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2023-08-07 09:18:59
TAG: 英文

Hunan University Of Technology



截至2016年9月,学校共有2个校区,占地面积3388亩;共有专任教师1874人、全日制学生30728人(其中硕士研究生1382人);设有 22 个教学院(部)和1个独立学院、68个本科专业,拥有1个博士后科研流动站、1个一级学科博士点、12个一级学科硕士学位授权点、涵盖56个二级学科硕士学位授权点、14个专业学位硕士点


Hunan University of technology


Hunan University of technology


Hunan Industrial University


floor area
2023-08-07 05:34:356


占地面积Area covered占地面积Area covered
2023-08-07 05:34:501


占地面积:floor area建筑面积:building area
2023-08-07 05:35:002


占地面积用英语怎么说 占地面积 Area covered 占地面积 Area covered面积多大用英语怎么说 这间屋子的面积多大? What size is the room ?你的花园面积是多大? What"s the area of your garden? 这个国家的面积有多大? How large is the country in area? 常见的考试症候群有哪些? 考试综合征的主要表现特征:在考试期间,考试前后,学生出现较严重的紧张恐惧场理,伴面色潮红,全 考试综合症身出汗,两手发抖,心悸胸闷,头晕头胀,注意涣散,思想迟钝,使原来记熟的复习内容,一时无法“回忆”起来,导致考试失败。有的学生还可能出现恶心、呕吐、腹疼、腹泻尿频尿急,严重者可大汗淋漓,头脑轰鸣,手指震颤,甚至虚脱、昏厥。
2023-08-07 05:35:061


问题一:面积多大用英语怎么说 这间屋子的面积多大? What size is the room ?你的花园面积是多大? What"s the area of your garden? 这个国家的面积有多大? How large is the country in area? 问题二:建筑面积 占地面积 英语怎么说 struction area covered area 望采纳~ 问题三:占地面积用英语怎么说 占地面积 Area covered 占地面积 Area covered 问题四:面积多大用英语怎么说 这间屋子的面积多大? What size is the room ?你的花园面积是多大? What"s the area of your garden? 这个国家的面积有多大? How large is the country in area? 问题五:占地面积用英语怎么说 占地面积 Area covered 占地面积 Area covered 问题六:经营面积 用英语怎么说 operating area 经营面积 Thus, when selecting the location of the mercial bank branches, operating area,population and disposable ine are needed to be taken into account.由此,在对商业银行分支机构进行选址时,经营面积、人口和可支配收入都是需要重点考虑的因素。
2023-08-07 05:35:131


2023-08-07 05:35:202


cover an area of xxxxx(cover 常三单)占地面积 xxxx谢谢
2023-08-07 05:35:371

建筑面积 占地面积 英语怎么说

struction area covered area望采纳~
2023-08-07 05:35:441


面积的英文是:area。1、同义词:(1)district:地区,区域;行政区,辖区;<英>(郡或区以下的)选区。(2)region:(地理)地区;范围;(医)部位。(3)territory:领土,领域;范围;地域;版图。2、短语搭配:(1)active area:有效面积。(2)advanced area:发达地区。(3)cultivated area:可耕地,耕作区。(4)disputed area:有争议的领域。(5)base area:根据地。(6)desert area:沙漠地区。(7)industry area:工业区。(8)production area:生产领域。(9)world area:世界范围。(10)cover an area:占地面积为……。面积双语例句:1、这个公式用于计算圆的面积。This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle.2、这个房间面积是12平方米。The room is 12 square metres in area.3、这些岛屿的总面积为400平方英里。The islands cover a total area of 400 square miles.4、我们给无土地的人们分同等面积的土地。We are giving an equal area of land to the landless.5、新式背包把承重量分散在更大的面积上。Modern backpacks spread the load over a wider area.
2023-08-07 05:36:021

占地面积和厂房及办公楼建筑面积。公司简介 英文

International talent originalities area of 100 acre, a building area of 11 million ㎡, including eight layer 3 standard factory building, each building about 10,000 ㎡; 2 office tower, a total of about 3 million ㎡. Has perfect public service facilities, including offices, multimedia training hall, size conference room, receive a visitor negotiation room, gymnasium, dining room, business center, office, dormitory, such as water, electricity and communications facilities, complete rational layout, for small and medium-sized enterprise development provides a good environment.
2023-08-07 05:36:421


The factory covers an area of 25000 square meters and the building area is 10000 square meters.
2023-08-07 05:36:524


The total area of about 350,000 square meters
2023-08-07 05:37:006

XX位于。。。。占地面积。。。。平方米 用英语怎么说?

