这句话不是真正的疑问句,而是Can I help you(要帮忙吗?)的另一种问法.
现在服务行业还有更加客气的说法:How may I help you?
总之,意思都是:‘需要帮忙吗?" 这里的How和what不具备原有的意思.
what can i do什么意思
我能做什么呢?2023-08-05 21:09:354
what can l do是什么意思?
我能帮些什么忙吗?2023-08-05 21:09:435
谁说是一个意思! what I can do = 我能做的事情 what can I do?= 我能做什么呢? 陈述语序,疑问语序,倒装,blablabla,太麻烦了.简单一点这样记—— what I can do 是一个名词,它恰好是 what can I do?这个疑问句的答案. 例: A:What can I do? B:What you can do is get out of my way. A:我能做什么呢? B:你能做的事情就是别给我添乱.2023-08-05 21:09:561
what can i do 的歌词是什么?
What Can I Do作词:梁心颐 作曲:杨瑞代演唱:南拳妈妈没鱼的海会很空白没冰红茶夏天不要来我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来What Can I Do我的爱碰到你坏不起来What Can I Do你的人像泡面无所不在What Can I Do装可爱还是要说个明白What Can I Do我爱你可不可以你也很巧地爱上我没车的路会很奇怪没人比赛操场say bye bye我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来What Can I Do我的爱碰到你坏不起来What Can I Do你的人像泡面无所不在What Can I Do装可爱还是要说个明白What Can I Do我爱你可不可以你也很巧地爱上我我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来What Can I Do我的爱碰到你坏不起来What Can I Do你的人像泡面无所不在What Can I Do装可爱还是要说个明白What Can I Do我爱你可不可以你也很巧地爱上我What Can I Do我的爱碰到你坏不起来What Can I Do你的人像泡面无所不在What Can I Do装可爱还是要说个明白What Can I Do我爱你可不可以你也很巧地爱上我2023-08-05 21:10:042
What can I do ?什么意思呵
什么能我干?2023-08-05 21:10:3410
What Can I do2023-08-05 21:11:017
What can I do的中文意思?
嘿嘿,这个让我想起一首超好听的英文歌,可惜忘了名字了。但其中一句歌词就是“whatcanIdo?”呵呵,这句话要看放在什么上下文里了。如果是恋爱关系中说到这句话你就可以理解为“我能做什么呢?或者是我该怎么做呢?”一般场景的对话中你就直接理解成“我能做点什么?”2023-08-05 21:11:162
what can i do 南拳妈妈的采纳啊,给分啊!!!2023-08-05 21:11:243
有首歌歌词“WHAT CAN I DO"是 什么歌?
歌曲:whatcanido歌手:南拳妈妈专辑:2号餐没鱼的海会很空白没冰红茶夏天不要来我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我没车的路会很奇怪没人比赛操场saybyebye我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我歌曲:whatcanido歌手:thecorrs专辑:unpluggedihaven"tsleptatallindaysit"sbeensolongsincewe"vetalkedandihavebeenheremanytimesijustdon"tknowwhati"mdoingwrongwhatcanidotomakeyoulovemewhatcanidotomakeyoucarewhatcanisaytomakeyoufeelthiswhatcanidotogetyoutherethere"sonlysomuchicantakeandijustgottoletgoandwhoknowsimightfeelbetter,yeahifidon"ttryandidon"thopewhatcanidotomakeyoulovemewhatcanidotomakeyoucarewhatcanisaytomakeyoufeelthiswhatcanidotogetyoutherenomorewaiting,nomore,achingnomorefighting,nomore,trying...maybethere"snothingmoretosayandinafunnywayi"mcalmbecausethepowerisnotminei"mjustgoingtoletitfly...whatcanidotomakeyoulovemewhatcanidotomakeyoucarewhatcanisaytomakeyoufeelthiswhatcanidotogetyoutherewhatcanidotomakeyoulovemewhatcanidotomakeyoucarewhatcanisaytomakeyoufeelthiswhatcanidotogetyouthereandloveme...loveme....loveme..fadeout2023-08-05 21:11:571
what can i do ?
你要你想,你就能!2023-08-05 21:12:0611
我能为您做点什么吗?我能为您效劳吗?2023-08-05 21:12:407
歌词是What Can I Do这首歌是谁唱的?这首歌准确的名字叫什麽?
