last Friday,是上个星期五,动作发生在过去,当然用过去时
My mother prayed when I got out.got本来就是get的过去时
"上周五"用英语怎么说 Last Friday 上周五我去了英语角翻译成英语怎么说 上周五我去了英语角On Friday I went to the English corner 上上个星期五用英语怎么表达? the Friday before last week 就不用非得说the Friday弧before last Friday了,因为last week就已经包含了上周五了,在上周之前的那个周五,自然就是上上周五。希望对你有帮助。 我们上周五看了一部电影用英语怎么说 应该是 we saw a cinema last friday 吧 上周五晚上用英语怎么说 last friday evening 星期五用英语怎么说 Friday英[u02c8frau026adeu026a] 美[u02c8frau026au02ccdeu026a] n.星期五,周五,礼拜五; 《鲁滨逊漂流记》中鲁滨逊的仆人; [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 弗赖迪可能是德意志或犹太人人名的英译; [网络]星期五餐厅; 爱神日; 周五; [例句]Mr Cook is intending to go to the Middle East on Friday. 库克先生打算周五去中东。 [其他]复数:Fridays 形近词: Triday 明天是星期五了用英文怎么说? Tomorrow is Friday . "上周日" 用英语怎么说 last Sunday 希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳!祝你学习进步,天天快乐。O(∩_∩)O 请问“上上周”用英语怎么说 the week before last week 上周用英语怎么说 Last week2023-08-06 21:20:371
last Mondaylast Tuesdaylast Wednesdaylast Thursdaylast Friday2023-08-06 21:20:513
怎么区别一般过去时和现在时?例如:Last Friday 用什么时态 My mother __(pray)when I got out .
首先看句子里的其他动词是否是过去式,然后在根据句子意思来理解。比如 He got up and went to school 由于没有Often always 等词 一般可以用过去式和现在时2023-08-06 21:21:003
this friday, next friday, last friday表示的到底是哪个时候的friday.
在一周内都用this friday!2023-08-06 21:21:093
英语星期单词的用法 导语:一个星期有七天,英语中的星期名词用法几乎一样,下面我向大家介绍英语星期单词的用法,欢迎参考! 这里说的星期名单词主要指的是Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday七个。 1. 表示在星期几,我们通常是在星期名词前使用介词on。如: That train only runs on Sunday. 那趟火车只在星期天开。 I will give you an answer on Friday at the latest. 我最迟星期五给你回答。 但在非正式文体(尤其是美国英语)中常可省去。如: Iu2019ll see you Saturday. 星期六再见。 不过,若其前用了this, last, next, every等词,则不能再用介词on。如: The concert takes place next Friday. 音乐会下星期五举行。 The Smiths go to church every Sunday. 史密斯全家每星期日都去教堂做礼拜。 注意,虽然当星期名词与this, next, last搭配时,其前不用介词on,但若语义需要,其前可用by, for, until, till, since等介词。如: I have several engagements for next Monday. 我下周星期一有几个约会。 The job ought to be finished by next Monday. 这项工作应于下星期一以前完成。 Could you hold off your decision until next Saturday? 你可以推迟到下周星期六再做决定吗? 2. 当星期名词与月份名词连用时,星期名词通常应置于月份名词之前。如: Weu2019ll be there on Sunday, June 19th. 我们将于6月19日,星期日,到达那里。 Friday 31 July 1925 henceforth became known as “Red Friday”. 1925年7月31日这个星期五从此就被称为“红色星期五”。 3. 关于星期名词的复数形式 (1) 星期名词有时可以有复数形式,表泛指性或经常性(其前可用介词on,也可省略介词而将其用作副词)。如: On Sundays I like to sleep late. 星期天我爱睡懒觉。 The Blue Cafe closes on Mondays. 蓝色咖啡馆每星期一歇业休息。 Weu2019re nearly always at church on Sundays. 我们星期日几乎都在教堂做礼拜。 星期名词的复数形式在肯定句中与“every+星期名词”相似,但在否定句中区别较大。