** is located in..., covers about...square meters.金山词霸有例句哦,你可以去看看下面的链接
2023-08-07 05:37:142


贵州位于中国西南部,占地面积为176167平方千米Guizhou is located in southwestern China, covering an area of 176,167 square kilometers
2023-08-07 05:37:231


Cover a 900 unit of area
2023-08-07 05:37:304


occupy ...在商务英语中用的比较多个人认为cover也不错!occupy/cover **square meter占地多少平方米没有直接说占地面积是多少的!
2023-08-07 05:37:381


Project Profile for Past Development Proejcts by Wong Sun Hing 1. Project Name, Address 2. Project Details -Site Area -Total GFA -GFA Breakdown in terms of Usage -No. of Residential Unit (if applicable) -Unit mix profile (for residential) -GFA retained for leasing or business operation after completion 关于Wong Sun Hing的发展计划的概况1。计划名称,致辞2。计划细节地点总投资根据用途讲总投资细化总的居住单元数目(如果可以提供的话)混合型居住单元概况介绍在完工后通过出租和商业运作回收的投资3. Basis of Landbank Acquisition -land purchase or acquisition of the existing structure as a distrss asset 4. Method of Landbank Acquisition -private treaty with the government -auction and tender 5. Development Strategy -Please describe the development strategy and value added contribution by the Company in the project -Timeline for the development cycle 土地的获得及银行方面资金获得的基本根据土地购买及征用土地上已有的建筑作为(?)固定资产土地的获得及银行方面资金获得的手段与政府单独签定协议投标和竞标发展策略请描述发展策略及公司在整个项目中贡献的附加值项目运行环节的时间规划6. Exit Strategy -Have the Company exited from the project? -If so, how did the Company do so? -What was the sale price per sqm? What was the total sale volume? What was the period of time taken to complete the sale? -If the Company has leased out the completed property or portion of it, please describe the GFA offered for lease, the occupancy, the rental income, brief tenant mix profile and related management and marketing strategy. -For OneLink Walk, please decribe the development and marketing strategy for each component of the development 退出战略公司已从项目中退出了么?如果是,是如何退出的?每平方米销售价格是多少,总销售额是多少?预计花多长时间完成销售?如果公司已经整个或部分出租了产业,请描述为出租投入的GFA,占有率情况及租金回收情况,简要介绍租用人概况及管理和营销策略对For OneLink Walk,请描述整个发展计划中各个部分的发展及市场策略 7. Please describe the project team of the development, e.g. Architect, main contractor, other professional firm that had been hired. 8. Shareholdings Wong Sun Hing or related interests in the project 9. Visual Aids Presentation -Professional photos or perspectives for each project介绍项目小组,比如建筑,合同签定以及其他相关的受雇佣的专业机构股份Wong Sun Hing 的股份以及其它包含在项目中的相关利益陈述时用到的可视辅助手段项目专业照片及设计图
2023-08-07 05:37:575


Our new campus covers an area of great,there is enough space to our activities,facilities,teaching conditions with old campus also has been much improvement,campus environment,favourable to the development of physical and mental health Not a good place is too far from the town,and the classroom to some far distance from the dining rooms,all in all,or very good.
2023-08-07 05:38:271


2023-08-07 05:38:541

中国拥有5000年的历史,占地面积960万平方千米,并且拥有16亿人口 英语翻译

2023-08-07 05:39:146


ha 代表 公顷1公顷(ha) =10,000平方米(㎡)参考自WM 智 能手 机工具:《Smart度量衡单位换算器》V1.2登 陆《中国 移动 MM》或《中国 联通 沃商店》,搜寻下载。在《电信 天翼空间》上还有免费版。
2023-08-07 05:39:331

翻译成英文 福建是一座拥有2200多年历史的文化名城,位于福建东部沿海地区,占地面积117968平

福建是一座拥有2200多年历史的文化名城,位于福建东部沿海地区,占地面积117968平方公里。全市总人口约700万,是福建省最大的城市。Fujian is a city with 2200 years of history and cultural city, Fujian is located in the eastern coastal area, covers an area of 117968 square kilometers. The city"s total population of about 7000000, is the largest city in Fujian province.如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!
2023-08-07 05:39:541