恩,南拳妈妈里面的女主唱.LARA2023-08-05 21:12:556
找一首经典英文歌,其中有歌词what can i do~~~~~~
歌词:“”出自《创世纪》插曲, Caron Nightingale演唱的歌曲《promises don"t come easy》。歌曲:promises don"t come easy电视剧《创世纪》插曲歌手: Caron Nightingale所属专辑:《Reflections》歌词:you know i"ve made up my mindi should have known all alongthere was something wrongi just never read between the linesthen i woke up one dayand found you on your wayleaving nothing but my heart behindwhat can i do to make it up to youpromises don"t come easybut tell me if there"s a wayto bring you back home to staywell i"d promises anything to youi"ve been walkin" aroundwith my head hanging downwondrin" what i"m gonna docause when you walked out that doori knew i needed you morethan to take a chance on losing youwhat can i do to make it up to youpromises don"t come easyyou know i"ve made up my mindto make it work this timethat"s the promise that i give to youyou never thought i loved youi guess you never thought i caredi was just too proud to say it out loudnow i knowto let my feelings go (so tell me)what can i do to make it up to youpromises don"t come easyto make it work this timethat"s the promise i can give to youwhat can i do to make it up to you2023-08-05 21:13:173
一首歌 一个女的唱的 有中文好像有句歌词是 what can i do
南拳妈妈的《What can i do》是LARA唱得应该没错的 哈哈还有一首英文的《What can i do》 是可儿家族的 全英文的你应该说的是上面的 希望我是正确的 哈哈 听听南拳的歌 很多都很甜美的 比如《here we go》2023-08-05 21:13:353
识骨寻踪第四季第一集快结尾时的插曲,其中两句歌词是what can i say。what can ido
好像是together in the park.. cause everything"s dancing around.. just trying to stay on the ground..2023-08-05 21:13:422
歌词里高潮部分第一句是WHAT CAN I DO的歌曲叫什么
LS 人家问的是英文 而且还是女人唱的,,,,,看清楚在回答吧~这样很浪费宽带的 呵呵2023-08-05 21:13:495
If my classmate is ill,i will ask him to see a doctor.Then,i will take good care of him.i will help him do everything.For example,i will help him do his homework.I will tell some stories to him.I will buy some beautiful flowers.At last,i will tell my teacher something about him,my classmates will go with me to hospital to see you2023-08-05 21:14:051
英语作文what can i do
I can play the piano very well,and I enjoy playing it.I can also sing and dance.I can"t play the violin.I can"t swim,either.It"s difficult.The people I know are very kind to me.They help me with my problems,and I appreciate it.28分享评论踩外教英语,阿卡索外教网,专业在线外教一对一辅导根据文中提到的英语为您推荐外教英语,阿卡索外教网,是由佟大为代言的英语在线培训机构,现在免费体验试听课!深圳市阿卡索资讯股份有限公司广告在线学习音标_免费试听根据文中提到的英语为您推荐在线学习英语音标,4-12岁青少儿语数英全科辅导,暑假收心,助力提升!在线学习英语音标,预约0元试听课,先试听再报名!上海昂立教育培训有限公司广告2023-08-05 21:14:132
想找一个英文歌:是一为女歌手唱的,只记得里面有一句是what can i do
i haven"t slept at all in daysit"s been so long since we"ve talkedand i have been here many timesi just don"t know what i"m doing wrongwhat can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you therethere"s only so much i can takeand i just got to let goand who knows i might feel better, yeahif i don"t try and i don"t hopewhat can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you thereno more waiting, no more, achingno more fighting, no more, trying...maybe there"s nothing more to sayand in a funny way i"m calmbecause the power is not minei"m just going to let it fly...what can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you therewhat can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you thereand love me...love me....love me..fade out是这首吗?2023-08-05 21:14:315
麦迪时刻的音乐叫什么 what can ido?
rocket MAN2023-08-05 21:15:372
what can I do? 和what I can do ?有什么区别?