比较: I donu2019t go there on Mondays. 我星期一不去那儿。 I donu2019t go there every Monday. 我并非每周星期一都去那儿。 (2) 有时星期名词的复数形式还可受数词以及many, few等的修饰。如: I have spent many happy Sundays there. 我在那儿度过了许多愉快的星期天。 4. 在通常情况下,星期名词不与冠词连用,但有时为了表示“特指”可以带定冠词。如: We had a card from her on the Friday after she got back. 在她回去后的那个星期五我们收到了她的明信片。 “When can I have my birthday party?” “On the Saturday nearest to it.” “我的生日庆祝会在哪天举行?”“就在离你生日最近的那个星期六吧。” 若要表示“某一个”的意思,可在星期名词前使用不定冠词。如: Christmas Day falls on a Monday. 今年的圣诞节是星期一。 You wonu2019t catch me working on a Sunday! 你绝对见不到我在星期日工作! 5. 星期名词有时可使用所有格形式,表示星期几所举行的比赛、活动等,或所发生的情况、事件等。如: He is our opponents in Saturdayu2019s game. 他就是我们星期六的.比赛对手。 He was placed fifth in last Saturdayu2019s race. 在上周六的径赛中,他名列第五。 She is confident of victory in Saturdayu2019s final. 她对在星期六的比赛中取得胜利充满信心。 Put me down for three tickets for Saturdayu2019s performance. 给我登记购买三张星期六的演出票。 Whou2019s going to organize the sandwiches for Mondayu2019s meeting? 谁来准备星期一会议上的三明治? Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursdayu2019s bank robbery. 警方拘留了两名与上星期四的银行劫案有关的人。 Wall Street made Fridayu2019s running on the international stock exchange. 在国际股票交易中 华尔街星期五率先确定了走势行情。 Letu2019s hope the sunny weather keeps up for Saturdayu2019s tennis match. 但愿星期六网球比赛时还是这样的好天气。 6. 星期名词有时可直接用于另一名词前作定语,主要用法如下: (1) 用于morning, afternoon, evening, night之前,表示星期几的早上、下午、晚上或夜晚等。如: Letu2019s meet on Sunday evening. 咱们星期日晚上见吧。 They stayed till Monday morning. 他们住到星期一上午。 Iu2019m having a party next Saturday night. 星期六我举行晚会。 (2) 用于修饰week,表示“下个星期几后的一个星期”,通常译为“下下个星期几”。如: Iu2019ll see you Thursday week. 我们下下周星期四见面吧。 Weu2019re off to Spain Sunday week. 我们下下个星期天去西班牙。 (3) 表示星期几进行的经常性或例行的工作或事务等。如: the Sunday joint 礼拜天吃的大块烤肉(www.hxen.com) I need a Saturday job. 我需要一份周末工作。 The Saturday rave craze seems to be on the way out. 星期六狂欢聚会热似乎就要过时了。 I hate all the hustle and bustle of Saturday shopping. 我讨厌星期六买东西那么挤来挤去的。 Sunday lunch with the in-laws has become something of a ritual. 星期天与姻亲们共进午餐已经成为例行公事。 You shouldnu2019t believe all the muck and scandal you read in the Sunday papers. 千万别尽信在星期日报纸上看到的秽迹丑闻。 She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers. 她在希腊为一家星期日报完成一项工作。 注意此用法与星期名词的所有格作定语的区别:用星期名词的所有格作定语,通常表示特定的某次活动或事件,而直接用星期名词作定语,则通常表示经常性或例行的活动或事务。比较: Sunday meeting 周日例会(指每周日都举行的会议) Sundayu2019s meeting 周日召开的会议(指某次特定的会议) 7. 一周的第一天是星期日还是星期一,在英语中似乎并没有严格的约定,请看以下有关词书的解释和说明: (1)《剑桥国际英语词典》对week的解释是: a period of seven days either from the beginning of Sunday to the end of Saturday or from the beginning of Monday to the end of Sunday(从星期日至星期六或从星期一至星期日的七天时间) 既然week既可以是从“星期日至星期六的七天”,也可以是“从星期一至星期日的七天”,那就说明一周的第一天可以是星期日,也可以是星期一。 (2)《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》在week词条下却有这样一句: Sunday is the first day of the week. 星期日是一个星期的第一天。 然而有趣的是,该词典在同一页又将weekend(周末)解释为Saturday and Sunday。 既然Saturday and Sunday是“周末”,那Sunday又怎么可以是一个星期的第一天呢? (3) 最新出版的《朗文当代高级英语辞典》认为: 在英国一周的第一天是星期一,而在美国一周的第一天是星期日。 根据此观点,在英国一周的第一天是星期一,而在美国一周的第一天是星期日。那《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》这本典型的英语词典(而非美语词典)为什么又说“Sunday is the first day of the week.”呢? 结论:在英语中,到底一周的第一天是星期日还是星期一,并没有严格约定。 8. 当星期名词与last, next连用时,若没有特定的上下文,可能有歧义。比如: (1) last Friday:若是星期五以前说,它指“上周星期五”;若是星期五以后说,它指“本周星期五”。last Friday的实际意思是“上个星期五”(即刚刚过去的那个星期五)。 (2) next Friday:若是星期五以前说,它指“本周星期五”;若是星期五以后说,它指“下周星期五”。next Friday的实际意思是“下个星期五”(也就是即将要到来的那个星期五)。 9. 几个容易误解的表达 (1) a week today:其意为“下周的今天”,从时间长度上看,与a week from today同义。如: The exams start a week today. 考试将在下周的今天举行。 He left today, which is a Tuesday, so he should be back a week today. 他是今天走的,而今天是星期二,所以他应该在下周的今天(即下周星期二)回来。 注:a week today 也可说成 today week。如: Weu2019re leaving today week. 我们于下周的今天动身。 Weu2019re going on holiday today week. 我们下周的今天要去度假。 (2) a week yesterday:其意为“一个星期前的昨天”(即八天前)。如: She started work a week yesterday. 她在一个星期前的昨天(即八天前)就开始工作了。 It was a week yesterday (that) we heard the news. 我们是在一个星期前的昨天(即八天前)听到这个消息的。 (3) a week ago today:其意为“上周的今天”“一个星期前的今天”(与汉语意思几乎对等),从时间长度上看,相当于seven days ago(七天前)。如: They got married a week ago today. 他们是上周的今天结婚的。 注:类似的表达还有a year ago today(一年前的今天)、a month ago today(一个月前的今天)等。 (4)“a week (on) +星期名词”:其意为“下个星期几后的一个星期”,如a week (on) Tuesday的意思是“下个星期二后的一个星期”,也就是“下下个星期二”,英语词典对此的释义是seven days from next Tuesday或one week after next Tuesday。如: Our holiday starts a week on Saturday. 我们的假期从下下个星期六开始。 Can I just check—are we going to meet a week this Sunday or a week next Sunday? 我可以核对一下吗——我们是从这个周日算起下一个周日见面,还是从下个周日算起下下个周日见面? 注:“a week (on) +星期名词”也可说成“星期名词+ week”。如: Iu2019ll be home Thursday week. 我下下个星期四回家。 She has to go back to see the doctor Friday week. 下下周星期五她得去复诊。 ;2023-08-06 21:21:161
求Last Friday英语作文
你可以组合一下1.Last Friday,I got up early,I had a breakfast,and went to school by bus.2.after shool,I played with my best friend,Then I came back home.3.In the evening , I studied at home,At 22:00,I went to bed.2023-08-06 21:21:312
英语翻译 上个星期五,是on last friday 还是直接last friday
last Friday. 如果没有last就是on Friday.2023-08-06 21:21:371
mike watched the film last friday.对last friday 进行提问 [ ] [ ] mike [ ] the film?
