make my dreams come trueForever and eternallyNever thought one day you"ll be my wifeNow you are a motherI see your shining eyes, I"m proud to be a fatherWelcome to this world my sonWe are gonna guide you through your lifethrough your lifeDo you rememberThe day we fell in loveDo you rememberThe world was not enoughDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other, "till the end of timeDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other"Till the end of timeDo you rememberThe day we fell in loveDo you rememberThe world was not enoughDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other, "till the end of timeDo you rememberThe day we fell in loveDo you rememberThe world was not enoughDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other, "till the end of timeDo you rememberThe day we fell in loveDo you rememberThe world was not enoughDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other, "till the end of timeDo you rememberhttp://music.baidu.com/song/150180152023-08-07 20:41:021
Do You Remember 歌词
歌曲名:Do You Remember歌手:dj bobo专辑:Chihuahua: The AlbumDo You RememberDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other"Till the end of timeClose your eyes, that"s all I wanna sayRemember how it all begunClose your eyes, and you can feel it tooRemember we had so much funWe were making love all day and nightEverything was crazyI was the clown for us, and painted you a daisytravelling around the world,You were by my side, was it a dream ?Was it real ?Do you rememberThe day we fell in loveDo you rememberThe world was not enoughDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other, "till the end of timeTime goes by, still walking hand in handAnd loving you is easilyTime goes by, you make my dreams come trueForever and eternallyNever thought one day you"ll be my wifeNow you are a motherI see your shining eyes, I"m proud to be a fatherWelcome to this world my sonWe are gonna guide you through your lifethrough your lifeDo you rememberThe day we fell in loveDo you rememberThe world was not enoughDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other, "till the end of timeDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other"Till the end of timeDo you rememberThe day we fell in loveDo you rememberThe world was not enoughDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other, "till the end of timeDo you rememberThe day we fell in loveDo you rememberThe world was not enoughDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other, "till the end of timeDo you rememberThe day we fell in loveDo you rememberThe world was not enoughDo you rememberThe best days of our livesWe"re destined for each other, "till the end of timeDo you rememberhttp://music.baidu.com/song/159408682023-08-07 20:40:541
Do You Remember The First Time? 歌词
歌曲名:Do You Remember The First Time?歌手:Pulp专辑:His N HersDo You Remember The First TimeYou say you"ve got to go home"cos he"s sitting on his own again this eveningAnd I know you"re gonna let him bore your pants off againOh now it"s half past eight, you"ll be lateOh, but you say you"re not surethough it makes good sense for you to live togetherStill you bought a toy that can reach the places he never goesAnd now it"s getting lateHe"s so straightDo you remember the first time?I can"t remember a worse timebut you know that we"ve changed so much since thenOh yeah, we"ve grownNow I don"t care what you"re doingNo, I don"t care if you screw* himJust as long as you save a piece for me, oh yeah nowYou wanna go homeWell, at least there"s someone there that you can talk toand you never have to face up to the nite on your ownJesus, it must be great to be straightDo you remember the first time?I can"t remember a worse timebut you know that we"ve changed so much since thenOh yeah, we"ve grownNow I don"t care what you"re doingNo, I don"t care if you screw himJust as long as you save a piece for me, oh yeah nowYou wanna go homeOh yeah, you wanna go homeOh yeah, you wanna go homeYou wanna go homeDo you remember the first time?I can"t remember a worse timebut you know that we"ve changed so much since thenOh yeah, we"ve grownNow I don"t care what you"re doingNo, I don"t care if you screw himJust as long as you save a piece for me, oh yeah nowDo you remember the first time?I can"t remember a worse timebut you know that we"ve changed so much since thenOh yeah, we"ve grownNow I don"t care what you"re doingNo, I don"t care if you screw himJust as long as you save a piece for me, oh yeah nowYou wanna go homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/83020392023-08-07 20:40:471
1、最长的山脉叫安第斯山脉,属于科迪勒拉山系,也称安弟斯山脉或安蒂斯山脉,位于南美洲的西岸,从北到南全长8900余千米,是世界上最长的山脉。安第斯山脉从南美洲的南端到最北面的加勒比海岸绵亘约形成一道连续不断的屏障。安第斯山脉将狭窄的西海岸地区同大陆的其余部分分开,是地球重要的地形特征之一,它对山脉本身及其周围地区的生存条件产生深刻的影响。2、安第斯山脉是世界上除亚洲之外最高的山脉,平均海拔3660米,最高峰是位于阿根廷境内的主山峰阿空加瓜山(Aconcagua),海拔6962米,为西半球和南半球第一高峰,是世界海拔最高的死火山。安第斯山脉范围从巴拿马一直到智利。纵贯南美大陆西部,素有“南美洲脊梁”之称,山脉有许多海拔6000米以上、山顶终年积雪的高峰,且地区矿产资源丰富。2023-08-07 20:40:351
稽首天中天是什么意思 稽首天中天豪光照大千含义介绍
1. 稽首天中天就是顶礼膜拜佛陀的意思。“稽首”,是顶礼膜拜的意思,“天中天”,天是人所的,而佛陀更为天所尊敬,所以佛陀被称为天中之天。 2. “毫光照大千”,意思是佛祖慈悲大德之光,普照三千世界。太阳系中有许多行星,形成了一个小世界;一千个小世界,一千个小世界;一千个小世界合并成中间的一千个世界;中间的一千个世界形成了一千个伟大的世界。2023-08-07 20:40:351
一首男生的英文歌 刚开始就一直是remember remember
Ring My Bells- Enrique Iglesias2023-08-07 20:40:342
这是宋代大文豪苏东坡在被贬期间写的一首赞佛偈2023-08-07 20:40:262