中国是一个幅员辽阔的国家,占地约九百六十万平方公里. 英语

2023-08-07 05:40:273


Hangzhou has a history of two thousand years, is one of China"s seven ancient capitals; covers an area of 16,596 square kilometers, with a total population of more than 600,000; surrounded by mountains, with its beautiful landscape views known to the world.
2023-08-07 05:40:381


Qingdao, this stands in the Jiaozhou Bay and a beautiful city, due to favorable geographical location, coupled with a good depth of ice-free harbor, so that she was in modern Chinese history to make the world and the people become the focus of attention. Qingdao, China"s modern history in this epic city, because of her plump and beautiful in its past years of jealousy and coveted by the world powers. As the powers of plunder and looting, to make this the history of civilization several thousand years of land has been forgotten, and indifferent, leaving only a few have a hundred years of history full of colonial Gothic building was the people talked about, even if it is Jin-Jin Yue Road hundred years ago, also from the history of humiliation began. 54 Plaza, Qingdao, China"s modern history because of the great 54 Movement named after the fuse is intended to promote the patriotic spirit of encouraging people to go all out 54, to greet the new century. AD 1897, when the German invaders in the gunboats, supported by iron heel foot piece of muscle, Qingdao, emollient America the land accompanied by humiliation on her, and that timidity of the Qing Dynasty Manchu soldiers and corrupt-down Government by history forever to nail a shame. China hot-blooded young people with their own body and blood of the Northern to the corrupt cowardly government declared war to those who ignore the interests of China declared war on the world"s powers to declare war Huaizhuo wild ambition of Japan. May the wind over the land of China, the situation passionate angry young students running around shouting, without fear of rape, they used their own blood and action to safeguard the national sovereignty and integrity of China, they used the young body to defend the interests of our Chinese nation , and for our new Chinese nation, the seeds of prairie fires of the future for our modern history of China, under a heavy sum of the book. Great red whirlwind is in Qingdao today, people, in order to commemorate those people for her today to free, beautiful, tranquility, harmony and dedication of the people to build, and it is people who Qingdao unified in order to land the pioneers of the greatest praise, this is known as "May the wind" of the building devoted descendants of the pioneers of their thoughts, embodies the spirit of the pioneers of the blood and then leapt up like a torch of the cyclone, Sihuo put has demonstrated a new advance of the Chinese youth direction, the use of steel shaped wind blown seeds of the city of dreams to a more warm the ground. 54 Plaza, according to the Qingdao Municipal Government Office Building, the south Fushan Bay, with a total area of 10 hectares. Place the two parts of the north or south, distributed in the central axis of the municipal government office building, implicit fountain, fountain lattice, "May the Wind" sculpture, fountains and other rhythmic sea 100 meters to show solemn, solid, vigorous magnificent scenery, a large area in the backdrop of the forest landscape is more vibrant and full of modern flavor. Plaza was built in 1997, the north, Qingdao municipal government office building, the south Fushan Bay, located in the eastern New District, south of City Hall, there is a large lawn, musical fountain, as well as the iconic sculpture "May the wind" in order to spiral increase in the wind shape and red color, fully embodies the "May 4th Movement" anti-imperialist tone of patriotism and assertive licking the air and national strength. Across the sea, there can be sprayed water 100 meters high fountain, the whole scenic area appeared quiet and elegant atmosphere, comfortable and peaceful. This place has become a symbol of the new century, Qingdao is one of the landscape. General picture: 54 Square Road, Qingdao City, eastern symbol - the East China Sea Road, the main park, covers an area of thousands of square meters, as commemoration of Qingdao as the "May 4th Movement" named after the fuse. Square from City Hall Square, the central square, waterfront park consists of three parts, during which meta-sculptures and fountains spit jade, verdant and luxuriant pines and cypresses, flowers Tucui, magnificent, elegant and sublime, highly Qingdao characteristics and spirit of the times, set memorial, assembly, leisure, entertainment, tours, sightseeing in one, becoming a symbol of Qingdao City Square. Place the main sculpture "May the wind" high 30 meters, 27 meters in diameter, using steel-reinforced spiral upward combination with a simple shape elements of permutations and combinations Xilian rotation licking the air as the "wind" in shape, fully embodies the 54 The patriotic movement against imperialism and feudalism and assertive tone licking the air and the national forces. With the wind spiral shape and red color, fully embodies the "May 4th Movement" anti-imperialist tone of patriotism and assertive licking the air and national strength. Across the sea, there can be sprayed water 100 meters high fountain, the whole scenic area appeared quiet and elegant atmosphere, comfortable and peaceful. This place has become a symbol of the new century, Qingdao is one of the landscape. Works with the surrounding natural environment as well as the sea and the sky serene and elegant parks, comfortable and peaceful atmosphere of organically integrated to form a magnificent landscape for the park Wei. ~ Or with English introduced in May of wind sculptures can also be
2023-08-07 05:41:002