一个对,一个不对,what can i do对2023-08-05 21:16:124
What can I do for you 与Can l help you 是同意句2023-08-05 21:17:195
shinee 《hit me》 歌词中文翻译
ub208uc744ub728uc790ub9c8uc790ub9d8uc774uc544ub824uc640/睁开双眼心就感到刺痛uc5b4uc81cuae30uc5b5uc774ub2e4uac00uc640/昨天的记忆向我袭来uc5b4uca4cuc9c0uc5b4uca4cuc9c0/怎么办怎么办OhMy..uc0acuc2e4ub0b4uc798ubabbuc740uc54cuc9c0ub9cc/知道我无能为力uc790uc874uc2ecuc774ub77cub294ubabbub41cub140uc11duc5d0/对自尊心都不懂的自己uc790uafb8ub9ccubb34ub108uc838Everyday/常感到沮丧Everydayub0a0uce74ub85cuc6b4ub9d0uc774ub108uc758ub9d8uc744ud30cuace0ub4e4ub54c/当尖锐话语刺穿我心的时候(Damn)ub208ubb3cuc758Yesterday/(Damn)眼泪Yesterdayuadf8uc7acubc0cub2e4ub294ub9ccud654ucc45uc744uc190uc5d0uc950uace0/手中握着有趣的漫画ud55cuc2dcuac04uc9f8uac19uc740uc7a5ub9ccuc77duace0/一小时却只看了一篇uc885ud604>ub2c8uc804ud654ub9ccuae30ub2e4ub9acuba70/等着你的电话Thinking"boutUWhatcanIdouc090uccd0uc788uc9c0ub9d0uace0ucc28ub77cub9acub0a0ub54cub824uc918/不要转身离开宁可就这样打我ub09cuadf8ub807uac8cub77cub3c4uae30ubd84ud480ub838uc74cuc88buaca0uc5b4/只要你能发泄不满对我怎样都没关系uc0acub791uc774ub780uadf8ub7f0uac70uc57cub2e4ud22cuba74uc11cud0a4uc6ccuac00ub294uac70uc796uc544(Girl)/这就是爱情有争吵但也因此而增进感情(Girl)ub0b4uac00ub2c8ub9d8uc544ud504uac8cud55cub9ccud07cub9ccub54cub824uc918/如果让你伤心到想打我ucc28ub77cub9acuadf8ub9ccud07cub54cub824uc918/我愿意让你打Yeah(OhOhOhOh)Ohuc544ub2c8uaca0uc9c0uc124ub9c8uc774ubcc4uc774uc624ub294uac74uc544ub2c8uaca0uc9c0(No)/不该如此吧是否离别还没开始(No)ub098ud63cuc790uc0dduac01ub9deuc9c0?(ub9deub2c8?)/我想得太多了吧?(是吗?)ubb3cuc5b4ubcf4uc9c0ub3c4ubabbud558ub294ub09cuac81uc7c1uc774/连问题都不能说出的我是胆小鬼ub098ub9ccuc544ub294uc695uc2ecuc7c1uc774/只知道自己的贪心鬼uc790ub9ccuc2ecuc774ub77cub294uc5b4ub9acuc11duc74cuc774uc790uafb8uae30ub2e4ub9acub798Everyday/那叫骄傲心的愚蠢常常等着自己Everydayub2c8uac00uba3cuc800ub0b4uac8cuc628ub2e4uba74ubbf8uc548ud558ub2e4uace0ud560ud150ub370/若是你先来我身旁我会先说对不起uadf8uc7acubbf8uc788ub2e4ub294DVDub97cud2c0uc5b4ub193uace0/这播放着的DVD有趣Ohubb34uc2a8ub0b4uc6a9uc778uc9c0Ijustdon"tknow/Oh什么内容Ijustdon"tknowub2c8uc804ud654ub9ccuae30ub2e4ub9acuba70crazyboutU/等着你的电话crazyboutUWhatcanIdouc090uccd0uc788uc9c0ub9d0uace0ucc28ub77cub9acub0a0ub54cub824uc918/不要转身离开宁可就这样打我ub09cuadf8ub807uac8cub77cub3c4uae30ubd84ud480ub838uc74cuc88buaca0uc5b4/只要你能发泄不满对我怎样都没关系uc0acub791uc774ub780uadf8ub7f0uac70uc57cub2e4ud22cuba74uc11cud0a4uc6ccuac00ub294uac70uc796uc544(Girl)/这就是爱情有争吵但也因此而增进感情(Girl)ub0b4uac00ub2c8ub9d8uc544ud504uac8cud55cub9ccud07cub9ccub54cub824uc918/如果让你伤心到想打我ucc28ub77cub9acuadf8ub9ccud07cub54cub824uc918/我愿意让你打ub108ub97cuc548uace0uc2f6uc740ub370(OhYeah)/想拥你入怀(OhYeah)ub108ub97cuc6d0ud558uace0uc788ub294ub370(Yeah)/我渴望着你(Yeah)uc790uafb8ub9d8uc5d0uc5c6ub294ub9d0uc5d0/总是被那些无心的话uc0c1ucc98uc8fcub294ub098ub97cuc6a9uc11cud574/所受伤的我请原谅uc090uccd0uc788uc9c0ub9d0uace0ucc28ub77cub9acub0a0ub54cub824uc918/不要转身离开宁可就这样打我ub09cuadf8ub807uac8cub77cub3c4uae30ubd84ud480ub838uc74cuc88buaca0uc5b4/只要你能发泄不满对我怎样都没关系uc0acub791uc774ub780uadf8ub7f0uac70uc57cub2e4ud22cuba74uc11cud0a4uc6ccuac00ub294uac70uc796uc544(Girl)/这就是爱情有争吵但也因此而增进感情(Girl)ub0b4uac00ub2c8ub9d8uc544ud504uac8cud55cub9ccud07cub9ccub54cub824uc918/如果让你伤心到想打我ucc28ub77cub9acuadf8ub9ccud07cub54cub824uc918/我愿意让你打uc090uccd0uc788uc9c0ub9d0uace0ucc28ub77cub9acub0a0ub54cub824uc918/不要转身离开宁可就这样打我ub09cuadf8ub807uac8cub77cub3c4uae30ubd84ud480ub838uc74cuc88buaca0uc5b4/只要你能发泄不满对我怎样都没关系uc0acub791uc774ub780uadf8ub7f0uac70uc57cub2e4ud22cuba74uc11cud0a4uc6ccuac00ub294uac70uc796uc544(Girl)/这就是爱情有争吵但也因此而增进感情(Girl)ub0b4uac00ub2c8ub9d8uc544ud504uac8cud55cub9ccud07cub9ccub54cub824uc918/如果让你伤心到想打我ucc28ub77cub9acuadf8ub9ccud07cub54cub824uc918/我愿意让你打TalktomeTalktomeub2c8uac00uc6c3uc744ub54cuae4cuc9c0/TalktomeTalktome直到你露出微笑TalktomeTalktomeub2c8uac00uc6c3uc744ub54cuae4cuc9c0/TalktomeTalktome直到你露出微笑TalktomeTalktomeub2c8uac00uc6c3uc744ub54cuae4cuc9c0/TalktomeTalktome直到你露出微笑TalktomeTalktomeub2c8uac00uc6c3uc744ub54cuae4cuc9c0/TalktomeTalktome直到你露出微笑2023-08-05 21:17:411