last friday 时间,上个星期五, 对时间提问用when 所以 是 when did mike watch the film? (did是助动词do的过去式,因为是对过去提问所以用过去时) 【智慧中国】为你解答,请及时采纳最佳答案谢谢2023-08-06 21:21:441
求Last Friday英语作文(要过去式的)
Last Friday Last Friday,I had not very happy. I was really looking forward to the weekend life, but... I got up very early in the morning, because my mother said she wanted to take us to go fishing ...2023-08-06 21:22:011
英语作文带翻译last friday
Last Friday,I went to climb the Yellow Mountain along with my brother.We arrived at the foot of the mountain around 7 am.The scenery was extraordinary(极佳的—这是高级词汇,老师会给你加分~)there.When we started to climb,the weather was perfect.So clear was the sky that we could see hundreds of buildings quite far from the place where we stood.As we were climbing,at first I flet great,full of energy and eager to reach the top.However,as time went by,I gradually flet frustrated.I was nearly to give up when my brother encouraged we to keep climbing,consisting that I was sure to feel regertful if I gave up on the half way.Taking his advise into consideration,Idecided to follow his advise.Eventually,we managed to stand proudly on the top.上周五,我和我哥去爬黄山。我们早上7点到达山脚。那儿的景色很美。我们开始爬山时天气很好。天空是那么的晴朗以至于上百所远方的建筑物都能看得见。我们爬山时,起初我感觉很好,精力充沛且渴望登顶。然而,随着时间的流逝,我逐渐感觉疲劳了。我快要放弃了这时我哥鼓励我继续爬,坚持说如果我中途放弃的话我一定会后悔的。考虑过他的建议,我决定听他的。最终,我们成功自豪地站到了山顶。声明:全原创,全手打,本人雷锋转世,放着自己好好的作文不写,到这儿来给别人写。。。。。。写了半个小时了,姐姐我手都打酸了~ 采纳吧采纳吧采纳吧~2023-08-06 21:22:111
现在老外也能听懂 中国式英语这种题 就多背背课文吧2023-08-06 21:22:2111
I clean my study last Friday.改错
cleaned study room2023-08-06 21:22:478
请问 上个星期五下午 用英语怎么说
last Friday afternoon2023-08-06 21:23:042
Last Friday my friend Deborah asked me if I would like to learn how to make tofu. I couldn’t th..
小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4:A小题5:C 试题分析:上星期五我的朋友黛博拉问我是否想学习如何做豆腐。我想不到任何理由不感兴趣,于是我说,“是的”。第二天我遇见她和另外三个人红豆奥克兰餐馆。我喜欢这次旅行。我从这次旅行有很多。以下就是我学到的。豆腐有2000年的历史。虽然“豆腐”一词来自日本,也许来自中国的食物。有两种主要类型的豆腐:软豆腐和坚定的豆腐。在亚洲的一些地方,人们用豆腐作为一种肉。豆花是一种软豆腐。在中国这是个很受欢迎的早餐食品。因为它很软,人们不能用筷子吃,但用勺子。人们经常吃小吃,通常加入葱和肉汁。在马来西亚,人们通常吃豆花加白色或黑色的糖水。小题1:细节理解题。问题:作者在什么时间去的餐馆?分析前面提到上周五,接下来的第二天见到,第二天就是上周六,故选 C。小题2:计算及细节理解题。问题:作者和几个人去哪?原文:I met her and another three nice people句意:我遇见她和另外三个人。Another three另外三人,1+3=4,故选D。小题3:细节理解题。问题:通过短文我们了解豆腐起源于哪里?原文:the food maybe comes from China.句意:也许来自中国的食物。后面又事实来说明是中国的食物。故选B。小题4:细节理解题。问题:划线词在汉语中的意思?分析本意,中国人们在就餐时的工具,那就是筷子,故选A。小题5:细节理解题。问题:下面的哪个描述是不正确的?分析全文只有第三项不正确,原文充分体现:Douhua is one kind of soft tofu.句意:豆花是一种软豆腐。故选C。2023-08-06 21:23:201
last Friday was a black letter day其中的letter怎么理解?不
black letter day 这是一个组:倒霉的一天; 倒霉的日子; [例句]Last Friday, a black letter day, he had a car accident.上个星期五,一个倒霉的日子,他出了车祸。2023-08-06 21:23:271
Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories, destroying fourtee...