建筑占地面积为0.64h㎡ 中的h是什么意思?

2023-08-07 05:41:1111

中国有960万平方公里的面积 用英语说(两种)

China is about 9.6 Million square meters in side
2023-08-07 05:41:465


Congtai park is located in Handan City Road in the middle of the street, is a large garden Wu Ling Congtai was hacked into, covers an area of 360 mu, garden pavilions, nestled in Cangsong Cui Liu, lake and mountains, reflects a little boat. This place was the Wu Ling Wang Bumei watch military drills and dance, now become the main places of Handan people"s rest and entertainment.  丛台湖位于公园正中,面积约40多亩,湖中建成有苑在亭、曲栏桥、西湖亭,望诸榭,湖边建有长廓,假山,花园,茶亭,饭庄,湖中碧波泛动,岸边垂柳依依, 或临湖垂钩,或湖泛舟,均有无秀丽趣。Tai Lake is located in the centre of the park, an area of about 40 acres, the lake built with Yuan Zaiting, Qu LAN Qiao, West Lake Pavilion, Wang Zhu terrace, the lake has a long profile, rockery, garden, shop, restaurant, Lake Bibo ripples, Gannabe Ryuimai lake, or hanging hook, or lake, has no beautiful.  丛台北侧有一座古朴典雅的古玩建筑----七贤祠,是后为纪念春秋战国时代精采人物韩厥,程婴,公追杵臼,蔺相如,廉颇,李牧,赵奢而建成,年夜殿内七贤的泥像个个形态传神,有板有眼。七贤祠西院为历代书家的撰书碑林,在此可以领略书法艺术的妨现校Cong Tai on the north side of a simple and elegant antique building ---- seven temple, is to commemorate the Warring States era luminaries Han Jue, Cheng Ying, Lin Xiangru, and the male chasing, Lian Po, Li Mu, well built, Nianye the Seven Sages of the mud like a vivid patterns, rhythmical. Seven Temple West Institute for the history of calligraphy book stele forest, where you can experience the art of calligraphy style at school  丛台东湖上的望诸榭,是为纪念战国时刻日的闻名军事家乐毅而建,乐毅原为燕国名将,擅长用兵,他本为魏将乐关羊之后,燕昭王下招求贤时, 乐毅自魏往, 被子留任为亚卿,曾率秦,韩、赵、魏、燕王之师代齐,克城70余座屡立军功,燕昭王死后,燕惠王误信齐人田单的反间计,乐毅被迫交出兵权,出奔赵国,受封于不美观津,号望诸君。 公园西部为动物园,北部为各类花园和泅水池,东南部为露天剧场和儿涂啻Π。Congtai East Lake at the pavilion, was built in memory of the Warring States time, famous military strategist Leyi, Leyi for Yan country star, at war, after he is Wei will shut the sheep, the Yanzhao Wang recruit careers, Leyi from Wei to stay, quilt for Yaqing, had rates of Qin, Han Wei Yan, Zhao, Qi, the normal generation, Stoke City more than 70 Li repeated military, the Yanzhao Wang died, Yan Hui Wang Wuxin Qi Tian Dan fanjianji, Leyi was forced to hand over Bingquan, Chu Zhao, closures in the unsightly Jin, Wang Zhujun. Park Zoo in northern West, for all kinds of gardens and swimming pool, south-east to the open-air theater and son Tu only pi.
2023-08-07 05:42:042