what can I do for you是什么意思
我可以为你做什么2023-08-05 21:17:519
what can i do 和what i can do哪个才对的呀?
单独作为句子应该是what can i do作为宾语从句应该是what i can do2023-08-05 21:18:344
what can i do是什么意思
我能干(点)什么?2023-08-05 21:18:528
what can I do?什么意思
我能做些什么呢?2023-08-05 21:19:298
What Can I Do 歌词
歌曲名:What Can I Do歌手:The Corrs专辑:日内瓦现场演唱会What Can I DoThe CorrsHappy birthday for my lovely LY!I haven"t slept at all in days这些天我一直彻夜未眠It"s been so long since we"ve talked自从我们交谈后时间过得是那么的慢And I have been here many times我已经来过这里好几次了I just don"t know what I"m doing wrong我不知道我到底做错了什么What can I do to make you love me我该做什么让你爱我What can I do to make you care我该做什么让你在乎我What can I say to make you feel this我该说什么让你能感觉到What can I do to get you there我该做什么让你来我这里There"s only so much I can take我只能承受那么多And I just got to let go所以我只能离去And who knows I might feel better, yeah谁知道这样可能让我感觉轻松If I don"t try and I don"t hope如果我不努力如果我不期望What can I do to make you love me我该做什么让你爱我What can I do to make you care我该做什么让你在乎我What can I say to make you feel this我该说什么让你能感觉到What can I do to get you there我该做什么让你来我这里No more waiting, no more, aching不再等待,不在痛苦No more fighting, no more, trying...不再吵架,不再尝试Maybe there"s nothing more to say可能我们已无话可说And in a funny way I"m calm我保持着一点可笑的冷静Because the power is not mine因为我已经失去了力量I"m just going to let it fly...我只是无力挽回它的离去What can I do to make you love me我该做什么让你爱我What can I do to make you care我该做什么让你在乎我What can I say to make you feel this我该说什么让你能感觉到What can I do to get you there我该做什么让你来我这里What can I do to make you love me我该做什么让你爱我What can I do to make you care我该做什么让你在乎我What can I say to make you feel this我该说什么让你能感觉到What can I do to get you there我该做什么让你来我这里And love me...love me....love me..和爱我……爱我……爱我http://music.baidu.com/song/15800812023-08-05 21:19:521
我能为你做什么2023-08-05 21:20:267
WhatcanIdoforyou?我能为你做些什么吗2023-08-05 21:21:026
whatcanIdoforyou ? 答语是什吗
answer is either..nothingor yes.. i need to xxx2023-08-05 21:21:282
答案:B. 根据I want to know 可知,本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句中一般为陈述语序,选项CD是疑问语序,所以排除掉;再根据Let me show you,可知这里表示的是让我给你展示一下,这里表示做某事的方式,所以宾语从句的引导词是how.故选B.2023-08-05 21:21:341
请问英语高手:What can I do? 和 How can I do? 哪句是正确的,要从句子结构上来分析
第一个是对的... 第二个应该是how can I do it?2023-08-05 21:21:435
We all love our school and want to do something for our school. But what can we do? I always wondering:What can i do for my school?Now,I have found the answer.I can plant more trees in school, draw some pictures on the blackboard, or just pick up a piece of waste paper on the ground. Every great tree grows from a small seed. If each of us does a few things, together we can make a big difference.I think it is my pleasure to do things for my class and i will try my best to do it well.2023-08-05 21:22:001
有首歌(大概是全英文的)歌词里有连续三遍what can i do,求歌名歌手(^_^)