小题1:C小题2:C小题3:A 试题分析:上周五,一场风暴席卷了新界的两个村庄。导致一人死亡,多人重伤。暴风雨后有超过二百人无家可归。士兵带着人们到了安全的地方,并且给他们带来食物和衣服,接下来记者又对经历过这场暴风雨的幸运者进行了采访。小题1:细节理解题。问题:暴风雨之后,谭先生的一个孩子怎样了?联系原文:I went back inside and found him, safe but very frightened.句意:我返回室内,发现了他是安全的,但是非常害怕。明确这个孩子是害怕的。故选C小题2:细节理解题。问题:吴太太和她的家人为什么没有受伤?分析原文:Mrs. Woo Mei Fong said that her husband had just left for work when she felt that her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children. 句意:吴美芳太太说:她的丈夫刚去上班,她就感觉她的房间在动。她和她的孩子们立刻跑到外面去了。明确说出原因:感觉到房屋在动。故选 C小题3:细节理解题。问题:对于短文哪一个是最佳的题目?通过阅读短文,都在描述一场暴风雨经过之后,对村庄造成的伤害。同时也对几个幸存者进行了采访。结合选项,第一项:一场可怕的暴风雨,符合题意。故选A2023-08-06 21:23:341
这个没有这么说的 一般是以一句话的形式出现 纯英语没有这么说的2023-08-06 21:23:497
A We often hear the saying,“You"ve a greater chance of being struck by lightning than…”It is used to describe something that hasn"t got much chance of happening.However.this common saying undermines(削弱)the very real danger of lightning Last Friday,at least five people were killed by lightning in Nepal Lightning strikes are the second most common cause of deaths among natural disasters in the US The first is floods.Around 400 people nationwide are struck by lightning each year,and of those,about 73 people die.More people ale killed by lightning than by tornados and hurricanes. Because lightning kills only one or two people at a time.its danger does not receive a8 much attention as other disasters To raise awareness(意识)of the damage of lightning the US has made June 22—28 National Lightning Safety Week It aims to warn the public of the dangers of lighting and provide safety tips about what to do during thunderstorms “If you can hear thunder(雷),you are in danger of being struck by lightning,”said Rocky Lopes,a disaster educator at the American Red Cross “Thunder means that lighting is close enough to hit you at any minute.so you should move indoors immediately and stay there until the storm has ended The single most important thing to remember is to find a hiding place,”Lopes said Summer is the time for most lighting storms,so when lightning strikes across the sky,remember these safety tips:Stop working,fishing,swimming or playing in an open al-ea If you count less than ten seconds between the thunder and the lighting flash.take cover inside the nearest building.If that is not possible.follow these instruments. Do not stand under a tree Do not use a mobile phone Get off bicycles or motorcycles. Crouch(蹲下) down if there is no hiding place.46 The popular opinion about being struck by lightning is that . A.there is a great chance of being killed by lightning than by any other natural disaster B.it is the most dangerous among all the natural disasters C.the chance that a person to be struck by lightning is very small D.it is impossible for people to be killed by lighting47.On average,about of people struck by lighting die as a result A.18.5% B.50% C.30% D.73%48.Among all the safety tips,the most important one is that when you ate outside and hear thunder you should A.stand beside your bicycle or motorcycle B.quickly find a place to hide C.count ten seconds between the thunder and the lightning D.don"t use a hair drier49.During thunderstorms,you should not A.enter a place to hide B.turn off the TV C.close your window D.use your mobile phone50.According to the article,what does June 22-28 National Lighting Safety Week refer to? A.There is one week free from work B.There ale some warnings shown C.The public ale provided with safety tips about lightning D.During the week in the US,lightning happens certainly.题号 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 答案 C A B D C B A D B B B C D A A2023-08-06 21:24:131
