阳光季节歌手:西城男孩 seasons in the sun(中英对照版) goodbye to u"re my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友. we"re known each other we"re 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知. together we"ve climb hills trees.我们一起爬山,爬树. learned of love abc.学会去爱和其他基本知识. skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相同,情同手足. goodbye my friend it"s hard to die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩. think of me i"ll be there.想我了,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. goodbye papa please pray for me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷. i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马. u tried to teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非. too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中. goodbye papa is hard to die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. little children everywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏. when u see them i"ll be there.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾经历过阳光中的季节.
《Seasons In The Sun》的歌词和翻译
Goodbye to you my trusted friend / 再见了,我的挚友 We"ve known each other since we were nine or ten /我们九岁十岁时就相识 Together we"ve climbed hills and trees / 曾经一起爬山爬树 Learned of love and ABC"s / 学习爱与ABC Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees / 擦破了膝盖,也打破了心灵的障碍 Goodbye my friend it"s hard to die / 再见了,我的朋友,我也不愿离开 When all the birds are singing in the sky / 当所有的鸟儿都在天空歌唱时 Now that spring is in the air / 春天就弥漫在空气中 Pretty girls are everywhere / 到处都是漂亮的女孩 Think of me and I"ll be there / 想起我,我就会回到你身边 We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节 But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time / 但那些我们爬过的山,都已成为时间以外的季节 Goodbye Papa, please pray for me / 再见了,爸爸,请为我祈祷吧 I was the black sheep of the family / 我是家里的害群之马 You tried to teach me right from wrong / 你总是教我弃恶扬善 Too much wine and too much song /太多的酒与歌 Wonder how I got along /真不知我是如何过来的 Goodbye papa, it"s hard to die / 再见了,爸爸,我也不愿离开 When all the birds are singing in the sky /当所有的鸟儿都在天空歌唱时 Now that the spring is in the air /春天就弥漫在空气中 Little children everywhere /到处都是小小孩 When you see them I"ll be there / 当你看见他们时,我就在你身边 We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但那些酒与歌,都随着季节更迭早已流逝 We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但那些酒与歌,都随着季节更迭早已流逝 Goodbye Michelle my little one / 再见了,蜜雪儿,我的小宝贝 You gave me love and helped me find the sun /你给我的爱帮我找到阳光 And every time that I was down /还有每当我沮丧时 You would always come around / 你总是来到我身边 And get my feet back on the ground / 让我重新脚踏实地 Goodbye Michelle it"s hard to die / 再见了,蜜雪儿,我也不愿离开 When all the birds are singing in the sky /当所有的鸟儿都在天空歌唱时 Now that the spring is in the air / 春天就弥漫在空气中 With the flowers everywhere / 伴随着漫天花儿 I wish that we could both be there / 希望我能与你同在 We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节 But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time / 但那些我们爬过的山,都只是时间以外的季节 We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但那些酒与歌,都随着季节更迭早已流逝 We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但那些酒与歌,都随着季节更迭早已流逝 We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone/ 但那些酒与歌,都随着季节更迭早已流逝 We had joy,we had fun,we had seasons in the sun/我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节 But the stars we could reach were just starfishes on the beach/但那些我们能触碰到的星星,只是沙滩 上的海星2023-08-06 04:02:355
《seasons in the sun》中英文歌词
Goodbye to you my trusted friendWe"ve known each other since we were nine or tenTogether we"ve climbed hills and treesLearned of love and abc skinned our hearts and skinned our kneesGoodbye my friends it"s hard to dieWhen all the birds are singing in the skyNow that the spring is in the airPretty girls are every whereThink of me and I"ll be thereWe had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sunbut the hills that we climb were just seasons out of timeGoodbye papa please pray for meI was the black sheep of the familyYou tried to teach me right from wrongToo much wine and too much song,wonder how i got alongGoodbye papa it"s hard to dieWhen all the birds are singing in the skyNow that the spring is in the airLittle children everywhereWhen you see them I"ll be thereWe had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sunBut the wine and the song were the seasons have all goneWe had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sunBut the wine and the song like the seasons have all goneGoodbye Michelle my little oneYou gave me love and helped me find the sunand Every time that I was downYou would always come around and get my feet back on the groundGoodbye Michelle it"s hard to dieWhen all the birds are singing in the skyNow that the spring is in the airLovely flowers every whereI wish that we could both be thereWe had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sunbut the hills that we climb were just seasons out of timeWe had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sunBut the wine and the song like the seasons have all goneAll I lives We had fun we had seasons in the sunbut the hills that we climb were just seasons out of time2023-08-06 04:03:1813
seasons in the sun这是什么意思
这儿有一个关于Season in the sun 的小故事````看了之后再听 Seasons In The Sun 的法文原唱,由著名诗人作曲家 Jacques Brel 写于1961年。1964年被填上英文歌词,定名为“Seasons In The Sun”,但直到1973年才被加拿大歌手 Terry Jacks 重新翻唱并在加拿大和美国获得了前所未有的成功。 这是一首面临死亡的人的遗嘱诗,向他一生和自己分享欢乐悲伤的爱人朋友甚至情敌道别,嘱咐他们照顾好自己的妻子。。。 就在73年英文翻唱推出之前,Jacques Brel 在他歌唱生涯巅峰之时宣布退休,全球歌迷震惊了,但诗人没有给出任何解释。之后平静的六年,Jacques Brel 和癌症做着最后的斗争,终于不幸在1978年10月9日被病魔吞噬。让人不禁想起他生前的这首《垂死者》。 三个人,我们姑且称他们为A、B、C。在50年代的法国乡村,他们是同一所高中的同 学。A和C是从小一起长大的、最要好的朋友,B是漂亮的女孩。通常在这种故事里, 我们很容易想象发生了什么事情,A和C同时爱上了B。A是那种很阳光、很乐观、很拉 风的男孩,是学校的运动明星,是很多情窦初开的少女仰慕的对象。生活对于A来说 充满的只是快乐和单纯。而C害羞、内敛,画得一手好画。早在A和B相爱之前,C已经 默默的爱了B很久,但是没有人知道。这份爱被藏在心底,直到毕业后A参军、C成为 一名木匠,直到战后A返回家乡和B结婚,直到婚后A找到工作当上一名货车司机…… A经常离家工作很长时间,B打理着外婆留下的乡村杂货店,有太多的事情需要男人的 帮忙,C就这样担负起了照顾年轻的母女的责任。天长日久,大家都想象得到的事情 就那样发生了。A乐观的天性加上对妻子的爱、对挚友的信任使他对此茫然无知。直 到一个大雪封路的冬天,A在出车的半夜折返家中,发现了一切……面对骤然被生命 中最重要的两个人出卖这个难以接受的事实,A失去控制杀死了他们。当天深夜,A向 警察局自首,两个月后被判一级谋杀罪名成立,于第二年初春执行死刑。在死刑执行 前的第三天,A在狱中写了三段话,分别写给他最好的朋友C、他的父亲和他四岁的女 儿。在即将离开人世的时刻,他仍然将C看作最好的、生命中最值得信赖的朋友。 这个A,叫做Jacques Brel。他写下的这段话最初的名字叫"Le Moribund",直译的意 思是"the dying man"。Rod McKuen将之翻译成英语,并套上一首法语歌的旋律,这 就是最初的"seasons in the sun"。十年后,Terry Jacks无意中听到了这首歌,经 过他的演绎,歌曲从此红遍全球,被很多很多人翻唱,其中最著名的就是westlife。 只要稍稍想到那个三天后就要离去的人是以怎样的心情在怀念活着的幸福、告别自己年迈的父亲和四岁的女儿,只要稍稍想到他的父亲和女儿在看到这些话时心中剧烈的激荡……我无言。Jacques Brel用美好的笔调歌颂生命的多彩和绚烂,却让聆听的人更加忍不住潸然泪下。对比Terry和westlife的版本,显然westlife的音乐制作要好很多,但从表现一个真正面临死亡的人的心境来说,我喜欢Terry,也更能理解为什么歌中反复强调:It"s hard to die.2023-08-06 04:03:511
season in the sun是谁的歌?
分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 解析: 原作、原唱是一位法国歌手Jacques Brel,于1961年创作,原曲名叫「Le Moribond」(将死之人)。谱写的原因是他发现自己患了癌症,有感而发。这样的一首歌,被一个名为Rod Mckuen的诗人译成英文,在1964年由The Kingston Trio灌唱。 1973年加拿大籍的Terry Jacks应Beach Boys邀请,为乐团伴奏。Terry从好友Rod是那儿得知这首歌的存在,于是建议Beach Boys录制,但Beach Boys录完之后决定不发行。 后来Treey为了追悼一位意外死亡的朋友,决定自己灌唱,同时得到原作者同意,把最后一段歌词稍加修改,使歌曲显得一些,但完工之后,这首歌却被搁在架上长达一年。 一次,一位送报生在Treey家听到这首歌,问他可不可以带朋友过来欣赏,这几个年轻人的反应使得Treey决定将它发行。果然这首歌在加拿大造成了轰动,美国的唱片公司也闻声而至,并向Treey取得发行权。1974年3月,「Seasons in the sun」终于获得Billboard排行榜连续三周冠军,Treey从此声名大噪。至于原作者Brel,则在1978年10月与世长辞。 有很多歌手演绎过这首经典的歌(Terry Jacks,westlife,Nana Mouskouri, k one好象是台湾的乐队)2023-08-06 04:04:061
season in the sun的背景故事
死刑,没2023-08-06 04:04:143
season in the sun 西城男孩的 歌词+翻译~
seasons in the sun(中英对照版) goodbye 2 u"re my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友. we"re known each other we"re 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知. together we"ve climb hills trees.我们一起爬山,爬树. learned of love abc.学会去爱和其他基本知识. skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相同,情同手足. goodbye my friend it"s hard 2 die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩. think of me i"ll be there.想我了,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. goodbye papa please pray 4 me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷. i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马. u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非. too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中. wonder how i got along.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的. goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. little children everywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏. when u see them i"ll be there.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.2023-08-06 04:04:291
season in the sun 的歌词
分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: Seasons In The Sun Terry Jacks Goodbye to you my trusted friend We "ve known each other since we were nine or tenTogether we climbed hills and trees Learned of love and A B C "s Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees. Goodbye my friend it "s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Pretty girls are everywhere Think of me and I "ll be there We had joy we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climb were just seasons Out of time...... 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是我们爬过的小山 已经被时间遗忘了 Goodbye Papa please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong Too much wine and too much song Wonder how I got along. Goodbye Papa its hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Little children everywhere When you see them I "ll be there. We had joy we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons Have all gone. 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是酒和歌就像时光一样 已经消散 We had joy we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the stars we could reach Were just starfish on the beach. Goodbye Michelle my little one You gave me love and helped me find the sun And every time that I was down You would always e around And get my feet back on the ground. Goodbye Michelle it "s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air With the flowers everywhere I wish that we could both be there We had joy we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climb were just seasons Out of time...... We had joy we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons Have all gone. All our lives we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the stars we could reach Were just starfish on the beach.2023-08-06 04:04:361
season in the sun中英文的歌词
...2023-08-06 04:04:445
谁知道season in the sun的歌词和来历?