歌词:“”出自《创世纪》插曲, Caron Nightingale演唱的歌曲《promises don"t come easy》。歌曲:promises don"t come easy电视剧《创世纪》插曲歌手: Caron Nightingale所属专辑:《Reflections》歌词:you know i"ve made up my mindi should have known all alongthere was something wrongi just never read between the linesthen i woke up one dayand found you on your wayleaving nothing but my heart behindwhat can i do to make it up to youpromises don"t come easybut tell me if there"s a wayto bring you back home to staywell i"d promises anything to youi"ve been walkin" aroundwith my head hanging downwondrin" what i"m gonna docause when you walked out that doori knew i needed you morethan to take a chance on losing youwhat can i do to make it up to youpromises don"t come easyyou know i"ve made up my mindto make it work this timethat"s the promise that i give to youyou never thought i loved youi guess you never thought i caredi was just too proud to say it out loudnow i knowto let my feelings go (so tell me)what can i do to make it up to youpromises don"t come easyto make it work this timethat"s the promise i can give to youwhat can i do to make it up to you2023-08-05 21:22:071
What I can do和What can I do的区别是这样的吗?
Yes2023-08-05 21:22:144
谁能说出;“What Can I Do”南拳妈妈 的歌词
没鱼的海会很空白没冰红茶夏天不要来我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来WhatCanIDo我的爱碰到你坏不起来WhatCanIDo你的人像泡面无所不在WhatCanIDo装可爱还是要说个明白WhatCanIDo我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我没车的路会很奇怪没人比赛操场saybyebye我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来WhatCanIDo我的爱碰到你坏不起来WhatCanIDo你的人像泡面无所不在WhatCanIDo装可爱还是要说个明白WhatCanIDo我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来WhatCanIDo我的爱碰到你坏不起来WhatCanIDo你的人像泡面无所不在WhatCanIDo装可爱还是要说个明白WhatCanIDo我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我WhatCanIDo我的爱碰到你坏不起来WhatCanIDo你的人像泡面无所不在WhatCanIDo装可爱还是要说个明白WhatCanIDo我爱你2023-08-05 21:22:322
我记得有只歌叫什么“What can i do ,你是谁,象泡面,无所不在”的。这是什么歌。名字给我。
Whatcanido-南拳妈妈歌词歌曲:Whatcanido-南拳妈妈歌手:劲舞团专辑:《劲舞团2.1版化妆舞会》Whatcanido-南拳妈妈没鱼的海会很空白没冰红茶夏天不要来我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我没车的路会很奇怪没人比赛操场saybyebye我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我2023-08-05 21:22:411
有谁知道What can I do 的歌词
歌曲:what can i do歌手:the corrs 专辑:unplugged i haven"t slept at all in daysit"s been so long since we"ve talkedand i have been here many timesi just don"t know what i"m doing wrongwhat can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you therethere"s only so much i can takeand i just got to let goand who knows i might feel better, yeahif i don"t try and i don"t hopewhat can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you thereno more waiting, no more, achingno more fighting, no more, trying...maybe there"s nothing more to sayand in a funny way i"m calmbecause the power is not minei"m just going to let it fly...what can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you therewhat can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you thereand love me...love me....love me..fade out歌曲:what can i do歌手:陈晓东 专辑:perfect love 如果只有两张车票你想去哪里看热闹如果我们只有一秒有甚么该让你知道我对你已经好得不能再好我也只好拿着手表等你心血来潮what can i do to make u luv mewhat can i do to make u smilewhat can i do to make ur heart beatwhat can i do to make u mine你想我怎样拥抱才明白爱不用寻找你想给多少人围绕才能停止自寻烦恼我相信没人比我对你好看你如何假装不知道也蛮有浪漫的情调我要怎样才会更好爱要怎样才会有效心要怎样才会狂跳你要怎样才会微笑为了你我还有甚么事做不到好只有这个就是我舍不得忘记你你该惭愧还是骄傲歌曲:what can i do歌手:南拳妈妈 专辑:2号餐 没鱼的海会很空白没冰红茶夏天不要来我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我没车的路会很奇怪没人比赛操场saybyebye 我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我2023-08-05 21:22:482
[ti:what can i do][ar:南拳妈妈][al:2号餐]http: lrc.bzmtv.com词:梁心颐(lara)曲:杨瑞代(盖瑞)没鱼的海会很空白没冰红茶夏天不要来我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我没车的路会很奇怪没人比赛操场saybyebye 我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我2023-08-05 21:22:561