凯蒂·派瑞的《last friday night》歌词翻译
Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)周末狂欢夜 (感谢上帝,周末终于到了)There"s a stranger in my bed,我的床上躺着一个陌生人There"s a pounding in my head脑袋里嗡嗡作响Glitter all over the room各种闪片儿飘满了整个房间Pink flamingos in the pool屋外的泳池底 还沉着各种粉红色的玩偶I smell like a minibar我身上散发着酒味儿DJ"s passed out in the yard搓碟的更是直接喝瘫了Barbie"s on the barbeque芭比娃娃无辜地被放在烤架上This a hickey or a bruise身上不知是留下了一个吻痕还是一块小伤疤( pre chorus )Pictures of last night昨晚狂欢夜的照片Ended up online已经被更新到了网上I"m screwed相册里全是我烂醉的残相Oh wellIt"s a blacktop blur (这里CD里的歌词都打错了 KP现场都不是唱的这句歌词=3= 正确的应该是blacked out)我眼前一黑差点没晕过去But I"m pretty sure不过有一点我能确定it ruled昨天晚上肯定嗨爆了Damn艹( Chorus )Last Friday night昨天的周末狂欢夜Yeah we danced on tabletops我们在吧台上张牙舞爪And we took too many shots喝了一瓶接一瓶的啤酒Think we kissed but I forgot至于有没有接吻我已经没有印象了Last Friday night昨天的狂欢夜Yeah we maxed our credit cards靠 我们刷爆了各种信用卡Then got kicked out of the bar直接被赶出了酒吧So we hit the boulevard最后我们只好横扫大街Last Friday night昨天的狂欢夜We went streaking in the park我们在公园里疯耍Skinny dipping in the dark趁没人在池塘里裸泳Then had a menage a trois然后不甘收场玩了盘threesomeLast Friday night昨天的狂欢夜Yeah I think we broke the law我想我们已经突破了法律极限Always say we"re gonna stop嘴上装纯洁地说该适可而止了But this Friday nightDo it all again但是下周末我们却还想再狂嗨一次This Friday nightDo it all againTrying to connect the dots试着理清头绪Don"t know what to tell my boss却怎么也编不出什么理由来应付老板Think the city towed my car我的车好像被城管拖走了Chandelier is on the floor吊灯摔到了地板上Ripped my favorite party dress我最心爱的裙子也被划破了Warrants out for my arrest获了保释才侥幸从***放走Think I need a ginger ale我想我需要喝点儿姜汁来醒醒酒That was such an epic fail艹 真是个华丽丽的大悲剧( Pre chorus )( Chorus )T.G.I.F.感谢上帝 周末来了T.G.I.F.感谢上帝 周末来了T.G.I.F.感谢上帝 周末来了T.G.I.F.感谢上帝 周末来了T.G.I.F.感谢上帝 周末来了T.G.I.F.感谢上帝 周末来了T.G.I.F.感谢上帝 周末来了( Chorus )2023-08-06 21:24:201
1.Last Friday,they___a___race A.had;running B.have;running C.had;running
2023-08-06 21:24:272
last friday after doing all the family完形填空
一个家庭在最后一个星期五做的事情。2023-08-06 21:24:572
last friday.l b_a book from the city library. th
buy2023-08-06 21:25:044
Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in
上周五风暴席卷在新界区的两个村庄,摧毁了十四家(摧毁)。七人被严重损坏(破坏),他们的主人不得不离开他们,十五人已破窗或破损的屋顶。一人死亡,数人严重受伤,送往医院,和其他一些人收到伤害较小。总共超过二百人无家可归的风暴之后。一个农民,谭先生,说,暴风雨在清晨开始,持续了一个小时。“我和我的妻子和孩子们吃,”他说,“当我们听到一声巨响。几分钟后,我们的房子倒在我们身上。我们尽力爬了出来,但后来我发现我的一个孩子失踪了。我回到屋里,发现他,安全而且非常害怕。”吴美芳女士说,她的丈夫刚刚离开工作时,她觉得她的房子移动。她立刻跑到外面和她的孩子。“没有时间做任何事情,”她说,“几分钟后,屋顶塌下来了。”士兵们帮助把人从被淹的(水淹的)地区和福利部(福利机构)给他们带来了食物,衣服和住所2023-08-06 21:25:143
__last friday, he would have got to Paris.
a2023-08-06 21:25:214
Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town I wanted a rest before catching the tr...
小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4:B 试题分析:文章讲述了作者外出购物时的一次尴尬经历,在咖啡店她错把别人的巧克力当成自己的巧克力吃掉了。小题1:推理题:阅读文章可知作者先购物,然后买了巧克力,接着进了一家咖啡店,找到位子放下东西后,又去买了一杯咖啡,最后坐下来吃巧克力,按照这个顺序,是C选项。故选C。小题2:细节题:根据第一段中“ I wanted a rest before catching the train”我想在赶火车之前休息一下。故选D。小题3:细节题:根据第二段最后一句“What did surprise me was that he"d started to eat my chocolate.”令我吃惊的是他已经开始吃我的巧克力了。故选B。小题4:推理题:根据文章最后一段中“My face turned red when I knew I"d made a mistake”当我知道我犯了个错误时我的脸红了,可知做这次是肯定很难为情。故选B。2023-08-06 21:25:281
at the last friday这个表达对不对?
不对,不需要介词,直接last Friday即可,上周五。2023-08-06 21:25:492
Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories, destroying fourteen home...