我只有歌词Seasons in the SunWestlifeGoodbye to you, my trusted friend,we"ve known each other since we were nine or ten;together we"ve climbed hills and trees,learned of love and A-B-C`s,skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.Goodbye my friend, it"s hard to die,when all the birds are singing in the sky;now that the spring is in the air,pretty girls are every where;think of me and I"ll be there.We had joy, we had fun,we had seasons in the sun;but the hills that we climbwere just seasons out of time.Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me,I was the black sheep of the family;you tried to teach me right from wrong,too much wine and too much song,wonder how I got along.Goodbye, Papa, it"s hard to die,when all the birds are singing in the sky;now that the spring is in the air,little children every where,when you"ll see them, I"ll be there.We had joy, we had fun,we had seasons in the sun;but the wild and the song, like the season has all goneChorus:Goodbye, Michelle, my little one,you gave me love and helped me find the sun;and every time that I was down,you would always come aroundand get my feet back on the ground.Goodbye, Michelle, it"s hard to die,when all the birds are singing in the sky;now that the spring is in the air,with the flowers every whereI wish that we could both be there.All our lives we had fun,we had seasons in the sun;But the stars we could reachwere just starfish on the beach.END2023-08-06 04:04:593
有首英语歌中有句歌词"we had seasons in the sun ."请问这是什么歌,歌名是?
Season in the sun ----westlife2023-08-06 04:05:085
seasons in the sun 的歌词中文意思
goodbye 2 u"re my trusted friend再见了,我忠实的朋友we"re known each other we"re 9 or 10我们从孩提时就已相识,相知together we"ve climb hills trees我们一起爬山,爬树learned of love abc学会去爱和其他基本知识skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相同,情同手足goodbye my friend it"s hard 2 die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去when all the birds are singing in the sky当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. pretty girls are everywhere到处是漂亮的女孩think of me i"ll be there想我了,我就会与你同在.we had joy,we had fun我们曾共享快乐we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.but the hills.但我们一起爬山that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去.goodbye papa please pray 4 me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷.i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马.u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非.too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中.wonder how i got along.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的.goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去.when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.little children everywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏.when u see them i"ll be there.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在.we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐.we had seasons in the sun也曾共享阳光季节but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.like the season has all gone犹如季节更迭已消逝we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐.we had seasons in the sun也曾共享阳光季节but the wild the song但昔日的歌酒狂欢like the season has all gone犹如季节更迭已消逝goodbye michelle my little one再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱u gave me love help me find the sun你给了我爱,帮我找到希望and every time that i was down.每当我意志消沉时u should always come around你总会来到我的身边and get my feet back on the ground鼓励我振作起来goodbye michelle it"s hard 2 die再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去when all the birds are singing in the sky当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱now the spring in the air空气中弥漫着春天的气息with the flowers everywhere到处都是美丽的花朵i wish that we could both be there我希望我们都在那儿欢聚we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐we had seasons in the sun也曾共享阳光季节but the hills但我们一起爬山that we climbed were just seasons out of time的那些日子已经逝去we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐we had seasons in the sun也曾共享阳光季节but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢like the season has all gone犹如季节更迭已消逝we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐we had seasons in the sun也曾共享阳光季节2023-08-06 04:05:341
seasons in the sung 的歌词
恩。很好听呢。Seasons in the sun-Westlife阳光季节(西城男孩)Goodbye 2 U"re my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友。We"re known each other we"re 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知。Together we"ve climb hills & trees.我们一起爬山,爬树。Learned of love & ABC.学会去爱和其他基本知识。Skinned our hearts & skinned our knees.我们心意相同,情同手足。Goodbye my friend it"s hard 2 die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去。When all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱。Now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息。Pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩。Think of me & I"ll be there.想我了,我就会与你同在。We had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐。We had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节。But the hills.但我们一起爬山That we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去。Goodbye papa please pray 4 me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷。I was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马。U tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非。Too much wine & too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中。Wonder how I got along.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的。Goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去。Little children everywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏。When U see them I"ll be there.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在。But the wild & the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢。Like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝。Goodbye Michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱。U gave me love & help me find the sun.你给了我爱,帮我找到希望。And every time that I was down.每当我意志消沉时。U should always come around.你总会来到我的身边。And get my feet back on the ground.鼓励我振作起来。Goodbye Michelle it"s hard 2 die.再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去。With the flowers everywhere.到处都是美丽的花朵。I wish that we could both be there ! 我希望我们都在那儿欢聚!2023-08-06 04:05:413
关于season in the sun的故事
分类: 音乐 问题描述: 感谢 解析: SEASON IN THE SUN 的故事 三个人,我们姑且称他们为A、B、C。在50年代的法国乡村,他们是同一所高中的同 学。A和C是从小一起长大的、最要好的朋友,B是漂亮的女孩。通常在这种故事里, 我们很容易想象发生了什么事情,A和C同时爱上了B。A是那种很阳光、很乐观、很拉 风的男孩,是学校的运动明星,是很多情窦初开的少女仰慕的对象。生活对于A来说 充满的只是快乐和单纯。而C害羞、内敛,画得一手好画。早在A和B相爱之前,C已经 默默的爱了B很久,但是没有人知道。这份爱被藏在心底,直到毕业后A参军、C成为 一名木匠,直到战后A返回家乡和B结婚,直到婚后A找到工作当上一名货车司机…… A经常离家工作很长时间,B打理着外婆留下的乡村杂货店,有太多的事情需要男人的 帮忙,C就这样担负起了照顾年轻的母女的责任。天长日久,大家都想象得到的事情 就那样发生了。A乐观的天性加上对妻子的爱、对挚友的信任使他对此茫然无知。直 到一个大雪封路的冬天,A在出车的半夜折返家中,发现了一切……面对骤然被生命 中最重要的两个人出卖这个难以接受的事实,A失去控制杀死了他们。当天深夜,A向 警察局自首,两个月后被判一级谋杀罪名成立,于第二年初春执行死刑。在死刑执行 前的第三天,A在狱中写了三段话,分别写给他最好的朋友C、他的父亲和他四岁的女 儿。在即将离开人世的时刻,他仍然将C看作最好的、生命中最值得信赖的朋友。 这个A,叫做Jacques Brel。他写下的这段话最初的名字叫"Le Moribund",直译的意 思是"the dying man"。Rod McKuen将之翻译成英语,并套上一首法语歌的旋律,这 就是最初的"seasons in the sun"。十年后,Terry Jacks无意中听到了这首歌,经 过他的演绎,歌曲从此红遍全球,被很多很多人翻唱,其中最著名的就是westlife。2023-08-06 04:05:481
Season in the sun歌词翻译
后街男孩?不知道2023-08-06 04:05:577
season in the sun是啥意思
阳光的季节一首歌2023-08-06 04:06:124
求 seasons in the son 歌词中文翻译
goodbye 2 u"re my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友. we"re known each other we"re 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知. together we"ve climb hills trees.我们一起爬山,爬树. learned of love abc.学会去爱和其他基本知识. skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相同,情同手足. goodbye my friend it"s hard 2 die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩. think of me i"ll be there.想我了,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. goodbye papa please pray 4 me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷. i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马. u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非. too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中. wonder how i got along.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的. goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. little children everywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏. when u see them i"ll be there.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. goodbye michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱. u gave me love help me find the sun.你给了我爱,帮我找到希望. and every time that i was down.每当我意志消沉时. u should always come around.你总会来到我的身边. and get my feet back on the ground.鼓励我振作起来. goodbye michelle it"s hard 2 die.再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. with the flowers everywhere.到处都是美丽的花朵. i wish that we could both be there !我希望我们都在那儿欢聚! we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.2023-08-06 04:06:202
season in the sun的歌词大意是什么?