1. 写一篇What can I do for our environment为题英语作文 Everyone can do something to help protect our environment, which is ignored by people around us . For me, if I am the last to leave the classroom, I will always remember to turn off all the lights in the room, which is often fotten by the others. I will make as full use of the paper as I can. I will use the both sides of the paper whenever possible. I will not use things like paper cups or disposable chopsticks. For one thing, they are made of resources we lack; for another, we should protect our environment by saving the limited resources. As far as I"m concerned, every *** all thing can make a deep difference to improve our environment. So let"s do everything good we can to help protect our environment。 2. 五年级的英语作文what can i do I can do housework for my family.My parents always work very hard,as a result,I would like to do the housework.In addition,I do the housework very carefully,for example,I clean the table first,and then clean the floor of my home.I do the housework quite often,it is about three times per week.I can do the housework and like it very much。 3. IdowhatIcan作文 Apparently,in their world view,when someone says “I am extremely busy but I"ll do what I can,” it means that person is actually pletely available and should be relied upon pletely to give all their attention to the whatever project the recipient of that ment feels is most important to them.In this person"s world view it is necessary for someone to say,“I am very busy and can"t guarantee anything for the next little while,” in order for their lack of availability to be clearly municated.I,as of the writing of this post,fail to see the difference beeen the o ways to municate a lack of availability.I am basically writing this post because I am trying to get other people"s opinions on this munication.I know that I sometimes march to the beat of a different drummer in my outlook on life,the universe and everything.I know that often I don"t see things the same way as others – sometimes to hilarious results不知道你作文的具体要求,我就稍微帮你写了点,希望能够帮到你。 4. what can i do英语作文100词 Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life. For example, if I am the last person leave the classroom in the evening, I will always remember to turn off the lights. In order to protect our forests, I will use paper wisely. I should try to use both sides of paper whenever it is possible. I will not use things like paper cups and disposable chopsticks because they are made of wood. I believe that doing all these *** all things will improve our environment and help make our world a better place to live in.From joozone.。 5. 求作文What can I do If my clas *** ate is ill,i will ask him to see a doctor.Then,i will take good care of him.i will help him do everything.For example,i will help him do his homework.I will tell some stories to him.I will buy some beautiful flowers.At last,i will tell my teacher something about him,my clas *** ates will go with me to hospital to see you 6. 英语作文:WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU ,MY You have given everything to me.What can I do for You?You have given me eyes to see.What can I do for You?Pulled me out of bondage and You made me renewed inside,Filled up a hunger that had always been denied,Opened up a door no man can shut and You opened it up so wideAnd You"ve chosen me to be among the few.What can I do for You?You have laid down Your life for me.What can I do for You?You have explained every mystery.What can I do for You?Soon as a man is born, you know the sparks begin to fly,He gets wise in his own eyes and he"s made to believe a lie.Who would deliver him from the death he"s bound to die?Well, You"ve done it all and there"s no more anyone can pretend to do.What can I do for You?You have given all there is to give.What can I do for You?You have given me life to live.How can I live for You?I know all about poison, I know all about fiery darts,I don"t care how rough the road is, show me where it starts,Whatever pleases You, tell it to my heart.Well, I don"t deserve it but I sure did make it through.What can I do for You?。 