小题1:D小题2:B小题3:C小题4:D小题5:A 短文属于记叙文。讲述了一场严重的暴风雨造成的危害。描写了人们在遭到暴风雨袭击时的感受及灾后的救助。小题1:综合理解题。从第一段可知:“fourteen”+“Seven”+“fifteen”=36小题2:推理判断题。根据第三段的叙述,可知当时他在房子里。小题3:细节理解题。从第四段中,可知。小题4:词义猜测题。从并列的这几项“brought them food, clothes and shelter”可猜测出shelter的意思可排除A、B。根据常识,受灾的人们无家可归,除了食物、衣服之外,最需要的是什么?是学习的地方,还是住的地方?当然是后者。小题5:主旨大意题。短文讲到了几个人,但是关键还是围绕这场暴风雨,因此选A。2023-08-06 21:25:561
when did you get home last Friday?It was not until midnight()it was raining hard Awhen Bthat
选A when 吧~~若是B项,答语是强调句,把多余部分去掉就是:it was not raining hard until midnight. 答语是在强调午夜雨很大,其重点不是在回答when。而A项,答语中when引导了一个定语从句,整个句子关键词是 not until midnight ,正好回答了问句询问的时间。故A为正解~~2023-08-06 21:26:031
last friday, students in grade 8 hiked 30
上个周五,八年级的学生人数增加了30人2023-08-06 21:26:102
last friday students in our
答案:D 分数的表达法:先分子后分母,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1时,分母后加-s;选项A、C后不能加s;选项B后要加s,故选D.2023-08-06 21:26:161
She saw the beijing opera show last friday.画线部分提问。画线部分是last friday
When did she see the beijing opera show?2023-08-06 21:26:232
英语改错题 Tom went home after work on last Friday 为什么要去掉“on”?
last在这里是做adv,意思是“上次的”,加上on 在语法和意思上都会不通..2023-08-06 21:26:301
what did you doing last Friday 改病句?
what did you do last Friday2023-08-06 21:26:373
I rode a bike last Friday.变成否定句?
I didn"t rode a bike last Friday.2023-08-06 21:26:472
last Friday and last weekend英语作文
I had a busy weekend 。 On saturday morning 。I cleaned my room 。In the afternoon ,I did homework 。It was a little difficult 。 On saturday night,I staied at home 。my aunt cooked dinner for me 。 On sunday morning ,I went to library 。I read a book about history 。Then in the afternoon, I play soccer with my friends, on sunday night ,I watched TV ,I saw an interesting talk show。2023-08-06 21:27:292
on last friday对不对
last Friday为某天,所以用on2023-08-06 21:27:511
We went to the park last Friday 对话线部分提问 划线部分是we
你直接去下一个 作业帮 吧 上面全部是题目问答2023-08-06 21:28:147
按要求完成下列各题1. I went to the cinema last Friday. (对画?
I went to the cinema last Friday.就划线部分提问When did you go to the cinema?或What did you do last Friday?2023-08-06 21:28:361
Last Friday afternoon,our school had an English__
speaking2023-08-06 21:28:568
did they went to museum last friday改肯定句和否定句怎么改?
肯定句:They went to the museum last Friday.否定句:They did not go to the museum last Friday. 或者 They didn"t go to the museum last Friday.2023-08-06 21:29:423
Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories, destroying (摧毁) fourteen.
小题1:D小题1:B小题1:C小题1:D小题1:A 略2023-08-06 21:29:521
last Friday afternoon前面要不要加on
一般不用2023-08-06 21:30:053
What did you do last Friday的答句是什么
Last Friday I went to my uncle"s home 上周五我去了我的叔叔家2023-08-06 21:30:131
凯蒂·派瑞的《last friday night》歌词翻译
screwed2023-08-06 21:30:375
Friday 不加s时是指一个特定的星期五例如:I watched a movie last friday.这里的意思是我上星期五看了一部电影如果要加s,意思便是每个星期五都做这件事情例如:I go swimming on fridays.这里是说我每个星期五都去游泳希望能帮到你2023-08-06 21:30:571
last friday was my brithday
上星期五是我的生日2023-08-06 21:31:042
the Friday before last one2023-08-06 21:31:208
We went to Beijing last Friday.2023-08-06 21:31:416
Did you Hove an English Class Last Friday?怎么回答
yes,I did2023-08-06 21:31:554
其实,就相当于汉语中说的一词多义,它本身就含有上一个和最后的意思: 1. 用做上一个的的时候,last经常和 下面的时间一起使用:last Friday(上周五), last night(昨天晚上), and last year (去年) 2. 用作最后的时候,可以说 the last three pages最后三页,the last person 最后一个人 从短语的意思上进行判断哦· 希望帮到你,有什么不明白的可以追问哦·2023-08-06 21:32:011