如果你想知道的是写作背景,或者歌曲想表达的意思的话百度百科里面写得很清楚,百科的链接给你放在参考资料里了。歌词的中文意思是:再见了,我忠实的朋友 我们从孩提时就已相识,相知 我们一起爬山,爬树 学会去爱和其他基本知识 我们心意相同,情同手足 再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去. 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱 空气中弥漫着春天的气息 到处是漂亮的女孩 想我了,我就会与你同在 我们曾共享快乐 也曾共享阳光季节 但我们一起爬山的那些日子已经逝去 请为我祈祷 我是家里的害群之马 你费尽心思教我明辨是非 我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中 真不知道我以前是如何过日子的 再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱 空气中弥漫着春天的气息 小孩子在到处嬉戏 当你看见他们,我就会与你同在 我们曾共享快乐 也曾共享阳光季节 但昔日的歌酒狂欢 犹如季节更迭已消逝 我们曾共享快乐 也曾共享阳光季节 但昔日的歌酒狂欢 犹如季节更迭已消逝 再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱 你给了我爱,帮我找到希望 每当我意志消沉时 总会来到我的身边 励我振作起来 见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去 所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱 空气中弥漫着春天的气息 到处都是美丽的花朵 我希望我们都在那儿欢聚 我们曾共享快乐 也曾共享阳光季节 但我们一起爬山的那些日子已经逝去 我们曾共享快乐 也曾共享阳光季节 但昔日的歌酒狂欢 犹如季节更迭已消逝 我们曾共享快乐 也曾共享阳光季节 但昔日的歌酒狂欢 犹如季节更迭已消逝 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是我们触摸过的星星 已经变成了沙滩上的海星2023-08-06 04:06:271
season in the sun 的歌词
http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3lyric&ct=150994944&lf=2&rn=10&word=seasons+in+the+sun&lm=-12023-08-06 04:06:342
seasons in the sun 的歌词及翻译
Kian:Goodbye to you my trusted friend We"ve known each other since we were nine or ten Together we"ve climbed hills and trees Learned of love and ABC"s Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees Bryan:Goodbye my friend it"s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that spring is in the air Pretty girls are everywhere Think of me and I"ll be there All:We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time Shane:Goodbye Papa please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong Too much wine and too much song Wonder how I got along Mark:Goodbye papa it"s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Little children everywhere When you see them I"ll be thereAll:We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone Nicky:Goodbye Michelle my little one You gave me love and helped me find the sun And every time that I was down You would always come around And get my feet back on the ground Shane:Goodbye Michelle it"s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the airWith the flowers everywhere I wish that we could both be there All:We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone 我信任的好朋友 是要和你说再见的时候了 我们从十、九岁就认识了 我们一起爬山和树 学习爱与ABC 身体和心灵都一起受过伤 再见了我的好友 要死去真的很难 小鸟在天空高唱 现在春天的已近了 美丽的女孩到处可见 想到我时我就会在你身边 我们曾有欢笑 我们曾有快乐 我们曾有阳光的季节 但我们爬的山似时节已不对 再见了爸爸 请为我祈祷 我是家中最叛逆的小孩 你试着教我分清是非 太多的酒与在多的歌 不知我是如何经历这些的 再见了爸爸 死亡不是很容易的 小鸟在天空歌唱 现在春天已近了 到处都是孩子的踪迹 当你看到他们时我就那里 我们曾有欢笑 我们曾有快乐 我们曾有阳光的季节 但如那季节的酒与歌 似乎都已远去 我们曾有欢笑 我们曾有快乐 我们曾有阳光的季节 但如那季节的酒与歌 似乎都已远去 再见了蜜雪 我的宝贝 你给了我真爱 帮我找到了阳光 每当我沮丧时 你总会来到我身边 再见了蜜雪 死亡不是很容易的 小鸟在天空高唱 现在春天的已近了 到处都是花的踪迹 我盼望我们一起在那里 我们曾有欢笑 我们曾有快乐 我们曾有阳光的季节 但如那季节的酒与歌 似乎都已远去 我们曾有欢笑 我们曾有快乐 我们曾有阳光的季节 但如那季节的酒与歌 似乎都已远去 We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun就是我听这首歌感触最深的一点。 这首歌适合朋友们在分别时唱,但是WL却把这首歌唱得不太忧伤,反而有清新温暖的感觉,这正是我们大家所需要的。分别时回想一下过去的欢乐,你会更感朋友的重要,更有幸福的感觉。 Seasons in the sun前奏有明显的Ireland风味,在过程中每个环节都衔接得很紧凑。虽然旋律有许多的重复,但给人就是听不厌的感觉,这也是WL歌曲耐听的特点。相信WL在唱这首歌的同时也在回忆他们自己的过去。到歌曲末段,不停地重复we had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun,but wine and songs like the seasons have all gone。又使听者都沉浸在过去的回忆中。 5个人在sits中都有独唱的一段,这是蛮罕见的,但5个人都把自己的voice和唱功表现到最佳点,在和声中,又互相配合,融合成最动人的声音,优美的旋律配合上动人的音色,自然会在榜上取得好成绩。 再谈谈此歌的mv,wl的MV大多以自然简单为主,这首也不例外,黑白的格调中,时而下雪,时而有阳光,5个人就那样站着,摆出自然的动作,一点都不做作,看着5个人的神情,似乎他们呢在回忆着什么,他们是用心在唱这首歌。 春去冬来,我们这里的family也成立了好一阵子(包括以前的社区)。从中也结识了许多的members of family,大家都为自己的偶像WL享受着同样的欢乐,如果家族解散了,我们也不必伤心。因为每个人都在别人的心里有了位置,只要你是存在的,我们就不会忘记你的。就在此刻,让我们共同享受这seasons in the sun吧!2023-08-06 04:06:422
season in the sun 歌谱(急!!!)
老师也没有?2023-08-06 04:06:493
谁能提供我西城男孩的《seasons in the sun》歌词的中文翻译
不知道你是不是要这首?goodbye to u"re my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友. we"re known each other we"re 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知. together we"ve climb hills trees.我们一起爬山,爬树. learned of love abc.学会去爱和其他基本知识. skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相同,情同手足. goodbye my friend it"s hard to die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩. think of me i"ll be there.想我了,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. goodbye papa please pray for me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷. i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马. u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非. too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中. wonder how i got along.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的. goodbye papa is hard to die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. little children everywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏. when u see them i"ll be there.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. goodbye michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱. u gave me love help me find the sun.你给了我爱,帮我找到希望. and every time that i was down.每当我意志消沉时. u should always come around.你总会来到我的身边. and get my feet back on the ground.鼓励我振作起来. goodbye michelle it"s hard to die.再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. with the flowers everywhere.到处都是美丽的花朵. i wish that we could both be there !我希望我们都在那儿欢聚! we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.2023-08-06 04:07:103
求seasons in the sun歌词
goodbye to you, my trusted friend,we"ve known each other since we were nine or ten;together we"ve climbed hills and trees,learned of love and a-b-c`s,skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.goodbye my friend, it"s hard to die,when all the birds are singing in the sky;now that the spring is in the air,pretty girls are every where;think of me and i"ll be there.we had joy, we had fun,we had seasons in the sun;but the hills that we climbwere just seasons out of time.goodbye, papa, please pray for me,i was the black sheep of the family;you tried to teach me right from wrong,too much wine and too much song,wonder how i got along.goodbye, papa, it"s hard to die,when all the birds are singing in the sky;now that the spring is in the air,little children every where,when you"ll see them, i"ll be there.we had joy, we had fun,we had seasons in the sun;but the hills that we climbwere just seasons out of time.we had joy, we had fun,we had seasons in the sun;but the wild and the song,like the season has all gonegoodbye, michelle, my little one,you gave me love and helped me find the sun;and every time that i was down,you would always come aroundand get my feet back on the ground.goodbye, michelle, it"s hard to die,when all the birds are singing in the sky;now that the spring is in the air,love the flowers every wherei wish that we could both be there.we had joy, we had fun,we had seasons in the sun;but the hills that we climbwere just seasons out of time.we had joy, we had fun,we had seasons in the sun;but the wild and the song,like the season has all gonewe had joy, we had fun,we had seasons in the sun;but the stars we could reachwere just starfish on the beach.2023-08-06 04:07:181
谁能翻译一下,西域男孩season in the sun的中文歌词
Seasons In The Sun(阳光季节) Terry Jacks Goodbye to you my trusted friend We "ve known each other since we were nine or ten Together we climbed hills and trees Learned of love and A B C "s Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees. 再见,我信任的朋友 我们九岁十岁的时候就相识了 我们一起爬山和爬树 学会爱和字母表 敞开心灵,光着膝盖 Goodbye my friend it "s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Pretty girls are everywhere Think of me and I "ll be there 再见朋友,死亡很难接受 当所有的鸟儿在空中歌唱 春天弥漫在空气中 可爱的女孩随处可见 想起我,我就会在那儿 We had joy we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climb were just seasons Out of time...... 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是我们爬过的小山 已经被时间遗忘了 Goodbye Papa please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong Too much wine and too much song Wonder how I got along. 再见爸爸,请为我祈祷 我曾是家里的捣蛋鬼 你试图教我分辨对错 太多的酒和太多的歌 想知道我是怎么过来的 Goodbye Papa its hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Little children everywhere When you see them I "ll be there. 再见爸爸,死亡很难接受 当所有的鸟儿在空中歌唱 春天弥漫在空气中 小孩子随处可见 想起我,我就会在那儿 We had joy we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons Have all gone. 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是酒和歌就像时光一样 已经消散 We had joy we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the stars we could reach Were just starfish on the beach. 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是我们触摸过的星星 已经变成了沙滩上的海星 Goodbye Michelle my little one You gave me love and helped me find the sun And every time that I was down You would always come around And get my feet back on the ground. 再见米歇尔,我亲爱的 你给了我爱,帮我找到阳光 每当我意气消沉的时候 你总会来到我身边 使我重新振作起来 Goodbye Michelle it "s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air With the flowers everywhere I wish that we could both be there 再见米歇尔,死亡很难接受 当所有的鸟儿在空中歌唱 春天弥漫在空气中 花儿随处可见 我希望我们都在那儿 We had joy we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climb were just seasons Out of time...... 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是我们爬过的小山 已经被时间遗忘了 We had joy we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons Have all gone. 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是酒和歌就像时光一样 已经消散 All our lives we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the stars we could reach Were just starfish on the beach. 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是我们触摸过的星星 已经变成了沙滩上的海星2023-08-06 04:07:251
有谁知道西城男孩的《seasons in zhe sun》中英文歌词?