7. what can i do It was already 6:00 P.m…… Susan was away at the bakery for the birthday cake, while Mary was busy cooking in the kitchen. In 30 minutes, Tom and Mike would arrive for the birthday dinner party. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and a girl was there at the door. She wanted to know where Betty Brown lived. To show her the way, Mary stepped outside her flat. Just then came a strong wind, which blew the door shut. Mary did not know what to do, for her key was locked inside and the dinner was still on the stove. 8. 五年级的英语作文what can i do I can do housework for my family.My parents always work very hard,as a result,I would like to do the housework.In addition,I do the housework very carefully,for example,I clean the table first,and then clean the floor of my home.I do the housework quite often,it is about three times per week.I can do the housework and like it very much.。 9. 写一篇What can I do for our environment为题英语作文 Everyone can do something to help protect our environment, which is ignored by people around us . For me, if I am the last to leave the classroom, I will always remember to turn off all the lights in the room, which is often fotten by the others. I will make as full use of the paper as I can. I will use the both sides of the paper whenever possible. I will not use things like paper cups or disposable chopsticks. For one thing, they are made of resources we lack; for another, we should protect our environment by saving the limited resources. As far as I"m concerned, every *** all thing can make a deep difference to improve our environment. So let"s do everything good we can to help protect our environment.2023-08-05 21:23:051
我记得有只歌叫什么“What can i do ,你是谁,象泡面,无所不在”的。这是什么歌。名字给我。
What can i do - 南拳妈妈 歌词歌曲:What can i do - 南拳妈妈 歌手:劲舞团 专辑:《劲舞团2.1版化妆舞会》 What can i do - 南拳妈妈没鱼的海会很空白没冰红茶夏天不要来我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我没车的路会很奇怪没人比赛操场saybyebye 我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我2023-08-05 21:23:121
有首歌歌词“WHAT CAN I DO"是 什么歌?
歌曲:what can i do歌手:南拳妈妈 专辑:2号餐 没鱼的海会很空白没冰红茶夏天不要来我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我没车的路会很奇怪没人比赛操场saybyebye 我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我歌曲:what can i do歌手:the corrs 专辑:unplugged i haven"t slept at all in daysit"s been so long since we"ve talkedand i have been here many timesi just don"t know what i"m doing wrongwhat can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you therethere"s only so much i can takeand i just got to let goand who knows i might feel better, yeahif i don"t try and i don"t hopewhat can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you thereno more waiting, no more, achingno more fighting, no more, trying...maybe there"s nothing more to sayand in a funny way i"m calmbecause the power is not minei"m just going to let it fly...what can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you therewhat can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you thereand love me...love me....love me..fade out2023-08-05 21:23:201
有首歌歌词“WHAT CAN I DO"是 什么歌?