2023-08-07 05:42:122


2023-08-07 05:43:031


summer palace
2023-08-07 05:43:316

用英语怎么问 占地面积

2023-08-07 05:44:128


2023-08-07 05:44:374


cover a large area of~
2023-08-07 05:44:563


cover an area of xxxxx(cover 常三单) 占地面积 xxxx
2023-08-07 05:45:041


cover an area of xxxxx(cover 常三单) 占地面积 xxxx
2023-08-07 05:45:131


园形花坛:a round flower-bed 占地网络释义占地:total area占地术:Geomancy占地面积:cover an area of|LxWxH|floor space
2023-08-07 05:45:202


占地面积6597平方公里 It covers an area of 6597 square kilometers It covers an area of six thousand five hundred and ninety seven square kilometers
2023-08-07 05:45:261


问题一:建筑面积 占地面积 英语怎么说 struction area covered area 望采纳~ 问题二:建筑面积用英语怎么说 你好! 建筑面积 area of structure 问题三:人均建筑面积用英语怎么说 per capita housing area 人均(住宅)建筑面积 Whether new housing construction area or the per capita housing area, thecountryside is far above the city. 无论是新建住宅建筑面积还是人均住宅建筑面积,农村都远高于城市。 问题四:建筑面积用英语怎么说 你好! 建筑面积 area of structure 问题五:建筑面积 占地面积 英语怎么说 struction area covered area 望采纳~ 问题六:人均建筑面积用英语怎么说 per capita housing area 人均(住宅)建筑面积 Whether new housing construction area or the per capita housing area, thecountryside is far above the city. 无论是新建住宅建筑面积还是人均住宅建筑面积,农村都远高于城市。 问题七:建筑面积和使用面积怎么用英语说 construction area using area
2023-08-07 05:45:331


问题一:建筑面积 占地面积 英语怎么说 struction area covered area 望采纳~ 问题二:建筑面积用英语怎么说 你好! 建筑面积 area of structure 问题三:人均建筑面积用英语怎么说 per capita housing area 人均(住宅)建筑面积 Whether new housing construction area or the per capita housing area, thecountryside is far above the city. 无论是新建住宅建筑面积还是人均住宅建筑面积,农村都远高于城市。 问题四:建筑面积用英语怎么说 你好! 建筑面积 area of structure 问题五:建筑面积 占地面积 英语怎么说 struction area covered area 望采纳~ 问题六:人均建筑面积用英语怎么说 per capita housing area 人均(住宅)建筑面积 Whether new housing construction area or the per capita housing area, thecountryside is far above the city. 无论是新建住宅建筑面积还是人均住宅建筑面积,农村都远高于城市。 问题七:建筑面积和使用面积怎么用英语说 construction area using area
2023-08-07 05:45:391


The total area is about 350 thousand square meters.
2023-08-07 05:45:583


占地面积约为11.86平方公里 .... cover(s) an area of about 11.86 sq.km
2023-08-07 05:46:072


厂区占地面积8000平方米。 The factory covers a floor area of 8,000 square meters.
2023-08-07 05:46:131


Covers an area of 450000 square kilometers.
2023-08-07 05:46:341


面积英文缩写:平方米,sq.m. ;公亩,a.;公顷,ha.;平方公里,sq.km.。表示面积的英文单词有:arean.地区; 区域,范围; 面积,平地; 领域;acreagen.英亩数; (总称)(以英亩计的)土地面积; <美> 按英亩出售的土地。 面积的各种表达方法 1) 使用单词area, space The area of this restaurant is 3,400 square feet. 这个餐馆占地面积为3400平方英尺。 The seating space of the new theatre is 2,500 square meters. 新剧院的设座面积为2500平方米。 2) 使用动词 cover The city covered ten square miles. 这个城市面积有10平方英里。 [注}使用cover时,通常用于很大的面积。 3) in area The garden is about 200 square metres in area. 这个花园的面积大约是200平方米。 The kitchen is 12 square metres in area. 厨房的面积是12平方米。
2023-08-07 05:46:411


Beijing has an area of.....
2023-08-07 05:47:071


The Palace Museum covers a total area of 7.20million square meters.
2023-08-07 05:47:151


The school covers an area up to one hundred and sixty thousands square meters.
2023-08-07 05:47:221


2023-08-07 05:47:433


his small country covers an area of about 2000000 square meters.
2023-08-07 05:47:491