去百度mp3里搜索seasons in the sun的歌词!!中英文的2023-08-06 04:07:336
seasons in the sun中文歌词
Seasons In The Sun阳光季节goodbye to you, my trusted friend亲爱的朋友 该是道别的时候了we"ve known each other since we were nine or ten我们一起渡过天真无邪的童年together we"ve climbed hills and trees一同留下青山绿水的足迹learned of love and abc`s共同经历青涩无忧的爱情skinned our hearts and skinned our knees这段青春为盟的年少轻狂goodbye my friend, it"s hard to die只是 亲爱的朋友 道别是如此难以启齿when all the birds are singing in the sky尤其 群鸟在蓝天欢唱之时now that the spring is in the air尤其 春天在空中弥漫之时pretty girls are every where尤其 女孩在身旁出现之时think of me and i"ll be there无须分别的感伤 我会永远在你身边we had joy, we had fun我们共同拥有欢乐无虞的时光we had seasons in the sun我们一起沐浴阳光遍洒的季节but the hills that we climb只是山谷中的足迹were just seasons out of time却已随风而逝goodbye, papa, please pray for me再见了 亲爱的父亲 请为我虔诚祈祷I was the black sheep of the family原谅我年少轻狂的彷徨you tried to teach me right from wrong感谢您教导我以是非对错too much wine and too much song感谢您安慰我于狂妄梦醒wonder how i got along成长一路有您牵肠goodbye, papa, it"s hard to die只是 亲爱的父亲 道别是如此难以启齿when all the birds are singing in the sky尤其 群鸟在蓝天欢唱之时now that the spring is in the air尤其 春天在空中弥漫之时little children every where尤其 童颜在世间笑展之时when you"ll see them, i"ll be there看见稚真的童颜时 我就在你身旁we had joy, we had fun我们共同拥有欢乐无虞的时光we had seasons in the sun我们一起沐浴阳光遍洒的季节but the hills that we climb只是山谷中的足迹were just seasons out of time却已随风而逝goodbye, michelle, my little one亲亲吾爱 该是道别的时候了you gave me love and helped me find the sun你无私的爱 让我找到心中的太阳and every time that i was down每当我沮丧难熬之时you would always come around你总是抚平我累累伤痕and get my feet back on the ground指引我迎向璀璨人生goodbye, michelle, it"s hard to die只是 亲亲吾爱 道别是如此难以启齿when all the birds are singing in the sky尤其 群鸟在蓝天欢唱之时now that the spring is in the air尤其 春天在空中弥漫之时with the flowers every where尤其 玫瑰在大地盛开之时I wish that we could both be there祈望我俩能共拥此刻不离we had joy, we had fun我们共同拥有欢乐无虞的时光we had seasons in the sun我们一起沐浴阳光遍洒的季节but the hills that we climb只是山谷中的足迹were just seasons out of time却已随风而逝we had joy, we had fun我们共同拥有欢乐无虞的时光we had seasons in the sun我们一起沐浴阳光遍洒的季节but the wild and the song只是狂妄的青春like the season has all gone却已随风而逝2023-08-06 04:07:531
妍雨 season in the sun 的韩文歌词及中文解析,不要拼音,谢啦!
# stop the season in the sun 停住阳光的季节 uc774ub807uac8c uae30ub2e4ub824uc628 uc2dcuac04uc5d0 这样等来的时间 uc880 ub354 uac00uae4cuc774 ub108uc758 uc0acub791uc744 ub290ub07cuace0 uc2f6uc5b4 想更近的感受你的爱 stop the season you`re my dream 停住你是我的梦的季节 uc800 ud478ub978 ubc14ub2e4 ub108uba38 uadf8uacf3uc5d0 越过那个蓝色的大海 uc6b0ub9acub4e4uc758 uc0acub791uc758 uafc8uc744 ucc3euc544~ 去孙兆我们的梦 ub208uc774 ubd80uc2e0 ud587uc0b4uc774 ub0a0 uac10uc2f8 uc548uc73cuba70 耀眼的阳光将我环绕 ud30cub3c4 ud0c0uace0 ucc3euc544uc628 summer dream oh~ 踏着波涛找来的夏梦 噢~ uafc8uc18duc5d0uc11c ub098uc62c uac83ub9cc uac19uc740 就从梦境中 ud3bcuccd0uc9c4 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 uacf3uc5d0 展现的美丽的地方 uc774ub807uac8c ub458uc774uc11c ub108uc640 ub2e8 ub458uc774uc11c 就这样只有你我 uc5b8uc81cuae4cuc9c0 uc788uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 什么时候都像这样 # Repeat uac10uc740 ub208uc744 uc0b4uba70uc2dc uc5f4uc5b4uc900 ub0b4 uc0acub791 睁开闭着的眼睛来看看我的爱 ubd80ub4dcub7ecuc6b4 ubaa9uc18cub9ac feel so good oh~ 你温柔的声音,令我感觉真好 噢~ ubc00ub824uc624ub294 ud30cub3c4ucc98ub7fc 就像用来的的波涛 ub0b4uac8c ub2e4uac00uc628 ub124uac00 uc548uc5d0 uc788uc5b4 我将要在你的怀中 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub458uc774uc11c uc6b0ub9ac ub2e8 ub458uc774uc11c 无论何时都只我们两个 uc601uc6d0ud1a0ub85d uc788uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 想直到永远 # Repeat stop the season loving you 想停住季节来爱你 uc774ub300ub85c uadf8ub300 ub098uc640 ub458uc774uc11c 那时候就会只有你和我 uc880 ub354 uac00uae4cuc774 uc6b0ub9ac uc0acub791uc744 ub290ub07cuace0 uc2f6uc5b4 想更近的感受我们的爱 stop the season you`re my dream 停住你是我的梦的季节 uc800 ud0dcuc591uc744 uac78uc5b4 uc57duc18dud560uaed8 山盟海誓的约好 uc601uc6d0ud1a0ub85d ub108ub9cc uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 说永远只爱你一个人 uc5b8uc81cuae4cuc9c0 uc774 uc21cuac04uc5d0 ud568uaed8ud574 无论何时都永存这个瞬间2023-08-06 04:08:002
season in the sun这首歌背后有怎样的感人故事?
确切的说是个很悲伤的故事呢……唱这个的时候只感觉是一种对过去的告别,虽然其悲伤可能是被稍欢快的曲子掩盖了.... 据说是临终的遗言: 故事发生在50年代的美国,这是一个小镇,那种淳朴、简单的小镇。 A和C,两个青梅竹马的好友。他们是截然不同的两人。 A是校橄榄球队的队长,英俊、潇洒,是个在学校颇有人气的男孩。 C,腼腆、巧手,他总是独来独往,却偏偏和A是好友,很好很好的那种 是的,A和C是铁哥们,直到B出现在他们的生活中。 B,啦啦队队长,像是天生为了A而设计的,50年代的美国,啦啦队队长和橄榄球队队长 就好像是现在的校花、校草,他们,理所当然的坠入爱河。 而C,就如大家所想的那样,对于B始终抱有暗恋之情。 然而,B是不会注意到他的,她灿烂、耀眼,是浩瀚天宇中的流星, 她注定需要夜空的深邃来陪伴,才能绽放最耀眼的光芒, 而不是一颗闪烁的恒星。 故事继续着,1956年,A、B和C,毕业了。 那个年代,高中毕业便意味着进入社会。 而A和B,在众人的祝福声中结为连理。 B经营这一家杂货店,小镇中唯一卖东西的点,这是她的嫁妆。 A是个壮汉,当起了卡车司机,行走于美国各大洲,为家人奔波。 C,依然暗恋着B,苦苦地,不为任何目的地,始终如一地暗恋着。 他成了一个木匠,当然,因为他手巧。 A常不在家,C便担起了男人的义务。 办货、修补......一来而去,情愫默默地在两人中蔓延开来。 这注定是个悲剧,看到这里谁都能猜到, 这个悲剧,源于过分的信任 信任妻子、信任好友 然而,失了所有 B和C的关系发展迅速,C成了A和B家里的常客,尤其在A离开的时候 1959年冬天,美国遭遇了罕见的暴风雪 高速封路了,A出车没多久就决定返回 哪个时候,通讯确实不发达,没有人知道A要回来 尤其是B和C A是震惊的,不难想像 推开门,他看到的是凌乱的衣物, 他看到的是好友和他的妻子,在床上 世界,在那一瞬间崩溃 他曾经幸福美满,良友、娇妻,还有可爱的女儿 一切的一切,在这个冬天结束。 他傻了,他疯了,举起了手中的枪...... 两条人命,换来一个死刑 A于1960年2月12日被处以电刑 行刑前3天,他得到了一张白纸,用来书写最后的遗言 于是,有了这首《Seasons in the Sun》: 这也许因为是临终遗言,所以意境也就特别的美。 解释一下, 和大家常看到的不同,都是We have joy,we have fun Westlife版是We had joy,we had fun 原版是用“have”的,表示作者的一种希望之情,他希望能永远快乐,但是死亡逼近,已经永远不可能了。 Pretty girls are everywhere ,Think of me and I "ll be there 此句个人认为是点睛之笔,颇具讽刺意味 作者像是在描述天堂的美景,有好多的美女,有点出自己的花心 然而,确实由衷地希望同样的错不要再犯一次 他和好友,不会再爱上同一个女人。 Michelle是他的女儿,因为他的死而将成为孤儿,让他放心不下 I wish that we could both be there 指的是作者希望能返老还童,生命中能少些烦恼。 也许大家会奇怪,为什么不唱他的妻子 因为那是他的隐私,他不愿再提及 全曲始终带着悲情和讽刺意味,是一个死刑犯的最后的感想 是对于整个生命的回顾,是为好友、为父亲、为女儿而写下的遗言2023-08-06 04:08:103
season in the son 是什么意思?