歌曲:what can i do歌手:南拳妈妈 专辑:2号餐 没鱼的海会很空白没冰红茶夏天不要来我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我没车的路会很奇怪没人比赛操场saybyebye 我的世界因为有了你没有风也摇摆想要飞快跟我来whatcanido我的爱碰到你坏不起来whatcanido你的人像泡面无所不在whatcanido装可爱还是要说个明白whatcanido我爱你可不可以你也很巧的爱上我歌曲:what can i do歌手:the corrs 专辑:unplugged i haven"t slept at all in daysit"s been so long since we"ve talkedand i have been here many timesi just don"t know what i"m doing wrongwhat can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you therethere"s only so much i can takeand i just got to let goand who knows i might feel better, yeahif i don"t try and i don"t hopewhat can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you thereno more waiting, no more, achingno more fighting, no more, trying...maybe there"s nothing more to sayand in a funny way i"m calmbecause the power is not minei"m just going to let it fly...what can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you therewhat can i do to make you love mewhat can i do to make you carewhat can i say to make you feel thiswhat can i do to get you thereand love me...love me....love me..fade out2023-08-05 21:23:331
南拳妈妈 what can i do 歌词
哎,前两天也在学来着2023-08-05 21:23:414
LARA没鱼的海,会很空白,没冰红茶,夏天不要来,我的世界因为有了你,没有风,也摇摆,想要飞,快跟我来,WHATCANIDO我的爱,碰到了你,坏不起来,WHATCANIDO你的人,像泡面,无所不在,WHATCANIDO装可爱,还是要,说个明白,WHATCANIDO,我爱你,可不可以,你也很巧的爱上我,没车的路,会很奇怪没人比赛,操场SAYBYEBYE,我的世界因为有你,没有风,也摇摆,想要飞,快跟我来,WHATCANIDO,我的爱,碰到你,坏不起来,WHATCANIDO,你的人,像泡面,无所不在,WHATCANIDO装可爱,还是要,说个明白,WHATCANIDO,我爱你,可不可以你也很巧的爱上我2023-08-05 21:24:131
五年级的英语作文what can i do
I can swim....2023-08-05 21:24:223
what can i do 歌词
Music By: The Corrs Lyrics By: Andrea Corr Album: UnpluggedI haven"t slept at all in daysIt"s been so long since we"ve talkedAnd I have been here many timesI just don"t know what I"m doing wrongWhat can I do to make you love meWhat can I do to make you careWhat can I say to make you feel thisWhat can I do to get you thereThere"s only so much I can takeAnd I just got to let goAnd who knows I might feel better, yeahIf I don"t try and I don"t hopeWhat can I do to make you love meWhat can I do to make you careWhat can I say to make you feel thisWhat can I do to get you thereNo more waiting, no more, achingNo more fighting, no more, trying...Maybe there"s nothing more to sayAnd in a funny way I"m calmBecause the power is not mineI"m just going to let it fly...What can I do to make you love meWhat can I do to make you careWhat can I say to make you feel thisWhat can I do to get you thereWhat can I do to make you love meWhat can I do to make you careWhat can I say to make you feel thisWhat can I do to get you thereAnd love me...love me....love me..Fade Out 歌手:The Corrs 专辑:Unplugged2023-08-05 21:24:307
what can i do 和how can i do?
what can I do 指我可以做什么···;我该怎么办? 例如:Jesus,what can I do now?天啊,我该怎么办? What can I do on that day 在那天我可以做什么呢? how can I do有我该怎么做···;我怎么能(我岂能)做···;也有我该怎么办的意思. 例如:How can I find the restaurant 我怎样能够找到那家餐馆? How can I do that?我怎么能这么做呢? I cannot find my mother.How can I do?我找不到妈妈了,该怎么 办啊?,4,How侧终于方式,What侧重于内容,这两句都符合语法规则。我们可以说How can I do for you?表示我能为您效劳吗?(侧重于如何帮忙)而What can I do for you ?也指我能为您效劳吗?(只是侧重于该做些什么),这就是它们之间的区别。,1,what can i do 我能做什么 how can i do (it)我该怎么做。如果这句话出现的语境是,所指物(it)刚刚被提起,即对话双方都知道it所指的object。那么it可省略。,0,都符合语法规范 我能做什么 我该怎么做,0,what can i do 和how can i do 两句是不是都符合语法规范? 如果是,意思有什么不同?2023-08-05 21:24:441
歌词,女声,oh,(oh比较长) what can i do?听过不止一次应该是经典的
LARA没鱼的海,会很空白,没冰红茶,夏天不要来,我的世界因为有了你,没有风,也摇摆,想要飞,快跟我来,WHATCANIDO我的爱,碰到了你,坏不起来,WHATCANIDO你的人,像泡面,无所不在,WHATCANIDO装可爱,还是要,说个明白,WHATCANIDO,我爱你,可不可以,你也很巧的爱上我,没车的路,会很奇怪没人比赛,操场SAYBYEBYE,我的世界因为有你,没有风,也摇摆,想要飞,快跟我来,WHATCANIDO,我的爱,碰到你,坏不起来,WHATCANIDO,你的人,像泡面,无所不在,WHATCANIDO装可爱,还是要,说个明白,WHATCANIDO,我爱你,可不可以你也很巧的爱上我2023-08-05 21:24:511