这首歌中"我"的女儿.看看这首歌的创作背景吧: (Seasons In The Sun 的法文原唱,由著名诗人作曲家 Jacques Brel 写于1961年。1964年被填上英文歌词,定名为“Seasons In The Sun”,但直到1973年才被加拿大歌手 Terry Jacks 重新翻唱并在加拿大和美国获得了前所未有的成功。) 三个人,我们姑且称他们为A、B、C。在50年代的法国乡村,他们是同一所高中的同学。A和C是从小一起长大的、最要好的朋友,B是漂亮的女孩。通常在这种故事里,我们很容易想象发生了什么事情,A和C同时爱上了B。A是那种很阳光、很乐观、很拉风的男孩,是学校的运动明星,是很多情窦初开的少女仰慕的对象。生活对于A来说充满的只是快乐和单纯。而C害羞、内敛,画得一手好画。早在A和B相爱之前,C已经默默的爱了B很久,但是没有人知道。这份爱被藏在心底,直到毕业后A参军、C成为一名木匠,直到战后A返回家乡和B结婚,直到婚后A找到工作当上一名货车司机……A经常离家工作很长时间,B打理着外婆留下的乡村杂货店,有太多的事情需要男人的帮忙,C就这样担负起了照顾年轻的母女的责任。天长日久,大家都想象得到的事情就那样发生了。A乐观的天性加上对妻子的爱、对挚友的信任使他对此茫然无知。直到一个大雪封路的冬天,A在出车的半夜折返家中,发现了一切……面对骤然被生命中最重要的两个人出卖这个难以接受的事实,A失去控制杀死了他们。当天深夜,A向警察局自首,两个月后被判一级谋杀罪名成立,于第二年初春执行死刑。在死刑执行前的第三天,A在狱中写了三段话,分别写给他最好的朋友C、他的父亲和他四岁的女儿。在即将离开人世的时刻,他仍然将C看作最好的、生命中最值得信赖的朋友。 这个A,就是Jacques Brel。他写下的这段话最初的名字叫"Le Moribund",直译的意思是"the dying man"。Rod McKuen将之翻译成英语,并套上一首法语歌的旋律,这就是最初的"seasons in the sun"。2023-08-06 04:08:191
season in the son的中英文对照歌词
是seasons in the sunGoodbye to you, my trusted friend 再见了,我的挚友 we"ve known each other since we were nine or ten 我们从孩提时就已相识,相知 together we"ve climbed hills and trees 我们一起爬山爬树 learned of love and A-B-C 学会去爱和其他基本知识 skinned our hearts and skinned our knees 我们心意相同,情同手足 Goodbye my friend, it"s hard to die 再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去 when all the birds are singing in the sky 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱 now that the spring is in the air 空气中弥漫着春天的气息 pretty girls are every where 漂亮的女孩到处可见 We had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐 we had seasons in the sun 也曾共享阳光季节 but the hills that we climb 但我们一起爬山的日子 were just seasons out of time 的那些日子已经逝去 Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me 再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷 I was the black sheep of the family 我是家中最叛逆的小孩 you tried to teach me right from wrong 你费尽心思教我分清是非 too much wine and too much song 我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中 wonder how I got along 真不知道我以前是如何过日子的 Goodbye, Papa, it"s hard to die 再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去 when all the birds are singing in the sky 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱 now that the spring is in the air 空气中弥漫着春天的气息 little children every where 到处是嬉戏的小孩 when you"ll see them, I"ll be there 当你看见他们,我就会与你同在 We had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐 we had seasons in the sun 也曾共享阳光季节 but the wild and the song 但昔日的歌酒狂欢 like the season has all gone 犹如季节更迭已消逝 We had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐 we had seasons in the sun 也曾共享阳光季节 but the wild and the song 但昔日的歌酒狂欢 like the season has all gone 犹如季节更迭已消逝 Goodbye, Michelle, my little one 再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱 you gave me love and helped me find the sun 你给了我爱,帮我找到希望 and every time that I was down 每当我意志消沉时 you would always come around 你总会来到我的身边 and get my feet back on the ground 鼓励我振作起来 Goodbye, Michelle, it"s hard to die 再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱 when all the birds are singing in the sky 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱 now that the spring is in the air 空气中弥漫着春天的气息 with the flowers every where 到处都是美丽的花朵 I wish that we could both be there 我希望我们都在那儿欢聚 We had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐 we had seasons in the sun 也曾共享阳光季节 but the hills that we climb 但我们一起爬山的日子 were just seasons out of time 已永逝不复返了 We had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐 we had seasons in the sun 也曾共享阳光季节 but the wild and the song 但昔日的歌酒狂欢 like the season has all gone 犹如季节更迭已消逝 We had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐 we had seasons in the sun 也曾共享阳光季节 but the wild and the song,但昔日的歌酒狂欢 like the season has all gone 犹如季节更迭已消逝 We had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐 we had seasons in the sun 也曾共享阳光季节 but the wild and the song 但昔日的歌酒狂欢 like the season has all gone 犹如季节更迭已消逝 ...2023-08-06 04:08:341
求seasons in the sun这首歌,西域男孩的
Seasons in the sun Westlife Goodbye to you" my trusted friend. we"ve known each other since we were nine or ten. together we"ve climb hills and trees. learned of love and ABCs. skinned our hearts and skinned our knees. Goodbye my friend" it"s hard to die. when all the birds are singing in the sky. now the spring is in the air. pretty girls are everywhere. think of me and i"ll be there. We had joy"we had fun. we had seasons in the sun. but the hills that we climb. were just seasons out of time. Goodbye papa please pray for me. i was the black sheep of the family. you tried to teach me right from wrong. too much wine and too much song. wonder how i got along. Goodbye papa it"s hard to die. when all the birds are singing in the sky. now that the spring is in the air. little children are everywhere. when you see them i"ll be there. We had joy"we had fun. we had seasons in the sun. but the wine and the song. like the season has all gone. we had joy"we had fun. we had seasons in the sun. but the wine and the song. like the season has all gone. Ye~~~~ Goodbye michelle my little one. you gave me love and help me find the sun. and every time that i was down. you would always come around. and get my feet back on the ground. Goodbye michelle it"s hard to die. when all the birds are singing in the sky. now that the spring is in the air. with the flowers everywhere. i wish that we could both be there ! We had joy"we had fun. we had seasons in the sun. but the hills that we climb. were just seasons out of time. We had joy"we had fun. we had seasons in the sun. but the wine and the song. like the season has all gone. we had joy"we had fun. we had seasons in the sun. but the wine and the song. like the season has all gone. we had joy"we had fun. we had seasons in the sun. but the wine and the song. like the season has all gone. the end...2023-08-06 04:08:531
请帮忙找My heart will go on和season in the sun 还有yesterday once more的中文曲歌词,谢啦
My heart will go on歌手:celion dion 每一个夜晚,在我的梦里 我看见你,我感觉到你 我懂得你的心 跨越我们心灵的空间 你向我显现你的来临 无论你如何远离我 我相信我心已相随 你再次敲开我的心扉 你融入我的心灵 我心与你同往 与你相随 爱每时每刻在触摸我们 为着生命最后的时刻 不愿失去,直到永远 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻 在我的生命里,爱无止境 无论你离我多么遥远 我相信我心同往 你敲开我的心扉 你融入我的心灵 我心与你同往,我心与你相依 爱与我是那样的靠近 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧 我知道我心与你相依 我们永远相携而行 在我心中你安然无恙 我心属于你,爱无止境Seasons In The Sun(阳光季节) 再见,我信任的朋友 我们九岁十岁的时候就相识了 我们一起爬山和爬树 学会爱和字母表 敞开心灵,光着膝盖 再见朋友,死亡很难接受 当所有的鸟儿在空中歌唱 春天弥漫在空气中 可爱的女孩随处可见 想起我,我就会在那儿 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是我们爬过的小山 已经被时间遗忘了 再见爸爸,请为我祈祷 我曾是家里的捣蛋鬼 你试图教我分辨对错 太多的酒和太多的歌 想知道我是怎么过来的 再见爸爸,死亡很难接受 当所有的鸟儿在空中歌唱 春天弥漫在空气中 小孩子随处可见 想起我,我就会在那儿 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是酒和歌就像时光一样 已经消散 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是我们触摸过的星星 已经变成了沙滩上的海星 再见米歇尔,我亲爱的 你给了我爱,帮我找到阳光 每当我意气消沉的时候 你总会来到我身边 使我重新振作起来 再见米歇尔,死亡很难接受 当所有的鸟儿在空中歌唱 春天弥漫在空气中 花儿随处可见 我希望我们都在那儿 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是我们爬过的小山 已经被时间遗忘了 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是酒和歌就像时光一样 已经消散 我们曾有喜悦,我们曾有欢乐 我们曾有无忧无虑的季节 但是我们触摸过的星星 已经变成了沙滩上的海星Yesterday Once More 昨日重现 When I was young I"d listen to the radio 我从小就爱收听电台广播 年幼时我总是打开收音电台 Waiting for my favorite songs 等待我最喜爱的歌 等待最爱歌声到来 When they played I"d sing along, 我常随它轻声唱 音乐飘起我哼唱 It makes me smile. 多么快活 微笑盈脸。 Those were such happy times and not so long ago 过去的日子幸福却不久长 快乐的日子仿佛就在昨天 How I wondered where they"d gone. 不知飞逝何方 瞬时却不知何在 But they"re back again just like a long lost friend 如今它又回来像老朋友一样 今日歌声再起 又如挚友相见 All the songs I love so well. 歌声激荡我心房 心爱歌曲依旧连绵 Every shalala every wo"wo still shines. 唱起sha la la唱起wo wo 神采飞扬 每一声sha la la 每一声wo wo 依旧灿烂 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fine 唱起shing-a-ling-a-ling唱起shing-a-ling-a-ling多么欢快 每一声Shing-a-ling-ling 他们唱得如此精彩 When they get to the part where he"s breaking her heart 唱到他们分开时姑娘多么悲哀 唱到他们分开时姑娘多么伤感 It can really makes me cry just like before. 想起旧日离别 泪珠满腮 总是让我哭泣 一如往前 It"s yesterday once more. 昨日再现 昨日又再现 (Shoobie do lang lang) Looking back on how it was in years gone by 每当回顾那段迷人岁月 回顾往昔美好岁月残片 And the good times that I had 重温往日的欢乐 重温那欢乐天天 make today seem rather sad, 今天更令人悲伤 今日凄凄甚伤感 So much has changed. 一切已改变 一切已改颜 It was songs of love that I would sing to them 我愿再次为它深情歌唱 多么希望一直为他们情歌唱遍 And I"d memorise each word. 就像当年一样 字字句句铭记心田 Those old melodies still sound so good to me 重唱那些情歌 歌中的每句话 那些优美曲调 依旧悦耳开怀 As they melt the years away 深深印在我心上 不知不觉流经岁月 Every shalala every wo"wo still shines 每一声sha la la 每一声wo wo 依旧灿烂 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fine 每一声Shing-a-ling-ling 他们唱得如此精彩 All my best memorise come back clearly to me 所有美好回忆历历眼前 Some can even make me cry just like before. 总有一些让我哭泣难以忘怀 It"s yesterday once more. 昨日又重来 (Shoobie do lang lang) Every shalala every wo"wo still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fine “All my best memories come back clearly to me/some can even make me cry/just lick before/It"s yesterday once more(所有美好的回忆都如此清晰/一些甚至能使我哭泣/就像从前一样/旧日又重来2023-08-06 04:09:001
那位高手能提供“ 西城男孩”《 真爱无敌》 的英文歌词
season in the sun 歌手:westlife 专辑:westlife Season in the sun Artist:Westlife Lrc editor:fireinice Goodbye to you my trusted friend We"ve known each other since we were nine or ten Together we"ve climned hills and trees Learned of love and ABC"s Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees Goodbye my friend it"s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that spring is in the air Pretty girls are everywhere Think of me and I"ll be there We had joy, we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed Were just seasons out of time Wish you enjoy this music-fireinice Goodbye Papa please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong Too much wine and too much song Wonder how I got along Goodbye Papa it"s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Little children everywhere When you see them, I"ll be there We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song Like the seasons have all gone We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song Like the seasons have all gone Thank you for enjoying Fireinice Group"s music lrc! Goodbye Michelle my little one You gave me love and helped me find the sun And every time that I was down You would always come around And get my feet back on the ground Goodybye Michelle it"s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air With the flowers everywhere I wish that we could both be there2023-08-06 04:09:104
关于西城男孩的歌曲seasons in the sun
[00:06.00][00:12.00]Goodbye to you, my trusted friend〖再见了,我忠实的朋友〗[00:18.00]we"ve known each other since we were nine or ten〖我们从孩提时就已相识、相知〗[00:23.00]together we"ve climbed hills and trees〖我们一起爬山、爬树〗[00:29.00]learned of love and A-B-C`s〖学会去爱和其他基本知识〗[00:32.00]skinned our hearts and skinned our knees〖我们心意相通,情同手足〗[00:34.00]Goodbye my friend, it"s hard to die〖再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去〗[00:40.00]when all the birds are singing in the sky〖当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱〗[00:45.00]now that the spring is in the air〖空气中弥漫着春天的气息〗[00:51.00]pretty girls are every where〖到处是漂亮的女孩〗[00:56.00]think of me and I"ll be there〖想我了,我就会与你同在〗[00:59.00]We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗[01:02.00]we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗[01:05.00]but the hills that we climb〖但我们一起爬山〗[01:07.00]were just seasons out of time〖的那些日子已经逝去〗[01:11.00][01:13.00]Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me〖再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷〗[01:18.00]I was the black sheep of the family〖我是家里的害群之马〗[01:23.00]you tried to teach me right from wrong〖你费尽心思教我明辨是非〗[01:29.00]too much wine and too much song〖我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中〗[01:32.00]wonder how I got along〖真不知道我以前的日子是如何过来的〗[01:34.00]Goodbye, Papa, it"s hard to die〖再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去〗[01:40.00]when all the birds are singing in the sky〖当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱〗[01:46.00]now that the spring is in the air〖空气中弥漫着春天的气息〗[01:51.00]little children every where〖小孩子在到处嬉戏〗[01:57.00]when you"ll see them, I"ll be there〖当你看见他们,我就会与你同在〗[01:59.00]We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗[02:02.00]we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗[02:04.00]but the wild and the song〖但昔日的歌酒狂欢〗[02:07.00]like the season has all gone〖犹如季节更迭已消逝〗[02:10.00]We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗[02:13.00]we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗[02:15.00]but the wild and the song〖但昔日的歌酒狂欢〗[02:18.00]like the season has all gone〖犹如季节更迭已消逝〗[02:22:00][02:26.00]Goodbye, Michelle, my little one〖再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱〗[02:32.00]you gave me love and helped me find the sun〖你给了我爱,帮我找到希望〗[02:37.00]and every time that I was down〖每当我意志消沉时〗[02:42.00]you would always come around〖你总会来到我的身边〗[02:46.00]and get my feet back on the ground〖鼓励我振作起来〗[02:48.00]Goodbye, Michelle, it"s hard to die〖再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去〗[02:53.00]when all the birds are singing in the sky〖当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱〗[02:59.00]now that the spring is in the air〖空气中弥漫着春天的气息〗[03:05.00]with the flowers every where〖到处都是美丽的花朵〗[03:10.00]I wish that we could both be there〖我希望我们都在那儿欢聚〗[03:13.00]We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗[03:15.00]we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗[03:18.00]but the hills that we climb〖但我们一起爬山〗[03:21.00]were just seasons out of time〖的那些日子已经逝去〗[03:24.00]We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗[03:27.00]we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗[03:29.00]but the wild and the song〖但昔日的歌酒狂欢〗[03:32.00]like the season has all gone〖犹如季节更迭已消逝〗[03:34.00]We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗[03:37.00]we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗[03:39.00]but the wild and the song〖但昔日的歌酒狂欢〗[03:41.00]like the season has all gone〖犹如季节更迭已消逝〗[03:44.00]We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗[03:47.00]we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗[03:49.00]but the wild and the song〖但昔日的歌酒狂欢〗[03:51.00]like the season has all gone〖犹如季节更迭已消逝〗懂了吧。2023-08-06 04:09:171
season in the sun 中的3个人名是谁
距今无人知道Seasons In The Sun 的法文原唱,由著名诗人作曲家 Jacques Brel 写于1961年。1964年被填上英文歌词,定名为“Seasons In The Sun”,但直到1973年才被加拿大歌手 Terry Jacks 重新翻唱并在加拿大和美国获得了前所未有的成功。 这是一首面临死亡的人的遗嘱诗,向他一生和自己分享欢乐悲伤的爱人朋友甚至情敌道别,嘱咐他们照顾好自己的妻子。。。 就在73年英文翻唱推出之前,Jacques Brel 在他歌唱生涯巅峰之时宣布退休,全球歌迷震惊了,但诗人没有给出任何解释。之后平静的六年,Jacques Brel 和癌症做着最后的斗争,终于不幸在1978年10月9日被病魔吞噬。让人不禁想起他生前的这首《垂死者》。 三个人,我们姑且称他们为A、B、C。在50年代的法国乡村,他们是同一所高中的同 学。A和C是从小一起长大的、最要好的朋友,B是漂亮的女孩。通常在这种故事里, 我们很容易想象发生了什么事情,A和C同时爱上了B。A是那种很阳光、很乐观、很拉 风的男孩,是学校的运动明星,是很多情窦初开的少女仰慕的对象。生活对于A来说充满的只是快乐和单纯。而C害羞、内敛,画得一手好画。早在A和B相爱之前,C已经默默的爱了B很久,但是没有人知道。这份爱被藏在心底,直到毕业后A参军、C成为一名木匠,直到战后A返回家乡和B结婚,直到婚后A找到工作当上一名货车司机…… A经常离家工作很长时间,B打理着外婆留下的乡村杂货店,有太多的事情需要男人的帮忙,C就这样担负起了照顾年轻的母女的责任。天长日久,大家都想象得到的事情就那样发生了。A乐观的天性加上对妻子的爱、对挚友的信任使他对此茫然无知。直到一个大雪封路的冬天,A在出车的半夜折返家中,发现了一切……面对骤然被生命中最重要的两个人出卖这个难以接受的事实,A失去控制杀死了他们。当天深夜,A向警察局自首,两个月后被判一级谋杀罪名成立,于第二年初春执行死刑。在死刑执行前的第三天,A在狱中写了三段话,分别写给他最好的朋友C、他的父亲和他四岁的女儿。在即将离开人世的时刻,他仍然将C看作最好的、生命中最值得信赖的朋友。这个A,叫做Jacques Brel。他写下的这段话最初的名字叫"Le Moribund",直译的意思是"the dying man"。Rod McKuen将之翻译成英语,并套上一首法语歌的旋律,这就是最初的"seasons in the sun"。十年后,Terry Jacks无意中听到了这首歌,经过他的演绎,歌曲从此红遍全球,被很多很多人翻唱,其中最著名的就是westlife。Jacques Brel用美好的笔调歌颂生命的多彩和绚烂,却让聆听的人更加忍不住潸然泪下。对比Terry和westlife的版本,显然westlife的音乐制作要好很多,但从表现一个真正面临死亡的人的心境来说,我喜欢Terry,也更能理解为什么歌中反复强调:It"s hard to die.season in the sun的歌词: goodbye 2 u"re my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友. we"re known each other we"re 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知. together we"ve climb hills trees.我们一起爬山,爬树. learned of love abc.学会去爱和其他基本知识. skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相同,情同手足. goodbye my friend it"s hard to die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩. think of me i"ll be there.想我了,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. goodbye papa please pray 4 me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷. i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马. u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非. too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中. wonder how i got along.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的. goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. little children everywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏. when u see them i"ll be there.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. goodbye michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱. u gave me love help me find the sun.你给了我爱,帮我找到希望. and every time that i was down.每当我意志消沉时. u should always come around.你总会来到我的身边. and get my feet back on the ground.鼓励我振作起来. goodbye michelle it"s hard 2 die.再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. with the flowers everywhere.到处都是美丽的花朵. i wish that we could both be there !我希望我们都在那儿欢聚! we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.2023-08-06 04:09:241
西域男孩又首歌叫Seasons in the sun,这里的seasons是什么意思?
goodbyetoyou,mytrustedfriend,we"veknowneachothersincewewerenineorten;togetherwe"veclimbedhillsandtrees,learnedofloveanda-b-c`s,skinnedourheartsandskinnedourknees.goodbyemyfriend,it"shardtodie,whenallthebirdsaresinginginthesky;nowthatthespringisintheair,prettygirlsareeverywhere;thinkofmeandi"llbethere.wehadjoy,wehadfun,wehadseasonsinthesun;butthehillsthatweclimbwerejustseasonsoutoftime.goodbye,papa,pleaseprayforme,iwastheblacksheepofthefamily;youtriedtoteachmerightfromwrong,toomuchwineandtoomuchsong,wonderhowigotalong.goodbye,papa,it"shardtodie,whenallthebirdsaresinginginthesky;nowthatthespringisintheair,littlechildreneverywhere,whenyou"llseethem,i"llbethere.wehadjoy,wehadfun,wehadseasonsinthesun;butthewildandthesong,liketheseasonhasallgonewehadjoy,wehadfun,wehadseasonsinthesun;butthewildandthesong,liketheseasonhasallgonegoodbye,michelle,mylittleone,yougavemeloveandhelpedmefindthesun;andeverytimethatiwasdown,youwouldalwayscomearoundandgetmyfeetbackontheground.goodbye,michelle,it"shardtodie,whenallthebirdsaresinginginthesky;nowthatthespringisintheair,withtheflowerseverywhereiwishthatwecouldbothbethere.wehadjoy,wehadfun,wehadseasonsinthesun;butthehillsthatweclimbwerejustseasonsoutoftime.wehadjoy,wehadfun,wehadseasonsinthesun;butthewildandthesong,liketheseasonhasallgonewehadjoy,wehadfun,wehadseasonsinthesun;butthewildandthesong,liketheseasonhasallgonewehadjoy,wehadfun,wehadseasonsinthesun;butthewildandthesong,liketheseasonhasallgoneend再见你,我可以信赖的朋友,我们已经彼此认识的,因为我们共有9个或10;加上我们已经爬上山和树木,据悉,爱和乙-c的",皮肤,我们的心和我们的皮肤,膝盖。再见我的朋友,很难死了,当所有的鸟都歌唱在天空中;现在的春天是在空中,漂亮的女孩,是每一个地方;想到我,我将在那里。我们的喜悦,我们的乐趣,我们曾季节,在阳光下;但山上,我们爬只是季节出来的时间。再见,爸爸,请你们为我祈祷吧,我是害群之马的家庭;您试图教导我的权利,从错的,太多的酒和太多的歌曲,难怪我如何相处。再见,爸爸,很难死了,当所有的鸟都歌唱在天空中;现在的春天是在空中,孩子们每一个地方,当您会看到他们,我将在那里。我们的喜悦,我们的乐趣,我们曾季节,在阳光下;但野生和这首歌,像本赛季已荡然无存我们的喜悦,我们的乐趣,我们曾季节,在阳光下;但野生和这首歌,像本赛季已荡然无存再见,米歇尔,我的小一,你给我的爱和帮助我找到孙;和每一次我下来,你会始终围绕并获得我的脚回在地面上。再见,米歇尔,很难死了,当所有的鸟都歌唱在天空中;现在的春天是在空中,与鲜花,每哪里我想,我们既可以存在。我们的喜悦,我们的乐趣,我们曾季节,在阳光下;但山上,我们爬只是季节出来的时间。我们的喜悦,我们的乐趣,我们曾季节,在阳光下;但野生和这首歌,像本赛季已荡然无存我们的喜悦,我们的乐趣,我们曾季节,在阳光下;但野生和这首歌,像本赛季已荡然无存我们的喜悦,我们的乐趣,我们曾季节,在阳光下;但野生和这首歌,像本赛季已荡然无存末端2023-08-06 04:09:335
求,一堆男的唱的英文歌,歌词是什么 we are ``in the sun..老是听见味多美放这首歌、求歌名,作者。谢!
season in the sun2023-08-06 04:09:4810
西域男孩的《season in the son》的英文歌词
Goodbye to you my trusted friend 再见了我的挚友We"ve known each other since we were nine or ten 儿时的我们就已彼此了解Together we"ve climbed hills and trees 我们一起翻山爬树Learned of love and abc skinned our hearts and skinned our knees 学会了爱和保护身心的方法Goodbye my friends it"s hard to die 再见了我的朋友 死亡并不容易When all the birds are singing in the sky 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱Now that the spring is in the air 既然春天无处不在Pretty girls are every where 到处都是美丽的女孩Think of me and I"ll be there 想我的时候 我就会在你身边We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们拥有快乐,拥有喜悦,拥有阳光下的季节but the hills that we climb were just seasons out of time 但是我们爬过的山丘已成过往的季节Goodbye papa please pray for me 再见了爸爸 请为我祈祷I was the black sheep of the family 我曾是家中的坏孩子You tried to teach me right from wrong 您曾经教育我弃恶从善Too much wine and too much song,wonder how i got along 我曾终日纵酒高歌 不知如何生活Goodbye papa it"s hard to die 再见了爸爸 死亡并不容易When all the birds are singing in the sky 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱Now that the spring is in the air 既然春天无处不在Little children everywhere 到处都是幼小的孩童When you see them I"ll be there 当你看到他们 我就会在你身边We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们拥有快乐 我们拥有喜悦 我们拥有阳光下的季节But the wine and the song were the seasons have all gone 但美酒和歌声已如过往的季节We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们拥有快乐 我们拥有喜悦 我们拥有阳光下的季节But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone 但美酒和歌声已如过往的季节Goodbye Michelle my little one 再见了 米歇尔 死亡并不容易You gave me love and helped me find the sun 你给了我爱 帮我找到阳光and Every time that I was down 每次我倒下去You would always come around and get my feet back on the ground 你总会回到我身边 帮我重新站立Goodbye Michelle it"s hard to die 再见了 米歇尔 死亡并不容易When all the birds are singing in the sky 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱Now that the spring is in the air 既然春天无处不在Lovely flowers every where 到处都是娇艳的鲜花I wish that we could both be there 但愿我们能在一起We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们拥有快乐,拥有喜悦,拥有阳光下的季节but the hills that we climb were just seasons out of time 但是我们爬过的山丘已成过往的季节We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们拥有快乐 我们拥有喜悦 我们拥有阳光下的季节But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone 但美酒和歌声已如过往的季节All I lives We had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们拥有快乐,拥有喜悦,拥有阳光下的季节but the hills that we climb were just seasons out of time 但是我们爬过的山丘已成过往的季节2023-08-06 04:10:112
歌词详解season in the sun 中的一句
剥皮了我们的心而且剥皮了我们的膝2023-08-06 04:10:183
season in the sun里面的skinned our hearts and skinned our knees 如何从字面翻译?
我们的2023-08-06 04:10:264
阳光季节歌手:西城男孩seasonsinthesun(中英对照版)goodbyetou"remytrustedfriend.再见了,我忠实的朋友.we"reknowneachotherwe"re9or10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知.togetherwe"veclimbhillstrees.我们一起爬山,爬树.learnedofloveabc.学会去爱和其他基本知识.skinnedourheartsskinnedourknees.我们心意相同,情同手足.goodbyemyfriendit"shardtodie.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去.whenallthebirdsaresinginginthesky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.nowthespringintheair.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.prettygirlsareeverywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩.thinkofmei"llbethere.想我了,我就会与你同在.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthehills.但我们一起爬山thatweclimbedwerejustseasonsoutoftime.的那些日子已经逝去.goodbyepapapleaseprayforme.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷.iwastheblacksheepofthefamily.我是家里的害群之马.utriedtoteachmerightfromwrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非.toomuchwinetoomuchsong.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中.goodbyepapaishardtodie.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去.whenallthebirdsaresinginginthesky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.nowthespringintheair.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.littlechildreneverywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏.whenuseethemi"llbethere.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾经历过阳光中的季节.2023-08-06 04:10:454
seasons in the sun歌词
我想说,it"s hard to die 应解释为另外一个意思 that is : 难以说再见2023-08-06 04:11:1410
westlife的歌曲 season in the sun歌词中文翻译?
太阳里的季节。。?字面上是这样的2023-08-06 04:11:382
西城男孩《season in the sun》歌词中文翻译是什么?
goodbye to you my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友. we"re known each other we"re 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知. together we"ve climb hills trees.我们一起爬山,爬树. learned of love abc.学会去爱和其他基本知识. skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相同,情同手足. goodbye my friend it"s hard 2 die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩. think of me i"ll be there.想我了,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. goodbye papa please pray 4 me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷. i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马. u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非. too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中. wonder how i got along.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的. goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. little children everywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏. when u see them i"ll be there.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. goodbye michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱. u gave me love help me find the sun.你给了我爱,帮我找到希望. and every time that i was down.每当我意志消沉时. u should always come around.你总会来到我的身边. and get my feet back on the ground.鼓励我振作起来. goodbye michelle it"s hard 2 die.再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. with the flowers everywhere.到处都是美丽的花朵. i wish that we could both be there !我希望我们都在那儿欢聚! we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.2023-08-06 04:11:452
谁知道season in the sun的歌词和来历?
分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: seasons in the sun goodbye 2 u"re my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友. we"re known each other we"re 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知. together we"ve climb hills trees.我们一起爬山,爬树.learned of love abc.学会去爱和其他基本知识. skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相同,情同手足. goodbye my friend it"s hard 2 die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩. think of me i"ll be there.想我了,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. goodbye papa please pray 4 me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷. i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马. u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非. too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中. wonder how i got along.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的. goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. little children everywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏. when u see them i"ll be there.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. goodbye michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱. u gave me love help me find the sun.你给了我爱,帮我找到希望. and every time that i was down.每当我意志消沉时. u should always e around.你总会来到我的身边. and get my feet back on the ground.鼓励我振作起来. goodbye michelle it"s hard 2 die.再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. with the flowers everywhere.到处都是美丽的花朵. i wish that we could both be there !我希望我们都在那儿欢聚! we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. 这首歌是首经典的乡村音乐,是西城的第一张专集中翻唱收录的.经过重新编曲,西城演绎得十分精彩,很有感情,也使全世界的更多人听到了这首歌.2023-08-06 04:11:521
《season in the sun》的歌词
歌手:西城男孩u2022搜索"阳光季节"mp3打印预览seasonsinthesun(中英对照版)goodbye2u"remytrustedfriend.再见了,我忠实的朋友.we"reknowneachotherwe"re9or10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知.togetherwe"veclimbhillstrees.我们一起爬山,爬树.learnedofloveabc.学会去爱和其他基本知识.skinnedourheartsskinnedourknees.我们心意相同,情同手足.goodbyemyfriendit"shard2die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去.whenallthebirdsaresinginginthesky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.nowthespringintheair.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.prettygirlsareeverywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩.thinkofmei"llbethere.想我了,我就会与你同在.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthehills.但我们一起爬山thatweclimbedwerejustseasonsoutoftime.的那些日子已经逝去.goodbyepapapleasepray4me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷.iwastheblacksheepofthefamily.我是家里的害群之马.utried2teachmerightfromwrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非.toomuchwinetoomuchsong.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中.wonderhowigotalong.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的.goodbyepapaishard2die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去.whenallthebirdsaresinginginthesky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.nowthespringintheair.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.littlechildreneverywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏.whenuseethemi"llbethere.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthewildthesong.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.liketheseasonhasallgone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthewildthesong.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.liketheseasonhasallgone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.goodbyemichellemylittleone.再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱.ugavemelovehelpmefindthesun.你给了我爱,帮我找到希望.andeverytimethatiwasdown.每当我意志消沉时.ushouldalwayscomearound.你总会来到我的身边.andgetmyfeetbackontheground.鼓励我振作起来.goodbyemichelleit"shard2die.再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去.whenallthebirdsaresinginginthesky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.nowthespringintheair.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.withtheflowerseverywhere.到处都是美丽的花朵.iwishthatwecouldbothbethere!我希望我们都在那儿欢聚!wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthehills.但我们一起爬山thatweclimbedwerejustseasonsoutoftime.的那些日子已经逝去.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthewildthesong.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.liketheseasonhasallgone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthewildthesong.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.liketheseasonhasallgone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthewildthesong.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.like应该先把歌词备份了或者装到其它的盘2023-08-06 04:11:592
要英文歌曲《season in the sun》的歌词
歌词:seasonsinthesun(中英对照版)goodbye2u"remytrustedfriend.再见了,我忠实的朋友.we"reknowneachotherwe"re9or10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知.togetherwe"veclimbhillstrees.我们一起爬山,爬树.learnedofloveabc.学会去爱和其他基本知识.skinnedourheartsskinnedourknees.我们心意相同,情同手足.goodbyemyfriendit"shard2die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去.whenallthebirdsaresinginginthesky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.nowthespringintheair.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.prettygirlsareeverywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩.thinkofmei"llbethere.想我了,我就会与你同在.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthehills.但我们一起爬山thatweclimbedwerejustseasonsoutoftime.的那些日子已经逝去.goodbyepapapleasepray4me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷.iwastheblacksheepofthefamily.我是家里的害群之马.utried2teachmerightfromwrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非.toomuchwinetoomuchsong.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中.wonderhowigotalong.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的.goodbyepapaishard2die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去.whenallthebirdsaresinginginthesky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.nowthespringintheair.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.littlechildreneverywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏.whenuseethemi"llbethere.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthewildthesong.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.liketheseasonhasallgone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthewildthesong.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.liketheseasonhasallgone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.goodbyemichellemylittleone.再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱.ugavemelovehelpmefindthesun.你给了我爱,帮我找到希望.andeverytimethatiwasdown.每当我意志消沉时.ushouldalwayscomearound.你总会来到我的身边.andgetmyfeetbackontheground.鼓励我振作起来.goodbyemichelleit"shard2die.再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去.whenallthebirdsaresinginginthesky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.nowthespringintheair.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.withtheflowerseverywhere.到处都是美丽的花朵.iwishthatwecouldbothbethere!我希望我们都在那儿欢聚!wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthehills.但我们一起爬山thatweclimbedwerejustseasonsoutoftime.的那些日子已经逝去.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthewildthesong.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.liketheseasonhasallgone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthewildthesong.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.liketheseasonhasallgone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节.butthewildthesong.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.liketheseasonhasallgone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.wehadjoy,wehadfun.我们曾共享快乐.wehadseasonsinthesun.也曾共享阳光季节2023-08-06 04:12:051
《season in the sun》的歌词(中英文对照)和主题
goodbye 2 u"re my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友. we"re known each other we"re 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知. together we"ve climb hills trees.我们一起爬山,爬树. learned of love abc.学会去爱和其他基本知识. skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相同,情同手足. goodbye my friend it"s hard 2 die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩. think of me i"ll be there.想我了,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. goodbye papa please pray 4 me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷. i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马. u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非. too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中. wonder how i got along.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的. goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. little children everywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏. when u see them i"ll be there.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. goodbye michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱. u gave me love help me find the sun.你给了我爱,帮我找到希望. and every time that i was down.每当我意志消沉时. u should always come around.你总会来到我的身边. and get my feet back on the ground.鼓励我振作起来. goodbye michelle it"s hard 2 die.再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去. when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. with the flowers everywhere.到处都是美丽的花朵. i wish that we could both be there !我希望我们都在那儿欢聚! we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the hills.但我们一起爬山 that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节. but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢. like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐. we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.2023-08-06 04:12:141
Seasons in the sun 是一首怎样的歌?创作背景是什么?歌词是什么意思?
westlife 西城男孩《seasons in the sun》歌曲背景:(一) 事实上,「Seasons in the Sun」绝对不是一首愉快的曲子,甚至还十分的伤感。它是一位法国歌手Jacques Brel的作品,原名叫做「Le Moribond」(将死的人),发表于1961年。歌曲的内容大致描述一个罹患癌症、不久于人世的男子,在面临死亡的时候,对父亲、妻子以及挚友的依依难舍。Brel谱写这首歌曲,可说是有感而发,因为他当时发觉自己罹患了癌症。在跟病魔搏斗十多年之后,他于1978年十月九日病逝,得年四十九岁。 跟Brel私交相当不错的美国诗人歌手Rod McKuen,很早就把这首歌曲翻译成英文的「Seasons in the Sun」,并且在1964年由民歌界元老的Kingston Trio率先灌录成唱片,不过当时并没有造成太大的轰动。后来,跟Rod McKuen颇有交情的Terry Jacks把它重新灌录,在1974年的三月二日获得全美排行三周冠军,原本也没有在我国受到太多注意,直到几年之后,才因为柯达的广告而在台湾造成了疯狂的流行,只可惜主唱人Terry Jacks当时早就在歌坛消失了。这位男歌手留下来的歌曲并不多,不过这首歌却成了经典——尽管他的诠释老实说有点失真。 关于Terry Jacks 来自加拿大的Terry Jacks成长于温哥华,高中时代曾经赢得艺术奖学金,但是在建筑师、职业高尔夫与音乐这三种行业中,他却选择了后者,并且自组了一支The Chessman乐队,不过并不成功。有一次,他的乐队应邀上电视表演,使他结识了一位漂亮的女歌手Susan Pesklevits,两人一见钟情,随即结婚、并且展开音乐事业上的合作。 由于当时的唱片市场上,似乎以合唱团比较吃香,所以尽管只有他老婆一个人独唱,他们还是决定用The Poppy Family为名,并且在1970年以获得美国排行亚军的「Which Way You Goin" Billy」一曲成名。可惜的是,这对夫妻在1973年就宣告分手了。 离婚之后,Terry Jacks继续在歌坛奋斗。由于吉他弹得不错,他应邀为Beach Boys伴奏。有一次,在录音的时候,他建议Beach Boys灌录「Seasons in the Sun」这首歌。不过,录完之后,可能是由于效果不如理想,Beach Boys决定不发行。而极为喜爱这首歌的Terry则为了追悼一位意外过世的好友,决定自己来灌唱。 Terry取得作者的同意,把最后一段歌词稍加修改,同时以轻快的节奏处理,使歌曲显得轻松一些,可是完工之后,在架子上一摆就是一年。有一天,他把带子放出来听,正好一位年轻的送报生来到他家,听到了这首歌,于是要求是否可以带自己的朋友过来欣赏。 年轻人的反应,使Terry决定自己发行这首歌曲。果然,这首歌在加拿大造成了轰动,美国的唱片公司也慕名而来,取得了发行权。1974年三月,这首歌不但获得三周排行冠军,更成了金唱片,销售达六百多万张,使他名扬四海。不久之后,他又灌录了另外一首同样由McKuen翻译成英语的Brel作品「If You Go Away」,也得到了不错的成绩。可惜的是,他在歌坛只是昙花一现,一年之后就销声匿迹了。2023-08-06 04:12:351
翻译season in the sun
阳光雨季2023-08-06 04:12:5612
橘儿的season in the sun歌词
望和皇2023-08-06 04:13:223